Goodbye Prrrsha (final responce to Moving Boards)

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Goodbye Prrrsha (final responce to Moving Boards)

Post by Nivez »

Prrrsha wrote: Eh... then why is Golddess stepping down as leader then? Why has their sackholders bailed to +1? You can hurl (this server has more drama then that) insults all day but all LSes have it from time to time.

You want to start a Phoenix pissing match feel free but my original post is to notify the MP Phoenix users of the new forum. If possible I request this thread be locked, if not I guess the spiral of pissing continues... Rolling Eyes
im gonna end this with this one comment because i dont want to turn this into a flame war, but it goes like this.

simple reason, if people progressed in this game and obtain higher lvls and ranks, and eventually get to 75, they seek a LS that does many end game activities, weather they be HNM, Sky, Sea, the-big-three, dynamis, limbus, ect.

MP, was and never will be a ls that does that, midgard kitties, many no most of the original bunch grew up and moved onto these HNM shells, because you need to dedicate much of your time there. the leadership of MP on midgard moved to +1, many of the other kitties went to PV, P0, Valor, or any one of the like 13 other HNMish shells on the server.

Prrrsha, you being lvl 40, and having obtained that after 2 years of work, would not understand what happens at this point in the game, for someone to only know the early lvls, yet critizize us for doing the exact thing that most normal people do who actually get to 75.

Frankly, in my year of +1 ive find it downright impossible to both be an effective sackholder of MP and yet continue onward in the end game. i'm still a sackholder in MP because i think that the experiences ive had and the knowledge ive gained can be very useful given to newer people, and i use it as a veteran status. so that others will listen and hopefully understand, to teach the new players how to play, and give them advice and encouragement along the way.

this being said, golddess is stepping down from leader for the same reason firemyst did, because she cant effectivly lead the shell while in a HNM. its impossible, and better to give the shell to someone who can manage it and let it grow and prosper, then to hold onto it and just let it stagnate and die.

lastly, i will be blunt with you. the MP leadership on midgard has been pissed and downright angry at you for a good year now, mainly for the same reason i dont like associating with you. your childsh, demanding, power hungry, whining, and also completly oblivious to another persons ideas or thoughts. (as exemplified over irc) and i dont wish to associate with you anymore.

as i said over irc, there is the ignore button for a reason, if someone is sendimg PM's and ignore isnt working, then the approprate thing would be to go to the webmistress and ask why, and she would fix it whenever possible. that what the like forums under site errors or suggestions are for right? coming to irc and pleading that someone be banned for no apparent reason, for not breaking the ToS for our site, and then getting all pissy when no admins would do it because it was wrong is just another sign of your inferority complex.

i was hoping against all hope that chaoskitten would remove you from any sort of power and lead on her own, away from the hell, bickering, and drama your leadership has cauzed in the past 2 years of MP pheonix. but it looks that to not be the case. this has deeply saddened me, i cheered and cried tears of joy when you gave up leadership to someone else, because i was so hoping that backwater pheonix would be fixed.

Prrsha, the big difference between MP midgard and MP pheonix drama has always been that midgard drama STAYS on midgard, and pheonix drama well doesnt. it goes everywhere and is told to everyone! yes all shells have thier drama, just yours happens to be drama that everyone has to listen to, while ours and like every other MP branch hasnt had thier drama appear on the main forums.

of course, instead of waiting for the problem with PM's to be fixed, if indeed there is a problem, you go ahead and form your own forum for just pheonix branch. effectivly removing pheonix from the rest of the pride and isolating it to develop seperatly. to me, i consider this desertion for the rest of us and if this occours am no longer considering MP phenoix any part associated with MP on other servers. and for a fact i can tell you that the "trolls" you have on your forums will only be 10x worse on your forum.

and well firemyst put it perfectly
Firemyst wrote:Phoenix leaving fixes more problems than anything, so say what you want.
so, come back to us when your willing to listen and after your experiment fails, and if we are kind enough. we may let your kittens back in the pride. but i swear forever, you will never be admitted back among us prrrsha. you have fallen from the realm of the gods, and shall never return.