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shooo kitty?

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 1:30 am
by Tianshii
OK so this is pretty much a rant... :| A poor me emo rant I s'pose, but I'm really curious about something & it's got me really down. (I'll get to that in a moment.)
Several months ago I was a busy kitty. Going here and there, doing this and that. I had friends who I hung out with. I had an hnmls who kept me busy. Then friends started quitting the game. The ones left started hanging out with other people. I'de ask them... Did I piss you off? They'd say oh no, no. Just busy at the moment.
I'de ask them, hey wanna chill later~ go do a quest.. exp.. farm... anything. Sometimes they'de say sure only to blow me off later. Sometimes they'de blow me off right away. Now, if I don't invite myself, I'de only ever see these people at LS events.
So I keep wondering... WHAT HAPPENED?
Heck, I've asked. There is always an excuse.
Now, there is only ONE person who seeks me out to just play. Not because he needs me to PL him. Not because he wants a teleport. Not because he needs something slain. To do anything at all with lil'me. We've taken to duoing. His BST, my NIN. We have fun.
So~ the bottom line is... this person seems to still enjoy my company. What's with the others?
90% of the time I'm by myself. Slaying sprinklers in sky got too redundant so I took up fishing. Fishing. I spent an entire day fishing without so much as one tell. On a weekend day.
So I can't help but wonder, after sereral instances of being forgotten and blown off over and over and over again. What Is Wrong With Me? :(
I'm about to throw in the towel. This game is no fun at all without any people to pal around with ya.

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 3:38 am
by Sadira
I know exactly what you mean. In fact, it sounds like you're describing me. I have a couple of friends that still seek me out to talk from way back when we started the game, but I don't know what happened to the rest. The only other time I get /tells from long lost friends is when they need something. Even many current friends are like that in that they'll blow me off until they need me for something.
Tianshii wrote:So I keep wondering... WHAT HAPPENED?
And so, in answer to your question...I just don't know. I can only speculate, but I don't know. People are like that I guess.

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 8:22 am
by Kintrra
To put things as bluntly (and truthfully) as I know how to at times. People are assholes, plain and simple. ;; It's a shame we can't all be a little more friendly and a little less self-centered, but that's the way of things I guess. Just keep your chin up, things'll get better. ^^

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 8:57 pm
by Karou Ariyen
I bust my tail to do nothing but put people first and help them over me, so the one time I tell my new sky (former in this case) ls that I need help i get jacked. "Oh well since your b/f's grandmother passed away and you took the day off from your nm run, becuase the death wasnt your family you lose your turn for a month." My God. He's My Boyfriend JERK OFF! I LOVE HIM MORE THEN ANYHING! That was no reason to screw me over! I dedicated over 250+ hours to that former ls jerk offs and i get shafted because i had the decency to have a life outside of Final Fantasy. >.< :x

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 10:27 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
Karu, there is nothing more important to your Sky/HNMLS than Sky and HNMs. All of them are like that.


Tianshii, sometimes I wish people would leave me alone. Then they do and I wonder what the matter is.
So I keep wondering... WHAT HAPPENED?
HNMLSs happened. Other endgame things happened, some of them not as demanding as HMN/Sky LSs. The RL phrase for this is usually "you grew apart". Sorrry. Wish I had an answer.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 12:42 am
by Tianshii
Karou- my hnmls is really good about RL things. If you miss something due to RL you don't get in trouble. In fact, in a case where there is a death we rally around that person in their time of loss.

Also, a lot of these friends are IN my hnmls with me. The few who still seek me out aren't even in that hnmls with me. It's just.. weird. :|

Thank you, sisters, for responding to my lil'gripe-plight.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 4:13 am
by Kintrra
*Gives the kitties all a big grouphug*

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 8:38 am
by Waef
That happens to me sometimes. There are a few people who will send me a tell first but if I want to talk to someone I usually have to initiate it. I don't think it's that people don't want to be around you, it's that they truely are busy and are more focused on exping, or killing that NM, or something that they forget to talk to friends. I know what you mean about people only talking to you to ask for help though...

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 12:45 am
by Tianshii
*hugs Kintrra back* thanks sisterkitty
Yeah sometimes they are busy, that doesn't bother me. I've had to turn people down too when I'm @ an hnmls camp, having that all important staring contest with moogle or the rare invite to do an assault mission by random strangers. (I would list EXP, but I usually solo & can leave anytime).
What's been getting on my nerves lately is 1 "friend" is persuing some chick who has a RL BF already. /disgusted And if she's around then I'm invisible to him. Soon as she {log off} *poof* I get a /tell.
:?: :x

On the bright side: Thank God for my hnmls leader. He's so freaking cool! I did a buncha stuff w/ him the other day. Was the first time I had genuine FUN in a really REALLY long time. :D

so..basically.. my new frame of mind is guys are assholes (except my hnmls leader & prolly some of u manthra :p)

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 4:46 pm
by Kintrra
Sounds to me like your '1 friend' needs a good swift kick in the nuts...when they're sore guys tend to stop thinking with them for a bit. <.<;

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 7:11 am
by Karou Ariyen
*kicks friend in the nuts* Hey Hey dude... Look over there, You've Been Kicked In The Nuts. You're Gonna Be On TV :lol:

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 9:50 pm
by Tianshii
:rofl: KarouKaniyashia!!! {/cheer} weehoo for sisterkitty power of teh nutz kicking!
Yeah, I'de like to kick him in teh nutz sometimes, Kintrra :roll: I'm just gonna run up to him next hnm camp, target him and do /em kicks <t> in TEH NUTZ!!!! :lol:

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 8:13 pm
by Tianshii
:x Another example of shoo.. my own hnmls sent me a-packing during a Faf fight. I had died 3x for them. Got told to exit DA and walk back around... only to be kicked from ally upon my return for some black mages from a DIFFERENT, and usually rival, linkshell. {/sigh}
After Faf died... I couldn't get a warp from any ls... Further ticking me off.
I mean, how many hours do you have to blow on people for something so simple? How much do you have to give to be considered worthy of being included in things? Apparently I need to be a popular job.

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 2:08 am
by Kintrra
Tianshii wrote::x Another example of shoo.. my own hnmls sent me a-packing during a Faf fight. I had died 3x for them. Got told to exit DA and walk back around... only to be kicked from ally upon my return for some black mages from a DIFFERENT, and usually rival, linkshell. {/sigh}
After Faf died... I couldn't get a warp from any ls... Further ticking me off.
I mean, how many hours do you have to blow on people for something so simple? How much do you have to give to be considered worthy of being included in things? Apparently I need to be a popular job.
WTF? ;;

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 9:15 pm
by Tianshii
That's exactly what I was saying at the time... What The F~<k :stare:

On the upside, made a new friend after that incident. New member to my ls contacted me saying he thought what happened was messed up. We got together to farm him a coffer key for the map in sky the next day :) Then, after finding the coffer, sat up on one of the ledges in sky enjoying the veiw. :)

Re: shooo kitty?

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2024 4:01 am
by xaresity

Re: shooo kitty?

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2024 9:51 am
by xaresity