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Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 8:32 am
by Stockyboy
Ambrey wrote:
Sugami wrote:
Ambrey wrote:Also if you want to study facts, should do some research, it reveals that there are hundreds of thousands if not millions more players that are subscribed to WoW than FFXI.
Pfft, lightweights.

I'm not saying FFXI is good, 'cause it clearly isn't, I'm saying WoW is worse :lol:

Stockyboy pretty much hit the nail square on the head, more people play WoW simply because it's easier to get into. It's like FFXI Lite, so to speak. Not only that but WoW has/had better publicity/advertising, can't even buy FFXI on PS2 over here and it's not in any physical store for PC or 360 anymore.

As for RMT, anything SE do is better than nothing but yeah it most likely will never be completely irradicated.
How is WoW worse than FFXI's game design? I admit that FFXI has better graphics, breathtaking graphics in fact. If any of you have played the Warcraft series tho you would know that its supposed to be a little cartoony. Everything that has taken place in the Warcraft series is remembered and tied into WoW.

Yes WoW is easier to get into, its also not as time consuming. Anyone can log in and get something accomplished. Better than logging in and having to sit there and wait for hours just to get a party to get anything done. All of us here remember or know what its like to do that. Remember how players used to greet Dragoons or Rangers when looking for a party? OMG Ranger, OK! lolDragoon gtfo. Thats bs right there, at least in WoW every job is useful and wanted.

FFXI's end game only certain jobs are always in demand for end game shells, 90% are mage jobs, the rest are hardly even used or are only a limited number of melees are allowed into the end game shells. End game WoW, every job is wanted and needed and the bosses for end game take a hell of a lot more strategy to beat than just throwing tons of black mages or summoners at them.

So yeah, if you wanna think WoW is FFXI lite just cause you can log in and solo or actually accomplish something in a shorter amount of time... then so be it. I liked and enjoyed my time in FFXI, made some real good friends while I was there but I am glad that I dont have to put up with all the crap that game brings out in people. End game I have never seen so much E-peen in one place. Cookie cutter jobs and elitists, RMT's and greed driven shells lead by selfish backstabbing pricks.

FFXI shined for a long time for me, I still visit from time to time. But the whole FFXI > WoW discussions are getting old. Some of us prefer FFXI, some prefer WoW. And to each his/her own and either choice is great! Play what you enjoy! Thats my 2gil.. :roll:

Someone made the comment about only play WoW if you want to date a she cow or troll, think about what you just said cause you sound retarded. Most of the mithra population is played by guys just as well as most of the human, elven and taru females. :twisted:

Didn't want to derail the other thread further.

In WoW, you have I think about 8 jobs, in ffxi you have a few more than that, and a surplus of DD jobs. In a game where you can have bigger alliances and fewer choice of jobs, if you say gtfo to one then you loose a chunk of your force. In ffxi, if you say gtfo to a Drg, you're loosing maybe one person out of 18.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:11 pm
by Tivia
I am going to start and end the debate in one post.

Both games have problems, and is why I play neither anylonger.

However focusing on the primary points;

SKill Chains
Best Implementation of an AH systen in Any current MMO
The ability to Change jobs
Very warm player races that allow you to immerse yourself in the game.
A Storyline that actually encouraged you to get into the lore of the game and was actually interesting.
Hands down one of the worst communities I have ever had the misfortune of being involved with, Good players were an exception as 90% of the time PUGs were full of idiots.
As a result of the above, due to the games extremely unforgiving nature it made leveling painful at best.

Easy leveling curve
Fairly fun quests that actually gave you a decent reward for your effort
I could train a chimp to play wow
The Worst community I have ever had the misfortune of being involved with, the only upside was even with the sheer number of idiots the death penalty was so insignificant that even the worst idiots hardly slowed down leveling.
I have been a huge fan of Warcraft since Warcraft Orcs and Humans...WoW killed that part of me.
Getting spammed with RMT tells every 2 minutes, This is the only game in which the RMT has ever bothered me. You think they are bad in FFXI? My god I scoff at the RMT in ffxi, I think I encountered 1 problem in FFXI with RMT Ever. Every time I logged into wow I was getting Buy my gold website tells every two minutes without fail.
Lore? what lore I do not even think I bothered to read the games lore a single time because the game never once encouraged it. No Depth and a really sad excuse for an end game. There were no tactics, just Zerg and use lots of potions and you were invincible...yea some end game...whatever.

