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Is Corsair Cool

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 1:24 am
by Kessa
I've been deployed since Jan, and havent played ToAU yet. As I peruse the forums everyday I see Sugami's Signature and wonder How UBER FUN and COOL can Corsair Be.

I ask myself Do I also wanna be a Corsair Kittie???

Plz help me decide >>

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 1:59 am
by Leane
I don't know, all I've done is unlock it
but beware the (supposedly) true sight imps that'll (supposedly) aggro a 75

I say supposedly cause, I stayed out of their line of sight, and never got aggroed

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 2:13 am
by Keavy
If you like RDM or Bard then Corsair is the job for you!

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 5:48 am
by JediKitsune
It's good but sooooo expensive. The only ranged weapons you can equip are guns, and you'll be expected to pull with them. Also, you'll need to keep stocked up on elemental cards after you get the Quick Draw ability at Level... 40 I think.

Also, everyone wants Corsair's Roll.

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 11:08 am
by Sugami
Heh best way to look at COR is a mix between RNG and BRD, you can't do damage like RNG but it isn't far off (Slug Shot 675 ;)) and you can't buff aswell as BRD can but the unique buffs you get, coupled with a job in the party to boost it, is godly :D

And yes it is a very expensive job, bullets and gear more so than elemental cards.

If you're serious about COR I strongly advise leveling RNG first for a couple of reasons;
1) It'll take care of your marksmanship skill
2) It's the best sub for most of your COR life (I haven't used anything else).

Regarding pulling, I always ask someone else to do it if they have a ranged weapon since pulling with a 600 delay weapon is slow and you also need to buff the party after fights. I've been forced to pull a few times, it's not so bad but it does throw your rolls off a bit. And /NIN for fast things (colibri and raptors).

Regarding Corsair's Roll, anyone who asks for it is a moron and anyone who uses it past 16 is also a moron :P

If there's anything else you want to know just ask :)

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 12:26 pm
by Eviticus
It's a luck based Bard with a gun. And yes, Imps do have true sight aggro.

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 3:05 pm
by Kintrra
Sugami wrote:Regarding Corsair's Roll, anyone who asks for it is a moron and anyone who uses it past 16 is also a moron :P
You'll have to note that that's Sug's personal opinion. I've found CORs who throw it up at the end of a fight and never seen a problem with it. ^^;

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 3:21 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
COR vs. BRD.

COR has only party buffs, no mob debuffs. They cannot MB. BRDs do not have an EXP buffer.

While they do less damage than RNG, they do way more than the few BRDs who melee.

BRDs are expected to /WHM, CORs may till L 20, but no one expects them to or insists they do. At L 20 they are expected to /RNG.

I think the card animation is way cooler than the musical notes.

BRD is dirt cheap. COR is up there with RNG and NIN in cost / party.

The ONLY ranged weapon they use is a gun. And their first gun is equippable at L 15. COME ON SQUENIX, let them at least use the Hackenbush. But then again, the only bullets available till L 22 do ONE damage.

Rocking looking AF which will be available real soon any time now.

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 4:44 pm
by Pheonixhawk
I made the mistake of taken rng to 10 without lvling marksman for corsair. Corsair is only lvl 8 though :P

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 12:07 am
by Keavy
From how it was explained to me, the party buffs make for faster kills that result in more exp. over time compared to Corsair's Roll.

Then again, we do live in the age of "Big numbers."

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 12:35 am
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
Keavy wrote:From how it was explained to me, the party buffs make for faster kills that result in more exp. over time compared to Corsair's Roll.
I think that they use it mostly before they have many other usefull rolls, but then again....
Kintrra wrote:I've found CORs who throw it up at the end of a fight and never seen a problem with it. ^^;
So this way you have the buffs that are usefull for killing faster till the mob is 95% dead, then the Corsair's roll for the kill.

I like that idea.

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 12:24 pm
by Sugami
Okay let me give you a little lesson in Corsair 101.

Few things you need to know about Phantom Roll;
1) It has a 1min timer.
2) The effects last for 5mins.
3) You cannot reroll the same roll if it is already up.
4) Duration that you can Double-Up lasts for 45 seconds after Phantom Roll.

The first two points come into Roll order and maintence a lot. Once a COR hits 40 and gets Evoker's Roll they should be keeping 4 rolls up, that's two melee and two mage.

