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Music dislikes

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 1:50 am
by Pheonixhawk
Okay, this outta be fun. People ask me why Don't i like Rap as most colored ppl do. I give them three good reasons.

1. Its aways about thug life or how bad they wan't to bone some chick at the club.

2. Launguage is unappropiate. I would never listen to rap with my kids around, or parents. I see kids nowadays cursing and stealing, because of what they heard and saw off rap music videos.

3. Holy shizzle it takes no skill to be a rap "artist". Your telling me that if I wear stupid looking clothing, get fake gold teeth, and talk in ryhmes while I pay someone to make a beat I can get paid millions more that being in the Corps? How cheap is that.

Now Rock music? Your talkin my launguage. Its always singing about something new, and yes they actually SING. As in, they take the time to practice thier vocals, and everything. They don't just say "huh, What, okay." over and over again and get paid millions. They actually earn thier pay. And it takes alot of skill for the rock stars that play guitar and sing in thier bands. Really shows how dedicated they are to thier music.

So what's your favorite type of music. Your likes and dislikes about it? :P

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 2:39 am
by Keavy
You have kids? DAAAAMN...:P

I like Progressive Metal and have pretty much all my life. My dad introduced me to Rush and Pink Floyd when I was just a lad and as I grew older I came to know of and love Queensryche, Dream Theater, Buckethead, and Iron Maiden just to name a few of my favorite bands.

I also like some bands that are part of other genres of music like Radiohead, The White Stripes, Bjork, and Weezer. I also like popular music like Evanescence (I like Amy Lee's voice) and Pussycat Dolls (The lyrics to their songs make me laugh. Don't ask me why) and I will admit I like Ska also. Mainly The Aquabats!, Reel Big Fish, and Streetlight Manifesto.

One genre I never got into was Country. I like some of it (Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton, Willie Nelson, John Denver) but most of the new stuff I can't stand but my mom likes it so I don't say anything.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 4:03 am
by Pheonixhawk
Keavy wrote:You have kids? DAAAAMN...:P
No no. I meant "If I had Kids." My fault :lol:

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 5:27 am
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
Its easier to list the music I don't like. The stuff that loses structure.

The "music" that loses its beat. Not changes, looses. That wanders off into other, dissonant keys. Not plays around the wheel, totally wanders off into the distance.

This includes much of the Classical period chamber music, a lot of modern jazz, some metal, a whole bunch of alleged rock, even a bit of Hendrix.

As a former folk singer, the ones that can grab me are the story songs. Ballads are a great example but many other songs have stories.

Metalica once did a music video taken from a book set in WWI. Total period piece, great story. HIGHLY recommended. I think the book was named "Johny Got His Gun", but I am not at all sure. Its been a while since I read it. Might be the name of the piece too.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 11:55 am
by Karou Ariyen
As a Fan of John Cena, I take offense to "It's always about thug life." That isn't always true.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 1:27 pm
by Sugami
Tsybil wrote:Metalica once did a music video taken from a book set in WWI. Total period piece, great story. HIGHLY recommended. I think the book was named "Johny Got His Gun", but I am not at all sure. Its been a while since I read it. Might be the name of the piece too.
"Johny Got His Gun" doesn't ring any bells with me but I'll look into :lol: I like their "Whiskey In A Jar" video, go watch it and you'll find out why :lol:

Stuff I don't like? Basically all the crap that's in the charts. Rap, hip-hop, DnB, RnB all that crap. I'm not too fond of "Nu Metal" either but it's a damn bit better than the above mentioned.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 4:12 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
I've got very ecletic tastes that range from Classical to Rap and everything in between.

My mother is very musical and started my music education early. One of her favorite stories is a phone call she got from my first grade music teacher. She'd played some various classical music for us to listen too in class and I named each composer easily just from hearing the opening notes, so she was curious :lol:

All I ask in music is that it have a good beat, rhythm to it, the lyrics are well preformed and clever and the band/performer has put work into playing/singing.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 5:18 pm
by Finwich
I'd have to concur with the well played/sung/performed aspect of liking music. I am a musician by trade, so my tastes are very varied; I like a little bit of everything from Rap to Classical as well. Basically, I like live music, and REAL performers.

What do I not like? Basically, I don't like crap. I suppose I should define crap.

I don't like media driven pop and rock. Most of the voices of today's pop and rock "stars" are so altered and digitized, that you don't even know what they really sound like. you can blend and mix anyone's voice and alter their pitch to make them sound like a million bucks, and then charge that much for them to lip sync to that cd for the rest of their career.