There really is nothing more to say about either, if you have played both you know I am spot on. Even people I know who still play wow agree, they are just too addicted to quit.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:18 pm
by Stockyboy
Tivia wrote:I am going to start and end the debate in one post.

Both games have problems, and is why I play neither anylonger.

However focusing on the primary points;

SKill Chains
Best Implementation of an AH systen in Any current MMO
The ability to Change jobs
Very warm player races that allow you to immerse yourself in the game.
A Storyline that actually encouraged you to get into the lore of the game and was actually interesting.
Hands down one of the worst communities I have ever had the misfortune of being involved with, Good players were an exception as 90% of the time PUGs were full of idiots.
As a result of the above, due to the games extremely unforgiving nature it made leveling painful at best.

Easy leveling curve
Fairly fun quests that actually gave you a decent reward for your effort
I could train a chimp to play wow
The Worst community I have ever had the misfortune of being involved with, the only upside was even with the sheer number of idiots the death penalty was so insignificant that even the worst idiots hardly slowed down leveling.
I have been a huge fan of Warcraft since Warcraft Orcs and Humans...WoW killed that part of me.
Getting spammed with RMT tells every 2 minutes, This is the only game in which the RMT has ever bothered me. You think they are bad in FFXI? My god I scoff at the RMT in ffxi, I think I encountered 1 problem in FFXI with RMT Ever. Every time I logged into wow I was getting Buy my gold website tells every two minutes without fail.
Lore? what lore I do not even think I bothered to read the games lore a single time because the game never once encouraged it. No Depth and a really sad excuse for an end game. There were no tactics, just Zerg and use lots of potions and you were invincible...yea some end game...whatever.

There really is nothing more to say about either, if you have played both you know I am spot on. Even people I know who still play wow agree, they are just too addicted to quit.
^I'd say the same except for the community bit of FFXI. FFXI does have it's share of retards, and we've all come across them, but the experience will differ from server to server, I rarely meet vulger or noobs anymore (I just drop from the pt and /blist them)
I only play WoW when ffxi is down, and then on a private server for free.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 5:18 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
Never played WoW, but I have friends who are WoW addicts, and I have watched a lot.

Is WoW really a multi player game?

Most solo to 60, then the multi player element comes in. Unless you are on a PvP server. Then other players will gank you. :roll:

The crafting system is broken. This has broken the economy.

You can solo forever and never rest for MPs or HPs. Some view this as an advantage. Death "penalty": in an invulnerable form, you get kinda close to your corpse. You are now healthy and restored. No EXP loss, no armor or weapons degraded or lost. The players who ganked you can't even loot your corpse. Again, often seen as an advantage. :roll: Disadvantage, players who will camp your corpse.

Two good things, the transportation spell that will bring party members to you, hands off travel mode.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 8:11 pm
by Okuza
I had a ton of fun playing WoW. It's just too easy, though. It's the only MMORPG around where you can actually win the game. After about 3 months, I had 3 characters at the level cap. All had maximum crafts with all the recipes and all the best gear. This was from playing casually, too. I had friends on their 7th and 8th character that had migrated to the other side because they ran out of things to do on the original side they started on.

WoW is *faster*. A LOT faster. You not only can just log on and instantly start doing something, but the pace of the fights is about 3-5 times as fast as FFXI. An FFXI player will look at some of the character-options and see "reduces recast by 0.2s" or "0.5s" and think "huh, why bother?" In WoW, that tiny bit makes a huge difference. WoW has a real UI. You can actually type & interact as fast as you can without all the ugly animated-lag that FFXI has in the UI (stupid exploding windows and polled i/o).

The downfall of WoW is that it is essentially a PvP game. They have zero end-game. They expect everyone to level up, do some of the easy "end game" to get gear, then spend all their time in PvP. If you don't like PvP in an RPG, then there's nothing there for you to do.

WoW: fast pace, great UI, gaudy day-glo graphics, pvp, no end-game, minimal replay, cookie-cutter NPCs, menu-driven fetch'n'carry quests
FFXI: slow pace, horrid UI, gorgeous graphics, no pvp, little end-game, great replay, quests/missions with CS's, NPCs with personality.

