Cocaine Addictive?

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Karou Ariyen
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Cocaine Addictive?

Post by Karou Ariyen »

No I'm not talking columbian conspircy and how to avoid the cops. I'm talking about the energy drink that I love. cocaine. Now maybe you know about it, that's good. maybe you don't, that's bad. But to pretty much sum it up, here's an article from Enjoy.
Calm down - Cocaine is actually pretty harmless

By Gary Miller

October 18, 2006
I had Cocaine before writing this column, so forgive me if I ramble.

I bought it at 53rd Street and Broadway. It was delicious, and I think everyone should try it. I’m talking about the new energy drink, not the powder, but Mayor Michael Bloomberg thinks they might as well be the same thing. He said the drink "glorifies something that is destructive."

But don’t we do that every day? I could name a million things more obnoxious and destructive in our country than a drink named Cocaine.

Eating disorders, for example, can be much more harmful than drug use, but magazines glorify excessive skinniness, leaving young people with templates for how their bodies should look.

And how about all the attention we afford celebrities like Paris Hilton? If American icons promoted rational, intelligent thinking instead of "hotness," maybe we wouldn’t have to worry about whether young people are smart enough to tell the difference between a drug and a creative marketing gimmick.

Pick up a rap CD at random and it will probably espouse the virtues of "pimping hos," but will skirt by parents’ eyes with only a small warning sticker.

Maybe that’s all Cocaine needs — a parental advisory. In many ways, the drink is comparable to Eminem’s 2000 CD, "The Marshall Mather’s LP." They’re both built on shock value and are, therefore, perfect examples of successful exploitation of our crude American culture. How can their creators be blamed for having a keen enough business sense to know what will sell to the masses? Ayn Rand might commend them.

New York Councilman James Sanders said at a news conference that Cocaine might give young people the impression that the actual drug is OK to use. That statement is a disgusting insinuation that young people are idiots.

I was 15 when "The Marshall Mather’s LP" came out, and I listened to its lyrics over and over. I knew which lyrics were tongue-in-cheek, and I knew which lyrics were exaggerated to create controversy. Needless to say, I never became homophobic or homicidal, and to my knowledge, neither did any of my 500-some high school classmates who also worshiped the CD. I never tried mushrooms either, although Eminem made them sound very fun.

Parents should be responsible for giving their children a working grasp of common sense before allowing them to make potentially dangerous decisions. After just a few short DARE classes, a 10-year-old kid should know there’s a huge difference between drinking caffeine and snorting an illegal drug.

Joseph Califano, the president of the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, said the drink is "insidious, disgraceful, irresponsible, reprehensible and disgusting."

Cocaine is just Red Bull with a "naughty" name. The drink itself is pretty harmless. Those who publicly protest it should be laughed at for defeating their own purpose; they’re actively promoting it while James Kirby, the founder of Redux Beverages and creator of the drink, sits back and grins over his perfect plan. If not for the tirades of politicians and anti-drug cavalry, I may have never heard of Cocaine.

It’s actually possible that Dave Chappelle is responsible for all of this. In 2005, he parodied Red Bull and claimed, "It’s crack in a can, baby!" In essence, Cocaine is just another commentary on contemporary American culture and our eagerness to consume garbage, be it on TV, the internet, movies or food. They’re just giving us what we want.

When I heard about the drink, my reaction was to roll my eyes and admit, "That’s pretty funny." I’m in the demographic that Cocaine is targeting, so what can I do but congratulate the creators on a smart business plan?

"I think kids are a lot smarter than people give them credit for," Kirby said.

I couldn’t agree more. How can anyone think this will be more than a blip amid the sea of inappropriate, offensive crap that young people are inundated with everyday? I just saw a commercial for a "Desperate Housewives" video game.
So what's your thoughts and opinions?
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Post by Sugami »

Naming it after an illegal drug (dunno which class I'm not a druggie) isn't really a very smart move, all I have to say really :P
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Post by Okuza »

Actually, from a marketing standpoint the naming choice is brilliant. They get TONS of free press. Look for them voluntarily changing the name after enough outcry develops with a statement proclaiming only mild guilt over the name -- something like "We were poking fun at the effects of caffeine compared to cocaine and had no intent to glorify drug use. We're glad that a few folks appreciated this and sadded that so many did not. We're now changing the name of our product to help protect the humorless."

I bet they have the new name and the statement already prepared. This is a marketing move EXACTLY like the "New Coca-Cola" move 10 years ago. Create both interest and outcry and then settle both. This is a smart name for a very small company that can't afford a large advertising campaign.

I've just got to laugh at all those people giving these guys free press. They're being worked like monkeys.
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Post by Alya Mizar (Tsybil) »

Post the ingredients and then I can tell if it is addictive.

Caffeine is for sure. Its found in a majority of the beverages served at any fast food place too. Not in every energy drink though, just most of them.

