really need to work on this....

How to butcher a language - American Style
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really need to work on this....

Post by Chimpchimp »

A couple of nights ago i was PT'd in Valk with 5 other guys. 5 spoke pure ENG, while 1 guy spoke pure JP. This ussually only last like 5min cause the guy who's singled out really cant partake in the group..they just attack or heal or whatever. And talkin to people in the PT as you go is half the fun of the PT. Well this guy stuck it out with us for over 4 hours. During this time i felt SOOO bad for him cause we're all talkin away goofin around and he's just standing there /cure <t> away.

Tonight i had the privledge of PT'ing with him again out of mere coquencidence. I wanna thank everyone for all their help with this forum board. Atleast this time i could speak broken words/phrases to him.

I love the fact that i'm able to play/enjoy a game with someone whom i can barely say anything to, yet we understand eachother so well through various emotes, translator words, and my extremely broken JP. It's a hard feeling to explain but i absolutely love it.


P.S. getting better with it, workin harder...*breaks out the notebook to copy down more words and phrases.*
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Post by Mystiana »

That's really cool! I am always afraid to try and talk to someone in Japanese, so I almost completely rely on the auto-translator... I know some basic things (even before reading the things on the boards here), but I would feel a lot more comfortable if I could remember more katakana.. I always miss a few and there's no time to look it up. ^^;
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Post by Eviticus »

Kinda the same thing happened with me afew nights ago. We were a party of 23-24 in Delkwhatever Tower in Quifim. We had a Taru whm, taru, blm, 2 elvaan, a hume, and me, the Mithra Thf. Anyways, the whm was a JP player who spoke pretty much yes, no, and ok.

Well, For a while now I've been studying Judo. And let me tell you, taking a martial art, if done right, can be the next best thing for learning a language. Ya know, next to actually taking a language class that is.

Anyways, once I established she could understand romanji, I tried to run my spelling by her, see if he understood.
Eviticus: Wakarimas = {Understood}?
Resha: Yes. ^^
Eviticus: Meow! =^.^= Watashi wa nekosama!
Resha laughs beside Eviticus.

I felt bad she was the only person who didn't speak english, so I tried to remind everyone to use the translators, and I explained what we were talking about best I could.
In the end, I'm just talking out of my ass. So take it all with a grain of salt.
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Post by Ambrey »

Ive been in all Jap partys before, feels really weird being the only one who cant understand a word what their saying but I did my job and most of them seemed impressed with my work, which made me happy heh. Getting emotes such as cheers and smiles warmly at my character makes it all worth while. And at the end of the pt, they all stood before me and bowed or saluted me. Very honorable. I have only met 2 rude Japs, and one called me an idiot for some reason in japanese. The least thing he couldve done is called me it in my own language so I could at least understoond it lol.
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Post by Sophina »

:shock: So how did you figured out that he was calling you a idiot? :shock:
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Post by Kopopo »

in "watashi wa nekosama" you can remove the "wa" word, it's redundant.
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Post by Eviticus »

The word idiot in japanese is pretty simple, and common in some anime. 'Baka'. And sorry Kopopo, heh. My Japanese Grammer is worse then my vocab.
In the end, I'm just talking out of my ass. So take it all with a grain of salt.
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Post by Shirai »

I've partied with lot's of JP parties,
most of the time I rely on the auto translator.

But since I do know a few sentences and am able to read Katakana and Hiragana a little it often works out pretty well.

Some Japanese folk really don't mind an all english party tho,
even if they don't speak a word English.
Anyhow, one tip.
Most Japanese don't like to be powerlvled!

And a few tips for the use of language:

Don't use Baka too often, it's offensive.
Otaku has a different meaning in Japan then the word we see it to be ;)
NEVER use the word hentai!!

ok now some more serious help ;)
Watashi (pronounced "Atashi") is the female verb.
Males use Boku.
In kana (Katakana & Hiragana) it's not Watashi wa but Watashi ha

わたし わ

わたし は

To politely thank a JP player:
Domou arigatou gozaimasu.
Hontoni Arigatou.

Most of the time the auto translator will work fine.
I had good JP parties,
but the most fun parties are with English speaking.
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Post by liero »

my vocabulary: {hello!} {Nice to meet you!} {Experience points} {Do you need it?} {All right!} {Full attack} {Fun} {Fun} {Fun} =n.n=
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Re: really need to work on this....

Post by xaresity »

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Re: really need to work on this....

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Re: really need to work on this....

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Re: really need to work on this....

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