5 min duration, 4 rolls with a minute cast in between what does that tell you? At most you'll have 1min spare before you have to restart your roll order, usually it isn't more than 10 seconds due to waiting for puller etc. etc.

Now can you see that throwing out additional rolls whenever you feel like it is next to impossible with this technique? Anyone not using 4 rolls at this stage is a big fat nubby.

At Lv.20 Corsair gets Healer's Roll, you should be getting party separation at this stage which means if you were to use Corsair's Roll then one group will be leveling faster than the other, which kinda makes the level gap larger in some instances.

If a COR throws out Corsair's Roll at the end you'll be lacking a useful Roll for another minute at least. Depending how quickly you pull that's a large chunk of the next fight.

Corsair's Roll is just a big no-no after Lv.16 unless you have two CORs in party.

I see a lot of CORs melee and have gear aimed at it and I just cry a little inside every time. Dagger and Sword damage is crap there is no reason to do it and you're also gimping your gun damage due to firing at point blank. In between rolls you act like a gun-ranger would, anyone who does otherwise is stupid :roll:

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 3:07 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
So unlike BRD songs you can't overwrite one with another?


Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 4:08 pm
by Mystiana
Sugami wrote:If a COR throws out Corsair's Roll at the end you'll be lacking a useful Roll for another minute at least. Depending how quickly you pull that's a large chunk of the next fight.

Corsair's Roll is just a big no-no after Lv.16 unless you have two CORs in party.

I see a lot of CORs melee and have gear aimed at it and I just cry a little inside every time. Dagger and Sword damage is crap there is no reason to do it and you're also gimping your gun damage due to firing at point blank. In between rolls you act like a gun-ranger would, anyone who does otherwise is stupid :roll:
"Everyone who doesn't do it just like me is stupid."

We had a JP COR who handled the rolls, including Corsair's, just fine. Faster kills + Corsair's Roll at the end netted us 8.5k/hr EXP. Just because you can't handle it, doesn't mean it can't be done.

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 10:01 pm
by Sugami
Yeah I'm sure he was only giving 2 rolls instead of 4 being less productive to the party. I stated at least two reasons why using Corsair's Roll cannot be efficient if you had bothered to read my whole post.
You might think I'm being arrogant and elitest, and I guess I am a little but I take great pride in the jobs I play and hence come off this way. The method I described is the most efficient way to play COR 22-70 as the Corsair Forums would tell you if you were to visit there :P
After the party today the BRD complimented me and said he learnt a lot on how CORs work, that made my day more than the 800+ Slug Shots.

Was netting 7-10K/hour today (varies due to someone leveling and think someone was reading off their windower). Setup was: NIN, DRK, THF, COR, BRD, SMN.
Melees getting Rogue's Roll and Chaos Roll and SMN getting Evoker's and Healer's Roll.
I got one whole level, 58 -> 59 in a couple of hours or however long 2 sushis last with prolonged food effects from sanction.

Any one person is allowed two rolls from each COR including the COR themselves. A COR can overwrite a roll if they're using a different roll that isn't on him/herself at the time.
My Roll order is usually: Evoker's -> melee -> melee -> Healer's, I find it easier to see which roll I do next that way rather than alternating between mage and melee rolls :)

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 12:28 am
by Pheonixhawk
I may play corsair once the AF comes out and I see whether or not I like it (So far Rdm AF is still my fav). Also I partied with a Cor, Bard, and Me a Rdm in the party. Let me tell you, the xp was raining on us like a flash flood. I had so much mana I could spam Thunder II and still not even come close to running out of mana. Cor is a great job, very supportive. Lets just say this,

a Rdm makes a chain 2 go to chain 5
(refresh, nukes + enfeebles)

a Brd makes the party stronger and smoother for the transition. (debuffing mobs and buffing party)

a Cor gives that extra "I'm gonna whoop your a**" in the party.
(Party boosting Rolls)

Honestly if I were a mob and saw someone had all three in the party, I would surrender right then and there XD

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 2:21 am
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
Cor, Bard, and Rdm.

I'm jealous.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 4:31 am
by Keavy
I'm Jealous of the great parties. I got my WHM to 53 for two glorious minutes.