Both have story-lines, but FFXI does a much better job telling theirs. I couldn't name a single WoW NPC. FFXI? Hell, who doesn't know that bitch Shantoto or those damn Onion kids or poofy Prince Pieuje or those ridiculous Chebukki tarus?

WoW is fun, but after you see "Game Over" scroll past a few times, you're done. That's why I'm back playing FFXI. WoW was like a short FFXI-vacation. Nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 9:05 pm
by Murto
Yea, in my opinion theres 2 types of MMO's..

The ones like Ragnarok, Guildwars and WoW, which are fast and pointless fun.

Then the fully serious slow, indepth ones like FF and... umm... umm.. lol

WoW is designed to attract more to the 13yo player base, American-noobs from the Starcraft Battlenet days where they'd type abuse and "HAHHA YOUR SO NOOB I PWNZOR YU" All over your screen, and the adults with not enough attention span for real games.

FF11 just seems sooo much more real, theres the pretty spots (like the gardens in Sandy, or the lookout in Wajaom Woodlands) and the ugly spots *cough*bastok*cough*. The moon, weather, monster-AI and complex complex design all contribute to make Vana'diel an almost completely believable world. Not to mention the storyline's great, and the job choices and sub-job system are completely unique.

You wont find another MMO thatll let you go "Hmm i might go rock it out in dunes tonight, lemme get my noob gear and i'll meet you there on my Mnk10 *jobchange*"

Or "Hmm, I could sub /drg on my Bard and still get invites".

Plus the fact that FF is basically the only MMO that doesnt revolve around pvp.

As the saying goes "As long as theres retards in this world, there will be pvp servers"

I'm sure we'd all quit FF in dunes, if some idiot lvl 75 was to run around killing lvl 10's going "OMGliek ROFL! you dielolz"

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 12:15 am
by Sugami
Technically Guild Wars is not an MMO, I forget the term they use :lol:

I played GW for about 2 months with a friend during my first big time away from FFXI, was so much fun (not to mention no monthly fee). Only reason we stopped was it became to hard without competant help and the AI mercs were just useless. About 3 missions away from completion too and already obtained one of the "legendary" 15K pieces, purely asthetic but hot damn it looks good.

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 12:30 am
by Pheonixhawk
- Warlock

haha I pwns you with my shadowbolt. Oh still not dead? Shadowbolt >:D , Still fighting? Affliction, Fear, Shadowbolt. Still kicking? Deathcoil, Fear! Shadowbolt, Shadowbolt, ShadowBolt. (While all this is goin on, your pet is attacking for gimpy dmg)

- Red Mage

Hmmm okay you wanna fight? Bind! Slow! Paralyze! Dispel! Sleep! Thunder III, Fire III, Blizzard III, Refresh, Convert, Chainspell, Thunder III, bind, Aero III, Sleep! Cure IV on myself, *Pulls out sword and melee's* Haste! En-fire! Bio! (or dia) WS FTW Go Go Spirits Within !!

- Group Battle WoW

Okay everyone Attack!!!! (Spam spam spam moves, spam, w/e)

- Party in FFXI

Okay, War and Nin tank the mob. Red refesh, enfeeble, and backup heal. Whm you know what to do. Blm Nuke your heart out. Okay everyone lets do a Skill Chain and Blm, use Blizzard IV on Cue. If we work together in Unison we can Chain Exp!

- Intances on WoW

Okay, spam spam spam moves, spam some more, kill everyone. Okay, we done. Good job.

- FFXI Missions

All fun. Each mission is something unique and different. Never just, kill everybody here. In fact, their all so complex, that I can't even tell you how all the missions are in general. Like how in windurst you had to activate Magical Gizmo's. Or how you had to race to tharonghi Canyon to kill mobs and race back to windy. How you had to fight the shadowlord who at first can only be damaged by melee, and then only be damaged by magic. How on Promies, you have to sneak your way through waves of mobs, and destroy memory recepticals on each floor until you get to the boss NM.

Lastly the graphics. I mean, WoW looks soo....gimpy.... The males all look horrible, not to mention when your char runs, its like their arms don't move in a natural running motion at all. The Graphics in FFXI are done beautifully. With good music in stages as well such as The Sanctuary of Zi' tah etc etc. When I first went to solo an avatar as a lvl 20 smn, the music and graphics made me shake in my boots before the fight. And the day I call my hard earned character a "Toon" will be the day I kick a hole in my computer. My character is a character. Not a cartoon character, that I could lvl up to 60 in a week. ..

