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Game Decesion

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 7:05 pm
by Shekhina
well, I had decide to keep playing FF11, but Money has become really tight and my internet is being canceled until who knows when. Thank you all for your support and i'll miss playing with you all. I'm sorry if this hurts some people.

I was going to cancel my account, but I'm selling it to this guy who wants it instead. He's buying it as is and doesn't want me to delete Shekhina. So, if you see her running around in game from now on, it won't be me.

I can either have him keep the LS pearl or destroy it. I figured you might want me to destroy it until you get to know the new "Shekhina" player better before inviting him. Since my internet is being canceled, I think its best if my account on here was deleted. If I ever get internet back again, I'll just re-register.
Again, thank you all for your support and help. I'll miss you all.

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 12:23 am
by Sivara
Aww...I'm sorry to hear that you're leaving.

Well, you might as well let him keep the pearl. That way, he's already in a great LS, and if he's a butt, we can break his pearl for him. :D

Anyway, best wishes to you in all you do beyond Vana'diel's boundaries!

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 5:51 am
by Sirc
I'm sorry to hear that you have been forced to leave the game Shek. I don't recall ever being on with you, and I'm not even sure if you were on the Midgard server. But I hope you ca come back some day.

I was wondering if the person that bought your account has experience with FF. I'm not thrilled about having a lvl 44 WHM that has no clue carrying a MP pearl. If he keeps the pearl and doesn't have the experience to go along with it then at least I hope he will allow us to teach him before he goes out and gets himself and everyone depending on him killed.

I may be rather low level, but I have earned every experience point. I'm not trying to bash you or anything Shek, it's cool that you were able to sell your character. It's nice to have some compensation for the RL money and time you have spend playing. I'm just concerned about the "new" Shek. If he doesn't have the experience to deal with the character then he is gonna get bashed terribley and won't enjoy the experience at all.

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 6:47 am
by Amiricle
I wish you well, Shek. I'll miss you :(

Re: Game Decesion

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2024 12:57 am
by xaresity

Re: Game Decesion

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2024 6:51 am
by xaresity