Whats your life story?

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Whats your life story?

Post by Tailfeather »

Whats your life story?

Give us a little brief about _you_ , give us your lifestory :) where were you born? family? friends? adventures? anything that might be intressting..

have a nice trip into the world of Vana'diels history ;) :roll:
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Post by sasuske »

i am elvaan born in sandy rich family im super sexy woman cant leave me alone. i spend days walking in jeuno enjoying the /examines from noobs to see my godlyness 8)
im pretty much amazing

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Post by Batsu »

I did that one time.
Chi - Level 60 Undead Rogue - Member of Unison - [Rank 9] Centurion ~ 12,695 Honorable Kills - 3 Dishonorable Kills

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Post by Alya Mizar (Tsybil) »

Red Mage 99, White Mage 50, Black Mage 75, SCH 99, Summoner 14, THF 25, BLU 25, NIN 50, WAR 18, DRK 50, DNC 49, PLD 50. Goldsmith 72 +2, Cooking 60 +2, Alchemy 41, Fishing 33, Rank 8, Windurst, Lakshmi (Garuda, I weep for you)

Red Mage 26 White Mage 11 Black Mage 12 Thief 16, Cooking 1, Rank 3, Windurst, Quez.
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Post by Neoshinobi »

You can see brief history on me here...right here...just click the link... :)
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Post by Ephi »

life story lessee...

ive lived in Windurst most of my life orphaned (the war u no) as well as my brother Sterrence... we were separated... he was so young and some Tarus raised him... i on the other hand decided to fend for myself... i ran away from the Tarus (the same Tarus that raised Ster) and turned to thievery... then a buncha boring stuff aka evryday life... i reach the age of adenturers and use my thieving skills to my advantage... shortly after i'm reunited with Ster who was now a White Mage... later Ster lost most of his soul to demons... i rescued him with basically just enuff left in him to live... it hurts but at least he can do w/e i ask of him... then i decide to try my hand at just about all the adventure grade occupations... and ive grown quite fond of the way of the Dragoon... and im considering becoming a White Mage to honor Sterrence...

and there u have it... my life story
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Post by Yukira »

Well, I posted this earlier but here it is again if someone wants to read it. Just a little something I wrote up last november to bring depth to playing FFXI.

A Lesson Learned

Yukira was born 19 years ago in Kazham but due to circumstances she can't remember, she moved to Windurst with her mother, when she was only a few years old. She never knew her father, though she never really cared about that. All that mattered to her, was that her mother was there for her. Yukira's childhood was generally happy and she made many friends with Tarutaru and Mithra children. Her mother, who was a Samurai, joined one of the Mithran mercenary companies protecting Windurst. When about 10 years old, Yukira became very interested in the ideals of 'Bushido'. Of course she had a very naive view of it like protecting friends, killing evil things, getting fame and stuff like that. Alltogether a 'black and white', 'good and evil' -view of the world familiar to many other hot-headed youngsters. At this stage she slowly spent less and less time with her Tarutaru friends (who already had had their share of her energetic personality and playful pranks). They never really stopped being friends; it just happened so that the Tarutaru began concentrating on learning magic skills, while Yukira and her Mithran friends trained together the art of swordsmanship so you could say they kind of 'grew apart' from eachother.

While nearing adulthood, Yukira and her Mithran friends' playing together became dangerous as they would sometimes sneak out of the safety of the city at night to do real combat with weak monsters near Windurst. Their parents would not permit it until they were of age. Fighting against tiny Mandragoras and Bumblebees was of course good training for the young Mithras but one thing, that would ultimately haunt Yukira perhaps for the rest of her life was that when fighting a monster, she and her friends would not kill it outright. They would cruelly toy with it like a cat plays with a mouse, often causing needless agony upon it. They didn't do it for sadistic pleasure. It was only pure and innocent fun to them, lacking the understanding at the time that even monsters are living beings able to suffer, to feel pain and fear like everyone else. On one such occasion on a moonlight night, they learned that lesson.

They were heading back home from their nightly hunt. They had ventured farther from Windy than before, but that didn't really bother any of them. Actually they were getting pretty good so perhaps it was a little bit of overconfidence in their own abilities. Besides, the walls of Windurst were already on sight, though far away. Yukira felt happy. She had had great time with her friends and none of them had been wounded, some minor scratches unaccounted for. The stars where shining brightly and the full moon was just beautiful. Nightair was cool and felt really refreshing after working up so much sweat. Her companions' laughter mingled with her own as they joked about a goblin they had taken by surprise. It had no chance against them as they stabbed and cut it from behind before it could react to the threat. Of course they didn't cut too deep, so they could keep playing with it. It had lasted a long, good time. Yukira was still within her thoughts as she noticed her companions' laughter had ceased abruptly.

