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Ghost Rider.

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 7:37 pm
by Keavy
Saw it last night and all considered, its a good movie. Not "Spider-Man" but certainly a step above the crap that passes for entertainment that's usually released this time of year.

The film itself is pretty true to the comics, with Ghost Rider just being a total bad-ass and such. The film itself leaves itself open for a sequel but could stand on its own if needed. Not like "The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen"

Oh, and the best part of the movie? Eva Mendes.

:love: Image :love:

Overall, I give the movie a Three out of Five. Definitely a "Friday" movie.

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 9:40 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
And how much does Eva Mendes being in the movie bump up your rating?

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:42 am
by Igihstehr
ScarlettPheonix wrote:And how much does Eva Mendes being in the movie bump up your rating?
It would, in my case, bump it W A Y up! :P

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 6:06 am
by Keavy
Well, she was the gorgeous bronze luscious icing on the cake of awesomeness that is Ghost Rider.

Honestly, I couldn't tell you what was going on when she was onscreen. For some reason all I could think about is her bountiful bosom and...yeah, if you want me to continue this I'm gonna have to ask for $4.99 a minute.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 6:25 am
by Eviticus
I'm not quite an expert on the issue...but because of the curve on the breast further away from the camera in that photo, I'm inclined to say fake, and that's not really my thing. I wouldn't go under the knife for a girl, and I don't want them doing that for me.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 1:52 pm
by Sugami
I never thought much of Spiderman :P Spiderman 1 was okay, 2 was about him being emo half the movie then had completely broken physics (like putting out a mini-sun with water). In 3 he goes black so how much more emo can you get?
Can't remember if it was in 1 or 2 when he got thrown from a train, went through a bit in the bridge then came back in and hit the bad guy... hello?! His velocity will be train + being thrown, so how the train managed to catch him up or he slowed down is beyond me :lol:

Only really good Marvel adaptations have been X-men 1 and 2, 3 was okay but Brett Ratner (new director) pretty much raped it.

Hulk was okay, bit too long but had great cinematography.

Dare Devil I thought was quite good. I liked the old HK style kung fu and starting the movie near the end then jumping back and working towards it was a nice touch.

Elektra I was hoping to have some good HK kung fu action like Dare Devil but alas it was mostly about silly super powers, Jennifer Garner very nice though :P

Fantastic 4 was okay, good but nothing great.

DC comics Batman series has been somewhat lacking after the first one but Batman returns was pretty awesome.

Best super hero movie ever... The Incredibles!

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 3:44 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
The Incredibles- best superhero movie ever! :D

I'm personally not to big on some of the latest super hero movies.

Batman's been messed up so many times I just didn't bother to go see the latest one (probably should since I hear it was good).

Superman- same thing.

X-Men- ah, meh. They're decent movies if you don't mind them changing the entire storyline...

Spidey- Saw the first one, liked it but not enough to see the 2nd. My husband is a big fan of Spidey and he's excited about this next one. He wants to see how they do the whole Venom storyline and all.

Daredevil- Fell asleep watching it as the inflight movie on the flight between Korea and the states. (2x)

Elektra? Pass. Couldn't get passed Jennifer Garner in the title role. I like Jennifer Garner, but not as Elektra.

Fantastic Four- I like Jessica Alba, don't get me wrong. I loved her in Dark Angel but the Invisible Woman?! And this new one? "Rise of the Silver Surfer"? Puhlease, if you're going to make a movie about a relatively minor superhero give him his own damn movie! Don't mess up his origins by shoving him into a sequel about another group that's had (at best) little contact with him in their actual storylines.

Which brings me to Ghostrider- I'm glad it follows the comics and that its a pretty good movie, but Nick Cage as Ghostrider? Blech. I'll wait until its on DVD and for a night when I'm really bored to watch it.

Me personally- I'm waiting for the Shrek 3 and the next Bourne movie.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 7:38 pm
by Tivia
I will wait for it on DVD, It has some of my interest but not enough for me to fork out $20.