Let me explain: The party was a winner from the start (The leader sent me the following /tell: I know you're not seeking but no RDM's are available. Wanna party in Lab of Ozo?"

Yeah. It only got better from there.

We had a Ninja tanking with a WAR/NIN for recasts and a DRK who, after the Ranger arrived with the mob, popped Souleater and an Icarus wing and went to town. As the flesh was ripped from his bones he screamed "OMFG! HEAL ME!!!" while the Ninja and WAR fought for hate. The DRK was soon dead and I raised him. After chewing me out for not healing him I proceeded to /slapga him and informed him that if I had healed him the mob would have raped me afterward and being that I was the only party member with Raise that would do us a helluva lotta good. (Ninja swore to me "I know how to do my job. No need to waste MP on Reraise :D)

So after that hiccup and a good tongue lashing from the party the DRK restrained himself. The experience was going pretty good and before long I had reached level 53. After a round of "Congratulations!" all hell broke loose when the Ranger mistakenly pulled a Kracken-looking mob that proceeded to make us all his bitch. It was not a pretty site.

I deleveled and the party all decided that it was a good time to call it a night. I threatened to rip them all limb from limb if they did that.

Then they left. Bastards.

And my LS's wonder why I get pissy when they ask for a Tele or a Power Level or a Raise. THAT is why.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 7:28 am
by Pheonixhawk
Even though I am a rdm lvl 63, I don't have whm as a sub job. Recently alot of people have been wanting me to sub whm :(

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 11:23 am
by Sugami
RDM+BRD+COR = too much MP that you know what to do with :lol:

I've had one party with RDM and BRD, can't remember what level it was at but I'd only give Evoker's and probably tossed in Warlock's for the RDM since their MP was always almost full :lol:

I so hate Ozozo, it's hell for NIN and WHM with super-strong paralyze and silence, I'd stay in Valley of Sorrows a bit longer or... wait a sec 53? What were you doing there at 52? O_O;;

RDM/WHM is only really for when you're main healing with a BRD for support... and I tell those parties to go stick it 'cause they're so damn boring :oops:

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 11:43 am
by Kahvi


(goes anon to hide the obvious rdm/whm listing)

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 3:46 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
Pheonixhawk wrote:Even though I am a rdm lvl 63, I don't have whm as a sub job. Recently alot of people have been wanting me to sub whm :(
That's odd. I have always kept WHM leveled for a sub, but mostly I took it to 42 for the teles. Since L 41 RDM I don't think I have been asked to /WHM even 10 times.

The only real reason to /WHM is when there is no WHM or /WHM in the party. Now ask yourself, how often does that happen? I do not mind being the main healer, but how often is a RDM the ONLY healer? /WHM when there is a BRD in the party? Pardon me but when did you last see a BRD who was not /WHM?

For my $12.95, the utility of Conserve Magic, Escape, Aspir, Conserve Magic, Drain, and Conserve Magic easily outweigh having a second person with Paralyna and Curaga in the party.

But the day I hit 72, I am going to /WHM and Chainspell tele till I am out of MPs or time just to see how many stops I can make. :D

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 3:48 pm
by Mystiana
Good to know you trust a guide than your own experimintation. Of course, the game is nothing but people carbon copying each other and only expecting one thing.

Our COR in valor (75 I might add) did COR/WHM. Screw your guide. Why can't people play their own game anymore?

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 5:33 pm
by Keavy
I thought the new jobs were all about doing our own things.

Although, I would never nerf my own party just to do my own thing which is why unlike most of the RDM's in Quifm I don't sub a <10 Monk to my RDM.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:51 pm
by Eviticus
Lv 20 Pup/Drg. Play your own game, and embarrass others with your damage output.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 10:44 pm
by Pheonixhawk
Thats why is stick to Rdm/Blm my ls kept telling me that I NEED to lvl whm, and I told them to stick it :P

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 11:39 pm
by Sugami
Kahvi wrote:(goes anon to hide the obvious rdm/whm listing)
Hehe {/comfort} WHM is a perfectly acceptable sub, I just happen to think you'll get more out of /BLM in most situations.
Tsybil wrote: The only real reason to /WHM is when there is no WHM or /WHM in the party. Now ask yourself, how often does that happen? I do not mind being the main healer, but how often is a RDM the ONLY healer? /WHM when there is a BRD in the party? Pardon me but when did you last see a BRD who was not /WHM?
In parties where it is only RDM and BRD (WAR/MNK/NIN burn parties) and there are a lot of status effects being thrown out and AoE a BRDs MP pool for these things just doesn't cut it and individual cures against AoEs isn't efficient :(
Firemyst wrote: Good to know you trust a guide than your own experimintation. Of course, the game is nothing but people carbon copying each other and only expecting one thing.

