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Promathia Mission Battlefield Adjustments!

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 11:35 am
by Fiye
Play Online wrote:In response to many player requests, we are planning to adjust the difficulty of the Chains of Promathia missions in the upcoming version update, as well as introduce a new experience point reward upon the completion of a mission battlefield.
  • Adjustments to Difficulty
Particularly challenging Chains of Promathia battlefields, such as those that appear in the Promyvion areas (Holla, Dem, Mea, Vahzl), and the missions "Flames for the Dead" and "The Warrior's Path", will have their difficulty level toned down. These adjustments will include changes to monster level and placement.
We also hope that the following changes to items used specifically against Chains of Promathia enemies will encourage players to brave the dangers found in the mission battlefields.

-Rare/Ex Properties
The special items introduced for use against enemies found within the Chains of Promathia battlefields will have their "Ex" properties removed, allowing these items, such as psychoanima and mistmelt, to be put up for auction. Certain items will also have the "Rare" property removed, allowing players to carry multiples of the same item.
  • Experience Point Rewards
After changes made in the March 8 version update, players no longer lose experience when being KO'd within a Chains of Promathia mission battlefield. In the upcoming version update, players will also be rewarded with experience points (or limit points) upon the successful completion of a battlefield. The experience point reward will be slightly less than the amount received for ENM quests, but it will be possible for players to obtain this new reward once every Earth day.
These changes will provide a tangible benefit for those who have completed a Chains of Promathia battlefield and wish to aid other players with their first attempts.
Finally. Now I can just buy Anima! Thank you Square!

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 2:57 pm
by Eviticus
...pretty easy to farm them. Hell, I might actually give that a try. Some people will do anything to beat a promy.

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 3:53 pm
by JediKitsune
Toning down the Promy bosses is completely unnecessary... They're tough, but with a competent team you shouldn't ever have to panic. A few Anima help too... I suppose it'll be nice to be able to buy them, but how much will they go for?

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 4:53 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
After the intial mark-up, probably between 2-5k I'd think.

I agree- I think its completely unneccesary to make the prommies easier yet again. Snoll Tzar and Tenzen (Flames for the Dead and Warrior's Path fights) are pretty damned simple already with a balanced group and the right items. Countless people for years have made it Sea and CoP completion so its not like the fights are broken, so why "fix" them?

Honestly, if people weren't interested in going through CoP before, I don't see how this will change their minds and I think SE is doing the player base a bit of a disservice with this. For the new players or people just starting CoP- if the first fights become even easier then they are, I think a lot of people won't be prepared for the Minotaur, Diabolos or any of the other fights that are hard and just give up the first time they wipe to them.

One change I do like is getting exp/limit points from the fights now- and it doesn't sound like it's going to be a measly 350 exp per win either. Maybe something closer to 1k exp granted like with besieged?

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 7:38 pm
by Sugami
I think they should make Ouryu easier >.>

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 10:04 pm
by Keavy
Maybe with the change I'll finally get a win in Promy-Holla.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 3:25 am
by Fiye
Well, I just beat Promyvion - Vahzl.

What I think they'll do is tone down the TP spam near the end of the fights, expend the time before the Snoll blows up, and tone down his damage output, and restrain Tenzen from using his 4th tier WS.

I'm just guessing is all.

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 8:27 pm
by Okuza
I can't believe they're making any of the promies easier -- they're already so easy they're boring. I can understand making the snoll easier, though. The "DPS test" BCs are all quite ill conceived, since many jobs are completely unsuitable for that kind of BC.

Changing the BCs around a little to not force everyone to have 4-5 jobs leveled up to 60 would be really nice. I like BCs that require good teamwork and strategy instead of "just have the right jobs and you win automatically".

We never had any issues with the Tenzen fight, but I recall several people that got road-blocked there. It's another of those "job-requirement" fights (a pet job and stunners help out a lot).

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 2:12 am
by Keavy
Changes to RoZ that make it easier to get people to do RoZ NM fights would be nice. I've heard its damn near impossible to get Sky now.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 5:10 am
by Fiye
I've been able to push along steadily. Just shot down Ulmia and Lou paths. Just need to gather up people for Tenzen and I'm good.

As far as battle go. Honestly. CoP isn't that bad. You could level up a DD/pet job as you go along, but it does suck that some jobs suck ass for it.

But, I must remind you, there are quite a few main jobs thats sucked in FF3, 5, 6, and 9. I mean how many people used Hunter in FF5 besides the idea of getting the !X-Fight command.

Trust me, compare FFXI to the other FF titles. You'll find more than enough similarities.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 12:55 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
Keavy wrote:Changes to RoZ that make it easier to get people to do RoZ NM fights would be nice. I've heard its damn near impossible to get Sky now.

Those fights are easy- and I'm not talking as a 75 here either. I went through those missions for Sky when I was 65. The group of friends I went with had one person over 70 (a 72 RDM) and for the last 3 fights we did it with 5 people since our BLM went MIA on us.

No, the reason why people find it hard to obtain Sky now isn't becasue of the fight difficulty- its because a lot of people just aren't willing to help, or to do the fights over again for strangers, as well as Sky is no longer the endgame mainstay it once was.