Far more dangerous than the name of any energy drink are the cocktails that mix them with alcohol. Wide awake, alert drunks on the roads at closing time...... :roll: :roll:

An excellent marketing ploy, spoiled only by the impossibility of trademarking the name. Or is that so? Someone in California has trademarked the name 4X4 for burgers, of all things. :lol:

And remember that Coca-Cola, originally marketed as a temperance cocaine containing beverage, is still flavored with a cocaine derived ingredient.
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Post by Kahvi »

OH MY (^&(*&^*&%*(&*&%$#$#$%&&*&.....

They are making a Desperate Housewives Video Game?
Someone really needs to grab the {Hume} that decided to get that game made and beat him with a slice of lemon wrapped around a large gold brick. Repeatedly. And with Extra Force. Until the blood and nerve cells start to leak from his ears.
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Post by Kessa »

You realize that the general american public enough common sense to know that there is a big difference between the drink and the drug. Its the politicians that will make a big deal about it.

If you are looking for a kick though you should drop red bull and cocaine (drink) and take fast-twich. Its a creatine energy supplement I use before I head to the gym.

2 scoops = 400Mg of caffiene, 1200 Mg of Taurine, Creatine, Nitrous Oxide, and all you daily vitamens. You cant ask for a better boost.

You do twitch though, but its controllable :oops:
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Post by Alya Mizar (Tsybil) »

Kessa wrote:2 scoops = 400Mg of caffiene, 1200 Mg of Taurine, Creatine, Nitrous Oxide, and all you daily vitamins. You cant ask for a better boost.
And all kitties need their Taurine. Really. The most common place the wild Felis Domesticus gets it is from the brains of their kills.

The first cat food to heavily market this ingredient had kibble shaped like little mouse heads. I had a cat who would always leave the ears behind in his dish.

PS: Kessa, the latest Firefox browser has a built in spell checker. I love it. I can't spell for beans. Or mouse heads for that mater. Taurine & Creatine are not in it though.
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Post by Kessa »

I use firefox from my personal computer. But it is not a authorized brower on the military network, so I cant use it hile im eployed :( :(

We are stuck with IE7 atm :?
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Post by Alya Mizar (Tsybil) »

Kessa wrote:I use firefox from my personal computer. But it is not a authorized browser on the military network, so I cant use it while I'm employed :( :(

We are stuck with IE7 atm :?
(Spelling corrected with Firefox)


The Civil Service changed to Firefox last year. I am surprised, usually the Military is ahead of the Civil Service in adopting new tech.
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Post by MittensValefor »

Tsybil wrote:PS: Kessa, the latest Firefox browser has a built in spell checker. I love it. I can't spell for beans. Or mouse heads for that mater. Taurine & Creatine are not in it though.
Thanks for the tip! I've converted back to my beloved Firefox thanks to you! :)
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Post by Alya Mizar (Tsybil) »

Tsybil wrote:The Civil Service changed to Firefox last year.
Correction: it was NOAA who went to Firefox, the rest of the Civil Service I don't know about.
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Post by Kessa »

For the most part if we catch someone using firefox as their browser we remove their pc from the network and confiscate the PC afterwords... Being in charge of network security out here it hurts to sign that order since I know firefox to be better.
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Post by Tianshii »

a creative marketing gimmick.
-I wouldn't call it creative at all... It's jacking the name of something else. Where, exactly, is the creativity in that? :roll:
Cocaine is just Red Bull with a "naughty" name. The drink itself is pretty harmless.
- replace "naughty" with "gimicky"... like the X-TREME fad that swarmed us a few years ago... :stare:
As with anything, overdoing it will cause harm in the end... and from what I've seen kids (I mean pre-teen/teen demographic they are shooting for) do tend to over do things... (just check out the crop of teen-aged e-peen l33t-ist @-holes roaming the servers :P )
disgusting insinuation that young people are idiots.
Sadly, from what I've seen... they are, they really are. Not ALL of them...but enough that it makes me sad :(
They have lost the ability to understad that obtaining something takes hard work and no, not EVERYONE can WIN. No, you CAN NOT always get what you WANT just because you WANT IT. :stare:

Anywho.... In my opinion this drink is as silly as all the others... I'll stick to my little morning addiction to java because it's HOT and tasty!
1 cup + some vanilla soy milk *mmmmmmm*
..or tea... does anyone drink tea anymore???
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Post by Karou Ariyen »

I drink Chai Tea
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Post by Tianshii »

Mmmm Chai Tea is so yummy!!!! :) Got some for my mom for Mithramas.
...Now I want some!!!
I think I'll have to take a walk to the coffee shop on my break...
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Post by ScarlettPheonix »

<3 chai :D

Can't stand any other type of tea though. Its strange, my mother is a big tea drinker- always has been. Hot tea, sun tea, iced tea- green, black, herbal, white, darjeeling, english breakfast- you name it, she loves it. However, none of her kids (there are 5 of us) can stand tea or any warm drink really, coffee and cocoa included.

lol, Mama loves tea so much, she's getting some for Christmas from me. As far as I know she hasn't tried red tea yet, and I just happened to find some the other day^^
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Re: Cocaine Addictive?

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Re: Cocaine Addictive?

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