How the angel fell...

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How the angel fell...

Post by angelstar107 »

Author's Note: This is the tale of Ruriko, my character on Remora Server. Yes, I know her name isn't mentioned in this chapter at all, but you'll have to wait til I finish writing chapter two to find out why =p enjoy.

Chapter 1: The Fallen Angel

The sky seemed so bright the day that I dessending from above. I never wanted to come here, but it wasn't like I had much of a choice. My father wished it so... and I had no say in it. As a princess of the high kingdom, it was my duty to earn my right to assend to the throne one day, but I had no idea that the world beneath my home would lead to my undoing...

"My lady, it is time..." The large Aern gazed down upon my lilith form, which sat idly near the decension gate. "You are worried. I can sense it..."

"I am no warrior, Terith... you, my mentor, know that better than anyone." I rose and breathed in a high sigh, knowing that this could be the last time I stood within the great hall of my home. "But, I have no choice."

"You've grown up since yesterday." Terith handed me my blades and stretched his wings slightly, "You'll grow up even more down below. Come, the others are waiting for us at the landing zone."

I didn't respond to him. After a brief silence of me affixing my blades upon my belt, I began that eternal walk into the light.

"No matter what happens down there, I'll protect you..."

That was the last thing I heard him say. Beyond the light was the warp gate, which beamed us down unto the planet, Vana'diel. Our people had only recently gained the means necessary to desend to the planet, and we knew not what to expect. The beastmen, as they were called, didn't welcome us with open arms, and they began to attack us with all their might. We were intruders to this world, unwelcome fiends from another place, and like fools, we wanted this world for our own.

The beastmen proved to be challenging adversaries, but our warriors managed to fend them off and secure our outpost within the first few weeks of our arrival. During this time, I was still with my mother, who I adore greatly. When the beastmen launched a surprise attack on the outpost, my father demanded I go down to the planet and earn my place on the throne. That was where I met Terith. He was strong, brave, full of honor and pride... he was a warrior who had seen many battles and killed many a soul... he had earned the nickname "Bloodlust" because he had slain more adversaries than any other soldier under my father's command. He trained me well.. perhaps... too well....

"Sir! Commander Terith! Enemy Attack! We're being over-run!" one of the soldiers cried out before shrieaking in pain as his chest was pierced by a mighty orcish lance.

I hadn't even been on the surface more than a minute, and now I would be forced to taste battle first hand... to face death head on.

Our soldiers weren't weak. Though heavily outnumbered, they stopped holding back and quickly desimated the forces of the beastmen. I watched in horror and shock at the sheer power of our soldiers, but what cut me deeper than a sword was the fact that this wasn't a battle... but a slaughter. We came to conquer... not to live...

"Terith... what...." My breath was heavily, my body shaking violently, looking at my friend, my mentor, as he savagely ravaged the ranks of the beastmen...

"Either fight or perish! There is no time for hesitation or weakness on the battlefield!" I heard him cry out as he tore a demon's arm from his body...

I do know what occured next, but I remember something inside me breaking. Before I knew it, I had slaughtered everyone of my allies... and I was standing before my own teacher, my blades jammed deeply into his throat, while I looked into his cool blue orbs, and for the first time, I saw tears...

I was a murderer... I was a traiter to my family, to my friends and honor... I had slain over two hundred of the kingdom's finest warriors and I don't even know why... I killed my teacher... Terith, my love... I killed him in cold blood, and I don't know why...

As Terith collapsed on the ground, I felt a pair of powerful hands grab hold of my throat from behind. I knew it inside my heart... I was going to die. As the air was cut off, everything fell into darkness...

When I came to, I found myself inside the dungeon, facing the wall, with my arms chained to the opposing walls, leaving me with a sense of completely vulnerablity as I sat there on the floor, fighting back the tears of pain and sorrow.

"You are a traitor, my daughter..." The cold voice of my father echoed behind me, "You killed your friends and comrades, your teacher, and all of this kingdom's faith in you... by all means, I should kill you!" His powerful kick slammed into my lower back, causing my arms to stretch to their very limits. Through all this pain, I didn't scream at all. "You have disgraced me... and for all your crimes, I am going to give you a fate far worse than death!"