Our COR in valor (75 I might add) did COR/WHM. Screw your guide. Why can't people play their own game anymore?
Like I said 22-70 it's the best choice and I've been extremely happy with my performance using RNG sub. It's also prooven that no other sub will give as much accuracy and damage.
RNG has B in Axe so why don't they melee? What would you say to a BRD who doesn't give the mages ballad or the melees their songs? It's essentially the same thing.

I said 22-70 'cause at 22 is when gun damage matters and past 70, more so around 73, fights are really quick and this makes landing shots quite tricky. People start gaining TP with melee then stand back and Slug Shot.

COR/WHM == gimp BRD in my opinion. They'll never be able to buff as well as BRDs and can't Dispel or Sleep and subbing mage takes away a HUGE amount of their damage potential.
Outside of EXP parties it has its uses although I'd say /RDM is a better choice for Magic Accuracy Bonus (buffs Quick Draw) and Dispel.

Play their own game, huh? Would you say that to a BRD/BLM because hot damn those gimped nukes are so important for the party, or a RDM/NIN because we know they must dual wield melee to make themselves useful.
It's not a guide, more like a general consensus between the CORs of that forum.
Keavy wrote: Although, I would never nerf my own party just to do my own thing which is why unlike most of the RDM's in Quifm I don't sub a <10 Monk to my RDM.
Exactly my point.
Eviticus wrote: Lv 20 Pup/Drg. Play your own game, and embarrass others with your damage output.
Actually PUPs been talking about subbing DRG in early levels :P Think you get an Attack Bonus at lv20. PUPs damage is pretty good till 30 then it levels off, after 50 it's a bit poor and after 60 you'll be crying.
Before Firemyst has a go at me again, these are not my words but those of experienced PUPs that have taken the job 60+.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 11:52 pm
by Kahvi
Sugami wrote:
Kahvi wrote:(goes anon to hide the obvious rdm/whm listing)
Hehe {/comfort} WHM is a perfectly acceptable sub, I just happen to think you'll get more out of /BLM in most situations.
Actually, i've been nothing but /whm because i hate playing blm. I only leveled blm to 20 to get warp 1. I've main healed, been the only healer (warned people not to expect refresh or debuffs when i do it tho) and been debuffer with it. It was rough... but i was one of the few rdm/whm in a sea of rdm/blm on seraph... and if i never decided to hang up my warlock hat i could have been 75 now... or still 70 and trading punches with maat...

now since most whm are non-existant whenever i look around... i see lots of rdm/whm... or smn getting asked as main healers

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 3:55 am
by Keavy
SMN can main heal as long as they have a decent backup healer or a damn good Ninja tanking.

Overall their gimped WHM spells can't cut it as a main healer with a meat shield tank.

I've noticed that a number of people have been requesting (Begging for) my WHM services as of late. I kinda like it :D

Now if only I could get some of them to repay the favor when it comes to my AF.

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 4:00 am
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
Sugami wrote: In parties where it is only RDM and BRD (WAR/MNK/NIN burn parties) and there are a lot of status effects being thrown out and AoE a BRDs MP pool for these things just doesn't cut it and individual cures against AoEs isn't efficient :(

With a BRD and a RDM, the BRDs MP is not a problem. I Refresh my BRDs when they get under 1/2, many are surprised that I do it at all!! Then again I continue to be surprised when I see a BRD Divine Seal - Curaga II.

I seem to /WHM for spelcalised things, not just BCNMs but hunting Hecteyes or some missions.

Kahvi and Pheonixhawk, there is no problem in being a dedicated RDM/WHM or RDM/BLM but versatility is good. Indeed in my 70s I am starting to think about other subs for exactly that reason. Thank the goddess for BLU. It should keep me from having to level DRK.

First spare moment after I hit 72, I am going to /WHM and Chainspell Teleport, seeing how many stops I can make before I run out of MPs or time. :lol: