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MithraPride Expaditionary Force (PLEASE READ)

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 12:53 pm
by Creve
One of the problems with MithraPride during the beta was that some of the Mithra were not from Windhurst. I for one was from Sandy and though I would love to be from sandy again...I am going to make sure I start out in Windy.

If we all start in the same city it will allow us to conquer faster, conquer better in a party, gain more CP faster, and it allows us form an Expaditionary Force (a thingy in the game which requires dedication) without having to search out the assitance of others (nearly impossible in the case of an EF).

It may seem weak to some that we rely on ourselves and stick to one city but the gameplay in FFXI shows that this would actually allow our LS to function at full capacity.

PS: This is not to say that we should all stick around windy but that we should be citizens of windy.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 2:40 pm
by Cyndari
I wasn't from Windy myself, I was from Bastok. I had decided a while back though that I was going to start in Windurst for retail because Bastok is so goddamn bleak. Except for the Bastok itself, everything around Bastok is dead and withered :x I had thought about Sandoria but the NPCs are too snooty if youre not an Elvaan. Windurst is to me is fun place to level, it looks nice, and even the music is cool. The only thing that will suck is I dont know any of the Windy missions, but I can go to some of your sites for help with that. :wink: A plus side is that we will get the Windurst Ring at the start, cause when I started in Bastok I got nothing :shock:

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 3:56 pm
by Mystiana
EF's were why the WindurstAlliance was created. MithraPride was started in Bastok, and had Mithras from all over the world. I liked that. It all goes back to "What should MithraPride be known for?"

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 6:09 am
by Amiricle
Reasons Why we should all be from Windurst:
1) It is the Mithran homeland in Vana'Diel (besides Kazham, but you cant start in Kazham)
2) Starting in your races homeland will get you the nations ring to start with. (You wont get a ring if you are a mithra in Bastok or San'dOria)
3) Conquest points - little known fact - You get more points per kill when in a group of the same nation - smaller known fact - you get even more CP when in group of same race as a 6 Windurstian Mithran group will seriously rake in the conquest points!)
4) "What should MithraPride be known for?" Mithras! and since mithras live in Windurst Woods..........

Sorry but I won't be joining you on this venture...

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 7:48 am
by Fayin
I will be starting in Windurst to get my ring, but the second I have 40k gil, I'm switching the Bastok. Sure the newbie land is the ugliest two zones in the game, but you know what? I won't be leveling there past 13 and I'll get to 13 super fast because it's a damn good newbie land. I can see long and far, quads don't hide behind outcroppings (since there are none), and if I look at my map to plan my route, I know it's sound. Unlike some other zones... *cough* East Saruta *cough*

And second, Windust as a city sucks, basically. I do not like running a marathon just to get to where I need to go. I can zone into Bastok Markets, hit my house, a generic shop to sell some loot, the AH to put stuff up for sale, and be out in about 10 minutes. Double that in Windurst where I have to zone to the Walls to sell, and run through a rat maze to get to the AH, then sprint a mile to my house...

Sorry for ranting. I don't like Windurst, and will change to Bastok as soon as feasable so I can get back to my roots, and get my other ring.

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 4:51 pm
by Mystiana
Windurst's open design can easily be conquered with the Mog House multi-exit quest. Once I had done that, I never complained about it again. I also don't like how Bastok hides the magic store 'hella far' from the other stores and the AH :P

Besides, why do you have to change nationality to level in Bastok? I leveled up the white mage there, and had double the CP for my efforts. Win-win if you ask me.

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 6:13 pm
by Fayin
I'm not going to change just so I can level up there, I'm changing becaue I like Bastok the most, and to get my ring.

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 8:43 pm
by Cyndari
Thats ok Fayin, tel ya what we'll trade Mog Houses. I'll take yours in Windurst and you can have mine in Bastok :wink: :mrgreen: Bastok is a great city, but I hate the surrounding area so much that once I left I rarely went back(basically only for missions). When I leveled my new characters I went to Windy. I agree when I first got there it was a major pain in the butt havin to walk all over the place, but like Firemyst said once you did the multi-exit quest it was a breeze getting around.

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2003 10:45 pm
by Lamyenie
i also disliked the run everywhere in windy but while i lvled up in west sarbaturu i just zoned back into waters, sold the lesser stuff at the flower pot shop, ran a little ways back north and down the stairs to the lil teleporting taru that took me to the chocobo stables in woods, short run to AH then back to taru to go back to waters then back out to west sarb. not that bad unless you need to hit the weapon/armor/magic shop but that in itself isn't too bad a run. now if they could add a lil teleporting taru to go from port to woods.... (unless they had one and i just didn't find him.)

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2003 9:22 am
by Toralynn
I believe they did... I think I recall finding a teleporting tarutaru for all areas of Windurst. I like the idea for MP to be in Windurst, but I also believe it's not necessary... A good idea though might be to insure there is a sack holder in each nation? That way we could always just do little MP EFs and not worry about the other nations... either way, I've chosen Windurst since the beta because it's so beautiful and I found it easier than any other are to find my way about especially with my Moogle home and the teleportation tarutaru, plus I didn't mind running. ^.^ It helps you be more social with others around you.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2003 12:04 pm
by Syine
There are two pairs of Tarus. One takes you between the small patio east of the Opistery in Windurst Waters and the southwest corner of the chocobo stable alcove. The other takes you between the east end of the roof of the Windurst Walls auction house, and the roof of the Orastery in Port Windurst.

Of course, the real answer to long walks in Windurst is to give Ojha Rhawash near the Residental Area entrance from Windurst Walls a lilac, so you can choose which area to exit your mog house to. :)


Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2003 7:23 am
by Tigara
Sorry when i come back in March i will be part of Bastok the country fits me with all the details that most dont like it for.
I am a Basokian Mithra.

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 11:38 pm
by Toralynn
Welcome home Tigara! :)

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 12:32 pm
by Ishe
I'm Sandorian at heart (was Sandorian in beta, not to mention ronfaure is just beautiful), but I chose Windy as my home for retail just because it's more convenient (and for the ring ^^).

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 2:36 pm
by Blightinnos
I would just like to point out, as all of you already know due to my escapdes without a chocobo that i hate bastok and gustaberg with a passion. Without a map gusta berg becomes very confusing without a map becuase EVERYTHIGN LOOKS THE SAME! I love windy, and the free ring is just a bonus to me. And about getting around windy, there are W.W.'s that can warp you 2 zones over, i found that really cool ={D!

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 9:31 am
by Fayin
Map of Gustaburg region runs ya what? 200g? At least the map is accurate. :p