I abhor "screamers" and that whole genre of emo and punk that floats around in my student's ipods. By all means, keep screaming so you get nodes in the next 5 years and then fall off the face of the earth. I hate that the media today has convinced the entire world that everyone can be a star when at most 5% of them have any modicum of real talent.

I love that when people hear i'm a vocalist and a voice teacher the first thing they ask is... "Who do you think should win American Idol???"

My reponse is usually accompanied by large amounts of vomit while I writhe about on the floor.


Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 5:18 pm
by Finwich
Double post. Sowwie.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 8:26 pm
by Sugami
Tsybil wrote:Metalica once did a music video taken from a book set in WWI. Total period piece, great story. HIGHLY recommended. I think the book was named "Johny Got His Gun", but I am not at all sure. Its been a while since I read it. Might be the name of the piece too.
Is it this one? Ah the long hair hippy era :lol: James looks so different :lol:
ScarlettPheonix wrote:All I ask in music is that it have a good beat, rythmn to it, the lyrics are well preformed and clever and the band/performer has put work into playing/singing.
So that rules out Rap, hip-hop, DnB and RnB then :lol:

P.S. it's spelt "rhythm" ;)
Finwich wrote:I abhor "screamers" and that whole genre of emo and punk that floats around in my student's ipods.
Actually most emos like "Nu Metal" stuff like Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, Korn and some of the old angsty bands like Nirvana and Radio Head. Okay Korn is a screamer band I guess, maybe more of shouting :lol: Think you're looking into the realm of Cradle of Filth etc. AKA Death Metal (I think :lol:)

Punk, or at least Punk Rock, I find quite melodic though I can only name Offspring and Green Day, both Dexter Holland (Offspring) and Billie Joe Armstrong (Green Day) sing in the majority of their songs :)
I love that when people hear i'm a vocalist and a voice teacher the first thing they ask is... "Who do you think should win American Idol???"

My reponse is usually accompanied by large amounts of vomit while I writhe about on the floor.
:lol: yeah I feel the same way. We get Pop Idol over here but it seems to have been booted out in favour of X-Factor (practically the same thing) but it has Sharron Osborn and she's hillarious :lol:

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 8:38 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
Bah, thank you Sugami. My spelling seems to be slipping lately for some reason.

There are some very good Hip Hop, Rap and especially R+B artists out there, its just hard to tell sometimes.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 10:31 pm
by Finwich
Now I am all about angsty bands...

But the incoherent screaming track after track after track with the awful double bass pounding and the skinny jeans... I just can't take it.

And the whiny bands... dashboard confessional comes to mind... I mean how many times can you howl and whine about your girlfriend dumping you?? lol

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 10:57 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
Sugami wrote:
Tsybil wrote:Metalica once did a music video taken from a book set in WWI. Total period piece, great story. HIGHLY recommended. I think the book was named "Johny Got His Gun", but I am not at all sure. Its been a while since I read it. Might be the name of the piece too.
Is it this one? Ah the long hair hippy era :lol: James looks so different :lol:
Yes and no both. I remember more war and postwar footage, less band footage, and a lot of sepia toned sequences. Probably a different edit of the same video.

But this was way back when MTV still had music videos and people still watched them.

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 11:19 pm
by Pheonixhawk
Finwich wrote:Now I am all about angsty bands...

But the incoherent screaming track after track after track with the awful double bass pounding and the skinny jeans... I just can't take it.

And the whiny bands... dashboard confessional comes to mind... I mean how many times can you howl and whine about your girlfriend dumping you?? lol
Right on! :lol:

I can't stand rock bands that just scream thier lungs out and call it music, or make all thier songs about thier crappy relationship. *Cough cough dashboard, Maroon 5, Blink 182 cough cough* Just take that crap elsewhere. Maybe to a bunch of 14 yr old girls or something. :lol:

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 1:38 pm
by Sugami
ScarlettPheonix wrote:There are some very good Hip Hop, Rap and especially R+B artists out there, its just hard to tell sometimes.
Well they haven't released anything over here then :lol: Only Rap/Hip-hop I marginally like is Will Smith but he kinda leans towards Pop as well.
Tsybil wrote:Yes and no both. I remember more war and postwar footage, less band footage, and a lot of sepia toned sequences. Probably a different edit of the same video.
But it's the same song and movie? Don't really like "One" that much :lol:
Fear my encyclopedic knowledge of Metallica :lol: Not really, there's a lot of gun-shots and explosion noises at the start of One in S&M (live album) so I just put 2 and 2 together and got ROCK \m/ :lol:
Pheonixhawk wrote:I can't stand rock bands that just scream thier lungs out and call it music, or make all thier songs about thier crappy relationship. *Cough cough dashboard, Maroon 5, Blink 182 cough cough* Just take that crap elsewhere.
Hmm haven't heard Dashboard, not sure I'd class Maroon 5 as rock :lol: and Blink 182 are Punk Rock but they're a laugh. I don't think they take themselves seriously :lol:

