Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright

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Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright

Post by Sugami »

The most epic crossover in gaming history! But why did they have to make it for 3DS? :x
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Re: Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright

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Re: Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright

Post by Sugami »

That's pretty much what I said when I saw it, but there was probably a curse word in front :lol:

The character art looks that of Phoenix Wright (outside of Layton and his assistant) but the location looks like it's from a Professor Layton game, so I'm guessing that somehow Phoenix and Maya visit Professor Layton's "world".

"Whatever is written in this book happens in real life." Death Note! The killer is Kira! :lol:
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Re: Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright

Post by Karou Ariyen »

Sugami wrote:That's pretty much what I said when I saw it, but there was probably a curse word in front :lol:

The character art looks that of Phoenix Wright (outside of Layton and his assistant) but the location looks like it's from a Professor Layton game, so I'm guessing that somehow Phoenix and Maya visit Professor Layton's "world".

"Whatever is written in this book happens in real life." Death Note! The killer is Kira! :lol:

A crossover game?!
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Re: Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright

Post by Sugami »

IT'S FINALLY HERE! For us outside of Japan that is, and you can buy a physical copy :D

Basic plot:
An old student of Professor Layton ("ironically" called Accidente) brings this mysterious young girl (Espella Cantabella) to the Prof, who then gets completely abducted by the witches chasing them. Prof Layton and Luke manage to fool the witches to allow Espella to run away on a boat. However they find Espella's book and upon looking inside get sucked in.

Meanwhile Phoenix Wright and Maya are on an Attorney Exchange trip of sorts in London, whilst there Phoenix is tasked with defending this young girl (Espella again) from charges of petty theft and assault, being told to just play out the trial as she's already pleaded guilty. Phoenix being Phoenix finds contradictions and proves the girl innocent. Whilst discussing their victory Maya finds Espella's book and you guessed they get sucked in upon opening it and having a quick read.

Prof Layton and Luke find themselves in this mysterious world known as Labyrinthia, the world where Espella is originally from. They come across Espella in a local baker where shock horror Phoenix Wright and Maya are working as bakers and have forgotten about who they really are. Stuff happens and Espella is accused of being a witch, of which the penalty is death by BURNING, it's up to Phoenix to remember who he is and prove Espella's innocence along with the assistance of Prof Layton.

So much for basic plot :P

Professor Layton sections:
Never played a Prof Layton game before I don't know what additions there are to this version. I believe this is the first Layton game on the 3DS so I'm guessing there are 3D puzzles that weren't possible on the DS. The puzzles range from trivial to quite challenging and I thoroughly enjoy each one of them. The 3D works well with the character designs, choosing to replicate the classic cartoon style with facial expressions typically being different textures on the models. There's a nice amount of anime cutscenes and vocal dialogue as well.

Phoenix Wright sections:
So far there's only been the courtroom sections, no evidence gathering but that's not to say there won't be further into the game. No Apollo or Athena obviously so there's no picking up on witnesses habits with GOTCHA! or reading their emotional state of mind with GOT IT! Have yet to use the Tamagama or whatever it's called :P It's gone back to the first game with the number of lives or mistakes you can make rather than having a "health bar" but the hint coins carry over from Layton so it can tell you where to press or present and cut down the list of possibilities to just a couple.
Addition to this game is the fact that there are multiple witnesses on the stand at once, this means other witnesses can essentially debunk another's testimony, you'll hear them say something and a cloud with ... appear over their heads if they have something to say regarding the current witnesses testimony. This brings the new pop-up HANG-ON! Sadly this is all too easy to pick up on though the witness may not always have something useful to say.
You also have the pop-up GOT IT! for pointing out something on a picture but this isn't really anything new and was TAKE THAT! before.

Chronologically this game was developed before Phoenix Wright Dual Destinies and you can tell from the graphics, Phoenix just doesn't quite look right where in the last Phoenix game he looks perfect. Rest of the Phoenix Wright-style characters look great though, including Maya. Bad news is it's a different Phoenix voice, I was getting used to Sam Regal(?) from UMvC3 and Dual Destinies.

Still really digging this game, will say more later :P
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Re: Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright

Post by xaresity »

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Re: Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright

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