The youngest of us, Nahoko, was staring to the direction we came from, her ears twitching occasionally. "I think I saw something behind those rocks over therrre." she said. I didn't see nor hear anything though. "We'rrre nearing Windy alrrready, I don't think anything will dare to follow us therrre. As a matterrr of fact, I don't think anything would dare to follow US!" answered Tarara, the oldest of us and like an older sister to me. Others sometimes teased Tarara because of her Taru-like name, but she always just laughed heartily with them. "Let's run to the wall! The last one therrre is a furry Galka!" said Tarara. We began running together laughing on the way. I saw from her face that Tarara was concerned because she didn't laugh with us anymore and she glanced behind us every now and then. Nahoko and Fumi didn't seem to notice anything though. Then the first arrow flew past us and hit a tree only a few feet to my left with a loud thudd. Nahoko and Fumi seemed surprised and quit their laughing realizing they were in real danger now. Tarara moved behind us covering us with her shield and shouted "Goblins! Rrrun like you've never rrrun before!" . "They'll neverrr catch us, their legs are too short!" I said chukling while running. "True. This will be fun though!" answered Tarara. More arrows flew, nowhere near us though. Nahoko and Fumi were smiling now too "Hah! Lousy shots. They can't hit us!". And still we laughed while running, despite of the situation. Then I felt something painfully strike my back with a force. Somehow my legs didn't obey me anymore and I started to stumble and fall. Before touching the ground I suddenly realized the terrible pain in my lower back and I cried out. When I hit the ground the pain in my back got unbearable. I had difficulty focusing my eyes and all sounds seemed fuzzy somehow. I felt utterly helpless. I began to cry, tears rolling down my cheek and I was more scared than I had ever been in my life. Not only because of pain, but also because this feeling of helplessness was completely unfamiliar to me. I heard the others shouting something but I couldn't understand anything but the pain and fear. Suddenly someone grabbed me and I was painfully lifted off the ground. "It hurts...hurts...so much!" I cried. I heard Tarara's voice then: "Don't worry Yuki, you'll be allright....you'll be allright." I realized she was crying too as she carried me. I heard Nahoko's and Fumi's concerned voices too. "Tarara! She's bleeding so much!" Then Tarara's voice: "Go get help! Search for a Taru-healer!" I felt really weak now and I began to slip out of consciousness. Last thing I heard was Tarara's crying voice: "No! Yuki, don't...".

I can't focus. All the feelings that I had felt...were they experiencing them too, while we...toyed with them? Is...what? Laughter. Laughter of someone. Tarara? Nahoko? Fumi? ...me? Where? Why can't I see? What is happening? Pain! It's me that's...causing it? How? I laugh. Nowhere. Everywhere. Pain. Fear...I see.

I wake up. I 'm lying on something soft. A bed? Yes, that must be it. "She's awake now." I hear a familiar, high-pitched voice. I'm in my own room. A very old Tarutaru in white robes is at the door speaking to the other side. Then he turns to smile at me. "Feeling better? Don't try to get up yet. You're still weak, although my healingmagic-wagic cured your wound.". "Yuki!" someone cried and was hugging me before I knew it. "Tarara? What happened?" I asked. Tears were rolling down her cheek as Tarara answered: "An arrow hit you....badly. We thought...we thought you wouldn't make it.". "Send for me if you need me later-waiter." the white mage said smiling and stepped out. "I...I'm sorry that I worried you Tarara." I said, silently trying to hold back my tears of joy. She just said: "You silly...just rest and sleep well. I'll be here when you wake up." I let out a sigh of relief and hugged her: "Thank you Tarara...thank you.". I have never slept as well as I did that day.

Today Yukira remembers well that hard lesson. She understands now that even though combat is often unavoidable with beastmen, you should grant them a quick death as you wish they would to you. She still fears and hates goblins but no longer toys with them in battle. Nahoko and Fumi still stay in Windurst acting as mercenaries there. Tarara left Windy at the same time as Yukira did, about two months ago, to explore the world. They swore to eachother, that they would meet again there after a year and tell about their adventures so far.