Most surviving older endgame shells (quite a few keep losing members every month) on my server have been slowly moving away from Sky and focusing more on Sea, Dynamis, Salvage and Assault.

Its not uncommon to see only 2-3 legit Sky linkshells up there now.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 1:02 pm
by Finwich
Ok, the Snoll fight is wicked evil...

However, Tenzen is SO easy.

I can't wait to have more incomeptant players running around...

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 4:01 pm
by Kahvi
Keavy wrote:Changes to RoZ that make it easier to get people to do RoZ NM fights would be nice. I've heard its damn near impossible to get Sky now.
You just need a good group of dedicated friends to help you.
I got sky with this one group of insane LS mates of mine...
(but many of us swore to never go back to Ifrit's Cauldron again for that Opo-opo fight)

But anyway. Making the RoZ fights easier would mean more groups of those RMT n00bs could flood Sky again if they didnt all go to Sea yet.

I can't wait to get a group together for Divine Might ^_^
thats gonna rock sooooo hard.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 6:49 pm
by Okuza
Keavy wrote:Changes to RoZ that make it easier to get people to do RoZ NM fights would be nice. I've heard its damn near impossible to get Sky now.
You're joking, aren't you? We can do zero to sky in a day without hardly trying; most of the time is spent running around. The fights are a joke. Even DM, which was once considered the "hardest BC in the game" is damn easy by comparison to some of the COP fights. We did one a bit ago and afterwards everyone was kinda "uh, that was supposed to be hard?"

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 12:05 am
by Fiye
Okuza wrote:We did one a bit ago and afterwards everyone was kinda "uh, that was supposed to be hard?"
I did DM as a 68 WHM/32 BLM and went 1/1 on it and said the very same thing.

The thing with DM, is that if you can get smart enough people, several tanks, and have the DD focus on one AA at a time. It'll go down like Mammet fight. Though, AA EV almost wiped out asses on the floor until we healed and went all out.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 5:30 am
by Keavy
I just want to finish the storylines for the achievements.

Also, because I like the storylines.

P.S. All RoZ experience is second-hand. Mainly stuff I've heard from other people.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 8:15 am
by Kintrra
I'm 0/5 on DM, so yeah...."isn't that hard"....riiiiiight. :x

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 12:54 pm
by Fiye
Kintrra wrote:I'm 0/5 on DM, so yeah...."isn't that hard"....riiiiiight. :x
xD. Here's what you gotta do with DM.

Bring ALOT of tanks. More than likely blink tankers, or paladins.

Kiting helps ALOT!

And have enough DD so you can kill the Tarutaru within a minute of engaging.

As long as you do that, and bring about 3 white mages, and make sure EVERYONE has a reraise hairpin. You'll be good.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 5:37 pm
by Okuza
If you can, do DM only with players that have completed COP. Actually, if you can, only play with people that have completed COP. Honestly, COP is like a test for player skill. If you tell a random person "this is hard" they'll just say "yeah, whatever" and things likely won't work out.

If you tell a COP-completed player "this is hard", they focus really quick. They bring all the required consumables without arguing. They don't try to sneak into an event without being prepared just because they're too cheap to do things right. A COP-player will spend time to level all the required subjobs and even main-jobs just for a BC. Non-COP will whine endlessly about "but shihei costs too much" or "I don't have sub/nin" or "is drk really needed for sub as rdm?" or ... it goes on and on.

It's really a night and day difference between COP & non-COP. It's a generallization, but I've found it to be a damn accurate indication of player skill. Also, you still run into the same percentage of asshats, but at least they're skilled asshats. >.>

Anyway, we had heard it was supposed to be hard and everyone had completed COP, so we had several strategies in place and ready for every situation that could come up. We went in the first time with a "no 2H's test run" plan just so we could adjust our strategies later to any problems we discovered.

Then we won on our first "test" try. If you don't take DM seriously, it will own you. If you do, it will be very easy. It's definitely NOT nearly as hard as some of the more difficult PMs.

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 6:13 am
by Kintrra
Okuza wrote:If you can, do DM only with players that have completed COP. Actually, if you can, only play with people that have completed COP.
If that were an option, I'd agree, however, since I've yet to complete it myself (mostly due to lack of people and the fact that I have a severe distrust of shouted-together groups), that's not really a good standard to hold for myself. ._.;

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 11:04 am
by Sugami
Player skill? Sounds more like player dedication to me.

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 4:08 pm
by Okuza
Sugami wrote:Player skill? Sounds more like player dedication to me.
Pretty much the same thing for FFXI. It's not really a "skill" game in the manual dexterity sense. FFXI skill comes in the form of judgment and preparation -- heavy on the preparation. Those that lack the temperament for doing things that require forethought, planning, and a lot of work before you actually attempt what you want to accomplish can still have a lot of fun in FFXI. They just aren't fun to have around on the harder events -- even to the point of being a detriment to the group.

Re: Promathia Mission Battlefield Adjustments!

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2024 5:25 pm
by xaresity

Re: Promathia Mission Battlefield Adjustments!

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2024 11:04 pm
by xaresity