Promyvion FAQ

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Promyvion FAQ

Post by Aidan »

Hello! I'm a friend of Amor's (MP member on Alexander). She told me she was trying to organize a couple of Promyvion runs but hasn't actually gone on one herself. I've been on two, one of which we won, the other we lost at the NM. I'd like to help by going and also by writing this FAQ on what Promyvion is all about.

What is Promyvion?
I've heard is described as a mini-dynamis. What it is, is a level 30 capped "world" with four levels inside one of the Crags. Each level has mobs that get harder as you progress upwards, finally ending in a BCNM style fight with a Notorious Monster.

How can I go?
First, you must have the Chains of Promathia expansion pack. Second, you must have a lvl 30 job with updated equipment. In order to be allowed entrance you must experience 4 cutscenes that start the Chains of Promathia missions.

1) Go to Lower Delkfutt's Tower. All you have to do is zone in and you will recieve the first cutscene.
2) Go to Upper Jeuno. All you have to do is zone in and you will recieve the second cutscene.
3) Go to the Infirmary in Upper Jeuno, next to the church. Talk to the doctor you saw in the second cutscene, this will start the third.
4) Go to Ru'lude Gardens and to the Guard Post. This is the door to the left right inside the castle. Talk to all the NPC guards, you can now enter the Promyzions.

What do I get for beating it?
When you beat each one you recieve a Key Item called Light of Mea, Dem, or Holla. Once you have all these key items you can enter Taznavia, which is another area of CoP and can continue the CoP storyline. Now, I know there exists a Promyvion Vahzl but I'm not sure how it fits in yet, I haven't heard anything yet. You may have to beat this also in order to be able to go to Tav. Also by beating the mobs inside Prom you can find empty "memory" items that can be sold on the AH. Alchemists use these in new recipes. Plus they're just fun and challenging, its an accomplishment to beat them.

How do I get in?
Once you've seen all the cutscene, go to any of the main Crags with telepoints. On one of the other pedestals there will be a "Broken Telepoint," clicking on this will send you to the Hall of Transference. Here there are 2 machines. By standing on it and activating, you will see a cutscene that will send you into the Promyvion itself. Now, you can leave a Prom by using the transporter (that's what I call it) but if you do, you can only re-enter that Promyvion. You will not be allowed to enter another until you "erase" your memory of the last one you were in. You do this by going back to the machines in the HoT. Now you can enter any other Prom.

What kind of party do I need?
Minimum for success is 2 balanced parties. Three parties makes mob killing easier but its easily done with only 2. Now, you must make sure each party is balanced (tank, direct damage, White Mage, Black Mage, extra support) because each party has to fight the BCNM by themselves. Here's where it can get tricky. Party/alliance setup will be a big factor in how much trouble you have getting through the Promyvion itself. I'm going to list several points I saw with my experiences.

- Each party must have a White Mage
- Rangers are a big, big plus to have in each party. In order to advance levels you must kill a Memory Receptical. These can only be fought by ranged attacks. You CAN NOT melee them.
- Summoner with avatars is a big plus also. Fenrir is not necessary but does help. A SMN without any avatars will just be a backup healer for the most part.
- Each party needs a tank. Now, WAR/NIN and NIN/WAR are very popular but I've heard of WAR/MNK and PLD/WAR succeding where others fail. Equipment plays a very large part, the tank can not have gimped gear. They must also carry food and medicine, several Hi-Potions are recommended for the BCNM, Defense food (crab, fish mithkabob) are a plus, and HP regen if they're feeling especially spunky.

One Ranger in the alliance is a must. Wide Scan makes finding the MRs infinitely easier. Everone should bring food and medicine, it might not get used but if you need it and don't have it, you'll be hurting. Mages should bring echo drops, pie, and MP regen. Melee bring defense or attack enhancing, HP regen, and Hi-Potions.

What do I do inside?
Once inside you head for the MRs of each level. The Ranger uses Wide Scan to find them, this is how you progress. When killing MRs you can only use ranged attacks ie. Rangers, Summoner avatars, or black magic. Honestly the avatars and bow attacks do the most damage, the BLMs are better suited to help deal with the Strays that guard the MR. While killing the MR everyone else should kill the Strays, if you defeat the MR anyone with aggro from a Stray can not be tranported to the next level. Be very careful with this, people can be left behind and if they are, you must go back to get them and repeat the entire level. You can not abandon people, a party without 6 will not beat the BCNM.

Basically you're goal is to get through the levels as an alliance then each party must beat the BCNM on their own.

Well, just sitting here that's all I can think of. There's some details that I could relate but for an introduction I think that will do. As I think about it I might edit and add some things or if you have any questions, please post and I will try to help. Like I said, these are challenging but can be a lot of fun too, they just require a little planning and thought.

Edit: if I'm going to write a FAQ about it I guess I should spell it right... ^.^
Last edited by Aidan on Wed Oct 06, 2004 8:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by sojorner »

I would be verrryy interested in comming along. I am a lv 30thf/15war
I am at the moment away from ff11(due to camp issues), but should
be back up and running around the `6th of Oct. So keep me informed
I also have done alot of lving on my archery , some where around 70,
atm so that might help.
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Post by Sivara »

Here's a link to the post I made on the Midgardsormr LJ community about my run in Promyvion-Holla: ... ml?#cutid1

We didn't use any Anima, but people say they help a lot. Anima are made from recollections, which are dropped by enemies in Promyvion. Recollections can be given to an alchemist NPC in Ru'Lude Gardens. Trade him the recollection and 2K gil, wait until the next in-game day, and he will give you an Anima. Different types of recollections make different types of Anima, which in turn affect the bosses differently.

I still need to hit Promyvion Dem and Promyvion Mea. They say Holla is the toughest.
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Post by Aidan »

My count is now 3, with 2 sucesses. I went on a well executed Dem run last night.

I've heard that the Holla NM does some sort of AoE curse attack, did you see it and do you have any strategies for fighting that particular boss? I have yet to go to Holla, I've been to Mea once and Dem twice now.

The two main issues with the Dem boss is that he spawns two little friends when he hits about 30% HP and at about 10% HP he starts doing his special attack, which is a very annoying Drain. This is the point you throw everything you have at him.

Also, anyone have any idea how the records for these fights have been achieved? The record on Alexander for the Dem NM is 2 minutes... my party took 8 minutes last night with no deaths. Our party was WAR/NIN, WAR/NIN, RNG/NIN, RNG/NIN, WHM, and BLM. The only thing I can readily think of is a party of Summoners that 2hour right at the begining and all nail it all at once.
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Post by Nivez »

ok i was with sivara but was in a different party that failed twice in a row... because of a JP smn that didnt know what they were doing :x

anyway Holla is apparently the hardest or at least thats what they say.

recommended party setups

Rng/nin or Smn/whm

Summoners should have all the basic avatars to exploit the elemental weakness of the mob (we think it changes)

oh note, Utusemi is a must for the tanks, and if your not wearing top notch gear, you will be toast, this goes for everyone, even the mages.

now for the next part, items
(note everthing that can be stacked i recommend you buy a stack and use it, if you dont need them all just sell them back individually, if worse comes to worse you will have extra to try again multiple times)

Poison Potions (lots)
persikos au laut (lots of these)
Holy Water (lots)


Food (again lots)
Eye Drops (lots)


Pumpkin or Rollenberry pies (lots)
Yagudo Drinks (lots)
Echo Drops (some)
(smn) Hi-Ether or better (lots!!!)


the mob SPAMS AOE sleep, blind, and curse when it gets to about 1/3 hp
poison potions are a must because they will stop the sleep.
Holy Water's are a must to get rid of curse
persicos au laut is a MUST, it counters the effect of the poison potions and makes the whm not have to waist the mp for a regen on you (believe me he will need the mp)
Eye Drops are a must if you want to smack the thing in the end of the fight.

oh echo drops for mages, you will need them on the way up to the bcnm, some of the mobs do an aoe silence effect, and youl need em to get rid of the silence.

everyone in the party will be potions like candy during the fight
note you abosolutly WILL need your 2 hours for this fight.
ok here we go

fight starts, rangers split apart, to oppisite sides of the map and start pelting it, wars change hate over between the two smacking the thing as they go. about half health make sure poison is up, then wars bust out 2 hours. WHEN a warrior dies, take up sole tanking dudies, and keep it off the rangers/smn/ and whm at all costs. (as a weapon i would recommend duel weilding something that does damage)

Depending on the Smn, max MP and mp consumption rate, their 2 hour varies, its best to hit it at roughly half health or less. but you need at least 100mp for the 2 hour(ive heard only 90mp but i know for a fact that it failed on me at 90mp and if it would have landed we would have won :(, thx elvaan smn dude i got the info from :x, but i know 100mp works), so if your getting close to that, astral flow and blow it up. smn then chug a couple of eithers, wait for blood pact to be almost ready, summon again and blow it up again (its important to dismiss and resummon the avatar, because more than likely it will be either dead or sleeping) continue this till the mob dies, you run out of 2 hours, or you die, whichever happens first.

Rangers, your job is to do a rediculous ammout of damage and fast, hold back just enough as to not get yourself splatted early in the fight, but at the end, 2 hour it to do a shitload of damage fast, and kill it off.
(note WHEN you 2 hour, make sure that will kill it first, if it doesnt then your in a shitload of trouble)

white mage saves thier 2 hour for emergencies, and do what you do best, cure alot, note THIS MOB EATS TANKS ALIVE AND FAST watch for rediculous damage when Utusemi isnt up (300+damage drains!!!!)
so be ready on those cure macros!!

this set up is the recommended set up for it, it worked for sivara and it would have worked for me if we would have had a competant 2nd smn (he didnt manage to 2 hour ONCE in both fights, and both times it was littlerly almost dead *had-> | <-much life left*)
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Post by Sivara »

I've heard that the Holla NM does some sort of AoE curse attack, did you see it and do you have any strategies for fighting that particular boss?
I macroed Holy Water to counter the AoE Curse. It used it twice, I believe. The first time I used Holy Water; the second time it wore off almost instantly.

Nivez, Periskos au Lait for tanks is worthless in this battle. In fact, most buffs are worthless for tanks. I ate a mith or fishkabob (can't recall which), drank my au Lait, and used a scroll of Reraise. The first thing it did was absorb my food/drink and Reraise! Total waste of money and CP. I wouldn't recommend using buffs aside from Utsu (which it didn't seem to absorb).
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Post by Mystiana »

Nivez wrote:Depending on the Smn, max MP and mp consumption rate, their 2 hour varies, its best to hit it at roughly half health or less. but you need at least 100mp for the 2 hour(ive heard only 90mp but i know for a fact that it failed on me at 90mp and if it would have landed we would have won
Astral Flow requires 2MP * level to trigger. At level 30, it should only require 60 MP to fire. If it's not, there's a bug. My level 27 SMN can fire off Astral Flow in the level 20 avatar battles with 40 MP without fail. It takes 54 MP otherwise.
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Post by Nivez »

a sivara thx for imput, since im a mage not a tank didnt know it could do that, ill adjust accordingly.

firemyst, you may be right, all i know is that my finishing blow of a diamond dust failed to go off on my lvl 30 capped smn when i had 92 mp, and it was one of the reasons we died. however ill be testing things sometimes in the near future, and ill let you know.
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Post by Sigyn »

I was with Sivara on the successful Promyvion - Holla...

Our SMN's titan was slept TWICE between the time he commanded Titan to 2HR and the time he got it off....

This is why we had so many deaths. I had actually reraised, and had barrage up and ready to fire when one of the other RNG finished it off.

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Post by Rekahkun »

i did Promyvion-mea with a less then ideal party, but we got it done (took 2 tries with me dying in both, but.. :roll: ). Party was:


the NIN and i had a lot of trouble keeping hate (drk as back up tank = ugh) but the 2 rng did enough damage to take care of the thing. i missed all 3 times i swung w/ last resort, berserk, souleater and blood weapon going :roll: . it was fun though, and i look forward to doing the other 2, pending finding a alliance doing it.
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Post by Kopopo »

Wahhhh!!! I'm getting COP tomorrow so I'l finally be able to start doing these things! I wanna see this emptiness and visit that old Tazvania or whatever it's called.
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Post by Mcpiggi »

Good Posts!

I completed Promyvion Dem last night. We had 2 parties go in which worked out pretty well; had to be slightly more careful, but it was less confusing then a full alliance.
At the last Memory Receptical the group was split up from Strays attacking. Definitely a good idea to kill all Strays, or sleep them once the portal is up.

My pt that went in to fight the BCNM consisted of:

No deaths. We didn't use any anima. The mages stayed in the hallway, while melee's headed to the center area. PLD kept hate, RNGs hacked away, BLM enfeebled and then nuked. Once we got it to about 30% hp, it spawned an Offspring which we just ignored. Then all the TPs and 2hrs were used and it was dead. ^^

The other pt had:
WAR, SMN, RNG, THF, WHM, WHM (used 1 terroanima, and had 1 death)

Both parties won and everyone got their key item. :)
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Post by Rekahkun »

i really want to get promyvion-holla and promyvion-dem done but noone seems to want a drk or a thf (my only 2 above 30) :cry: if anyone wants to help me out and get me in a party for these i'd be eternally grateful. :D i won't hold my breath though... instead i've decided to lvl blm to 30 and get in that way :P already to lvl 2!! :wink:
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Post by Aidan »

Well I have finally beat all the Promyvions and have acces to Tavnazia. I managed to beat Holla yesterday on my second try. Here's my rundown of the boss:

When we first went in we put on 3 "fake" buffs. He has a special move that absorbs 3 buffs including food and magic, if you don't have 3 up supposedly it does 300 HP in damage. WHM gave Barstonera and Barsleepra then the melees used saruta oranges. Now, I honestly don't know if he did it because if he did I didn't get hit by it. Being a BLM I was standing pretty far back, I think he did use it but like I said, if he did it didn't hit me.

First half of the fight we just took it easy. The tanks kept flipping aggro, the ranger just slowly kept taking it down, the BLM kept the enfeebs on, and the WHM healed. Once it hit 50% things got interesting. At this point he starts to spam an AoE sleep attack and an AoE curse attack. To prevent sleep everyone must bring poison potions, I used 2. At the 50% mark give yourself poison, as long as its up you won't get put to sleep.

We didn't bother with Holy Waters, we just ate the curse and kept on trucking. Honestly, he spams it way too much to try curing it everytime I think you can just eat it and keep going. Also at this point our SMN 2houred. He nailed it then right afterwards our two WARs 2houred followed by the RNG. Our SMN had tried and failed at this fight 7 times supposedly so he was the one that came up with the plan (he said he'd gotten close a bunch of times but just couldn't finish it off). Basically the idea is to take it easy till you get it to 50% then, as they say, let slip the dogs of war and beat the thing as fast as you can.

Our only real mishap came near the end. The SMN was going to finish it off with another blast from his 2hour (he brought ethers) but was slept right as he was doing it so it never went off. I 2houred when it had about 10% left and just tried to nuke it like crazy but we just couldn't inch it out. Over the course of my 2hour my yagudo drink built some MP back up so I tried to keep nuking. It put half the party to sleep right at the end but I still had poison on. I just went for it and was able to finish it off with one last nuke.

From what I'm hearing this boss can either be absolutely horrible or a push over. Like with a lot of things in this game, sometimes you're lucky and sometimes you ain't. ^^
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Post by Meuyi »

I ended up leveling 3 of my subjobs to level 30 to perform the first three Promyvion Runs. I guess I could divulge my strategies now that I'm done with them, save helping others in my main LS who haven't finished it yet.

Pre-run preparation can be very important. Every member should gear up as if they were going off to fight the Dyanmis Lord. (Heavily exaggerated, but dropping 100K on equipments and tools is not unlikely to improve your chances of success) And anyone who possibly will take hate while fighting the ENM bosses should perform the sub-quest to obtain Anima potions to use on them during the battle.

I've found the following jobs are the most popular for doing the first 3 Promyvions, although other variations are certainly possible but most people tend to stick to these:

Tanks: Warrior/Ninja, Paladin/Warrior
Massive One-hitters/Scouter or Backup Healer: Ranger/Ninja, Summoner/White Mage
Healer/White Magic Enfeebler: White Mage/Black Mage
Nuker: Black Mage/White Mage

Of these roles, Rangers and Summoners were the hardest for me to invite and inviting good ones contributed a great deal to the success of the Promyvion runs as they dealt the most single chunks of damage to the boss in the shortest amount of time and did so at critical junctures.

The three jobs that I leveled for Promyvion and how I equipped each one. I ended up beating Promyvions only on War/Nin and Whm/Blm. I tried Blm/Whm one time but it failed due to linking aggro on the last level of Promyvion-Dem. This is just the equipment that I used personally, if you can go for more HQ equipment pieces do so as every little bit helps and you can always sell it back to AH once you are finished using it:

Armor: Full Eisen set save for hands which I used Savage Gauntlets for because of the healthy increase of +Vit. I also ended up using Leaping Boots more often instead of Eisen on Feet because I was also puller and was using crossbow liberally for the Promyvion that I went as Warrior/Ninja. But Eisen should be fine if you are concentrating mainly on tanking. Courage Ring + Stamina ring or Reflex ring when using crossbow. Attack+ earring and Shield Earring. Spike Necklace on neck, Nomad's Mantle for back, Warrior's Belt + 1 for waist.
Weapons: Rusty Pick and Battle Axe, Neckchopper, Power Crossbow, 1 stack of Bloody Bolts, 1 stack of regular Bolts
Tools: 1 stack of Shihei, 3 Hi-potions, 1 stack of Dhalmel Pie attack food - ended up using 2 of them.

White Mage/Black Mage
Armor: Full Seer's set save for head and hands. Silver Hairpin + 1 for head for the MP increase and Savage Gauntlets again for the MP increase (Much love for the Savage Gauntlets) Windurst Starting Ring for + 3 MP, +2 Mind Ring, 2 MP+3 Onyx earrings, Justice Badge, Mist Silk Cape for Back, and Friar's Rope for Waist.
Weapons: Yew Wand + 1 and Frost Shield
Tools: 1 stack of Echo Drops, 2 Hi-Ethers, 1 stack of Ginger Cookies, 3 Yagudo Drinks, 2 Poison Potions (This was key), Reraise Scroll.

Black Mage/White Mage
Armor: Nearly the same as White Mage/Black Mage except Seer's Circlet for head, change +2 Mind Ring to +2 Int Ring, and Black Silk Neckerchief (+1 Int) in place of Justice Badge.
Weapon: Yew Wand + 1
Tools: 4 Echo Drops, 2 Hi-Ethers, 1 stack of Melon Pies - only used 1, 3 Yagudo Drinks, 2 Holy Waters

Now for how the actual Promyvions went:
Party setup: Whm/Blm (me), Blm/Whm (Tarutaru), War/Nin (Galka, LS member), War/Nin (Elvaan, LS member), Rng/Nin (Mithra, LS member), Rng/Nin (Hume, LS Leader)

This Promyvion although it probably is one of the harder of the three due to how the ENM acts went smooth as butter for us. With 2 competent Rangers, including one that had the actual Map of the area we made excellent time finding the Memory Receptacles and arriving at the arena without getting any aggro by additional empty mobs. Our LS Leader made us wait 5 minutes before the battle however telling us to shut up and listen to his strategy in Military Sergeant fashion. The key to his strategy was use of Poison potions to keep us from being slept and to /not buff/ as this boss's nasty special move is Trinary Absorption where it takes enhancing buffs from you to make itself stronger as well as doing damage. These were the steps I took upon entering the battle in order:
1. Use Reraise Scroll
2. Use Poison Potion
3. Use Yagudo Drink
4. Elemental Seal + Paralyze the ENM after Warriors provoked it
5. Slow, Dia enfeebles
6. Cure whoever is getting smacked around
7. Don't die! :D

The 4 physical attackers spread out in a U-formation with Rangers at the furthest sides and the two Warriors directly to the right and left of the ENM. They did a very excellent job of trading hate with each other once battle was begun causing the ENM to scramble back and forth from one target to another. After landing Paralyze, I had only to wait for the current person that was taking damage to lose hate to another and Cure up the last target with a Cure II. I did throw a Cure III once on the Galka Warrior near the end of the battle and it caused me to become the target for one hit. I was smacked for about 90 damage but it ignored me after I took damage. Rangers saved their 2 hours for near the end and the Mithra Ranger landed the final blow with Eagle Eye Shot. We finished the battle with everyone above yellow health and I still had about 100 MP remaining. Total time we took from entering the Promyvion-Holla Dungeon to defeat of the boss was 20 minutes. And this is hopefully how well a Promyvion Run should go if everyone in your party works well with each other and are well prepared in advance.

Party setup: Whm/Blm (me), Pld/War (Wielded a Great Sword except on Boss fight), Smn/Whm, Smn/Whm, Rng/Nin, Blm/Whm.

This one also went pretty well although it took us quite a bit longer to reach the arena. There was a scary moment on the third level where we got aggro'd, but the Summoners sacrificed Carbuncles while we pounded are way towards the zoneline as fast as we could. The strategy here was to use 2 hours near about 60% of the mob's Health with the Paladin using Invincible to hold hate over all the instant damage the Smns and Rng were going to do. The Paladin also had 2 Anima which he used up and seemed to lower the chances of the ENM using it's area attack on us. All the same, everyone except the Paladin stayed on the steps and attacked from afar. My steps:
1. Use Reraise Scroll
2. Cast Protectra II and Shellra
3. Use Yagudo Drink
4. Elemetal Seal + Paralyze
5. Other Enfeebles
6. Make sure tank doesn't die!

Paladin held hate throughout the entire fight. Occasionally he would step out of my curing range so there were times where I had to run forward to make sure that I could cast on him however. Fortunately he was also spamming cures and made use of Hi-potions if he noticed I was not able to cast on him. The Mea boss didn't attack for much regular damage especially on a Paladin who has sufficient Defense and Vitality. There was a scary moment around 70% of its HP remaining where It throat-slashed the Paladin taking him down to almost no health but the 2 Summoners helped me out as we all spammed Cure IIs like mad-mages onto the tank. When the moment was right we implemented the Invincible and spam 2 hours tactic at the right moment and the ENM was defeated without a hitch. Final blow dealt was actually by the Black Mage getting a nice Thunder nuke off with Mana Font. Battle ended with Everyone above Yellow HP but everyone's MP being nearly depleted except for the Black Mage.

I did a second Mea run successfully again as whm/blm with a similar setup although with a 2nd Ranger and a war/nin instead of Summoners. The first battle against the ENM went badly however and I and the blm/whm ended up running away by racing back through the door as it made mincemeat of everyone else. We then waited for everybody else to be kicked out of the arena and then everybody raised back up and we made a second go at it. The Paladin tank died a second time, but we managed to finish off the ENM with the Warrior tanking it for the last 10 seconds or so. So just because you fail a battle doesn't mean that you can't try again as long as everyone's 2 hours are still available. Which they were save the Paladin's Invincible.

Party setup: War/Nin (me), Whm/Blm (Hume, LS member), Pld/War (Using a Great Sword the whole time... <.<;) Sam/War, Smn/Whm, Blm/Whm.

A lot of time was wasted on this Promyvion Run as we ran into numerous fake Memory Receptacles. I was the scouter and had to look for all the memory receptacles manually without widescan. We also almost had to scrap this run because the initial Blm/Whm (Tarutaru) disconnected after we defeated the second Memory Receptacle. Fortunately the Smn was able to recruit one of their LS members a Blm/Whm (Elvaan) to help out. Our White Mage Warped back to Jeuno and invited them as well as loaning her level 25 mage armor since she didn't have enough Gil to buy them. <.<;I was very skeptical about this party, but I didn't want to give up since this was my last required Promyvion so we returned back to the first level and made our way carefully to the ENM arena. We almost ran into another serious problem on the second level when the Black Mage ran into aggro by a Very Tough Weeper. As we engaged, she started running off and got aggro by a second Weeper. At this point she was ready to run off to a safe place to die, but judging the strengths of these mobs accurately I ranged attack the second Weeper while still locked onto the first one and pulled it over for me to tank while the Paladin continued to tank the first one. With some luck and a lucky critical on my Raging Axe weaponskill we were victorious although the fight left us in dangerously low levels of HP/MP. Somehow we managed to reach the Memory Receptacle without mishap, healed to full and continued on and made it to the arena without further mishap. I was essentially the Leader for this Run and tried to emulate my own LS leader by laying out a specific strategy once we got to the battle area, telling the White Mage to do as I had done on my previous Promyvions emphasizing landing ES + Paralyze in the beginning. I borrowed from my Mea experience as well and told Paladin to Invincible at 50%, then Sam, Smn, Blm, and I would 2 hour and try to take it down fast. This is what actually happened, beginning with my actions:
1. Reraise Scroll... don't begin the battle without it. :D
2. Get buffed, Utsusemi
3. Engage ENM
4. Berserk
5. Provoke when Paladin went down, cancel Berserk (Somewhat throwing a wrench into my strategy)
6. Used Hysteroanima on the ENM to keep it from continuously pummeling me
7. Tried to Utsusemi but got interrupted
8. Provoke Again
9. Mighty Strikes
10. Spam up my Hi-potions... used up all 3 getting close to full health with some curing help from my White Mage
11. Get 100% TP, Raging Axe for 120 damage killing ENM

Sam, Pld, and I engaged the ENM just ahead of the stairs where the Mages were gathered. Everything was going alright until around 60% HP when the Paladin just bit the dirt, I tried to Provoke the ENM off him before he died but wasn't quite quick enough. Paladin was using Great Sword for some reason and never managed to cure himself... also he didn't have any hi-potions with him... a near fatal mistake that could've spelt disaster for the entire party. I fared much better tanking it because I was doing more damage with dual axes +crossbow (I actually landed one shot), Utsusemi soaked up a bit of damage in the beginning for me, and my Hysteroanima and hi-potions helped me survive most of the attacks. After my second Provoke the babies popped and I just told everyone to use their 2 hours in a last ditch effort. The mob was at about 45% already anyways. When the Summoner Astral Flowed Leviathan took the hate and managed to kill off the babies (It was Watersday) which also took some heat off me, and fortunately I had built up enough hate so that when Leviathan was defeated the ENM turned back around to face me. Samurai Meikyo Shisho afterwards, also taking hate for a single hit. I get a lucky triple critical hit and re-attract its attention and I'm down to about 200 HP remaining but I'm over 100% TP now and I activate Raging Axe which managed to finish off the ENM with my White Mage also landing a Cure III on me right after I finished it. At the end of the battle Samurai and I were in yellow Health and all 3 Mages had hardly any MP left... but we won. I later found out that my White Mage had forgotten to ES + Paralyze in the beginning. Then again they were working hard at keeping the Paladin alive because he was taking a lot of damage even right in the beginning. Our time for the battle was just a few seconds over 4 minutes so we actually managed to win very quickly. The last minute last-ditch decision definately was crucial to our success, however. It also points out just how important bringing the proper equipment and tools can be to these Promyvion runs.

In conclusion I hope my notes help you a little in your early Promyvion experiences and I wish you luck in getting them done. There's a whole new world and powerful items waiting for you to explore when you finish these three ventures. Plus the Tarutaru Trio are just downright adorable. :)
Titan, Windurst Rank 5, THF 55, NIN 28, WAR 30, MNK 29, WHM 38, BLM 32, BST 12, RNG 16
...Sacrificing my NPC Healer with Sneak Attack Trick Attack Raging Fists.
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Post by Eviticus »

Ok, I know this is a little late considering how the first post was made....uhh... last year. >.< But I found a moderate discrepency.
In order to advance levels you must kill a Memory Receptical. These can only be fought by ranged attacks. You CAN NOT melee them.
Are you saying Can Not, or Should Not? It should be Should Not in a Promy party, but it is most certainly possible. I did it, solo, as a Dragoon. (Boo ya, take that all of you who say Dragoon suck)

I was farming for the Anima's because that was the only way I figured anyone would consider inviting a Dragoon to a Promy run. I could take on the wanderers and weepers and a few other things as Drg/Blm. (It was Promy Dem, if that makes a difference)

So I make my way to a Memory Receptical. Never having been that far in a Promy run before....I'm like what the hell is this? .....and can I kill it? So I try. After alot if it knocking my ass back and sending a million strays after me, I kill it and go to a new area. This new area aggros and links to kill my ass. But killing the MR's with melee can be done, I am living proof.