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:33 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
Maroon 5 is like Diet Rock. They do play well at least and no, Blink 182 does not take themselves seriously- just look at some of their videos. :lol:

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:08 am
by Kessa
Hmmm I have everything from Kelly Clarkson to Cradle of Filth from the US. I also have albums from Japan and Korea (Ayu, Nami Tamaki, Koda Kumi, BoA to name a few)

Lots of Music Vidz to :D

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 3:50 am
by Karou Ariyen
I dont like Nickelback. Period.

Except one song. I was driving thru the city today with my XM Radio, and low and behold, Nickelback - Photograph. I must admit, something came over me listing to the song, becuase I paused to think about every memory I have with my friends and family. The lyrics snapped something in me.

Maybe I'm .... well never mind that for now. Ill post the rest of the story in my deadjournal

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 1:17 pm
by Finwich
Everyone does have those few guilty pleasure songs...

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 1:20 pm
by Sugami
Nickelback are okay. The song they did for Spiderman was quite good (Hero?) and they seem to be getting better lately (so my friend tells me). Their music is kinda depressing though :oops:

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 7:10 pm
by Kessa
I can relate to thier song "So Far Away" since I've been deployed for the last 11 months. It hits close to home, but Sugami is right it's still depressing.

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 3:32 pm
by Karou Ariyen
I thought So Far Away was Staind not Nickelback :o or I could have missed something in this thread. Anyone who knows me knows Karou <3 Megumi Hayashibara heh

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 11:13 pm
by Tianshii
:D My all time favorite band is the doors!!
After that it would have to be the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
I like different kinds of music... from classical to even some rap.
Depends on my mood, really...
For example, sometimes I turn up the base when I drive and blast, "American Woman" by the Guess Who. Other times it's gotta be "Defying Gravity" from the musical Wicked.
Show tunes get me goin' too... (I'm really into Wicked at the moment.)
Since Christmas is coming, I might be "festive" and pop in Jesus Christ Superstar this month too :lol:
I also really like folk, salsa, swing & ska :)
Oh, and there are maybe 3-5 "christian rock" type songs I like, but I like them because they are kinda telling a lil' story & have great guitar!! I've only recently been "turned on" to that, but I think my education of that type of music is over since the guy who started getting me into it does not speak to me nemore :|

What I CAN NOT STAND is COUNTRY... omfg I hate it... It's worse then nails on a chalkboard. It insults my senses & offends my ears!! *gag*hack*vomit* :roll:
I'm not a big fan of R&B either...
Some Rap I like.. but if it's something retarted like "i'm goin' back to calli..tocalli...i'm goin' back to calli..." omfg then gtfo so I don't have to hear about it anymore!! :x

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 11:45 pm
by Karou Ariyen
*coughs and strums a banjo*
My dreams are all dead & buried
Sometimes I wish the sun would just explode
When God comes and calls me to his kingdom
I'll take all you sonsabitches when I go

-Lyrics By Billy Joe Shaver; Theme For Squidbillies,
Only on [adult swim]

Tee Hee

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 12:05 am
by Wanta
I can't stand hiphop and r&b.

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 11:43 am
by Sugami
RnB was good when it was Rhythm and Blues not Rhythm and Bass.

Now it just seems like Rap/Hip-Hop but with more "music" i.e. more thumping bass and annoying sounds.

Remember kids; it's "Rap" with a silent 'C' :lol: (so help me God if anyone says "Rapc?" :lol:)

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 5:01 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
R&B is what Rock grew out of.

You who say that you don't like R&B probaly have not heard anything that would have fallen into that catergory in the '50s.

But then again I will admit to not having heard whatever they are trying to pass off as R&B today.

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 6:30 pm
by Sugami
On the contrary, I'm quite a fan of oldies, maybe not as far back as the 50s but 70s and 80s definately, some of 60s too.

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 10:02 pm
by Minagi
Just a comment about the shouting music:

It can be done nicely when set to nice music. This band (In Flames) is one of my new favourites, and they scream a lot, but also sing too. (Kenshin amv of a song from their new album) (in this song they sing and scream (all done by the singer).

So you see, i think screaming is pretty good ;P If it isnt a waste.

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 10:34 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
Oh, its a waste alright. Screaming does incredible damage to your vocal cords, especially if you're doing it habitually. Voices can be permantely damaged by too much screaming- not to mention what damage it does to your hearing. ><