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Who are the Five Ministers of Magic?

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 6:35 pm
by Dukuji
This may seem like a silly question to you Windurstian cats but I was born on the outskirts of Mhaura in the Kolshushu region. (So, I’m technically a Mhauraian.) Only in recent years have I allied myself with the Federation but one thing has not been made clear to me. So my question today is, who are the Five Ministers of Magic in Windurst and what are they the ministers of?

Thanks in advance :)

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 8:57 pm
by Pohyan
Im from sandy, so all i can do is guess, but im thinking that they are like foodgroups... ministers of meat, vegi, grain, fruit and waffles

mmmmm..... a full course taru-buffet.... /drool

lol, sry duku, i have no idea what they are, just wanted to say heyas :P


Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 1:22 am
by Ziada
You're gonna go running around stopping people on the streets of Windurst, like when Jay Leno tries to find someone who knows who the Vice President is, aren't you? :)

Ajido-Marujido, Minister of the Orastery - major player in the Windurst missions. Perpetually on the run, imprisioned, or otherwise in hot water

Apururu, Minster of the Manustery. In charge of all the silly coconut-heads-on-wheels around town.

Tosuka-Porika - Minister of the Opistry. In Windurst, the head librarian is a major government figure. Nice work if you can get it

Rukususu, Minister of the Rhinostery. Ran off to Fei'yin long ago and locked herself in a little room. Maybe she'll come home before she freezes her tushy-wushy off

Sedal-Godjal - Minister of the Aurastery. Hangs out in Davoi with smelly orcs, also not doing his job. Slacker.

Re: Who are the Five Ministers of Magic?

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 9:09 pm
by xaresity

Re: Who are the Five Ministers of Magic?

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2024 3:05 am
by xaresity