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I miss it.

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 3:41 am
by Pheonixhawk
Ever since I joined the Corps (Almost two years ago) I havent had the chance to watch any anime. They don't sell any in english or even with english subtitles here in Japan. Or they will super gimp it. (I mean how can they have the 3rd episode of Gravion and nothing else. Or like the 5th season of a new series ive never heard of, and not the other 4) To be honest the two main things I did when I was home, was play Video games (not online ones) or watch Anime. Well im getting tired of playing games 24/7 when im off from work, and quite frankly I miss it. I miss seeing Monkey D. Luffy pwn other pirates. I miss seeing Yugi duel himself out of near impossible situations. I miss seeing Yuske rheem on demons or even seeing Ruroni Kenchin smack people up with a reversed Sword. I wish I could download episodes of the net, but Im not to familiar with computer programs and all that mumbo jumbo. I can't order it from the states, cause evertime I try, I get the message saying it can't be delivered to me in Japan (main reason It took me so long to get Aht Urghan) I just don't know what to do for fun anymore.

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 3:44 am
by Tinacat
I miss seeing Monkey D. Luffy pwn other pirates.
I miss the days when Luffy didn't exist. What do people see in that show? I just dont get it.

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 4:01 am
by Pheonixhawk
Because Luffy is one tough peice of rubber. He has so much power, and he's so carefree. Not to mention there's always some new attack he comes up with to totally kick the other pirates butts. It's really funny. Not to mention he has a really cool crew, Zolo being my second favorite. I mean ive heard of fighting with two swords, but three? Awsomeness :lol: (For those of you who haven't seen the series, Zolo Fights with a sword in both hands, and one he bites down on the handle with his mouth.)

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 10:11 am
by Eviticus
Go download Bit Lord, a very easy torrent program, and search for subbed anime. It seems kinda weird for one to be in Japan and yet downloading the anime off the net in english. Ah well, do what ya have to. When ya get bored, just watch something without subtitles and MST3K it.

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 1:07 pm
by Sugami
One Piece? I saw first episode and didn't like it, agree with ya I don't see what people see in that show. is your friend and go download bittornado.

Another great source is IRC, download mIRC ( and setup the server to join as and channel to join #animeone (/join #animeone). They have one bot (A|Distro) host all the new releases from their subgroup and others too.

All you do is;

1) type /msg A|Distro xdcc send #1 (in #animeone window)
that sends you the list of anime the bot is hosting
2) find pack number for corresponding anime you want
3) type /msg A|Distro xdcc send #x (x being the pack number)

And Bob's your father's brother, you have your anime.

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 10:23 pm
by Pheonixhawk
I dont trust Torrents as all. I downloaded one a few days ago and it nearly F**ked my computer up with a virus. :( and Im sorry if you don't like One Piece, but I really don't care. Ive watched at least 40 episodes and I enjoy every one of them. Alot of people say they don't like how it's drawn but who cares. Although I must admit, the cut version they show on TV. SUCKS. but the uncut version is godsend.

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 10:55 pm
by Tinacat
But how cant it be better, "uncut", it just seems like it would be the same 5 year old sillyness, but in Japanese.

I am not saying i hate it, i just want an expination, which I have never got from anyone.

Them: "It is SOOOO much better in JP."
Me: "why?"
Them: (no answer)

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 11:40 pm
by Pheonixhawk
Well for one they cutt out the swearing, the blood and the really bad ass fight scenes. Thats why. :lol:

I mean something about watching miss sunday break every bone in a guys body to the point where he started coughing out blood, they seem to find unsuitable for children. And so what if they use the B word and F word often... perfectly suitable for 13 and up. <_<

Ill give you two instances.

On the Episode where he fights Arlong. On Ty they show Arlong ram into Luffy and knock him into the wall. Luffy came out with a few sratches from the rubble while zolo shouted out, "That Fiend".

Uncut: As Arlong rams into Luffy, Luffy coughs out a fair amount of blood from his already bleeding wounds. Zolo yell out "You bastard fish!".

Episode where Zolo fights buggy, Nami Steals Buggy's treasure, and Zolo stops him from chasing her. He cuts Zolo leaving no mark on Zolo at all, while Buggys states "Now that stop that thief Nami."

uncut: Zolo gets cutt, blood spews, and as he See's Nami running off with his loot, he calls her a B****.

