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Maat and my Red Mage Destiny...

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 5:55 am
by Pheonixhawk
Well in 10 lvls Ill be in a arena, one on one against My True Destiny. It's gonna be hard. Fist will fly, Spells with be cast with lighting speed, Someone will die... And I just want to thank you all for the support ever since I started at lvl 1 Rdm/blm. I just wish that some of you were on my server so we could hang out in game. If only everyone had a mule on the same server...

Anywho, any general tips for beating Maat? Also should all my skill be capped, including sword?

(P.S Im gonna post result of the fight on this thread :) )

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:44 am
by Minagi
Get to 70 first ;P that'll take a while ;o

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:21 am
by Sugami
Heh yeah it will take a while to get to 70, you won't need sword capped 'cause you won't melee. Enfeebling and Elemental Magic you will want capped though, shouldn't be hard to keep either capped.

The plan is to run up to him and Sleep him before he can buff up. Then buff yourself up and Dispel any buffs he managed to put on himself.

Nuke -> Bind -> Sleep

Rince and repeat until he's down to just over 50%. Chainspell nuke away and hope you get him before he gets you.

As for gear you'll need basically as much INT and Magic Attack Bonus you can get your hands on, elemental staves, vile elixir and the +1 and some mauslims or whatever they're called (ethers are useless). Also Fencer's Earring if you can, might save you from his Chainspell.

This is all about luck more than anything, it's doubtful you'll win on your first try and I've known people that have tried it over 20 times.
I've heard he'll spam his Asurian Fists on the 5min marker so speed is of the essence; don't worry about casting Blink and Stoneskin again, take the hits the elixirs will give you both HP and MP back.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 12:27 pm
by Nobodyreal
You will most likely lose the first few times. I got my tail stomped into the ground the first 4.

It's a better idea to nuke -> sleep -> bind rather than nuke -> bind -> sleep because he can (and will) start casting nukes the moment you wake him up.

Get as much +INT and +elemental skill gear as you can, eat a Melon Pie +1, use an Ice Staff, don't worry about the others. You want your nukes to hit him as hard as possible.

When you get him to 50% he pops chainspell. When that happens either pop yours and nuke or keep him asleep until it wears.

Keep in mind that he melees like a 72+ Monk. Stay away from him. Asuran Fists can one-shot a Tarutaru. Stoneskin can save you when Bind wears at the wrong moment (or doesn't stick) and it's only 30 MP so it's not a bad idea to keep it up (and cap your Enhancing Magic so it's at its strongest).

When you get down to where you won't have enough MP to nuke and sleep him again, just Convert while he's asleep. Don't waste the MP to heal yourself to full, a single Cure IV will do you.

When I beat him, I didn't take any elixers or ethers with me. Just a couple of Yagudo drinks. My 2-hour hadn't finished recharging yet (and I didn't realize it until I was in the BC) so I just used the nuke/sleep tactic and took him all the way down like that.

Remember that about anyone's advice this fight should be taken as helpful pointers, not gospel. What worked for me might not work for you. Don't be afraid to throw it all out and try something completely different.

But there's one thing you need to remember above all once you go into the BC for this fight: Don't Panic.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 1:37 pm
by Keavy
Just remember: Be prepared and pay attention. You don't want a repeat of Keavy vs. Shiva, do you? :lol:

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 2:53 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
Maat's no joke, thats for sure. I was pounded 4x by him before winning on the 5th try. I went the nuke> sleep route too and it can take some practice to get it down and finally beat the old man. I've heard of people clearing maat at 66, but I didn't start until I was 69 when we first get Aero III and didn't beat him until 70.

Enfeebling and elemental magic should be capped. M.Acc gear, M. Attk gear, elemental/enfebble gear are all good if you have them. RDMs unfortunately don't get much on the M.Acc/M. Attk gear compared to BLMs. Everyone who's gone through him will have different advice on staves/gear but I had the best damage with Aero III and Wind Staff and the best sleep rates with Enfeebling gear and Dark Staff.

Keep in mind that you'll have less MP then you're used to when you enter, since your subjob will be taken away. Plan accordingly. I used Marron Glace for the MP boost, but you may want Melon Pie for the MP and INT. I also spammed Yag Drinks instead of Refresh to save myself some MP during the fight.

I fought him on either Wind or Darks day and beat him on Dark.

Go in, sleep, dispel, dispel, dispel until you either take all his buffs off or at least take off Shell and Protect. Haste is also a good one to take off if you can.

sleep> bind> Nuke. Gravity can also help but I noticed that he resisted wind based spells quite a bit. Keep you're buffs up and med/convert as needed. I didn't chainspell until after Maat had 2hr'd and I'd slept him.
Then I went Chainspell/Nuke happy and he ended the fight at around 10% hp left. You don't have to defeat him all the way to 0 hp, just until he gives up on you. One of my friends (a RNG) cleared him when Maat was at 20% hp so it varies.