My father was a powerful warrior. He had no equal, and was known as the "Demon King". Though a master of every weapon, my father used his fists alone. He had mastered legendary techiques to horribly disfigure an opponent with his hands alone, and this is why he was thought of as the Demon King of the Aerns.

His hand pierced my back, grabbing hold of one of the orbs in my back, and gripped it tightly, crushing it within his grasp. The pain was indefinable. It was like every nerve in my body was screaming violently, and there was nothing I could do to protect myself. The pain didn't end there, because when I thought it was over, his ripped my right orb, what would have become my right wing, clean from my body, severing all the nerves connected to it. The pain was so horrifying that I lost consiousness, but I remember my father's coldhearted laughter echoing off the walls.

I remained in the prison for over three weeks without food or water. I longed for death so badly. The pain my father had inflicted upon me still coursed through my viens, and I wished it would subside.. Thats when I heard the cell door open, and my father's cool chuckle replaced all the pain in my body with a tremendious hatred...

"You have a new mission, my daughter. Even you can't mess this one up" He slowly moved to unlock my restraints, "I know you are too weak to try anything, so you best listen closely. the Kuluu are planning an uprising against us. They are the most formidable foe we'ves faced, and by the sounds of it, they plan to use the forbidden spell to destroy us. Your mission is simple... exterminate them." He lifted my chin and gazed into my eyes with his devilish green eyes, "I know you are weaker than slime and softer than a grape, so I'll give you the option this time. Either kill them with the soldiers, or use this spell..." He dropped a piece of rolled up parchment before me. "You depart in 2 hours..." And with that, he left me alone in my prison...

The loss of my soon-to-be right wing did more damage than I thought. Most of the feeling in my right arm had been lost. The nerves, themselves, were shot from the amount of pain. However, though my arm was nearly numb, the aching pain in my back remained, even after three weeks. By my father's orders, I suited up and left with the noble guard. I had earned the nickname Fahzrah, or 'One Wing'. To our people, it is an insult beyond compare. I was carried to the Island of Elshimo, where the Kuluu were waiting at their temple... Our march was quiet and undetected, but as soon as we arrived, we found ourselves in a battle that we couldn't win.

I had no choice. It was either loose all my men and die, or use that spell my father gave me. I didn't want to have to use it, but the forbidden spell was something I couldn't let be used...

"Azhrah Semit Jousnu Gerism Neht Besd Rah!" The parchment began to radiate a powerful light, and the entire area was engulfed in it. I remember hearing crys of piercing agony, the kind of screams that burn into your mind, and when the light settled, the Kuluu were destroyed...

My father's spell had destroyed the Kuluu... but, as a toll, it still claimed all my men... I fell to my knees and punched the ground repeatedly. I lamented my action, but I felt I had no other option! I didn't want to, but I had to! And in the end, I still killed all my men... I killed them... and like a child, I cried my shrill cries of agony unto the skies, and let my tears form a small river into the night.

When I returned to my home, I was greeted in disgrace. Again, I had failed to return home victorious. To my father, me coming home alive was a failure, but for me to return alone... I further disgraced my father...

He wouldn't stand it. And he didn’t. That night, on the balcony outside my room, he attacked me, and tore out my left orb. I was now dewinged completely... As unfortunate as it was for me, I managed to break away from my father, only to fall from my balcony to the world far below...

As I fell unto the world, I remembered that morning I spent with my mother before I first went down to the surface of Vana'diel. I remember her sweet smile, her kind face, and her loving arms as they dressed me for war. My mother gave me the name my father never uttered... a name long forgotten, and replaced... My name would never be spoken again... and the only momento I have of that name and my mother is my headband that bears the ancient text...
Mnk 75, Drg 75, Sam 75, Blu 74, War 50, Thf 41, Dnc 58, Nin 37, Whm 42, Rdm 46, Pup 41, Rng 63, Bst 19, Pld 4, Drk 26, Smn 3, Sch 7

[23:41] Starlight: Markov, why are bikini's getting smaller and smaller?
[23:41] MarkovBot: Because you are going to work.

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Re: How the angel fell...

Post by xaresity »

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