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worth it?

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 8:55 pm
by Tianshii
I recently got the Image from my "limbus group".

Well as it turns out, I should have let it fall to SE nothingness. Apparently while I was away from game events for 2/3 weeks.. the group I do limbus with changed the rules to... if you get an item off omega or ultima you don't get a cut of coins for 4 weeks.
When I returned, I was "welcomed" back, but no one bothered to tell me this "new rule".
Furthermore, this "new rule" isn't posted anywhere. When I asked I was told that it had been discussed with the group for the past 2 weeks and was agreed upon. Past 2 weeks... again, while I was away.
Like I said, I should have just let that thing fall into the void because it sure isn't worth me losing out on making my SMN better because my WHM is only lvl 74.
Maybe it's just me but I really feel set up because I got chided for not telling anyone that I would be away :stare:
Who knew ya gotta get approval to be absent for Real Life :?: {That's interesting}
So, sisters, is it Worth It (for a summoner)?

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 9:34 pm
by Shirai
I do Limbus with my HNM shell.

The rules my LS uses for Limbus is you can choose for 7 points or a share of the coins.
The coins dropped in Limbus go to one person which collects them and distributes them after Limbus ends.
The one who chose points get points and the coins are devided to the people taking coins.
AF+1 Mats are free lot as long as you have a job that can use it leveled.
If nobody lots it's totally free.
(I ended up making the PLDs in my LS very jealous because I own both items to make PLD AF+1, and I don't even have the job unlocked. >.>; )

Omega/Ultima drops are bidded on with the same points we use on Sky/HNM.
So yes it would be very possible for one person to walk away with all the drops, but he pays for it in points, which gives another person a chance on the next run.

As for the rule change,
a normal LS would announce that in the forums imo.

Looking at the stats of the Nashira Turban, I would say for soloing and main healing the Enmity -5 is really sweet and the spell interuption down is also.

For HNM however this piece is indeed more useful on whm.
In those situations I would stick to the Austere hat or Walahra Turban for the extra 30 HP.

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 12:11 am
by Tianshii
Yeah, this Limbus group is an extension of my HNM shell.
So, like you said, I expect some heads up when rules change.
On the other hand... last I checked the rules for the HNM portion of the LS aren't even posted. These people, as I have come to learn, are very unprofessional. The excuse is that the favored members want to keep the LS like a "family". :?: Seems to me the better and wiser way is to treat it like a non-profit foundation, (since they don't want it to be like "work").
I like the rules you guys use, Shirai... too bad I can't get a world pass to your server with my levels, gear and name entact :P
You better unlock PLD !! :lol:
I've only ever lotted the stuff to upgrade SMN AF because I have no desire to upgrade WHM AF. I have blessed gear, Noble's tunic and a Zenith crown for whm, I feel that is good enough considering I am never asked to bring WHM to any HNMLS events.
Also, I do get a lot of use out of my Austere's Hat. In fact, I love it. When soloing, that shortened BP timer can mean life and death for this lil' kitty summoner. I also love it because it was a gift from my sifu SMN Hellick :)

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 1:05 am
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
If the Macc is picked up by your avatars it could be usefull. But I know little about SMN.

I would say you got kinda shafted on the rules thing no matter how good that turban is.

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 5:49 am
by Kintrra
Yeah, I gotta agree there. Regardless of your job and the item dropped, you're getting shafted, due to something I don't think anyone's mentioned. Was this new rule instituted after you got that turban? Cuz if it was, there's no way they can have the right to force you to abide by that rule.

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 7:25 pm
by Tianshii
From what I was told, this new rule was thought up, discussed and took effect while I was away from the game. I was not told the rule was in effect until the following week.
I was ordered to give up all the coins I had been holding for them during that run. When I asked why I was not to be included in the cut of coins, then and only then was I informed of the "new rule". :stare:

When I asked further on it, I was told that "we have been discussing this for 2 weeks during limbus runs and in LS"
:?: I wasn't around during those 2 weeks... So I wondered how I could know of this rule. And apparently that is my fault for not asking permission to be absent from game for Real Life.
You would think that since I had been absent from limbus runs for 2/3 weeks that they would not have even told me to lot the turban.

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 9:11 pm
by Okuza
One of the major hassles in running a shell is getting people to move shell conversations to the web. Getting stuff that doesnt' need to be in game out of the game (like chat on loot and shell rules and such) is damn hard even when you have leaders that are aware of the problem and pushing the web.

It's the first thing I look for when hunting a new shell or do when I start one -- not that I do either one very often (hardly at all), but offline chat is critical for shell success. Too damn much drama if you keep it all via whispers.

There's not much you can do about the way things are now other than vent a bit here (like you are :)), but if you're serious about staying with them, you might want to try to encourage offline chat.

. critical data/decisions are there for everyone to read
. everyone can participate in all discusions
. discusions are (mostly) public -- helps cut down on whisper drama & politicking
. moves all drama out of the game so peeps can just enjoy playing
. helps cut back on drama by giving folks a chance to think before posting


BTW, if you were holding a bunch of coins, obviously you got them before the rule went into effect and thus you are absolutely entitled to a split of those. Retroactive rules that steal items from people are the very worst kind of loot rule around. It's really hard to leave a shell, but if they're trying to rewrite history, it's a bad sign and you might want to consider it.

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 8:07 pm
by Tianshii
The thought has crossed my mind to leave...
The coins I was holding were for that run only.
And the shell does have a forum where lots of people post lots of crap. And by crap I mean CRAP.
There is an entire section for "rules" that has been empty since this new forum opened in April :?:
The only usefull updates are to points (and sometimes linkshell library), but since there is no post as to how many points you get for particapation in the 2 events we do... it would be pretty easy for the leader & his sackholder minions to fabricate or randomly change that as well.
When I vent to LS members or even in LS chat I get told to "shut up" or even "STFU" when I'm simply saying.. hey I was away.. it wasn't posted anywhere...
One would think my so-called "friends" would have let me in on rule changes, but like I said... It is apparently my fault for taking an un-approved game leave of absence & then not asking everyone what changed while I was away. I'm so so terrible, aren't I? :roll:

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 4:04 am
by Okuza
Well, the coins weren't an issue then, but the problem is stil retroactive rules. You got hat when it didn't have any penalty. Penalty rule added later, but they applied it to a time before the rule went into effect.

If you want to go out of your way to create drama as a shell leader, mess around with people's expectations wrt. to rare and/or valuable loot without letting them know. People get really upset when you give them reason to expect a drop and then suddenly change things so someone else gets it. Stability is a hell of a lot more important than "fairness" when it comes to a happy drama-free guild.

BTW, if you got the hat on that run itself, the problem is *much* smaller. That's just a comunication issue. You got lost in the noise. There is a TON of noise on raids. It's hard to make sure everything is done fairly down to the last minute detail with all the people jabbering at you and each other.

If that was the case, I'd just shrug it off. Was just your turn for minor bad karma. I wouldn't take it personally in that case, but it does suck. :(

Re: worth it?

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2024 9:23 am
by xaresity

Re: worth it?

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2024 3:08 pm
by xaresity