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How to party with a Bard

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 2:15 pm
by Meeyutu
Ok I'm going to put some tips on how to make best use of having a bard in your party.

The function of a Bard in a party is simple.. well not really but a simple definition is - increase the damage dealt by the party, reduce the damage taken, and reduce "rest" time. With a good bard and people that make things easier for the bard a party can chain IT+ mobs for hours without anyone ever needing to rest and hold up the flow of experience points.

To start off I'll list a couple quick tips:

1- Never autofollow on a bard. They change equipment like crazy and have it in song macros so they never think of it.

2- Never craft near a bard. Our songs will interupt synths.

3- Listen to your bard. We may come across as bossy but ultimately we are there to make YOU do better and rarely have time to chat it up because we need to run around to get everyone running top notch.

Next up - Positioning, how to make a Bard fall in love..

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 11:17 pm
by Sivara
I know what prompted this post: our crazy Yuhtunga party last night. :lol:

Boy, Alizen learned the hard way about autofollowing a Bard. He ran right into the path of a Gob and died. :o

Then there was me...not standing where I needed to. :oops: I kept trying to dodge Mages Ballad and get Knight's Minne. I'm not sure if that was what I needed to do.

Oh, and you were not bossy at all, Mee. You were very business-like and savvy, and I appreciated that a lot. Some people are just idiots in groups, and they don't know how to direct.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 3:16 am
by Cyndari
When's the next part coming?? Ya know.....positioning :D

Re: How to party with a Bard

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2024 5:57 am
by xaresity

Re: How to party with a Bard

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2024 11:44 am
by xaresity