Yukira has pursued the fighting arts since leaving Windy and now more than ever, wants to become a Samurai like her mother was. Recently she has also started learning the art of healing as a white mage, remembering the Tarutaru, who saved her life years ago. He died of old age a while after Yukira was saved and she still sometimes mourns his loss.

Sometimes wandering around Vana'diel as a white mage, helping those in need, she truly enjoys making others smile with all her heart. Generally Yukira is still as energetic, playful and full of smile as she was earlier, but sometimes, just sometimes she falls silent and stays alone with a sad look on her face.

Well...the story ends here because I'm such a lazy writer....but later Yuki became a Samurai. Maybe I'll continue this story some day, maybe I won't. :P
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Post by Karou Ariyen »

i know i did it in the RP board but ill repost here:

1 Year after the Great War Ended -
Karou and her twin sister Kilala grew up in San d'Oria, their father a San d'Orian offical. Her Father was drunk, abusive, and corrupt, Karou and Kilala abused many times, their mother more. Karou and Kilala spent a lot of time as children playing in San d'Oria but training as well, Karou learned with a sword, and Kilala a dagger. As they grew up, It grew worse, their father becoming corrupt and becoming more abusive. In fact one night he managed to cut Karou's leg leaving a scar. Finally Karou had enough. Karou escaped to go to the Royal Knights Acadamy as Kilala went to Windurst to live with her aunt....

Karou came home from the acadamy to witness her mothers death from her father. She had snuck out from the barracks to witness a brutal murder. She froze up and couldn't save her. She fled back to the acadamy in tears clutching her mothers pendant. 3 Months later she graduated. SHe became part of the Royal Knights 7th Recon Unit. A mercenary, she was tough and become cold and hard, a combat veteran she has done a lot, even RUnning the Tenshodo Chapter of San d'Oria.

She studied Ninjitsu briefly, and her skills were used for murder. Prince Trion and the Royal Knights ordered the assasination of several corrupt San d'Orian Officials. Her father on the list. She took pleasure in gutting him slowly and torturing him making him suffer for her Mother. After that she was assigned to the Jueno embassy and later reassigned to Windurst after a slight problem.

She had always been a Mithra who enjoyed fishing ever since she was a little kitten. But staying in Windurst turned her onto something new.... Bonecrafting. She spent so many hours slaughtering monsters and creatures she learned to use their materials effectivly, for a while she actually had a small shop in Windurst Waters but closed it down due to lack of sales, but word got out about her skills. She used her knowledge to advance in the ranks and use it to craft her gear while on missions. She also learned to cook basic, jsut so she could survive out in the field. And a little leatherworking. Heck her armor is lined with soft suede wolf hide.

Some of the combat skills she picked up besides Swordsmanship was Archery, Learning to shoot a bow sideways which most mithra couldn't. Daggers skills for survival and Hand to Hand with her claws.... but mostly her Rifle... her rifle has her name and rank carved in it, and the date of her mothers death, to always remember her. She has a Bladed boomerang if she'd ever get the Tenshodo in Bastok to send it.

At one point she was given a scholarship to become a scholar in San d'Oria but she declined... prefering to work in the field herself. She was always treated like dirt in the Acadamy and as a Royal Knight, but many missions proved her worth and won her a lot of respect. But there are a lot who still hate her. Temple Knights, Most leaders of the Royal Knights. She doesn't care though. She's proven she can bring Honor and Glory to her Kingdom.

She's usually a big participator in Festivals mostly Cuz her mother took her to many as a kitten. But ever since her death its always been depressing for her.

She met her mate Elithanis and has been with him ever since.....In a Tavern in jueno, it was raining and cold and she walked in and accepted his help for the first time....gaining an apprentice, Combat partner, Tenshodo Body Guard, and lover.....

And even now she preapares to bring another Life into this world, her daughter Starr, named after her mother in respect for her. She has vowed to give her kitten a better life then she had..... Her story has jsut begun and her Kittens has yet to start....
And if you still think I get respect as a non Elvaan Knight.... Think again, My Heart Bleed for San d'Oria and I shed tears for mycomrades, as cruel as they may be, No one deserves to die in a war......
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Post by Rekahkun »

this thread belongs in the RP section below. >.>
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Post by Karou Ariyen »

I know it does, Thats why I told people i have one in the RP Board
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rp board rp board ><;;

Post by Tailfeather »

i know, i posted this thread way wrong, im such a baka :(
im so sorry, ill ask fire or any admin/moderator to move this thread if its possible..

so sorry again for any trouble...
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Re: rp board rp board ><;;

Post by Josiejo »

Tailfeather wrote:i know, i posted this thread way wrong, im such a baka :(
Don't you mean you're such a galka? :P :rofl:
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Re: rp board rp board ><;;

Post by Neoshinobi »

Josiejo wrote:
Tailfeather wrote:i know, i posted this thread way wrong, im such a baka :(
Don't you mean you're such a galka? :P :rofl:
Quick, play the baka song! :lol:
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Post by Tailfeather »

dont ask me why.. but i think im gonna blow something up... anyone wanna voullenteer? -_- ...
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my story...