Nuff said. (Don't even get me started about the idiots in WoW.)

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 12:34 am
by Wanta
Sugami wrote:Technically Guild Wars is not an MMO, I forget the term they use :lol:

I played GW for about 2 months with a friend during my first big time away from FFXI, was so much fun (not to mention no monthly fee). Only reason we stopped was it became to hard without competant help and the AI mercs were just useless. About 3 missions away from completion too and already obtained one of the "legendary" 15K pieces, purely asthetic but hot damn it looks good.
Guild Wars is not an MMO, it's just an online RPG, like Diablo 2 on multiplayer mode. The towns are basically just cool looking chat lobbies, soon as you step out, there's nothing massive since you're alone on the world.

Back on topic, I voted FF11. Though the community is bad (but name me one MMO with a good one) and it tends to take forever to get anywhere in it, but when you do achieve it you get a very good feeling of accomplishment. WoW just seems too simple to me. It's aimed at a much wider public, so it has to be made easy.
I also love how FF11 has actually a good story rather than just a bunch of fetch quests with no story like in just about any other MMO. And I just love the art direction in FF11, the world is pretty and the characters all look good and cute.

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 1:22 am
by Tianshii
Pheonixhawk wrote:- FFXI Missions

All fun. Each mission is something unique and different. Never just, kill everybody here. In fact, their all so complex, that I can't even tell you how all the missions are in general. Like how in windurst you had to activate Magical Gizmo's. Or how you had to race to tharonghi Canyon to kill mobs and race back to windy. How you had to fight the shadowlord who at first can only be damaged by melee, and then only be damaged by magic. How on Promies, you have to sneak your way through waves of mobs, and destroy memory recepticals on each floor until you get to the boss NM.

You are right on! Gave me a little happy chill remembering doing those things... :( :)
Pheonixhawk wrote:With good music in stages as well such as The Sanctuary of Zi' tah etc etc. When I first went to solo an avatar as a lvl 20 smn, the music and graphics made me shake in my boots before the fight.
{word}!! same here hehe :)

My WoW playing friend and I sometimes talk about our adventures in our respective games. He says FFXI sounds a lot more time consuming and complicated. I've shown him SS of our grand Wyrms, NM's, sky gods, sea baddies and of some of the places I enjoy roaming through.
We even discuss the drama that is rampant in both games.
He plays WoW because he doesn't have the time nor interest (he's never played any Final Fantasy title) in Final Fantasy brand of game play & in the teamwork you must have to be successful in FFXI.

I find the time to do these things when I can.
I love the ability to be whatever job I wish, (so long as I have unlocked it) whenever I wish to be it!!
On top of that, being able to roam around as a cat-girl!
Most of all helping others... Not running around murdering them :stare: (mind you there sure are days when I might like to!!!! *giggle*)
I also like that the EU/JP/NA players are on the same servers.
I like being in a JP party, even though I have no clue what they are saying... or strolling through jeuno and seeing spanish & french being spoken.

Just last night I was playing {/stare} with moogle while deciding which job to play with. I was pondering simply {/shutdown }when my Mithra sister Magejewel announced in LS she had died... :(
I made the perilous journey out to her in Beaucedine Glacier to hook her up with a Raise III. She was sooo happy when I showed up!! :)
Made me happy to help out an up-and-coming summoner with her solo career :)

:( now I want to go home and adventrue!! *glances @ clock* ...2.5 hours left @ work...

~happy adventuring everyone, be it in FFXI or WoW~

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 3:31 am
by Tivia
Murto wrote:Yea, in my opinion theres 2 types of MMO's..

The ones like Ragnarok, Guildwars and WoW, which are fast and pointless fun.

Then the fully serious slow, indepth ones like FF and... umm... umm.. lol

WoW is designed to attract more to the 13yo player base, American-noobs from the Starcraft Battlenet days where they'd type abuse and "HAHHA YOUR SO NOOB I PWNZOR YU" All over your screen, and the adults with not enough attention span for real games.

