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New Assault Area (03/01/2007)

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:42 pm
by Leane

In the upcoming version update, we will be introducing the Nyzul Isle Assault area.
The Nyzul Isle Assault area will challenge players with a dungeon that has a randomly generated layout--every floor will contain new opponents to battle, as well as new objectives to complete!

Click here for details.

Details below

In the upcoming version update, we will be introducing the Nyzul Isle Assault area.
The Nyzul Isle Assault area will challenge players with a dungeon that has a randomly generated layout--every floor will contain new opponents to battle, as well as new objectives to complete!

Development Concept

In the spirit of the Salvage area implemented in the December version update, we will be introducing more small-group content in the form of a randomly generated Assault area. In order to reach the highest level of this new Assault area, players will have to overcome various mechanisms and monsters, and contend with all manner of astonishing challenges.
The development team is hard at work creating new content that will provide fresh, ever-changing enjoyment.


Players can sign up for the new Assault area missions at the Commissions Agency in Aht Urhgan Whitegate. Participation is restricted to the usual 3 to 6 members; however, players cannot choose to impose a level restriction for Nyzul Isle Assault missions. There are no requirements for participating in Nyzul Isle Assault missions other than being a registered mercenary.

Assault Mission Progression

The Nyzul Isle Assault area will be randomly generated as a series of "floors" every time you begin a mission. The basic progression consists of working towards the highest level of the area by completing the objective of each floor within the time limit. Objectives include goals such as the defeat of all monsters on a floor, the elimination of specific creatures, as well as various other challenges. We estimate that approximately 5 floors will be completed during a single attempt.

Recording Progress

When using the Rune of Transfer to exit the Nyzul Isle Assault area, it is possible to record the data of the highest floor you have reached (in blocks of 5 floors). Once this data has been recorded, you will be able to start again from this point, even if you have been ejected from the area due to, for example, an expired time limit.
Starting from a recorded floor will require the use of "tokens" obtained within the Nyzul Isle Assault area. The further you progress, the more tokens you will need to begin the next block of floors. Players will require a substantial number of tokens in order to reach the highest floor of Nyzul Isle.
*All participants will obtain tokens from a mission; however, only the person who operates the Rune of Transfer on the starting floor will receive the recorded data.


Due to the special nature of Nyzul Isle, players will not receive Assault Points for missions completed in this area. However, you will have the chance to obtain items from the creatures that appear on each floor. Monsters from every corner of Vana'diel, including many powerful and ordinarily elusive Notorious Monsters, stalk the floors of Nyzul Isle. Triumph over these opponents and you may earn some truly rare and wonderful treasures!

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:59 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
SE just delights in coming up with new ways for us to die, don't they? :lol:

Added to my "Latest Update Info" thread too^^

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 2:47 pm
by Shirai
Oh holy..

Do I see King Behemoth and Fafnir there? :o
More things to challenge, more death, fun and excitement.

This looks like it's gonna be a lot of fun.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:15 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
However, you will have the chance to obtain items from the creatures that appear on each floor. Monsters from every corner of Vana'diel, including many powerful and ordinarily elusive Notorious Monsters, stalk the floors of Nyzul Isle. Triumph over these opponents and you may earn some truly rare and wonderful treasures!
With their traditional drops?


Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:40 pm
by Kahvi
that last picture... it looks like they were able to pull Cthulhu from HP Lovecraft for a cameo shot

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 10:44 pm
by Okuza
It really does look like they're going to provide alternatives to killing the regular ground kings. I wonder just how repeatable those fights will be in Nyzul. Doing those fights without interference is a huge win, but if it's just a random (and rare) thing to stumble onto one of those fights, it doesn't help alleviate the ground-king issues in the slightest. The new ones also need to be farmable.

Folks farm those fights because they want to gear their members with the rarest drops (D-Ring & Ridil). Unless there's some new way people can choose to save up to obtain specific drops, they have to be farmable in the new context, too, or people will skip Nyzul in favor of continued old-style farming.

Still, it sounds the minimum rating for Nyzul will be "nice" with a potential to be "amazing". That's pretty good for SE.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 11:34 pm
by Keavy
Whoa. This is literally the coolest thing they have ever come up with.

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 12:34 am
by Bitneko
Keavy wrote:Whoa. This is literally the coolest thing they have ever come up with.
I couldn't agree more, this is going to be the best thing since PUP if you ask me. :D

(Though some might have mixed opinions on how good PUP is.)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 1:54 am
by Tianshii
:o ohmygosh this looks like FUN!! I'll be prrroposing this to my assault peeps!

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 2:32 pm
by Sugami
Looks like a mini-salvage with chance of getting abjurations and other such goodies.

They've even added "save points" so you don't have to restart from floor 1 all the time but I'm still a bit skeptical about how to "use" them.

Looks awesome but knwoing SE they'll probably screw it up somehow.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 9:57 pm
by Pheonixhawk
This sounds like fun.

Re: New Assault Area (03/01/2007)

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2024 3:10 pm
by xaresity

Re: New Assault Area (03/01/2007)

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2024 8:53 pm
by xaresity