Karou's Gimmie A Break -- Segment #1

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Karou Ariyen
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Karou's Gimmie A Break -- Segment #1

Post by Karou Ariyen »

This was Taken from Control Alt Delete Online comics, copyright remains with them.
Rule One: Never Accept Responsibility
02:37AM Monday, August 08, 2005 - by Absath

I'm sure most of you are familiar with Jack Thompson. You know, that power tripping lawyer from Miami who thinks video games are the devil, and solely responsible for human stupidity? The guy that blames video game developers when their customers create mods/hacks that add sexual/violent content to a video game. Because obviously it's the developer's fault that people are modifying their game.

Some of you may recall an interview I did with CBS News on the subject of video game violence, that Mr. Thompson also participated in.

For years I've watched this moron use the tragedies of suffering families as stepping stones in his pursuit of money and fame. A fourteen-year-old kid sleepwalks, and stabs his grandmother to death with a butcher knife. Absolutely horrible. According to Jack Thompson it has nothing to do with noctambulism, and everything to do with the fact that the child played Diablo earlier that day. Why blame the child, or heaven forbid, the parent, when you could just point the finger at a video game?

I knew he was a loon, but I didn't understand the full extent of his senility until he decided to mess with a friend of mine. I'll bet you already read VGCats (and if you don't, you should be ashamed of yourself), so you've probably already read about Scott's "encounter" with Mr. Rationality. If you haven't, I suggest going to make yourself aware.

I'm sick and tired of people like Jack Thompson always looking for a scapegoat. It's always something. For a while it was comic books that were ruining society's youth. Then it was Rock and Roll. Now it just happens to be video games.

There are always going to be parents out there that will not own up to their responsibility in raising a child. And obviously there will always be people like Jack Thompson who facilitates this type of behavior.

A kid plays a video game, then goes and shoots his brother. Guess what; I think that kid was probably fucked up in the head to begin with, before that game ever got into his hands. Either due to chemical imbalances of some sort, or because his parents couldn't be bothered enough to properly explain the concept of right and wrong to their child.

And so suddenly their child is a murderer, and they are faced with the decision of being branded as a poor parent, or shifting the blame onto whatever vice seems most convenient at the moment. In these cases, video games. What option do you think these fucking cowards are going to choose?

I agree one hundred and ten percent that video games should have age ratings. I completely agree that a twelve-year old should not be playing Grand Theft Auto. What's that you say? We already have an age restriction system on video games? Well blow me down.

The bottom line is, all we have the responsibility to do is label the games for content and set an age limit. If a game is labeled M for mature, that's the end of it. If a retail outlet sells it to a minor anyway, go after the store or employee!

If a store is doing their job, then a minor will not be able to walk in and purchase one of these games. So how do they get their hands on it? Well shiver me timbers, the parents buy it for them!

And the most genius part is, that the parents then turn around and yell at the video game developers, which essentially boils down to "I'm too fucking busy and lazy to be bothered with what my kid is doing, and you made this violent video game which my stupid ass bought and it's all your fault because you should have estimated my sheer, overwhelming retardism and take steps to prevent it!"

Face it Jack. You've got nothing. I've been gaming since my Commodore 64, and I've never killed anyone. I've never run through traffic like Frogger, and I've never tried to jump on anyone's skull like Mario.

I could go out right now, pick any murder in the world and link it to something stupid just the way you keep doing. Man kills his wife while she sleeps. Turns out he ate cheerios for breakfast that morning. BAN CHEERIOS OMGWTFBBQ!.
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Post by Nobodyreal »

Are you aware that virtually every murderer and terrorist who lived in the last hundred years ate bread as a child?

Undeniable proof that feeding your children bread makes them grow up to be murderers and terrorists! We must put an end to this threat to the safety of the planet and BAN BREAD!!!
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Post by Kintrra »

Since Commodore 64? That reminds me of myself. O.o

Point aside, traffic never goes as slow as it does in Frogger.

And they're right, if parents are too damn dumb to look at a box and go "Oh my, this is rated M. My 12 year old doesn't need to see this." then guess what folks? To quote the cartoons off Newgrounds, "You...are a fucking moron."

Parents with brains, {Can I have it?}
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Post by Kahvi »

Nobodyreal wrote:Are you aware that virtually every murderer and terrorist who lived in the last hundred years ate bread as a child?

Undeniable proof that feeding your children bread makes them grow up to be murderers and terrorists! We must put an end to this threat to the safety of the planet and BAN BREAD!!!
One step further:

It is undeniably true that every person that has committed a crime in the course of history has eaten food and drank beverages. OMG BAN FOOD AND BEVERAGES!!!!!