Batman Begin's however I waited on and I regret not seeing that in the theatre immensly. It restored my faith in the Batman series, as I really hated them all after 1.

FF4 Silver surfer...I really did not like the first one, have no burning desire to see this one.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 9:14 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
As the resident dinosaur on the board, I have to ask:

Which Ghost Rider did they do?

During my childhood, way back in the Paleolithic era, Ghost Rider was a western comic, and the Ghost Rider himself was a mild mannered, never carries a gun schoolteacher, by day. Science tricks were used to great effect against the local bad guys at night.

Just after Marvel's Silver age, they dusted off the name, gave GR a motorcycle and demonic powers? possession?, set the action in the present, and produced a grand flop.

I do understand they revived the name yet again, but know nothing about the new Ghost Rider.

Comic Book Movies in gener

The best presentation of a comic as movie, as in recreating one media within the other, had to have been Dick Tracy. Sin City was good in that regard too.

Several frames in Xmen I were worthy of a Silver Age centerspread and must have been designed as such. Few other comic movies have had this feature.

Batman Begins is the best Batman movie yet. I WANT that Batmobile.

There has never been a good Superman Movie.

Hellboy was an excellent movie, someday I must read the comic. Hellboy the Anime is coming soon.

Electra was out of our local Bargain Theater in days. I have to rent it sometime. I did buy the Barbie Electra.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 10:17 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
Hellboy the Anime is already available on DVD :lol: Saw it at Wal-Mart 2 weeks ago in the new releases section.

It was a good movie though.

Haven't read or seen Sin City.

As to which Ghostrider it is- in the trailers he's riding a motorcycle so >at least< the Silver age version.

I agree with your point about the X-man movie- there were several scenes that were very much a credit to the comics and many of the actors were just dead on for their parts- I just hate how they butchered the Phoenix and Dark Phoenix saga.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 3:57 am
by Keavy
Do not read ahead if you haven't seen the movie and don't wanna know what's gonna happen.

In the film there are two Ghost Riders: Johnny Blaze, the motorcycle Ghost Rider, and an old man who was Ghost Rider back in the old west. Old west Ghost Rider was supposed to bring Satan a town's souls (The town sold their souls to Satan in return for riches and turned against each other and everyone killed everyone else) but since he sensed the evil of the souls and feared the power Satan would get from them he stole the souls and disappeared.

Johnny Blaze, who is the new Ghost Rider (In the movie) is a motorcycle stunt rider who works with his dad. When he finds out his dad has cancer he sells his soul to Satan and in return Satan gets rid of the cancer. Then his dad dies in an accident. Griefstricken, he abandons his girl and his life in the show he and his dad built and rides off into the sunset.

Fast forward about ten years and he's now a mega star (due to the invincibility Satan has given him) and needing his help Satan makes him the new Ghost Rider so he can recover the lost souls that Satan's son and some fallen angels want so they can take over the world (the souls that the old west GR stole.)

Johnny Blaze turns into Ghost Rider, meets up with old west GR who helps him out, and he then beats up the angels and eventually saves the day and Eva Mendes (She's his childhood sweetheart) and in the end, decides to keep the powers of Ghost Rider to defend the innocent and leave the film open for the inevitable sequel which will make the executives at the studio happy (and me happy, if Eva Mendes or a hottie of equal caliber is in it.)

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 1:14 pm
by Sugami
I forgot about the new Superman, whatever it's called. It's very good :D Kevin Spacey as Lex Luther is great and it has quite a few callbacks to the original (1st) movie (little jokes).

Hellboy was okay, nothing great. Think I watched a crappy downloaded version my friend got.

Anyone remember Nick Fury with David Hasselhoff? :lol: I didn't see the Punisher movie either, not classing it as a "super hero" movie 'cause not really anything super about him :P

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 1:23 pm
by Karou Ariyen
It stinks /the critic.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 7:31 pm
by Keavy
Sugami wrote:Anyone remember Nick Fury with David Hasselhoff? :lol: I didn't see the Punisher movie either, not classing it as a "super hero" movie 'cause not really anything super about him :P
I think I have Nick Fury on VHS somewhere at my parent's house. Unless someone taped over it.

