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Thinking about lvling new job, suggestions?

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 9:18 pm
by Ambrey
I've been thinking of lvling a new job when Im not in my static party with my dragoon. Been contemplating lvling ranger but I wanted all ur kittys input and any advice on either lvling the ranger job or should I lvl another job and if so which one? I have unlocked all job except summoner. Any thoughts? :shock:

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 9:25 pm
by Klenath
Ranger is expensive, especially after 20 since it's normal to sub NIN for Utsusemi (and hence, you gotta level NIN). Ranger gets expensive later for the good bows and eventually ammo.

Thief is horrid before level 15, but once you've hit 15 you get Sneak Attack and the world is a happy place!

White Mage and Black Mage are always in demand, but the spells are expensive and unlike armor, can't be re-sold to recoup their cost. Also, some mage equipment is quite expensive. White Mage is good for farming elementals though since they hate Banish / Banish II.

Bard is a guaranteed party, but as melee and taking hits they royally stink. I wouldn't farm as a Bard if I valued my life.

Beastmaster is a loner job, so if you want to not be bothered with people you should level Beastmaster.

Paladin is wanted if there's ever a need for a tank, and Mithra are pretty good tanks.

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 9:30 pm
by Tivia
Summoner is a Very entertaining diversion..always something different to do, especially with how avatar abilities can skill chain and MB now.

White mage, always a group..some people say its boring, I find myself very much enjoying it..yes the spells are costly.

Rdm, Good for farming..Interesting job..seems to be able to solo reasonably well also.

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 11:43 pm
by Ambrey
Well, if i was to lvl ranger at least my thf is 15, nin is 22 and rdm is 30 heh so i do have a slight advantage, not much but just enough to get me to at least 30 I think. Thanks you two for the input, if anyone else can think of any other suggestions I am all ears, thanks for ur time! :D

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 10:49 am
by Nivez
ill give you your answer you desire, lvl warrior, reasons are simple.

1. smashing things with a greataxe is fun
2. you dont HAVE to have a ninja sub, monk and thief work just fine if your using the greataxe
3. wars have no spells, just armor, which can be sold back whenever, effectifly (assuming a static market) you will not lose much if any gil.
4. war is a good subjob for your main anyway.
5. oh, did i mention its fun^^

well thats just my 2 gil, now im off to pass out^^

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 1:15 pm
by Nicole
I agree with Nivez. WAR is a really fun job (or at least to me, it is), whether you duel wield two axes or Sneak Attack Sturmwind. Its not expensive one bit, even if you sub NIN :lol:
Their AF is really nice on Mithra, too :P

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 6:19 pm
by Gwynn
Nicole wrote:Their AF is really nice on Mithra, too :P
As the Representative RDM, and to a lesser extent THF, on this site I must also mention that Thief AF looks uuber on Mithra... it's Second only to Mithra in Red Mage AF. (it's the hat... the hat makes the outfit.)

Realistically though, After a while DRG becomes the percieved redheaded stepchild of damage dealing. The only real good way to counteract that perception is to go Samurai. With the TP bonuses you'll get from SAM subbed to your DRG at your level, you'll be pentathrusting every 5 hits. Besides, Polearm Samurai Rock. Must faster than G.Kat even if they don't look as cool.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 12:55 pm
by Poekie
I'd say Beastmaster, as you can solo or decide to team up with other players as you wish (if they want you ofcourse).

Problem is you'll most likely want to sub whm and I see you haven't got that one levelled so that would mean more jobs to level :/

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 3:40 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
I think RDM is about the most fun one can have in this game without going cyber. I could be accused of bias here, but I have 3 other characters, in other fields.

A lot of fun with WAR/MNK. When you tank, there is ALWAYS something to do. If you don't like tanking, WAR/TFH is great as well.

RNG is fairly cheap to get to 20, especally if you are leveling woodworking. My other Mithra, Chanti, is currently leveling as SAM/RNG and that is a blast too. Except for the going blind trying to read skillchain charts. The lack of a back up Provoke kinda hurts a bit.

THF is useful, THF is fun, THF/MNK and a good set of claws is truly impresive.

Re: Thinking about lvling new job, suggestions?

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2024 9:49 am
by xaresity

Re: Thinking about lvling new job, suggestions?

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2024 3:09 pm
by xaresity