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SE: We need laser cannon boobies now!!!

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 8:28 pm
by Keavy
Seriously. That is the only thing SE could do to Mithra to make us even cooler than we are now.

Just imagine what life would be like with laser cannon boobies. Mob aggros you. You turn around, lift up your top, and your laser cannon boobies vaporize the mob and the rest of the mobs sh*t themselves out of fear of the laser cannon boobies. Say /goodbye to aggro.

Plus, it would be a great deterrent to the peeps that want to cyber and for those that do cyber it would make things a lot more interesting. :lol:

So if you're like me and want laser cannon boobies in the next update make your voice heard! Say it loud and say it proud.

Thank you. /bow.

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 8:55 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
Sorry but Lazar Cannon Boobies will come in when we get the Fembot job, not before.

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 9:20 pm
by Rishutlaw
Interesting, but the ability to be male mithras would be a lot better to me. I'd just like to be the same gender I am i real life. Until t happens laser cannon bobies would be good too.

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 9:38 pm
by Eviticus
I'd have to agree, I'd pick the ability to be a catboy over lazer boobies.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 3:01 am
by Keavy
Why does no one share my vision of a world with laser cannon breasts?

What the hell is wrong with you people?!?

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 6:32 am
by Kahvi
maybe once they make flash a racial ability of characters with bald heads.. >.>;;

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 11:20 am
by Sugami

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 6:28 pm
by Tivia
But lasers would make them..hard and...bleh

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 8:28 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
Not to mention the potential for burns if they overheat or get "jammed" somehow...

/crosses arms protectively over her boobies

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 11:50 pm
by Keavy
Well, its better than where Sugami wants us to shoot lasers from :shock:

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 11:57 am
by Sugami
Our mouths? What's wrong with that? At least won't burn your clothes (or have to get naked).

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 12:06 pm
by Finwich
I already shoot lasers from my eyes. I don't see the need in boobie cannons as well. That would be a lot of extraneous firepower.

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 7:14 pm
by Keavy
Sugami wrote:Our mouths? What's wrong with that? At least won't burn your clothes (or have to get naked).
I really should have watched that video again before posting that.

See, the way I remembered it the cats shot lasers out of their butts.

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 8:53 pm
by Rishutlaw
Keavy wrote:
Sugami wrote:Our mouths? What's wrong with that? At least won't burn your clothes (or have to get naked).
I really should have watched that video again before posting that.

See, the way I remembered it the cats shot lasers out of their butts.
Or other female reproductive organ down there. :roll:

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 1:36 am
by Keavy
Rishutlaw wrote:
Keavy wrote:
Sugami wrote:Our mouths? What's wrong with that? At least won't burn your clothes (or have to get naked).
I really should have watched that video again before posting that.

See, the way I remembered it the cats shot lasers out of their butts.
Or other female reproductive organ down there. :roll:
Laser cannon boobies > Laser cannon crotch.

Wait...if we had laser cannons in our crotches we wouldn't be females!

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 4:43 am
by Kintrra
Laser cannon boobies are bad, I like my boobs to be nice, soft, and gropeable. ;;

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 5:44 am
by Fiye

I'd say we look in other areas. Perhaps... we add lasers to our eyes first of all. Just look and fire. Nothing couldn't be easier.

Secondly. I request Mithra ears to be upgraded with radar capability.

And finally. I request that male Mithra be added, and an option given to allow any and all Mithra to drop their disguises.

While you're at it. Remove the laser eyes and radar ears from the male races, and just give them the ability to resist gay relationships.

So that way the remaining male mithra pop doesn't become gay, thus preventing the dooming of the mithran population on Vana'diel.

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 12:50 pm
by Sugami
Yeah that'd be true to an extent... :oops:

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 4:07 pm
by Kahvi
Wait a second! Does that mean the male i have locked in my mog house will be allowed outside? unsupervised?


((now edited with 10% less ultimate suffering))

Re: SE: We need laser cannon boobies now!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2024 5:31 pm
by xaresity

Re: SE: We need laser cannon boobies now!!!

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2024 11:09 pm
by xaresity