News and Updates - January 2004

Posted by: Golddess
Wednesday, 01-28-2004

The MithraPride IRC chat has been moved off of and is now on Please be sure to make any changes that are needed to find us at our new location.

Posted by: Golddess
Monday, 01-26-2004

Well, it seems that for one reason or another, this site may not be able to be hosted here for much longer. I'll be closing the boards down at about 10p ET on January 28, to try and give enough time for people to see the message and so that all data may be backed up.

Posted by: Golddess
Friday, 01-23-2004

Well, some new pictures added to the gallery. Also, just because I haven't responded to the thread the previous news post links to doesn't mean I haven't been listening. I am currently working on a better site design, but am unsure when it will be ready for viewing.
Also, a link to a Java clock of Vana'diel has been added to the links. It's not all that great, and is off unless your computer is set to PST (maybe PDT, I forget), but it is there. BTW, I am currently working on my own version of such a clock, with some additions and subtractions.

Posted by: Golddess
Wednesday, 01-14-2004

*scratches head*
Um, let us know what you think of the new menu bar by clicking here.
BTW, the left menu bar no longer exists.

Posted by: Golddess
Wednesday, 01-14-2004

Well, we've been accepted to be a Final Fantasy XI Community Site. Now to figure out the best place to put the community site tool that Square Enix has provided for us.
Also, some new pictures have been added to the gallery. Remember, if you want your pictures posted, please send them to Golddess, whose email address can be found in the contact section.
With luck, there'll be another update tonight.

Posted by: Golddess
Monday, 01-05-2004

In case you haven't noticed, the gallery now has a new picture feature, showing which persons gallery has been updated, when it was updated, and inside it even shows which pictures are the new ones.

Posted by: Golddess
Friday, 01-02-2004

The one and only news post for December has been archived. Hopefully, these will be more often and more informative in the future.
As for site news, this site has recently been registered to become a Final Fantasy XI Community Site. Just click the link to learn more. The next step, is to wait for Square Enix to review the site and determine if it is worthy.
Some new screenshots have been added to the gallery as well. If you want screenshots added, just send them my way. Contact information can be found from the contact link.
Lastly, some more webcomics have been added to the links section. Go check them out.