The new Punisher movie sucked. Too boring, not enough action. There's a Punisher movie from the 80's starring Dolph Lungren that is totally worth seeing only because he cauterizes a wound with a red-hot sword.

As for Punisher being a superhero, he is one in the same way that Ghost Rider and Batman are. No real "Super powers" but they're total bad-asses and people like us like to look up to them. Mainly because of the women they get.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 11:24 pm
by Pheonixhawk
I have yet to see a good superhero movie. Decent maybe, but not good or great. As for some chick being in the Ghostrider movie? Whatever. I could care less. May or may not watch Ghostrider.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 12:32 am
by ScarlettPheonix
Well, going from the Ghostrider backstory Marvel has on their site- the movie changed quite a bit, up to and including the entire reason for Ghostrider's existance from what Keavy said.
I have yet to see a good superhero movie

You didn't like The Incredibles???!!! :o :shock:

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 12:45 am
by Sugami
Keavy wrote:As for Punisher being a superhero, he is one in the same way that Ghost Rider and Batman are. No real "Super powers" but they're total bad-asses and people like us like to look up to them. Mainly because of the women they get.
What you mean no real super powers?! Ghost Rider has burning skull for a head! :lol: And Batman is a f*cking ninja!
Pheonixhawk wrote:I have yet to see a good superhero movie. Decent maybe, but not good or great. As for some chick being in the Ghostrider movie? Whatever. I could care less. May or may not watch Ghostrider.
You mean you couldn't care less. If you could care less then it applies you care a little in the first place :P
ScarlettPheonix wrote:You didn't like The Incredibles???!!!
:lol: He probably doesn't include it as a super hero movie 'cause it's a Disney Pixar comedy :lol: (my favourite Pixar film to date :D)

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 1:44 am
by Pheonixhawk
Sugami wrote:
Keavy wrote:As for Punisher being a superhero, he is one in the same way that Ghost Rider and Batman are. No real "Super powers" but they're total bad-asses and people like us like to look up to them. Mainly because of the women they get.
What you mean no real super powers?! Ghost Rider has burning skull for a head! :lol: And Batman is a f*cking ninja!
Pheonixhawk wrote:I have yet to see a good superhero movie. Decent maybe, but not good or great. As for some chick being in the Ghostrider movie? Whatever. I could care less. May or may not watch Ghostrider.
You mean you couldn't bare less. If you could care less then it applies you care a little in the first place :P
ScarlettPheonix wrote:You didn't like The Incredibles???!!!
:lol: He probably doesn't include it as a super hero movie 'cause it's a Disney Pixar comedy :lol: (my favourite Pixar film to date :D)
Im saying I don't care if the hottest female in the world was in a Super Hero movie. I can still very much suck. And yes, when I said there are no good Super Hero Movies, I mean as in RL people acting as superhero's from a comic or book etc etc. The Incredibles was a very good movie indeed.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 2:10 am
by ScarlettPheonix
Well...ok then. :lol:

On the subject of good superhero movies/shows- the TV show Heroes is turning out to be very interesting and better written then some recent movies... and there's always Dr. Who if I really need my sci-fi/fantasy/superhero fix. :D

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 1:25 pm
by Sugami
I wouldn't class Dr. Who as super hero :lol: it's been somewhat lack-luster too, the two most recent series. And Torchwood sucks :oops:

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 3:56 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
Depending on which channel you watch over here (BBC America or Sci-Fi) you're either on season one of two right now. 3 hasn't made its way across the pond yet.

And really, nearly immortal Time-Lord that saves the universe/world countless times- fits my definition of superhero anyway :lol:

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 11:38 pm
by Sugami
:lol: he's not immortal he just kinda reincarnates himself :lol:

Super Hero/Action I'd say is a differetn genre to Sci Fi anyways :P

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:10 am
by ScarlettPheonix
I did say near immortal there.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:53 am
by Fiye
My whole take on everything is if its interesting enough. I'm not one for the whole "OMG! CG LAWLZ" thing that you may find often in films. Daredevil I cannot stand to look at again. Wasn't a superhero this 17 year old ever heard about, though I did watch the movie.

Batman Begins: Holy crap it is awesome. And thats coming from someone who absolutely abhors the imagine characterized by little kids (When this kitty was small).

Superman Returns: Never watched it. The only one I have watched is 2, and parts of 1. I can say I don't really like two. Maybe they did the whole 'OMG I HAVE SPECIAL EFFECTS LAWLZ' thing. I'll have to watch one then two and refresh my memory.

x-Men: I find 1 and 2 to be interesting, and good, nothing worth my time again compared to other hobbies.

Spiderman: Loved 1, second was a decent film, abhorred at the idea of 3. As if peter wasn't emo enough!

Incredibles: I'm waiting on a sequel Pixar, please! You're the only people who know how to do a Disney Film OR super hero film correctly anymore!

Seriously, Lilo and Stitch was the last good Disney Movie, followed by The Lion King back in the early 90's.

Anyways, enough ranting from me.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:07 am
by Pheonixhawk
Fiye wrote: Incredibles: I'm waiting on a sequel Pixar, please! You're the only people who know how to do a Disney Film OR super hero film correctly anymore!
NOOOOOOOOOOOO DONT SAY THAT!!! Dont you know? Sequels to movies SUCK. Just look at Pirates of the Carribean. (Not saying that its a pixar movie and all)

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 7:55 am
by Keavy
Pheonixhawk wrote:
Fiye wrote: Incredibles: I'm waiting on a sequel Pixar, please! You're the only people who know how to do a Disney Film OR super hero film correctly anymore!
NOOOOOOOOOOOO DONT SAY THAT!!! Dont you know? Sequels to movies SUCK. Just look at Pirates of the Carribean. (Not saying that its a pixar movie and all)
Yeah. Watch Toy Story (A fantastic film) and compare that to Toy Story 2 (Total pile of crap) and tell me that sequels are good.

Then again, the Back to the Future trilogy was good and so was Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey. Mainly because of the Grim Reaper.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:06 pm
by Sugami
You must be joking?! Toy Story 2 is awesome and much funnier than the first. My friend wasn't a big Disney/Pixar fan, Toy Story and Bugs Life weren't that great to him but Toy Story 2 made him love Pixar.

My favourite Pixar films in order: The Incredibles > Cars > Monsters Inc = Finding Nemo > Toy Story 2 > Toy Story > Bugs Life

Can't really sequel the movie because the main concept is gone at the end of the movie (super heros being sued and all that).

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:16 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
No, but they could make a second Incredibles movie- have them trying to balance "normal" life and being super heros. And of course, dealing with Jack-Jack :lol:

My favorite are probably, Finding Nemo>Incredibles>Monsters Inc.>Cars>TS2>TS1>A Bugs Life.

The new one looks hilarious too, so that one may bump a few others down the list some after I see it. :lol: :lol:

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 7:15 pm
by Fiye
Pheonixhawk wrote:
Fiye wrote: Incredibles: I'm waiting on a sequel Pixar, please! You're the only people who know how to do a Disney Film OR super hero film correctly anymore!
NOOOOOOOOOOOO DONT SAY THAT!!! Dont you know? Sequels to movies SUCK. Just look at Pirates of the Carribean. (Not saying that its a pixar movie and all)
PotC should have been a two part movie, not three.

Hell, half of the second was Jack running around doing nothing!

And, its not like what Disney did. They're making a third movie out of Cinderella. Its bad enough they did it to Aladin.

Baco to the Future will always remain the best Trilogy. Greater than starts wars 4-6, and forever more, until someone gets the right idea about Trilogies.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:09 pm
by Keavy
I think what made Back to the Future work so well is that in the end, they all tie together.