FF11 just seems sooo much more real, theres the pretty spots (like the gardens in Sandy, or the lookout in Wajaom Woodlands) and the ugly spots *cough*bastok*cough*. The moon, weather, monster-AI and complex complex design all contribute to make Vana'diel an almost completely believable world. Not to mention the storyline's great, and the job choices and sub-job system are completely unique.

You wont find another MMO thatll let you go "Hmm i might go rock it out in dunes tonight, lemme get my noob gear and i'll meet you there on my Mnk10 *jobchange*"

Or "Hmm, I could sub /drg on my Bard and still get invites".

Plus the fact that FF is basically the only MMO that doesnt revolve around pvp.

As the saying goes "As long as theres retards in this world, there will be pvp servers"

I'm sure we'd all quit FF in dunes, if some idiot lvl 75 was to run around killing lvl 10's going "OMGliek ROFL! you dielolz"
While I agree with most of your post, I am going to take a bit of an affront at the statement "
As the saying goes "As long as theres retards in this world, there will be pvp servers" "

I have been PVPing since 97 in Ultima Online primarily and on a limited basis in numerous other games. I am not retarded and am very well aware of a large community of PVPers who are likewise not retarded or immature kiddies. Please make sure you clarify that the groups you are referring to here are most commonly found in games where PVP is not skill based but based only on your gear and the amount of time you have to play.

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 11:40 am
by Okuza
Tivia is right that just because assholes like to PvP doesn't mean that all PvP'ers are assholes. Some are nice people and fun to play with, but I'm sure she'd be the first to admit that PvP attracts assholes the way dead cats gather flies. The only MMORPG I ever played that had PvP where the reasons for PvP'ing were actually role-played was M59. IMHO, the biggest reason for that was because it wasn't really an MMORPG, but an MORPG. It was long before UO, so the player base was small and based not on gamers, but on MUD players and RP'ers. Each server might have 500 people total -- maybe 50-100 online at once. You got to know everyone.

Starting with UO, there were enough people that anonymity was relatively simple. Anonymity is the root of anarchy in human culture. If no one can identify you, you can't be caught. If you can't identify with others as people, then there's no reason to treat them as other than handy pixels for slaughtering; ie. there no social incentive or disincetives toward humanizing the culture. It's about consequences and none of today's PvP MMORPGs have any real consequences that might arise from slaying another player.

M59 had a player's council that could effectively ban other players for egregious antisocial behavior detrimental to the server's culture. Could you imagine that in FFXI? Wouldn't it be grand to nice to mass ban spawn-monopolizers like the sky RMT or folks that ignored dynamis schedules and just ganked the zone out from under you?

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 11:42 am
by Karou Ariyen
Lets not start this again please. WoW is crappy IMO. I was beta, and partial retail. But its more about personal preferance :o

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 11:44 am
by Stockyboy
Okuza wrote: M59 had a player's council that could effectively ban other players for egregious antisocial behavior detrimental to the server's culture. Could you imagine that in FFXI? Wouldn't it be grand to nice to mass ban spawn-monopolizers like the sky RMT or folks that ignored dynamis schedules and just ganked the zone out from under you?

Wouldn't work. Corruption would win. You'd get some guillible girl that just had her e-boyfriend dump her to get her whole LS to ban him.

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 1:40 pm
by Tivia
Okuza wrote:Tivia is right that just because assholes like to PvP doesn't mean that all PvP'ers are assholes. Some are nice people and fun to play with, but I'm sure she'd be the first to admit that PvP attracts assholes the way dead cats gather flies. The only MMORPG I ever played that had PvP where the reasons for PvP'ing were actually role-played was M59. IMHO, the biggest reason for that was because it wasn't really an MMORPG, but an MORPG. It was long before UO, so the player base was small and based not on gamers, but on MUD players and RP'ers. Each server might have 500 people total -- maybe 50-100 online at once. You got to know everyone.

Starting with UO, there were enough people that anonymity was relatively simple. Anonymity is the root of anarchy in human culture. If no one can identify you, you can't be caught. If you can't identify with others as people, then there's no reason to treat them as other than handy pixels for slaughtering; ie. there no social incentive or disincetives toward humanizing the culture. It's about consequences and none of today's PvP MMORPGs have any real consequences that might arise from slaying another player.