>> Side note: I am still looking for the leaves that will turn me into a raccoon anthro, the feathers that give me a cape, the flowers that let me shoot fire from my fingertips, and the floating shiny metal boxes with the "?" printed on thier side.

>> Commodore 64? sheesh no one remembers Intellvision or Odessey2 anymore..

>> If parents actually looked at the ratings of the games they got thier kids, then I wouldnt have to put up with whiney 10 year olds with the FPS games i play on X-box live. Then again, as a friend of mine from Diablo 2 put it, i wouldnt be able to gloat that they got fragged by an old geezer on 56k either. or something to that equivilant.
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Post by Alya Mizar (Tsybil) »

Kintrra wrote:Point aside, traffic never goes as slow as it does in Frogger.
Doesn't have to go slow.

When I was lots younger, I used to play Automobile Roulette. This sport involves jaywalking across busy New York City streets one lane at a time. Much like Frogger. Long before Pong.

Do NOT try this in Chicago. They AIM at you in Chicago, in NY they ignore you.
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Post by Ryerya »

Being a parent of 3 children I would honestly have to say that my children are not alowed to be exposed to games with an M rating, and IF I chose to play them, I do so in the privacy of my bedroom when my kids are in bed. Also I will be sure to try and teach my kids the differences between right and wrong early on in their development and wll not ever encourage the use of violent video games. I don't blame the games for the violence in today's youth, I blame the poor parenting, and lack of attention.
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Post by Josiejo »

Heh... every criminal in the history of the world breathed in air... it's like they're addicted to it or something!! BAN AIR! :o
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Karou Ariyen
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Post by Karou Ariyen »

Ryerya wrote:Being a parent of 3 children I would honestly have to say that my children are not alowed to be exposed to games with an M rating, and IF I chose to play them, I do so in the privacy of my bedroom when my kids are in bed. Also I will be sure to try and teach my kids the differences between right and wrong early on in their development and wll not ever encourage the use of violent video games. I don't blame the games for the violence in today's youth, I blame the poor parenting, and lack of attention.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bout time responsible Parents Liek you stepped up and showed the other Dumbass F***ed up parents who let their kids play innappropriate games know what a real parent does. To those parents who think responsibility isnt theirs....... YOU SHOULD BE SHOT TO DEATH FOR BEING IDIOTS!
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Post by sakono »

people are dumb and want the kids to be happy so they get them what they want... just like the really fat babies on the maurry show. the 200+lbs 2-5 year old... they wine cause there hungery and there parents fucking feed them ribs and sh*t they shouldn't eat at that age. that and they give them food when they wine figguring that will fix the problem, then they go ohh my baby is so fat what can i do to help him?!?! i don't know what to do i feed him what he wants and every thing but hes so fat and bad health now..

dumb ass parents not wanting to do what they should and not wanting to deal with kids that wine..bla bla bla
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Post by Yugi »

also neglecting their daughters turns them into dirty sluts/whores and hoes who turn into strippers or pornstars thinking it would give them a better life..they no nothing about love..;.; but i dont pity them they deserve to be treated like animals..and should be slaughtered as such..but anyway resident evil always has the "This gaames contains scenes of explicit violence blood and gore and strong language" or something like that.
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Post by Karou Ariyen »

oh noes, I looked at a mature game, so now I'm suddenly into having sex with my boyfriend O.o

ya I'm sure thats what caused it. Mr Thomas I have sex with my b/f not becuase of M Rated games like GTA, But Becuase dammit I LOVE HIM! oi... :D
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Post by Yugi »

that why you have sex..because you love someone..not just for pleasure..everyone fails to understand that at least some..thats not what god intended us to do ;.;
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Post by JediKitsune »

Well, I myself could argue all day that sex != love, but that's another story, I suppose...
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Post by Yugi »

and resident evil pormotes violence..well i havent done anything violent..
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Post by Yugi »

all these pop-ups keep showing up x.x does that mean the compy has a virus? some sites do that you know,atleast i think..?
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Post by Alya Mizar (Tsybil) »

Yugi wrote:all these pop-ups keep showing up x.x does that mean the compy has a virus? some sites do that you know,atleast i think..?
Maybe. You surely have some parasitic addware installed.

Download and install Add Aware by Lavasoft. Find it here:


Not an automatic program, you need to scan manually.
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Post by Yugi »

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Re: Karou's Gimmie A Break -- Segment #1

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Re: Karou's Gimmie A Break -- Segment #1

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