Xbox One and used games

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Xbox One and used games

Post by Alya Mizar (Tsybil) »

How its supposed to work. Maybe.

Microsoft reportedly to take cut on used Xbox One game sales

Fron c/net quoting U.K. gaming news site MCV.

So it isn't a takeover of the used game market. And there are reasonable reasons for it.

Doesn't mean it will sit well with the gaming public or sell many consoles.
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Re: Xbox One and used games

Post by Sugami »

Doesn't bother me, I buy 99% of my games new as I support the companies that make them. If I don't support them then I buy them used *cough*CapcomStreetFighterXTekkenDiskLockedContentBS*coughhack* :P

Now I'll read the article :P I probably will buy the XBox One though no doubt about a year or so after release.
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Re: Xbox One and used games

Post by Tivia »

So it got announced that not only does the One have the laundry list of anti consumer problems it already does but now this.. ... digitally/
The Xbox One Won’t Play 360 Games – Even Digitally
If you are expecting the Xbox One to be backwards compatible, you are going to be sorely disappointed. Not only will the new Xbox not play disks from the 360 or the original, it will not even be compatible with downloaded games.

This means that the nearly 1,000 games currently available for the Xbox 360 will be unavailable to Xbox One users, and it instantly puts the Xbox One’s library at a significant disadvantage compared to what the PlayStation 4 is capable of.

So we have an intrusive always on camera and mic that is required to even use the console.
Internet connectivity required once per day.
Anti used games practices that are just completely unacceptable.
Zero ability to upgrade your internal hard drive as an external usb drive is utter sh*t for the purpose they are proposing. Sorry but anyone in tech should realize that usb 3 while good for burst data writes is utterly useless for constant read/writes like a game requires. If they were just bent on not allowing people inside the unit, an eSATA port would have been acceptable.
And now No BC at all on any level in the face of Sony at least offering an option.

Honestly, anyone who buys the new Xbox at this point is just a retard.
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Re: Xbox One and used games

Post by Sugami »

Hey, you know what other console has no backwards compatibility? PS3 (and yes I'm aware the first version did have it but it had to be removed to cut down on cost). 360's backwards compatibility was pretty limited to start with and slowly grew. Go toot your Sony horn elsewhere :P

Honestly backwards compatibility isn't a big thing these days. Was great back in the days of PS2 but PS3 and 360 did well enough with limited to zero backwards compatibility. I kept back about 6 or so XBox games, only played one of them on my 360 and was for a very short period of time.
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Re: Xbox One and used games

Post by Tivia »

Don't worry, it isn't a Sony horn. I am still waiting on Sony to announce something equally retarded to eliminate themselves as well. As for the PS3, actually it is completely BC digitally with PSN bought games. They just eliminated BC for discs.

The point was that the complete lack of consideration from MS in the face of open competition is just unacceptable. Even ignoring the BC the Kinect sh*t alone is more than enough reason to never buy the thing.
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Re: Xbox One and used games

Post by Asphe »

You buy a new console to play new games. So the lack of backwards-compatibility is probably not that big a deal. If I want to play an Xbox360 game after buying the One... I'll buy an Xbox360... no doubt that will put even more $ in M$. Like how the PS3 ditched PS2 compatibility. Yes, it was cost... but not hardware cost per se, but software as in they felt that spending money to maintain the emulator needed was not worth it. So at the last moment, they ditched it. This, after working out how do in emulate an entire PS2 in software. One day, some lucky chinese hacker will no doubt find it...

From my perspective, it's not all the hoopla about the used games or the other 'I see you all the time' vulnerabilities... it's the incredibly low specs of this machine. What are they thinking? Going to use the always connected, must have broadband to implement cloud-computing on all One games?

So the PS4 will load games from a disc and so on. The One, will actually have much of a game's back-end on the cloud, i.e. DRM's holy-grail, and every game a Massively Singleplayer Online Game. Oh and put on your pants Sugami... like the One's camera won't ever get hacked. Simcity anyone?


In the meantime, lots of good games on Steam as well as other indie platforms. Long live the PC. And Tablet. And Phablet. And Phone. What's the most common operating system in use in the world? NOT Windows.
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Re: Xbox One and used games

Post by Tivia »

Not all of us want a ton of consoles cluttering up our TV area or sitting in storage for those odd games we want to replay. Which is why having at least the option of a digital download of said games is better than the "F U we aren't doing it period" attitude MS has.