My final fight with him took 7mins and change and he didn't Asuran fist me at all that fight. I honestly don't think there's a "timer" where he'll start spamming Asuran fist if you go past 5mins or w/e.

I did notice, however, that if you Silence him (I did my first couple of fights) he's more likely to run up to you and start beating on you then just stand back and cast. So its actually safer to let him cast on you then Silence him and get 3x Asuran fists to the face 30secs into the fight.

Ruby Qudav in Qulun Dome is good practice, but keep in mind that:

RQ hits like a brick, Maat hits like a tidal wave.
RQ is a RDM. A high lvl one, but a RDM.
Maat is a RDM and a MNK.
RQ is actually pretty slow, Maat not so much. The old man must suck down tons of espresso just for us, I swear.
RQ can be both Silenced and Slept with ease, Maat tends to resist Silence at least partially.

RQ is also stingy as hell, I never once got a test from him. A ruby once, and water crystals the other times.

The Magic Pots in Temple of Ugly had the best drop rate/ease of fight for me. Magic Barrier >sucks< but thats the only bad thing about fighting them.

Good luck and let us know how you do^^

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 5:54 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
Cap Dark too. Sleep is an enfeebling spell yes, but it is Dark based and the L 75 RDMs I know all say this helps.

Do not wait till 69 or 70, you can start at 66, do it. You may even win.

Staves: Ice for Bind, Wind for Silence, Dark for sleep. Water or Wind for the nuke depending on your level. Paralyze may help, Gravity does if it lasts.

I have heard of one RDM who used Powder Boots.

Maat is the same level you are. When I faced him at 67 his top nuke was Water III, same as me.

NEAT TRICK. Be less than 500 TNL. Do your thing, THEN... use an EXP page, level in the fight, and refill all your MPs and HPs in one second. Even better if you have gotten to 69, learned Aero III, and deleveled for the fight.

Maat cheats, he has two full jobs, you don't even have a sub.

I have tried him IDK 6? 8? times now, I never count.

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:41 pm
by Leane
my advice, (you may not want to take it as I'm only a 58 RDM so I've never fought maat) is to use an earth staff and cast stone3, my reason for suggesting this is that I assume he'll get a few physical hits in and the earth staff gives you physical damage taken -20%.

but as I've said I haven't fought maat so I don't know if it'll be worth it for the lower ammount of damage that it does

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:49 pm
by Pheonixhawk
Keavy wrote:Just remember: Be prepared and pay attention. You don't want a repeat of Keavy vs. Shiva, do you? :lol:
Lmao! I remember that Keavy.

I asked now so I can save up for gear and prepare for the fight later. (bying staves etc) I mean now I know I should get my hands of one of those dragon chronicle scrolls so I can lvl up when I fight maat. (awesome trick Tsybil) You also alerted me that I won't have a sub job. If you lose against maat, do you get to fight him again in the same game day?

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:01 pm
by Leane
Pheonixhawk wrote:If you lose against maat, do you get to fight him again in the same game day?
from what I've heard it won't matter, cause I've heard that if you loose you need to get a new rdm testimony to fight him again

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:45 pm
by Keavy
For those unaware, I fought Shiva 4 times before I beat her icy ass.

First time was my "Trial run" on the avatar fights so I expected to lose.

Second time she kept killing my Carby before I could get AF off.

Third time I jumped the gun and went in on Darksday.

Fourth time I barely beat her. She 2 Hour'd me and Carby and somehow I survived (Like 10HP) and managed to get a new Carby and AF her into death before she could finish me off.

Scary, but fun. As soon as I got her I kept pitting her against mobs she couldn't handle as payback :D

Although I couldn't stay mad at her forever. I mean, look at how she dresses


Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 12:39 am
by Pheonixhawk

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 2:56 am
by ScarlettPheonix
You can fight him again as soon as you get a new testimony and your 2 hr resets.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 6:02 am
by Sylphine
I agreed on running to him and sleep him at the beginning of the fight...

And...i used to be unlucky enough to land sleep 1 and sleep 2 for 2 times each (4 attemps to sleep old maat) and end up with all 4 sleeps resisted...

So....may be when i get to play FFXI again and got my new paper...may be i'll run into the BC naked and put things on after entering the BC :?: (Some of my friend said : Maat will copy your status when you entered the BC) And drink 1 or 2 hi-ether to get the lost MP back should have elemental magic and enfeeble magic skill capped, at least to make sure you can land spells on maat more easily.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:12 am
by Karou Ariyen
Sylphine wrote:I agreed on running to him and sleep him at the beginning of the fight...

And...i used to be unlucky enough to land sleep 1 and sleep 2 for 2 times each (4 attemps to sleep old maat) and end up with all 4 sleeps resisted...

So....may be when i get to play FFXI again and got my new paper...may be i'll run into the BC naked and put things on after entering the BC :?: (Some of my friend said : Maat will copy your status when you entered the BC) And drink 1 or 2 hi-ether to get the lost MP back should have elemental magic and enfeeble magic skill capped, at least to make sure you can land spells on maat more easily.
Ya he copies your stats. Did that on war. I used really bad stat mods (mostly MND) and screwed him up. Too Bad He Scored A Lucky Critical And Pwned Me.... Im so doing sam maat.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 10:36 am
by Sugami
Nobodyreal wrote: It's a better idea to nuke -> sleep -> bind rather than nuke -> bind -> sleep because he can (and will) start casting nukes the moment you wake him up.
I did this tactic and it didn't work out. Bind wears as soon as you get a nuke in hence bind after nuke or just don't bother binding.

Bear in mind any other Enfeebling spell will get resisted or if not it won't last for longer than a couple of seconds so don't waste your MP on it.
Tsybil wrote:Cap Dark too. Sleep is an enfeebling spell yes, but it is Dark based and the L 75 RDMs I know all say this helps.
Yes it is enfeebling so dark magic won't help. It is dark based but that means it'd only be good against stuff that don't resist dark based spells.
Leane wrote:my advice, (you may not want to take it as I'm only a 58 RDM so I've never fought maat) is to use an earth staff and cast stone3, my reason for suggesting this is that I assume he'll get a few physical hits in and the earth staff gives you physical damage taken -20%.
One of two things will kill you (or both)
1) Asurian Fists spamga
2) Chainspell

His separate fisting hit me for 60-80 and he only swings once. Should stop him before he gets to you anyways but the odd punch won't get you killed.
Sylphine wrote: Maat will copy your status when you entered the BC
I believe he copies your base stats if anything. You could try running in naked and with those boots that gimp AGI or something but I don't think it matters.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 2:40 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
/votes for the doesn't matter statement

I tried the going in nekkid suggestion as well a few times, but actually beat him when I went in wearing my full Convert gear at the start.

There are several rumors about how he behaves:

-he copies your base stats so its best to go in nekkid or wearing - stat gear.

- He's the same level you are when you go in, even if you're level 66.

-he starts spamming Asuran Fists after a certain time limit.

There are a few more but I can't remember them at the moment. They're all anectdotal statements that have been spread but they're nothing more then rumor hiding as fact and there is no proof on if they work or not. Until SE breaks out the code and dissects Maats behavior for us I don't believe any of the rumors.

Don't get me wrong, if you want to try the suggested methods (going in nekkid, wearing negative stat gear, etc) go ahead, it doesn't hurt to try it.

I beat him at 70 and the highest nuke he used was Fire II if you can believe it. He spent the fight buffing himself or debuffing me. I slept him through Chainspell so he didn't have a chance to really go all out on me.

I finished the battle @ 7 minutes and change ~ no Asuran Fist attack, although I did get a Dragon Kick that took down Stoneskin before I was able to sleep him early on in the fight.

Earth Staff might help, but you're going to be switching staves for sleep, dispel, and other spells anyway so you might as well just go ahead and use you're highest nuke available at whatever level you go in to fight him.

More Damage= getting out of that circle of hell faster.

A few Red Mages told me its all about luck, tossing the dice and hoping you don't get Maat when he's been eating his spinach and taking his vitamins. Where your casts land decently and nothing serious goes wrong and its true. You get Maat when he's been drinking his protien shakes, you're in for a much tougher fight then if you get him when he's feeling generous. No way to tell until you get in there, unfortunately.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 4:03 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
ScarlettPheonix wrote: There are several rumors about how he behaves:

-he copies your base stats so its best to go in nekkid or wearing - stat gear.
This one has been tried a lot. If it is true, there would have been many more success reported using this tactic. Best gear trick I have yet heard of is Powder Boots.
ScarlettPheonix wrote:- He's the same level you are when you go in, even if you're level 66.

I faced him 4 - 6 times at 67 & 68. He never used Aero III, the RDM level 69 nuke. I only saw Water III for nukes. Only one fight went without me seeing a nuke at all. Inadequate statistical sample true, but a leading indicator that he IS indeed your level.
ScarlettPheonix wrote:-he starts spamming Asuran Fists after a certain time limit.
If this one is so, it only means that after a certain time he will use Asuran Fists constantly. Before that time he probably will use it, maybe spam it. If true, not useful.
ScarlettPheonix wrote:A few Red Mages told me its all about luck, tossing the dice and hoping you don't get Maat when he's been eating his spinach and taking his vitamins.
Only a few? :lol:

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 4:28 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
I beat him wearing full experience level gear going into the fight and while fighting him.

Just as many people will say to go in nekkid as there are people who will say go in fully dressed, that it doesn't matter. Doesn't hurt you either way.

I only went up against him at 69-70 when I got Aero III so you may be right, he may limit himself to your current level when you go in. I don't know, but even if it is true, I know he keeps that damned 71+ MNK job, no matter what your job level may be.

There are alot of people convinced about the "unofficial" time limit but like I keep saying, my fight was a long one for RDMs. Over 7 minutes is a good 70% into the time limit to clear it and if he was going to go all Asuran Happy on me he should've and he didn't.

Lol, and to be honest I'm the only RDM in my social linkshells and really only spoke to a few RDMs who'd already beaten Maat before going in. For some reason I tend to be the only mage in my linkshells. Everyone else is DD/Tank classes.

We should ask Mythbusters to come in and debunk these rumors. :lol:

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:34 am
by Pheonixhawk
You know there is a reason why Maat is so mean to us red mages. Just look! (Yeah I know its a oldie but I still like it)


Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 3:26 am
by ScarlettPheonix
:lol: I'd forgotten about that one. My character is the same model as Calcula too, wonder if thats why I got beat on so much.....

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 4:12 am
by Pheonixhawk
ScarlettPheonix wrote::lol: I'd forgotten about that one. My character is the same model as Calcula too, wonder if thats why I got beat on so much.....

Rofl!!! :lol:

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 4:49 am
by Kintrra
I don't recall time and the images haven't been edited, so there's some foul language in the log (I was a VERY unhappy kitty <.<; ) but I do have proof about the Asuran Fists-ga. ;;



I look at that now....and yeah....unhappy kitty doesn't cover it. :oops:

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 5:16 am
by Pheonixhawk
:o 8 times... Gee now Im starting to wonder what Im getting myself into...

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 9:59 am
by Sugami
Yeah I've heard that Bind may trigger the Asurian Fists spamga too or it may just be completely random but we do know for sure that he can and will do this and it will most likely be the 'cause of your downfall.

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 11:58 am
by ScarlettPheonix
I've never doubted the Asuran Fists Spamage the he can do, I apologize if I gave anyone the impression that I doubted that. I only ever had him do it to me once, Asuran Fists x3 wasn't fun~ 8 times??? OMG, I'd've been beyond upset.

My issue is the rumors about what (if anything) triggers it. Going beyond 5 minutes (the halfway mark) is a commonly cited rumor presented as fact~ that, I have problems with.

Unless and until SE opens up and gives an explanation about how Maat behaves, we just don't know. I used Bind in every fight and never really noticed that it triggered Asuran Spam; I went past 5 minutes when I beat him and didn't see Asuran Fists once. My experiences lead me to believe that (those rumors at least) are just that, rumors and it makes me doubt the rest of them too.

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 3:07 pm
by Wilemina
Persistence is the key. Don't get downhearted if you lose a few times. SS&B up at all times is a must. I used a vile elixir +1 and then a Proether (remember to use the proether second, as it's medicated)
Test all your macros out before you go in.
And the most important and most difficult thing is to keep calm and not panic.
Good luck with your Maat fight when it comes. Kick that ol' git in the spuds for me!! :wink:

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 4:30 am
by Kintrra
Um....yeah, especially since that was my sixth time up against him...I was exceptionally upset. :oops:

"PLD Maat is easy" <.<;;;

jeez, forgotten that I'd got THAT upset tho. :oops:

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 8:27 am
by Sylphine

He can use that WS eventhough he doen't have 100% TP!? :o

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 9:17 am
by Sugami
Wilemina wrote:Persistence is the key. Don't get downhearted if you lose a few times.
Oh I wasn't downhearted after the third loss I was fscking pissed off!
Luckily for me DRG wasn't far behind so I decided not to bother wasting more time and money on RDM maat and do it on DRG instead :D

I knew someone who said he timed it and on the dot of 5mins he'd do Asurian Fists spamga.
Another friend told me about the bind thing.
It just seems unfair that'll he'll go psycho on you for no reason and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it :(
Best thing is to aim for speed, quicker you take him down the slimmer chance he'll spam Asurian Fists.

Someone told me she ran in, Chainspell, nuked and won in 5 seconds but turned out she had a buttload of Magic Attack Bonus stuff heh but I still find that a bit hard to swallow.

His Chainspell isn't much of an issue (unless he lands Paralyse on you), yes he does nuke a bit but he also uses it buff and slap on stuff like gravity and dia. Get a fencer's earring at 70, might save you from the nuking but you should be able to stop him before he stops you unless out comes the spamga! :lol: