LB2-madness (rant warning)

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LB2-madness (rant warning)

Post by ScarlettPheonix »

gods what a day....
i won't go into the ENM-craziness that started my day
/seals memory

So....anyway...back on the ranch :P

I'm in Jueno and 4 ppl from my ls decide to join an alliance forming for LB2..since I'm about to hit that cap in another lvl, I tag along.

Alliance is full, we make our ways to Xara and the two kitties and one hound nm we need to kill. We have fun along the way as an alliance pounding everything in site.

Kill the 3 nms np...well, we had to kill them all 2x due to ppl not leaving the caves fast enough, getting killed, d/cing in battle, etc. Not to bad tho right?

Well, my 3rd of the alliance had 2 plds, my sam fiance, me (54 rdm) and a higher lvl whm who was helping out. And the 6th you ask?
That position was wasted on the bane of my game existance for the past 3 hrs.

It was a lvl 51 rdm (why the ldrs put the only 2 rdms in the same party I don't know~ I told everyone that it was a bad idea)

I don't like partying with another rdm usually b/c we step on each others toes. It sucks, but whatever.

Then he sends a /t :"Are those the AF boots? I haven't started that yet." ~I'd just gotten my pretty boots on Thursday^^ ~ I was like :? since most rdms I've ever known had 1) at least started their AF1 mission by lvl 50 and 2) knew the names and what each peice looks like b/c its a damned hot looking set that's useful too.

So I /c his gear and was floored,,,, he was wearing a Raptor Jerkin, no neck or back gear, trousers (not RSE~ can't remember the name), shoes of some sort and...............................Onyx earrings!
OMFG....a 51 rdm using those?!?!?! :shock:

Right then I knew I'd be carrying his ass thru the quest.

I'm not the best/richest/most powerful rdm out there. But I know I'm a damned good one. I can handle being a main healer w/ just a brd for support and keep up my haste and refresh cycle np. Add in a Blm, smn or whm and I'm as happy as I can be w/o catnip :D And I understand not having the funds to buy the most uber mage gear out there...spells and armor cost gil..but lvl fricken 10??????

So, we're all heading for the first kitty. I stop to heal someone and he runs right into me...the Lazy-ass had set /follow w/o even telling me!

We start fighting...and no surprise he starts meleeing~ what is it with male hume rdms and meleeing?~ Doesn't heal a single person besides himself...leaves me to do the haste/refresh cycle...<sigh> Same sitch for kitty #2 and the Hound.

So we're done @ 1+2 and make our way to 3. A guy d/cs during the fight and comes back w/ a new nm to kill. Right after the fight...the rdm goes: "We done? Good, bye" and warps out after he saw everyone say: "wait for the dgn" (d'c guy).

Then he was whining b/c we all started calling him and ass and a noob.

<SIGH> I've never met such a horrible rdm. His sub was under lvl'd too. 17 blm (he most likely subbed it just for warp) :roll:
And that's my tale of LB2

Sorry for the long post, btw
Last edited by ScarlettPheonix on Mon Aug 15, 2005 4:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Kintrra »

Sounds to me like someone needs to do some more research on their job, ne? People like that drive me insane. Probably got PL'ed through his entire FFXI career so far. Granted, I've been PL'ed a few times, but that's just rediculous, I at least still have all my skills and know my job. :evil:
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Post by ScarlettPheonix »

I hadn't considered that he might've been plvl'd. Just that by lvl 51 you'd think you'd know your job and how to be the most effective mage/tank/dd you could be.
My npc is a better mage then him :roll:
[color=darkred][i]Red Mage[/i][/color]
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Post by Kintrra »

ScarlettPheonix wrote:I hadn't considered that he might've been plvl'd. Just that by lvl 51 you'd think you'd know your job and how to be the most effective mage/tank/dd you could be.
My npc is a better mage then him :roll:
After paying attention to the way some of the people on these forums have talked about some of the higher levels, ehh...I'm not taking it for granted that anyone knows their job. You can check the Alexander section for a thread called 'Really stupid PLs' and read about my fun little adventure with a half-ass PL and the WHM that liked having him there so he wouldn't have to deal with healing. WTF kind of WHM doesn't wanna bother with the healing? Seriously >.<
OMFG! 8 75+!!!! :shock: Who knew slackers could work so hard? D:
And now a Miqo'te as well. >=D

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Post by Yugi »

the kind that has no mp left? ^^;
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Post by ScarlettPheonix »

More like a lazy WHM :roll:
It not like thier job is exactly hard. Altho if one more whm uses the last of his mp to cast Holy and then starts screaming for a Refresh.....

Lets just say the Heaven's shall rain down on his stupid head.

Your right Kintrra, there are alot of incredibly incompetent and just plain stupid players (hi-lvl and low-lvl) that make this game suck occasionally. Most everyone on my ls enjoys JP pick-up parties b/c they're generally fun and JP players are usually really really good at their jobs...usually. I partied with a JP nin earlier this weekend that either hadn't played since the update or just seriously sucks.

I still say that there is zero reason why any player can't have figured out his job and the gotten the best equipment he can possibly have/afford for his role in a party.

The information is out there, and a lot of high levels will try and help younger players out with good advice on what they should have for equipment if a computer is unavailable to check out allakazzie or any of the other infinite FFXI sites.
Last edited by ScarlettPheonix on Mon Aug 15, 2005 4:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Tivia »

This is the reason why,

I would not group with people with low or stupid subjobs, Poor equipment, or asking stupid questions/making stupid statements right off the bat. I hated to appear as a snobby whm, but I honestly would just draw the line, either they go or I do. Any party that took a player like that as far as I was concerned was a party I did not want to be in at all.

I refuse to contribute to the continuance of player stupidity.
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Post by ScarlettPheonix »

For normal exp parties, 6 person quest/mission or bcnm fights I agree. I didn't make the alliance tho. A few of the high-level support mages flat out said they wouldn't join if we didn't have a full alliance and so the leaders were just trying to fill spaces. I really wish they'd spaced the jobs out better tho. I mean 2 plds and 2 rdms (the only two in the alliance) in the same party doesn't make much sense to me...even if there was plently of meat shields to go around. The other 2/3s were mp heavy and could have used an extra refresh.


<sigh> nvm...I just rememered...that'd actually make sense if that rdm had been doing his job. As much as it shames me to admit it...there are alot of bad rdms out there that still get invites b/c the world is full of Refresh junkies.

That stuff must be strong....after one hit of it every taru I know goes crazy for it and has instant withdrawal if it wears :lol:
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Re: LB2-madness (rant warning)

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Re: LB2-madness (rant warning)

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