Post by Tailfeather »

well ill guess i have to tell my story aswell, the Name is Tailfeather, age 18 getting 19 this year, have redeyes, whitegrey hair with black stripes, the rest you have to ask about, as long as i can remember ive been a streetcat, i just remember waking up one day, lonely, just to understand that i needed to take care of myself from now on. Ive got my streetknowledge and no one have ever walked away healthy after having a fight with me, people in the underground have given me the nick Hellcat.. knowing that if someone ever started to mess around with me, would bring up a hell for that or thoose persons.

So what about the past from that moment? heh, dont even ask, cuz im gonna keep that for myself... nothing i really wanna talk about, maybe i'll add that storie someother time...

The underground have almost always been my home, and most of my friends still lives there, just as a part of me right now...
i'm still one of the most wanted persons in Vana'diel for destruction of properties(which really wasnt my fault, cuz it happed under a fight), and some other misshappening things. All i care about is my friends..
Mess with them, is the same thing as messing around with me...

One of my first friends was Kira, though that all calls her Bluefox, i always call her Kira and she wont be angry at me while she get really pissed at others that says her name, what i know she have gotten a apartment and she always saying that im welcome to stay over and live there, she is the one who always looked after me and still does. Teasing me about me
still hanging outside at nights, and that i should come over and sleep at her place instead... but this was before i meet theese guys..

Kira is 19 and turning 20 this year, i know that atleast, i wouldnt forget about my bestfriends big days.. Then we have "Rai", and "Yuki", also some of my best friends.. but ill talk about them another time.. they are awesome..

let me see.. it was a late night, after having a fight outside a bar, cuz some drunkies wouldnt stop talk and stalk me.. i did beat them up
real badly, unfortenatly they were gang members.. so it ended up pretty bad. I got the whole gang after me, after beating everyone and being pretty beaten myself, still standing though, with the guns in my hands.. i was ripped abit, cause some had knives, and some had guns aswell, but i didnt take a bullet, only got touched by one.. my right leg i think it was.. i started to walk downtown.. bleeding, tired, and hungry... i hadnt eaten anything for 2 days, just some water .. atleast i gave the leader of that gang a dragonkick that he wouldnt forget about for a long long time. And the others wont really mess around with me either.. 3 was shoot down, they bit the bullets.. but i didnt kill them, only their legs was bleeding.. but they wouldnt really feel anything until they woke up anyway.. i did hit them unconscious before they even know what have had been happen to them.. i still hear people talk about that accident.. "the work of the Hellcat" and people looks at me while im moving on the streets, whispering the nick "Hellcat" to eachothers..

It was raining, and while the blood dripped down my cheeks, my fists, my forhead and my legs, i moved downtown, towards the lake where the entrance to the "undergroundcity" are. The entrance is positioned further in at a park and a beach.. many people gathers here at the hot days, to swim and to chill out in the sun. When you've gone quite a bit inside the park you'll see a big bridge up in the sky through the treetops. Its there the entrance is.. i walked through the park.. with heavy steps, hearing only the sirens of the police and the ambulance that probably had arrived to the place where the gang members were. The only thing that was in my mind at that evening, at that moment, was to survive, hoping that the police wouldnt see the blood that would lead them directly to me..

After that i just remember some parts, the rest is still black, i probably spaced out due the wounds.. it had stopped to rain, and i remember two faces, tho the pictures of them was very hazy.. and still are (when i try to think of'em) i remember them trying to talk to me, i probably didnt respond to their questions.. after that i just remember i woke up in a house, in a sofa.. i had alot of bandages on me, and my stumach grumbled over and over, then i realized that i hadnt eaten for many days, and when that came to my mind i started to wonder how long ive been passed out, i tried to stand up, but i had to lean against the walls to make my way through.. then again i passed out.. after that i know that two unknown mithras was standing over me.. i got abit afraid, and i didnt know what to do so i started to crawl away as good as i could, just so i could get enough space to get up on my feets and defend myself.. at that point they started to giggle and laugh, then they took my arms and lead me to the couch again. They made some gestures, and at that point i feared that my life could have been in danger. But one left out into another room while the other sat beside me in the couch and smiled at me.. After a while the other one came back, with something that smelled so good, that my mouth started to drool, i got it infront of me, at first i didnt know what to do, but after a while they said that it was ok for me to eat it, it was really delicious, they both looked at eachothers and then giggled. After being away without food for a couple of days it was the best thing that could happend to a streetcat like me. I ate really fast.. i throwed the food into my mouth. After that i got tired, and without really noticing i fell asleep.

After the food and some sleep i got some energy again...

Next i know i woke up in the middle of the night, i putted on my cloths that was putted nicely and washed on the table to my side. Then i putted my guns into the pants and slowly walked, silencly to the door, i dont know why i remembered where the door were but i made my way there, i opened the door slowly, i had just putted my right foot outside when i sensed something behind me, and i pulled the gun. It was made of a reflex, it was the mithra that was sitting beside me when i was eating, and behind her the other one came (the one that brought the food). They asked me if i was leaving, and if i was going to come back, somehow they dragged me inside again and gave me some tea, while we talked, it was here i came to know their names, it was Karou and Nivez, i told them my name, and what had happend before they found me in such a bad shape. Mostly cuz they asked me to, after that they went back to sleep, and i did leave.. i didnt wanna make anymore trouble for anyone, so i though it was the best way.. at the question if i was going to come back.. i didnt answer.. They told me that they had found me while taking a walk in the fullmoon, i was bleeding, was totaly wet, dirty and exhausted. They decided to take me to their house for treatment...

While i was walking downtown once again i skipped the mainstreets and went through the alleys.. and after a while i came to Kira's aparment, no lights was on so she probably sleeped then, so i continued on, this time i went out on the mainstreet and walked slowly looking at the moon and the stars, down to the lake again, i climbed up in a tree that i usually use
when i wanna be alone. After a while i fell to sleep.. The next day i went to see Kira and told her about the event.. she was amazed, but also very happy that i survived.. we also went to see "rai" and "yuki" who was in the musicstudio, yes we have a band, so we went there and talked, and played some.. the old spirit came back, the streetbands and streetdance
the nights where we would breakdown to eachothers music and compete in dancing.. if your asking about the name of the band, we have just always called us dragonkick, i dont know why.. maybe cuz ive used it against some other band when we had a fight... anyway.. thats another story.. after the studio time rai and yuki went home and Kira asked me if i wanted to sleep over. I said it was ok, but she really was worried about me..

I was just going around after that, walking from club to club just to listen to the music, while the moon shined like never before.. after awhile i got a bit tired, so i went half into a valley just so the streetlights wouldnt catch me.. It was then they came again, Karou and Nivez that is... they had seen me walking around in the city and followed me.. im surprised i didnt really noticed it, even if i feelt a little uneasy when i walked around.. they asked me to come with them, i hesitated at first but they really wanted me to come, so i went with them.. but i was really carefull. After a while we came to the house of MP, i remembered it.. they asked me if i wanted to stay and live here with them.. and before i even had opened my mouth they gave me a key and said that it was my home aswell.. i probably looked like hell when they said that, cuz they both started to laugh at me... i dont know why but i just gasped.. as surprised as i was. After that they went inside, and i still stood outside.. i think i did stand there like 15 minutes or so.. but after that i left again... i rarely went to the house the first couple of days, it always turned out that Nivez and Karou picked me up and took me there... after a while i started to feel bad about my acting, they gave me food, a place to live, and we had alot of fun... and what did i do? i just left them and went for myself.. well after that i came more and more often to the house, though i never really sleept there for the first month.. And now im here, sleeping, eating, having fun everyday.. i even take small jobs now and then, to get some money so i can help them out with the house... ofcourse.. Kira, rei and yuki didnt really believed in me..when i first told them, but when they really found out.. they were really surprised.. tho, i still leaves at nights now and then to see how the underground is going.. i'll probably always be a streetcat, no matter what others says. But atleast i now get back to the house after being away, and i wont stay away so the others gets worried.. maybe ive become more matured.. i dont know.. but im still the 'Hellcat' that people knows and talks about... and that cant be changed...
im always going to be the Hellcat..
a Angel From Hell.