That said, BC isn't a Deal killer for me as I don't have a huge library of 360 games I ever care to play again. The kinect thing however is.

On the Kinect, MS is now backpeddling on the whole always on thing. They are now saying it can be turned off. I still find myself skeptical as to the degree it will be off as it is still required to be plugged in, but I am willing to continue watching it now. My stance is pretty much that if it is optional then I shouldn't even have to plug the damn thing in.

We Shall See.
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Re: Xbox One and used games

Post by Amiricle »

Not so much backpedalling as damage control. Yea it can be turned off, but only when you're not using the system. The Xbox will still need the kinect on while running.
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Re: Xbox One and used games

Post by Alya Mizar (Tsybil) »

I get it.

"Of course you can turn off our monitoring software, just turn the box off"....

:roll: :? :roll:
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Re: Xbox One and used games

Post by Tivia »

Feel free to try and defend this now that it is official.

Countdown until Sony Announces something completely retarded themselves and destroys the next gen lead MS basically handed them on a silver platter.
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Re: Xbox One and used games

Post by Alya Mizar (Tsybil) »

This week it didn't just get worse, that was two weeks ago when Germany said they might have to ban it as too intrusive, almost a spy device.

Things got MUCH worse.

First the biggie, U.S. intelligence program secretly probes Internet servers. Choice excerpt:
Under the 6-year-old program, code-named PRISM, the FBI and National Security Agency have searched for emails, videos, photographs and other documents. The effort involves Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, Paltalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube and Apple
Now add this to the Kinect problem.... PeopleThink Microsoft's New Xbox Is Going To Spy On Them.

If you are online, the Xbox One can record your skin temp, pulse, and respiration rates, send the info to the big M, and the FBI can read it in real time. Or capture and store it.

:shock: Not that the government can do this, that the big M thinks, with or without the government's abilities, this is a good idea.
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Re: Xbox One and used games

Post by Asphe »

So for the PS3 vs XBox1. Sony's will be more powerful, cheaper, less restrictive but won't 'integrate' your TV/console/PC/cat/dog as much.


NSA's. It's 'only' metadata. A few years back, you were one paranoid kitteh if you accuse Uncle Sam of tracking your calls. Only it turned out to be true. What will be true in 5 years time?

PS Metadata? It's simply amazing what you can discern or deduce from this. That's why they wanted to do it. Just ask the palestinians or anyone fighting the US in Iraq/Afghanistan. It was 'magic' to them (and to some of us too). And the tools to do this... existed 10+ years ago (it cost my old company over a mil to buy one set... that we now can download of the web for free).
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Re: Xbox One and used games

Post by Tivia »

So in a surprising turn of events, Sony managed to keep their mouths shut and do exactly what they needed to do. They managed to make themselves look like the hero's and MS the Arch Villain, all while quietly announcing that PSN+ would be required for Multiplayer without so much as a peep of outrage. I don't believe anyone can rightfully argue against the fact that MS just completely lost touch with their customers and failed in pretty much every possible way.

Bravo sony..Bravo.

So while I certainly won't be buying one out the gate, I will probably eventually pick one up.
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Re: Xbox One and used games

Post by Alya Mizar (Tsybil) »

Tivia wrote:.... I don't believe anyone can rightfully argue against the fact that MS just completely lost touch with their customers....
Not lost touch, flat forgot who their customers are.

I believe they wanted to capture the living room and forgot just who would want to put it in their living room in the first place. They want it to be an integrated entrainment hub, a market segment that does not currently exist.

But I STILL don't understand the I'm watching you and you pay twice for used games parts.
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Re: Xbox One and used games

Post by Asphe »

Alya Mizar (Tsybil) wrote:
Tivia wrote:.... I don't believe anyone can rightfully argue against the fact that MS just completely lost touch with their customers....
Not lost touch, flat forgot who their customers are.

I believe they wanted to capture the living room and forgot just who would want to put it in their living room in the first place. They want it to be an integrated entrainment hub, a market segment that does not currently exist.

But I STILL don't understand the I'm watching you and you pay twice for used games parts.
Well from a dev/publisher's standpoint, consoles offer a stable platform to develop product while being resistant to DRM. M$ is thinking they can get away with being the lesser product (like how the Xbox 360 was, compared to the PS3) yet be the platform that devs/pubs will flock to.

Eventually, cloud-computing will be the norm too. If you play EVE for example, you're already doing something similar. Not only is this a MMO where all the 'back-end' is done on the 'cloud', but even your connectivity is done the same way (you go to a regional hub, then it's off to the central server from there). But hey, that's CCP... I wouldn't trust M$ to sell air... let alone this.

Well, I think this is a good trend. The big boys are becoming more like the China of old, thus leaving the field wide open for the indies. Hopefully. Who've thunk that a search engine company would build the dominant OS in the world. Or that the 'Office' in your office won't be MS Office in most of the world. Played a Unity engine game recently? Ever hear of Photon network services?
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Re: Xbox One and used games

Post by Tivia »

Asphe wrote:
Alya Mizar (Tsybil) wrote:
Tivia wrote:.... I don't believe anyone can rightfully argue against the fact that MS just completely lost touch with their customers....
Not lost touch, flat forgot who their customers are.

I believe they wanted to capture the living room and forgot just who would want to put it in their living room in the first place. They want it to be an integrated entrainment hub, a market segment that does not currently exist.

But I STILL don't understand the I'm watching you and you pay twice for used games parts.
Well from a dev/publisher's standpoint, consoles offer a stable platform to develop product while being resistant to DRM. M$ is thinking they can get away with being the lesser product (like how the Xbox 360 was, compared to the PS3) yet be the platform that devs/pubs will flock to.

Eventually, cloud-computing will be the norm too. If you play EVE for example, you're already doing something similar. Not only is this a MMO where all the 'back-end' is done on the 'cloud', but even your connectivity is done the same way (you go to a regional hub, then it's off to the central server from there). But hey, that's CCP... I wouldn't trust M$ to sell air... let alone this.

Well, I think this is a good trend. The big boys are becoming more like the China of old, thus leaving the field wide open for the indies. Hopefully. Who've thunk that a search engine company would build the dominant OS in the world. Or that the 'Office' in your office won't be MS Office in most of the world. Played a Unity engine game recently? Ever hear of Photon network services?
Except most of the Indies are on the PS4 platform..Other than that less than trivial fact it sounded good. Sorry, but nothing about what MS is going is a "Good" trend and everyone but the most staunch supporters realize it.
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Re: Xbox One and used games

Post by Asphe »

It shows you where they think the money is.

Take M$ for example with the Xbox360.

They haven't reached 100 mil XB360s yet, it's around 75 mil. ... -360-Sales

Of those, 75 mil XB360s, about... 45 mil? ... 56-percent and that's after a big jump in sales. Of that number, around 26 mil are gold accounts.

So 75 mil consoles. Of which only 45 mil have online access... and about half of those were willing to pay for Gold.

This is a console that started retailing (and RRoDing) in 2005.

Ok M$, I guess you did the math and figured that 10% of your console owners spend 90% of the money that comes your way. And this is the result. As in, less than 1/3 of our XB360 customers are the type that would 'fully utilise' a XB One. BTW, during the presentation, they were bandying a '1.5 MBps' as the 'acceptable minimum' for the console for most things. Over half the US pop does NOT have that kind of bandwidth. The two countries that DO have that kind of high-bandwith... S.Korea and Japan... oh.. not launching the One over there? Lol?

Not that Sony isn't like that too. PSN is free... now. Look up any MP game for the PS4... it's pay to play. You'll need their version of the XBL gold account for MP.

So... is FF14 going to be playable on the PS4? Lol?


It's not like they forgot who their customers are (the NSA isn't the only company that does data-mining after all, heck half the tools available are either from M$ or Google or ex-employees of both). They've just decided that to go after the fat-cats, the high-rollers... we 'uns will probably have to depend on the PC and Kickstarter.

Cloud-gaming is like On-Live. They can say all they want. It's like folk in the 1960's predicting that we'd have air-cars today. The net isn't getting much better, and with golden shield this and that, there's no guarantee that it improve soon. That's why I'm kinda miffed SE doesn't just go for the niche players. They are still spouting off 'casual' and stuff. Kinda forgot how FFXI is. They should just dump FF14, use the engine and update FFXI. On the other paw, they'll go too far and make it F2P... you can camp the ghost... or get the cloak for 1000 crystals!
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Re: Xbox One and used games

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Re: Xbox One and used games

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Re: Xbox One and used games

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