M59 had a player's council that could effectively ban other players for egregious antisocial behavior detrimental to the server's culture. Could you imagine that in FFXI? Wouldn't it be grand to nice to mass ban spawn-monopolizers like the sky RMT or folks that ignored dynamis schedules and just ganked the zone out from under you?
I agree, I have actually been playing since M59 I just do not mention it much anymore since so few have any clue what I am talking about.

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 1:41 pm
by Sugami
Okuza wrote:Tivia is right that just because assholes like to PvP doesn't mean that all PvP'ers are assholes.
Just most of them :P

Majority = generalization.

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 9:53 pm
by Ambrey
I think it was a good idea to post a discussion like this in a new thread instead of derailing another topic cause of this. However, now I see everyone that has posted their views here, I think that its an unfair polling honestly due to the fact that this is primarily a FFXI website lol. But whatever, everyone's entitled to their opinions. :P

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 11:32 pm
by Sugami
I reiterate;

lolWoW :lol:

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 4:41 am
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
Ambrey wrote:.... I think that its an unfair polling honestly due to the fact that this is primarily a FFXI website....
Unfair to WoW maybe.

Fair to the almost totally derailed topic I think was the idea.

But then again, a MMON game where you get more interaction with other players by getting ganked by them rather than partying with them seems a tad strrrange to me.

And I would not play a cowgirl unless the job came with a leather skirt, vest, and a pair of 6 shooters.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 5:03 am
by Ambrey
You guys constantly say stuff about the other players ganking you if you play WoW. You do know that before you even start to play you get to choose what type of server your on, whether it be a PvP or PvE (player vs environment) or even an RP (role playing) server.

PvE servers the other players cant attack you unless your either flagged for PvP or challenge them to a duel, meaning if your on a PvE server and you get ganked by another player its your own stupid fault. So the argument that WoW sucks because other players gank you fails. :P

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 5:06 am
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
I do envy games with RP servers, and on WoW there are PvP and non PvP RP servers.

So on the non PvP servers you don't much interact with other players at all till 60 I guess. /shrug

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 6:16 am
by Kistala
Here is all I have to say about FFXI vs. WoW:

This is an FFXI forum. It is a primarily a place for people that play FFXI to discuss FFXI. This is NOT a WoW forum. It is NOT primarily a place for people that play WoW to discuss WoW. By partaking in this forum it is assumed that you play, have played, or are at the least considering playing FFXI. It is irrelevant what anyone thinks of WoW, as this is not a WoW forum, and WoW does not interact with FFXI in any way, shape, or manner.

The long and the short of it is that WoW has no place in this forum. Please take WoW discussions to a WoW-relevant forum. Thank you.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 11:02 am
by Stockyboy
Ambrey wrote:You guys constantly say stuff about the other players ganking you if you play WoW. You do know that before you even start to play you get to choose what type of server your on, whether it be a PvP or PvE (player vs environment) or even an RP (role playing) server.

PvE servers the other players cant attack you unless your either flagged for PvP or challenge them to a duel, meaning if your on a PvE server and you get ganked by another player its your own stupid fault. So the argument that WoW sucks because other players gank you fails. :P
Hacks. When I started I got killed by a level 60. I was on a PvE server.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 2:39 pm
by Okuza
There's really no such thing as "ganking" on a WOW PVE server. If you got killed by a higher level unexpectedly, it was certainly because you had done something to flag yourself as a PVP target. I've long forgotten all the ways newbies were tricked into flagging, but there were a number of them.

Fortunately, I played on an RP server. A lot of people really worked hard at their RP and tried to make even the PVP meaningful, but even there, the asshole-PVP faction was larger than the RP-PVP. That really didn't bother me at all, though. You are never forced to PVP in WOW. Well, there are a couple quests that will flag you for PVP for a short time, but both sides pretty much left folks alone for those.

It's not "ganking" that's the problem. It's that WoW is just a tiny bit of PVE followed by endless PVP. Blizzard obviously was expecting everyone to spend all their time cheerfully PVP'ing after capping and gearing. So, they never bothered to include any end-game PVE content. Honestly, I just don't like PVP in an RPG setting.

