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Saint's Row 2 Screwups.

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:28 am
by Karou Ariyen
Waited so long for this, My hubby did too becuase it's on PS3. His copy keeps freezing. And my 360 doesn't have the processing power to get unstuck during the opening prison break. I am not paying 400 for an elite to get this game to work.

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 7:32 am
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
That's somewhat of a wow.... :shock:

I am surprised the big M would release or allow to be released a game that over 1/2 its platforms can't run.

It will bring them nothing but unhappy customers.

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:41 am
by Shirai
Saint's row is not really my type of game.
But still it's quite saddening to read that they release a game that is too heavy for the platform it is released on.

Might just be a bug in the game itself which would be patched later on, but still sad to read that they release games that even have bugs that make it unplayable on the core systems.

Karou, your hubby plays on PS3?

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 2:30 am
by Karou Ariyen
THQ Knew this would happen, and because it's multiple platform, Microsoft knew nothing about it until launch. The forums tell me that my system is old and dying and I need a new system to play it. But my refurbished Premium system is modified to never Red Ring again. I spent 200 to fix microsoft's hardware issues. Now I have to spend money to buy a new 360 to play this. For now, Saint's Row 2 sits on my game rack above my bed.

I couldn't get past the opening prison break. No cops would spawn to trigger the cutscene during the boat chase. So here I sit. An asian gangbanger with purple tipped dreadlocks and no game to play. I am quite saddened over this. Thankfully Fallout 3 still works so I'm going to work on that.

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 6:31 am
by Ryuune
I keep hearing about the game freezing a lot. But from what i've seen my bf's copy has only frozen once. Could just be a bad disc for the ps3.

Re: Saint's Row 2 Screwups.

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2024 4:45 am
by xaresity

Re: Saint's Row 2 Screwups.

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2024 10:13 am
by xaresity