(Invite Dragoons to Promy runs, we're tough! :D )
In the end, I'm just talking out of my ass. So take it all with a grain of salt.
[b]Rank 10 Bastok. Rank 2 Sandy.[/b] Pup 75, Drg 72, Brd 71, Thf 37, War 39, Sam 38, Blm 40, Rdm 22, Whm 40, Mnk 37, Nin 14, Pld 38, Bst 15, Drk 30, Smn 15, Blu 19, Rng 13, Dnc 24, Cor 11.
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Post by Nobodyreal »

This thread was started before the difficulty adjustment on Proms. They used to be a lot harder than they are now.
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Post by Eviticus »

Ah, that explains a bit.....then again, I don't think many melee classes can solo a Memory Recptical. ^.~
In the end, I'm just talking out of my ass. So take it all with a grain of salt.
[b]Rank 10 Bastok. Rank 2 Sandy.[/b] Pup 75, Drg 72, Brd 71, Thf 37, War 39, Sam 38, Blm 40, Rdm 22, Whm 40, Mnk 37, Nin 14, Pld 38, Bst 15, Drk 30, Smn 15, Blu 19, Rng 13, Dnc 24, Cor 11.
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Post by Kahvi »

I pissed a few party members off once when I (smn 30/ whm 15) melee'd the MR on the first floor of promy mea. a few times my avatar and I pulled off a SC while everyone else was off fighting strays. at the second MR, tho they threatened to drop me from the party and continue on w/ 5 ppl to the boss if i did it again.
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Post by Crispleaf »

Yes, when Chains first came out, you needed a full alliance to beat a Memory Receptacle comfortably.

I remember going to Holla as one of 6 summoners in an alliance of 18. We'd all throw Carby at the Receptacle and it took a few recasts when they'd all eventually die from the area attack. Meanwhile the rangers would also help out at a distance, but no one would dream of meleeing the MR.

Rather, the melee would split into a couple of groups to pull and fight the Strays (which were as hard as normal Wanderers) outside the range of the Memory Receptacle. Right about the time the MR fell, the Strays would be cleared out.

You still had to fight the boss with only 6 members once you reached the top, though. But they were much, much worse than the ones you fight now. It took everything you had to win one of these, and even then, it might not be enough.
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Post by Baketsu »

Promvion scares the ever living daylights outta me....

so very creepy
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Post by Eviticus »

You want scary? I solo there often. Try that, hehe.
In the end, I'm just talking out of my ass. So take it all with a grain of salt.
[b]Rank 10 Bastok. Rank 2 Sandy.[/b] Pup 75, Drg 72, Brd 71, Thf 37, War 39, Sam 38, Blm 40, Rdm 22, Whm 40, Mnk 37, Nin 14, Pld 38, Bst 15, Drk 30, Smn 15, Blu 19, Rng 13, Dnc 24, Cor 11.
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Post by Aoisakura »

Well...I cleared Dem few daysa go- We have: WAR/NIN, SMN/BLM X2, RNG, WHM/BLM (meee), another mystery melee (I forgot but they were a melee and not a tank). We had 8 animas and a whole bunch of people who knew what they were doing ;) I was lucky. 2 SMNs 2hrsing is the key to easy win, I think :D
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Post by Nekiu »

people have started paying me to do Prommies for them, its great some level 70 person paid me 300K to do Holla and Mea with him and his party :-P
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Post by Eviticus »

The way things are going for me, I may have to level up Whm to go to Promy. I despise using Utsusemi, I'm just not good with it. Ranger is too much money for me at the moment. I don't want to do Smn untill I have all the summons......that pretty much negates the vast majority of jobs "allowed" into a Promy...
In the end, I'm just talking out of my ass. So take it all with a grain of salt.
[b]Rank 10 Bastok. Rank 2 Sandy.[/b] Pup 75, Drg 72, Brd 71, Thf 37, War 39, Sam 38, Blm 40, Rdm 22, Whm 40, Mnk 37, Nin 14, Pld 38, Bst 15, Drk 30, Smn 15, Blu 19, Rng 13, Dnc 24, Cor 11.
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Post by Alya Mizar (Tsybil) »

Eviticus, just wait till after tomorow.

