Kiri Tale ^^
Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 1:35 am
this is my 1st time writing something like this, so any info would be helpful. ^^
As the night slowly begins to fade into the vast endless sea and the blissful sun slowly creaps over the horizon, the small town fishers start to cast off to catch the early fish for the days long market ahead. The sun slowly creaps above midway hover the horizon and slowly this little fishing town comes to life as the shop keepers gather all the materials require to make a small profit for the day from the young eager advanturers comeing over on the mornings ship.
"Easy with that cart of goods" came a voice as a sight of the morning ship from Mhaura is spoted in the far distance and a soft whistle can be heard from pending its arival.
The ship docks with Selbina port and many adventurers start to pour out of its hull like starved crazed rats out of a sinking ship, eager for excitment and wonders of the new place of Selbina. Also a few nomade moogles slowly come out after the adventures to carry out much needed tasks by their current employers. Slowly the once quite town of Selbina rose like the morning sun into a well placed safehaven and market place with well tided trade routs to San D'ori and Bastok with all the comerce between the local vendors and the newly arrived adventures.
As one of the nomade moogels slowly wander through the venues and crowds of adventures, hearing aboundful of ruccus in the near backgrond.
"Hey, stop that thief!!" as one of the local vendors shouts in anger and frustration as several theifs make off with some gil and food. The moogel stops for a moment, looks around and spots a small warnout path that leads just over the small hill can barly see a simple looking house overlooking the small town.
The moogle found its destination, but continues to wander around looking for a few items, some fresh fruits, bread and a few fish from the early catch by the local fisherman. and slowly goes up the warout path to the lone house overlooking the town with a spectacular view of the harbor and the nearby beach off in the distance.
A lovely mithra still curled up in a large mohagony bed, stuffed with the finest feathers in a rather large room. With her short red hair, curled up in the center of the bed still in her evening garments came a loud banging at the door.
"Alright... im up.. hold on." as now a irate mithra woken out of her peaceful slumber, searches around for her robes, slowly gets out and walks over to the door. The inside of this very nice house. Partly built directly into the hillside with a nice peaceful looking water stream flowing out of a large hole into a pool off in the corner with a few slide screens around it. On the other side of the room was two rather large polished oak dressers next to eachother, and a small stool in the middel with a well placed egg in the center.
Another loude banging from the door by the impatient nomade moogel. "Alright, just a moment." said Kiri as she opeaned up the door.
"For the last time, please stop calling me that, you know i dont like it" as she stares at her moogel with very irateded eyes, "...this has better be worth disturbing me." as she calmly at her moogel.
"Yes mast... i mean Kiri."
"Thats a bit better" said with a slight smile on her lips.
" I have here eargent message from your Straw, he says that he will be with you later tonight under the stars at the hidden beach."
"My Straw is going to take me out somewhere specail tonight!" she said with glimer in her eyes, quickly turned over to the closest large oak dresser. Kiri mosted loved friend Strawberr, a well endowed Dark Knight of San D'Orie. She and Straw have been goodfriends snice her arrival in Windurst, eager to become a great adventurer. She has studied hard and fast to beable to show her worth of his guidance. "What should i wear for my special knight." Sifting through countless gears and clothing, still hideing her true fealings from him. mostly her clothing and gear she kept in this large oak dressor was the color red from her job being a strong redmage and being red her favorit collor. With a sudden inspiration she reaches down, pulls out a few articals of clothing saying, "I know just the thing..." then suddenly paused and stared straightly at the next dressor.
"I'm sorry mast... i mean kiri, there has been no news of her for some time." said the moogel noticeing his master looking at the large well polished dressor next to kiri.
"I know, all we can do is hope for the best" Kiri said reaching for a well ornated key hanging up on the way. Places it into the lock and slowly turns it opean.
As the night slowly begins to fade into the vast endless sea and the blissful sun slowly creaps over the horizon, the small town fishers start to cast off to catch the early fish for the days long market ahead. The sun slowly creaps above midway hover the horizon and slowly this little fishing town comes to life as the shop keepers gather all the materials require to make a small profit for the day from the young eager advanturers comeing over on the mornings ship.
"Easy with that cart of goods" came a voice as a sight of the morning ship from Mhaura is spoted in the far distance and a soft whistle can be heard from pending its arival.
The ship docks with Selbina port and many adventurers start to pour out of its hull like starved crazed rats out of a sinking ship, eager for excitment and wonders of the new place of Selbina. Also a few nomade moogles slowly come out after the adventures to carry out much needed tasks by their current employers. Slowly the once quite town of Selbina rose like the morning sun into a well placed safehaven and market place with well tided trade routs to San D'ori and Bastok with all the comerce between the local vendors and the newly arrived adventures.
As one of the nomade moogels slowly wander through the venues and crowds of adventures, hearing aboundful of ruccus in the near backgrond.
"Hey, stop that thief!!" as one of the local vendors shouts in anger and frustration as several theifs make off with some gil and food. The moogel stops for a moment, looks around and spots a small warnout path that leads just over the small hill can barly see a simple looking house overlooking the small town.
The moogle found its destination, but continues to wander around looking for a few items, some fresh fruits, bread and a few fish from the early catch by the local fisherman. and slowly goes up the warout path to the lone house overlooking the town with a spectacular view of the harbor and the nearby beach off in the distance.
A lovely mithra still curled up in a large mohagony bed, stuffed with the finest feathers in a rather large room. With her short red hair, curled up in the center of the bed still in her evening garments came a loud banging at the door.
"Alright... im up.. hold on." as now a irate mithra woken out of her peaceful slumber, searches around for her robes, slowly gets out and walks over to the door. The inside of this very nice house. Partly built directly into the hillside with a nice peaceful looking water stream flowing out of a large hole into a pool off in the corner with a few slide screens around it. On the other side of the room was two rather large polished oak dressers next to eachother, and a small stool in the middel with a well placed egg in the center.
Another loude banging from the door by the impatient nomade moogel. "Alright, just a moment." said Kiri as she opeaned up the door.
"For the last time, please stop calling me that, you know i dont like it" as she stares at her moogel with very irateded eyes, "...this has better be worth disturbing me." as she calmly at her moogel.
"Yes mast... i mean Kiri."
"Thats a bit better" said with a slight smile on her lips.
" I have here eargent message from your Straw, he says that he will be with you later tonight under the stars at the hidden beach."
"My Straw is going to take me out somewhere specail tonight!" she said with glimer in her eyes, quickly turned over to the closest large oak dresser. Kiri mosted loved friend Strawberr, a well endowed Dark Knight of San D'Orie. She and Straw have been goodfriends snice her arrival in Windurst, eager to become a great adventurer. She has studied hard and fast to beable to show her worth of his guidance. "What should i wear for my special knight." Sifting through countless gears and clothing, still hideing her true fealings from him. mostly her clothing and gear she kept in this large oak dressor was the color red from her job being a strong redmage and being red her favorit collor. With a sudden inspiration she reaches down, pulls out a few articals of clothing saying, "I know just the thing..." then suddenly paused and stared straightly at the next dressor.
"I'm sorry mast... i mean kiri, there has been no news of her for some time." said the moogel noticeing his master looking at the large well polished dressor next to kiri.
"I know, all we can do is hope for the best" Kiri said reaching for a well ornated key hanging up on the way. Places it into the lock and slowly turns it opean.