// TF (Tailfeather)
Last edited by Tailfeather on Mon May 09, 2005 5:19 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Karou Ariyen
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Post by Karou Ariyen »

:oops: and yet im still sexy even in that story :P lol nice work tail :)
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Post by Tailfeather »

^.^ we need more stories! :)
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Post by Nhiha »

holy crap that was long tail
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Post by Mimiru »

Hello, my name is Mimiru, im 22, almost 23 summers old and this is my story.

As far as I can remeber of my mother, she was the most beautiful mithra chieftoness of all. My tribe is from a island far beyond the reaches of Kazham. I was born expected of great things and to follow my mothers path power redmage ninjitsue magic. I was a happy child constantly playing along the coast always staring off over the great horizon where great and tearable sky's loomed. As I grew more of age and tought more from my mother of teh great wonders of magic and ninjitsue, I always wondered more about other paths available for me and my endless search of self harmoney. I enjoyed my mothers teaching and watched her from afar during her practic and sparing matches. I studied all her technices and desided to follow the path of bushido.

At the age of 16, in the mist of the night while the rest of the tribe was sleeping, I sliped out and onto one of our proud fishing ships. Before setting off, I left a note behind, telling my mother not to follow me and my search of the perfect harmoney and will return to fulfull my destony of my tribe. Speading many weeks at sea until spoted by an airship and tooken to Norg and began my inteanse studies of bushido. After two summers gone in the damp shaddows of Norg, I spent studing scrolls, watching sparing matches and slowly learning peace within myself. At the age of 18, under the scrupulious eyes of the head master elvaan samarai, I became his best student in many years and got his blessings with his ceramonial tachi sword and was sent off to bejin my jorney in the great vast world beyond. Upon the shors of Kazham, I lifted my head and pointed in a single direction to start my quest and was heading to windurst.

Nearing the summer age of 19, I have arrived in windurst and became at peace with my surroundings, fealing at home that reminded me of my own tribel home island in the vast blue ocean. Thoe no one bothered to talk to me, seaing I was a forigner and new to this land. I didnt mind of what they though of me and continued my studdies of anchient scrolls and tachi techniques. On the eve of my 19 celibration, I was given a tattered parchament slide under my apartment door saying in text i could bearly make out but understood that I was no longer wished in a peaceful paradice, so I gathered my personal affections, my masters old cerimonal tachi, a new tachi i crafted myown and a few gil i have left in my pockets and headed into the dangerous wild. Upon the exit of the windurst gate, i sighed in sarrow to see paradice evicte me into the wild. So I lifted my head and started to head toward Mhura to catch a ferry over to the Kingdom of Sand'Orie, hearing that there was a rumor of a mysterious samurai within the city walls.

Within a few weeks after leaving the santatie of Windurst and ariveing in the gates of Sand'Orie, I quickly began my search for this mistory samurai. Spending contless days, posibly weeks searching in all dark places where light fears to tread. Until one day, wile alseep in the crapt allway, I awoke seaing a hume samurai standing above me with his full gear on, covering his face. With this earie voice that sent chills down my spine told me that he was expecting me. I replyed back to him, "Master sir, if i was expected, how come you show yourself now while I spent countless days in search of you." He gave no reply but beckon me to fallow him furthor and I did. Venturing down blackened stairwells into the death of catacombs into a secret libary and began to studdied more. For several months i spent scouring night and day through the scrolls searching for what I desire most, until i heard tatterd footsteps echoing in the catacombs until the royal knights bursted into the libary with swords drawn ordering me that I reliquish my swords and be detained for arrest under the kings orders of reading forbiden text.

After i unshied my tachi's holding one in each hand an dthe lights flicer out. I cant say i recall much except me exchaping the catacombs with several wonds on me and blood on my swords. Deaprate for my life, I flead Sand'Orie and into the wild. I wandered around the wild seaming for countless days upon reaching the marbel walls of Jeuno. Once inside the great walls, I hid myself in a small allyway, out of sight of the bussule of everyday comers, wailing in greif of what i have done for several months beyond my 20th summer. After the period of greif ensnared was dont, I dweled back into the light and bussel of the everyday commerce. After spending time sharpening my skills, I began to hear wispers of me being called the 'weaping samuri'. Upon hearing these rumors, I sought out any Dark Knights willing to teach their techniques to me to make me stronger and to harness my mothers teachings while i was yonger.

Upon hearing the great teacher of dark knights was some wear in jeuno, I picked up and headed to find this teacher of darkness.

to be continue...
Queen Cat
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