If your new 2 hour is as good as many think it will be, suddenly DRG just might go from "Got a better job to bring?" to "Heck yeah!!"
Red Mage 99, White Mage 50, Black Mage 75, SCH 99, Summoner 14, THF 25, BLU 25, NIN 50, WAR 18, DRK 50, DNC 49, PLD 50. Goldsmith 72 +2, Cooking 60 +2, Alchemy 41, Fishing 33, Rank 8, Windurst, Lakshmi (Garuda, I weep for you)

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Post by Eviticus »

December 12th is christmas, screw the 25th. I think with all the gilseller sh*t going on, the patch on the 12th is gonna be one of the main things that will keep me here in FFXI.
In the end, I'm just talking out of my ass. So take it all with a grain of salt.
[b]Rank 10 Bastok. Rank 2 Sandy.[/b] Pup 75, Drg 72, Brd 71, Thf 37, War 39, Sam 38, Blm 40, Rdm 22, Whm 40, Mnk 37, Nin 14, Pld 38, Bst 15, Drk 30, Smn 15, Blu 19, Rng 13, Dnc 24, Cor 11.
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Post by Murto »

Promys are not really that hard, PROVIDED you only go with friends. NEVER go with a bunch of random ppl shouting in Jeuno. It seldom works.

Heres some tips and pt setups I've done and succeeded with myself.

Note: ALWAYS have anima, you can hold up to 7 at a time.
Its possible to win without them, but things go 100% more smoothly when everyone has all 3 anima for the NM.
When i say 7, i mean, the 3 anima potions, the 3 rare/ex recollections, then a 7th can be stored at the guy who makes them ;)

Final note: NEVER afk during a promy. Even if your hair is on fire, or you get Bowel cancer halfway thru the run, DONT go afk. EVER.

Standard Pt setup:

Whm, War/nin x2, Smn, Rng, Misc DD (another Smn usually)

everyone except the Tanks can go naked practically, the tanks have to have at least 1 piece of Shade gear, tank food, a shield (sometimes tanking with 2 weapons isnt the greatest idea when you can use a shield)

Smns and whm might wanna take an ether or 2, and the 100gil refresh drinks from the npc in jeuno. Melee's, if they really want to be super serious about doing dmg, should use Cabonara food, but being expensive not always the way.

In regards to the person who said not to melee Memory Recepricles, seriously, show some balls, just run in and smack it, keep at least 1 war or a smn on the "Strays" that they spawn though. Works every time.

Omgsuperownage setup:

Smn x5, Anything x1 (usually the person who needs the promy)

In this NM fight, the 5 smns go in and astral flow, boom, you win :P
Works really well too, the avatars keep hate, as long as theres always 1 or 2 avatars on the NM you'll be fine.

LolBst Stole my g/f setup:

Bst x6, or (if your really not that game) Bstx4, War/nin and Smn/whm

Usual Bst tactic, Pop and 2h pets, rest for 4 mins to let Call Beast cool down.
My advice, carry pet food, Gamma is usually enough at lvl 30. You'll need it to wake and/or cure the status effects your pets will get. My first all-bst run our pets got hit with Paralyze-ga right up, meaning our pets couldnt get hate.

With Bst runs, I really recommend going with Bsts you know, trust and have fought and personally known for weeks/months.

As far as Jugs are concerned, NQ bunnies and sheep are great for just farming, or as suicide-pets for the top floor run to the spire. For the NM, NQ Crab (CourierCarrie isnt any stronger than nq crab at lvl 30) for All-bst runs to tank with, or Nq Tiger for just pure DD. Specially when the Tiger AoE Paralyze Lands on the NM ;)

General Tips:

You can NEVER have too many Smns

Bsts do the same dmg as Rngs and have Widescan too ;)

Whm ALWAYS have RR earring, if you dont you will personally get kicked in the groin by me.

Go with friends, never randoms.

I hope that helps some young starry-eyed hopefuls ^^ GL on your Promys.
3 jobs for the Tanks, brave shield for the men
5 jobs for the mages, wise and powerful
7 jobs for the Mortal melees, doom to eternal seek
2 jobs for the supports, in their ivory tower
1 job to rule them all, in the land of Ifrits Cauldron where the shadows lie,
One to solo them all and in the dirt let them die.
1 job to rule them all: Beastmaster.

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Post by Eviticus »

I have to firmly agree with the whole, do not go afk, thing. Like....a murderer has to be hacking away at your limbs before you should consider goign afk. If you have to go to the bathroom, it was your fault for not bringing a bucket to the computer. >.>

Seriously, the -worst- thing possible for a promy is to leave someone behind. The group kills a MR and jumps through....and....there you are....totally boned. Very few jobs can solo MR's (And I mean the lower level ones at that.), odds are if you're in a promy, you're not one of them.
In the end, I'm just talking out of my ass. So take it all with a grain of salt.
[b]Rank 10 Bastok. Rank 2 Sandy.[/b] Pup 75, Drg 72, Brd 71, Thf 37, War 39, Sam 38, Blm 40, Rdm 22, Whm 40, Mnk 37, Nin 14, Pld 38, Bst 15, Drk 30, Smn 15, Blu 19, Rng 13, Dnc 24, Cor 11.
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Re: Promyvion FAQ

Post by xaresity »

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