IMHO, the fun challenge of a MMORPG is getting a bunch of people to cooperate. Getting people to fight is easy.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 10:43 pm
by Ambrey
Kistala wrote:Here is all I have to say about FFXI vs. WoW:

This is an FFXI forum. It is a primarily a place for people that play FFXI to discuss FFXI. This is NOT a WoW forum. It is NOT primarily a place for people that play WoW to discuss WoW. By partaking in this forum it is assumed that you play, have played, or are at the least considering playing FFXI. It is irrelevant what anyone thinks of WoW, as this is not a WoW forum, and WoW does not interact with FFXI in any way, shape, or manner.

The long and the short of it is that WoW has no place in this forum. Please take WoW discussions to a WoW-relevant forum. Thank you.
Ah so your saying that we're not allowed to talk about anything else on these forums whether it be anything to do with current events, r/l, other games or other situations? Or is it that your the one who doesn't want to see these discussions on these forums?

We have seen recent talks about the Wii, PS3, Xbox ect and not all of them have anything to do with FFXI, does that mean they need to be wiped off the forums as well? What about the topics of the car racing games people were talking about in previous posts?

The point of the matter is, its called freedom of speech. Also if the mods of the boards have such a serious problem with the discussion of WoW then they would have warned us or locked the topics. I have yet to see any posters here call each other names or any type of insults. Its been a friendly constructive discussion and like everyone who posts, they all have the right to freedom of speech and opinion, don't try to take it away from them. :twisted:

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 12:29 pm
by Sugami
There's no such thing as "free speach" in a privately owned/controller forum (as I found out a while ago :x).

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 2:11 pm
by Okuza
LOL -- I don't think one thread in the forum constitutes a hostile takeover. :o

Hell, those of us posting here that have played WoW are all playing FFXI now and not playing WoW -- and we're saying why, too. 'Course, this might have the same effect as a great big "DON'T LOOK HERE!" sign. I'm not worried, though. WoW might draw someone away for a few months, but then they'll be back.

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 4:24 pm
by Vatrina
Both games have their good points, and both have their bad. WoW is a good game; Blizzard wouldn't own 50%+ of the MMORPG market if it wasn't. However, it is geared toward the casual player, log on for an hour and get something done, which is why many people who switch from FFXI to WoW come back to FF cuz they're not those kinds of gamers.

The biggest problem with WoW is its lack of content. Endgame is all about PvP, either solo, raids or battlegrounds, regardless of the server you're on. FFXI has a lot of content, be it quests (hundreds per country,) missions, or just changing jobs on your character and leveling again. The biggest problem with FFXI is that you need to be in command of a small (or large depending on your goals) army to get said content completed.

Graphics don't make or break a game. Some of the best games came out 15-20 years ago when pixels were the size of someone's eyeball. Those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, go get an original NES or Atari 2600 and find out. :D

Suffice it to say since this is an FFXI forum and not a neutral location like Allakhazam, or KI or BG, FFXI will win the vote. But being the superior game...that's simply a personal preference.

PS: Freedom of Speech is only applicable in a public forum.

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 8:30 pm
by Stockyboy
In Soviet Russia, free speaks you!

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 10:44 pm
by Ambrey
Well said Vatrina. Thing that I hate about end game FFXI is most of us players will never even get a chance at some of the best end game gear such as the abjurations off of the 3 kings. As we all know too well very few ls's as well as RMT's control the 3 kings during spawn time.

Also the so called requirements to get into most end game shells is 90% of the end game shells are seeking mage jobs, not melee. ig mistake by SE to make a game thats end game content is dependent on throwing nothing but a ton of mages at a mob while melee get stuck doing nothing. A player should be able to enjoy end game stuff by playing the job he/she wants to, not play a job they don't like just so they have a shot at end game.

Cool thing I liked about WoW's end game was everyone gets a chance at end game gear. And yes, there is content to end game WoW, you just need to do quests to get the background, most of which ties into Warcraft's past games as well. :wink:

FFXI's doesn't have its own history, FF games always recreate a new history with each game (save the X series). Which is kinda kewl, everytime a new FF game comes out there's something new.

The appeal I agree with WoW is it is more for the casual gamer. Takes a lot less time to log in and accomplish something. At least most quests you can do in WoW have some kind of good story involved in them and don't require a group just to finish them and the rewards you get from them are actually useful. Can't say that about most of FFXI's quests lol.

Thing I think I miss most about FFXI is the closeness of friends you make on there while playing, that and the graphics. I miss the job system too, was really nice to switch jobs on the same toon and switch back again. :)