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New expansion announced: Wings of the Goddess

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 2:15 pm
by Shirai

Not much info has been released yet, but as far as I could see this expansion will show us the way Vana'diel looked during the era of the crystal war.

I do hope myself this storyline will connect to the main storyline, CoP and Zilart.
And not be the great disapointment I call treasures of Aht Urhgan.

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 2:52 pm
by JediKitsune
Kickass. WoW has done the whole "going back in time" thing already, but I'm certainly not tired of it.

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 3:20 pm
by Kintrra
JediKitsune wrote:Kickass. WoW has done the whole "going back in time" thing already, but I'm certainly not tired of it.
I'm guessing that's what Burning Crusades was for WoW?

And yes, I watched the teaser movie for this, and it looks to be VERY interesting. I'm thinking we'll possibly have portals in certain places to transport us between times. But still, this could kick a whole LOT of tail. =^.^=

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 3:24 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
Oh my. I wasn't expecting them to announce a new expansion yet.

I've actually enjoyed the new characters and how it hasn't connected to the other expansions yet. The Near East stayed out of the Crystal War so it does make sense that there is little connection between this expansion and the others- although I do hope SE brings the Far East into the story at some point since there's supposed to be a war going on with them.

Wonder how they're going to connect "the past" with the present- have it be like the dynamis areas?

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 3:35 pm
by Mystiana
The North American name is "Wings of the Goddess" instead of Altana specifically. Interesting.

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 3:45 pm
by JediKitsune
Kintrra wrote:
JediKitsune wrote:Kickass. WoW has done the whole "going back in time" thing already, but I'm certainly not tired of it.
I'm guessing that's what Burning Crusades was for WoW?

And yes, I watched the teaser movie for this, and it looks to be VERY interesting. I'm thinking we'll possibly have portals in certain places to transport us between times. But still, this could kick a whole LOT of tail. =^.^=
Well, it's one thing that they added. Outland is all new stuff, but there's also a new set of instances, in... Tanaris I think, in a place called the Caverns of Time that are all recreations of historical battles in WarCraft history.

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 4:52 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)

Many scenes we have seen, a few we haven't.

Did anyone else notice the bit where a gate to a Jeuno bridge had the porticlus down?

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 5:55 pm
by Shirai
Firemyst wrote:The North American name is "Wings of the Goddess" instead of Altana specifically. Interesting.
Ah yes, corrected.

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 7:02 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
I did notice that, wasn't sure if it was Jueno or San d'oria though- or even a new area.

The "before" images were what interested me the most. It'll be nice if we can see/go to Tavanazia or Davoi before they were destroyed.

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 7:14 pm
by Rishutlaw
Nice! I'll probably end up buying it whether it's good or bad.

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 7:44 pm
by Shirai
ScarlettPheonix wrote:I did notice that, wasn't sure if it was Jueno or San d'oria though- or even a new area.

The "before" images were what interested me the most. It'll be nice if we can see/go to Tavanazia or Davoi before they were destroyed.
Funny part,


Around the San d'Oria mission 9-1 you learn that Tavnazia was a part of the mainland around Valkurm Dunes but got torn away from the mainland and became an island far to the west because of a large explosion during the crystal war.

You also learn what caused the explosion and ruptured the diplomatic relationship between Tavnazia and San d'Oria and their churches.
(Also the whm AF story has a little info regarding this.)
(Even a lot more as you advance in CoP.)
(Also the stone monument quest in Selbina gives a lot of info about the history of Vana'diel's zones.)

Seeing the small cutscenes of recognizable zones looking completely different. (Saruta even looked like from the time where the Kuluu and Zilart roamed the world with the Horutoto ruins tower looking intact.)(Also CoP references)

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 11:54 pm
by Tianshii
Oh yes! The stone monument quest is really interesting... it's kinda "long" but the snippets of story you get while doing the quest make it worthwhile in my opinion.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 1:09 am
by Fiye
Interesting... I can see this building upon RotZ and CoP easily.

Treasure of Aht Urhgan in my opinion is forever stand alone. Why? Its like Anarchy Online's Shadowlands. Its a completely new and higher level area that tough as fucking hell. And its not a few zones here and there. Its an entire landmass of its own.

This I can see expanding either to the west. Which Tenzen claims to have been overrun by the Emptiness. Which can throw us into the pre-crystal war era.

*Watches video*

A story once lost... is about to be retold.

Alright... history's making a comeback. And alot of zones are going to get the makeover they've deserved

I can imagine the Beastman vs. "The people of Vana'Diel" war coming up again.

Hell, we might even see Signet becoming another Sanction. Which will be interesting as fucking hell.

Aht Urhgan didn't let down. Its the best expansion out of three... content wise. As far as story Chains of Promathia owns your pants like no tomorrow. RotZ just added 4 awesome-as-fucking-hell jobs and 25 levels.

P.S. Its not early. Its actually late. Its been a year since ToAU came out. As my aunt, who does work at Blizzard told me. Blizzard aims to release one expansion pack every year. I think SE's taking their sweet time to make sure there's little to no bugs in this one.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 3:17 pm
by Vatrina
Ehh, there'll always be bugs and little quirks to work out. It's 7 months "late" because SE's diverted a part of their FFXI development group to their new MMORPG. Anyone else notice that updates have gone from one every 2 months to one every 3?

But anyway, I'm hoping they don't make it like Aht Urghan, fast, easy xp on mobs with little to no defense making for high level idiots. Storywise, something as in-depth as CoP would be great, but without having to go through the entire thing just to get access.