Not to mention there are some episodes wich are completly cutt out from TV and redone. Why? I have no clue. I thought maybe if they aired it on Adult Swim then maybe they would keep it. but Cartoon Network has never done so.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 6:39 am
by Susannah
I read manga more than watch anime, but I did get Trinity Blood, and it's a good anime. I have a thing for vampires.
But I agree that the US bastardizes anime pretty bad, or they take an adult oriented anime and try to make it suitable for 5-6 year old kids.

Re: I miss it.

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 12:44 pm
by mirabem
Pheonixhawk wrote:Ever since I joined the Corps (Almost two years ago) I havent had the chance to watch any anime. They don't sell any in english or even with english subtitles here in Japan. Or they will super gimp it. (I mean how can they have the 3rd episode of Gravion and nothing else. Or like the 5th season of a new series ive never heard of, and not the other 4) To be honest the two main things I did when I was home, was play Video games (not online ones) or watch Anime. Well im getting tired of playing games 24/7 when im off from work, and quite frankly I miss it. I miss seeing Monkey D. Luffy pwn other pirates. I miss seeing Yugi duel himself out of near impossible situations. I miss seeing Yuske rheem on demons or even seeing Ruroni Kenchin smack people up with a reversed Sword. I wish I could download episodes of the net, but Im not to familiar with computer programs and all that mumbo jumbo. I can't order it from the states, cause evertime I try, I get the message saying it can't be delivered to me in Japan (main reason It took me so long to get Aht Urghan) I just don't know what to do for fun anymore.
this is a little late, since I only just saw this post, but I might have a solution for you.

I'm into anime, at least the good stuff, and I keep pretty up to date on a few series. There's a service I subscribe to called Anime Direct, and what they do is host the lastest unliscenced anime series, or older unliscenced stuff. Often what we see in the US is less than 75% of what's actually out there, picked to appeal to "american tastes". AD hosts shows that are currently airing in japan that haven't been bought up or liscenced for release in the US. With the speed at which alot of the subbers are releasing things, the new episodes are uploaded a few days after they air in japan.

The service isn't free, but they have dedicated download servers. For 10$ a month you have unlimited downloads. How much is unlimited? In the last 2 weeks i downloaded episodes 1-90 of Bleach. And I can keep up with the latest episodes right after they're released.

and there are no programs involved. you just click and download.

True, torrenting is still free, but at 5 mins or less per download, and the sheer size of their title library(which is constantly being added to), it pretty much pays for itself.

if you stick to torrenting I reccomend Anime Suki and the downloader Azureus. It's java based and rediculously customizable. Nova torrent is good too.

Shows I'm currently watching:
Mai Otome
Mahou Shoujo Tai
Tsubasa Chronicle
The Third

**also if you're really hard up for instant gratification, try youtube. many fans upload high-rez full length episodes.


edit: kyaaa bad bbc code >.<

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:36 pm
by JediKitsune
Pheonixhawk wrote:Well for one they cutt out the swearing, the blood and the really bad ass fight scenes. Thats why. :lol:

I mean something about watching miss sunday break every bone in a guys body to the point where he started coughing out blood, they seem to find unsuitable for children. And so what if they use the B word and F word often... perfectly suitable for 13 and up. <_<

Ill give you two instances.

On the Episode where he fights Arlong. On Ty they show Arlong ram into Luffy and knock him into the wall. Luffy came out with a few sratches from the rubble while zolo shouted out, "That Fiend".

Uncut: As Arlong rams into Luffy, Luffy coughs out a fair amount of blood from his already bleeding wounds. Zolo yell out "You bastard fish!".

Episode where Zolo fights buggy, Nami Steals Buggy's treasure, and Zolo stops him from chasing her. He cuts Zolo leaving no mark on Zolo at all, while Buggys states "Now that stop that thief Nami."

uncut: Zolo gets cutt, blood spews, and as he See's Nami running off with his loot, he calls her a B****.

Not to mention there are some episodes wich are completly cutt out from TV and redone. Why? I have no clue. I thought maybe if they aired it on Adult Swim then maybe they would keep it. but Cartoon Network has never done so.
Yeah, they totally crapped on some somewhat significant scenes in the 4Shame version. One character, if I remember correctly, is changed to "lose their ability to swordfight", and then after that episode, you never see them again for some reason. Why? Because in the JP version, THEY DIED.

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 11:00 pm
by Pheonixhawk
Ill go with Youtube. I really really really don't trust torrents.

Re: I miss it.

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2024 9:19 am
by xaresity

Re: I miss it.

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2024 3:04 pm
by xaresity