Aht Urghan was a good expansion for its ease of access. CoP was good for its depth (even tho I haven't and will probably never complete it.) The two may be complete opposites, but I'm hoping that Wings of the Goddess merges the best parts of them.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 12:41 am
by ScarlettPheonix
Depends on your definition of "Late" I guess- ToAU wasn't released until CoP had been out nearly two years, so going by that- the announcement is early :p

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 2:24 am
by Fiye
Two years? Well... I suppose it took AO two weeks to release an expansion similiar to FFXI's ToAU.

I'm hoping they'll introduce some more PvP elements in their fifth expansion. I'm really tired of beating down on Imps (Even though they are the worse things I have yet to face) or Cobliri for that matter.

Edit: *Watches video with sound*

Alright. Two things I'll note.

A.) The new music they showed off will probably be Vana'Diel march #5.

B.) I think this expansion will be CoP style. We'll get more story, alot of missions, and a few zones/equipment/HNMs stronger than AV.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 5:05 am
by Keavy
Relevant to those like myself who are on 360: MS announced all expansions from this point forward will be exclusive to XBL Marketplace and will include an additional 250 Gamerscore points per expansion.

So expect to pay 2400 XBLM points and get an additional 250 GS points that you will probably obtain through completing story mode (Depending on how SE decides to work out the achievements for WotG) so yeah, I am hella excited.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 7:20 pm
by Sugami
So 360 users won't buy any more discs? How do achievements work for FFXI? Always wondered :lol:

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 9:15 am
by Keavy
Sugami wrote:So 360 users won't buy any more discs? How do achievements work for FFXI? Always wondered :lol:
For the current ones: After meeting the requirements full list is here you go to any of the Bards that change your title for a fee and at the bottom of their list it says something like "Unlock achievements" and when that is selected it shows you what achievements have been earned and can be unlocked.

Select, and then you get the "Achievement unlocked" pop-up and the points are added to your gamerscore.

First time you log in to FFXI through XBL you have to tie your gamertag to your account. Its a one-time deal and can never be undone or changed. Probably to keep people from boosting their friend's gamerscores with their account.

I have no idea how achievements will be handled in WotG. Probably either the same as they currently are. If it ain't broke...

As for the DLC-only for expansions, I think the idea is a cost-cutting measure designed to get more people to embrace Marketplace and maybe make you think twice before selling a game. After all, If I had paid $55 for DLC for Oblivion I would certainly think twice before selling the game. Even a $10 expansion would make me think twice.

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 10:01 pm
by Kahvi
all I can say is i hope they come out with a PS2 disk for it. I sure as hell dont wanna have to bust my arse to find a store with the PC versions of ToAU and WotG just incase i feel like re-re-re-reinstalling after destroying another hard drive or three.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 2:10 am
by Keavy
Kahvi wrote:all I can say is i hope they come out with a PS2 disk for it. I sure as hell dont wanna have to bust my arse to find a store with the PC versions of ToAU and WotG just incase i feel like re-re-re-reinstalling after destroying another hard drive or three.
Considering most of Japan still plays on PS2 I imagine there will be PS2 discs but they may require that you purchase them through SE's online store.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 7:06 am
by Kahvi
Keavy wrote:
Kahvi wrote:all I can say is i hope they come out with a PS2 disk for it. I sure as hell dont wanna have to bust my arse to find a store with the PC versions of ToAU and WotG just incase i feel like re-re-re-reinstalling after destroying another hard drive or three.
Considering most of Japan still plays on PS2 I imagine there will be PS2 discs but they may require that you purchase them through SE's online store.
Makes sense, especially since my local craptastic specialty store didnt hear anything about the new expansion

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 12:48 pm
by Fiye
Funny thing was. At my old Game Stop back in my old home. I was asked if I wanted to pre-order ToAU.

Now, here's the thing. They had both the PC-DvD, Xbox 360, and PS2 versions ready.

I'm pretty damn sure that if you go to the right store (Fry's, Gamestop, EB Games, or anything similiar to it.) you will find it.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 1:00 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
I pre-ordered my expansion discs online last year and got them the day it was released- so that's probably what I'm going to do as soon as the release day is announced this time.

I remember seeing a few copies of it for all the platforms at my local Wal-Mart actually when it was released last year, but yea, the local gaming stores were clueless about it here too.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 2:34 pm
by Shirai
It's still early, I'm not really surprised most "speciality stores" don't know even know about it yet since SE probably doesn't have an exact release date themselves either except for the end of 2007.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 12:03 am
by Fiye
True enough. Especially since FFXI doesn't have the hype of Halo 3, WoW, or pretty much most other games. (THe hype died after its NA release)

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 5:33 am
by Keavy
I hope that they release the expansion early on XBLM. Even if we have to wait for it to go live, it would suck to have to wait hours for the download while PC and PS2 people are playing and exploring.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 11:27 am
by Sugami
Because it takes longer to download the expansion than waiting for delivery? :roll: :oops:

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 1:58 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
There's no way SE can predict when everyone will get the expansion or have it go active at a time that pleases everybody, so they'll probably just do the same thing they did with ToAU- have it be active at midnight (PST time maybe or JST) and everyone wanders in and out of the expansion areas as they gain access.

I was honestly suprised with the installation of the ToAU expansion- I thought it'd take much longer than it did. I've had version updates take longer :lol:

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 9:41 pm
by Fiye
ScarlettPheonix wrote:I was honestly suprised with the installation of the ToAU expansion- I thought it'd take much longer than it did. I've had version updates take longer :lol:

That was HELL!