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Accentuating the Positive

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 10:30 pm
by Dukuji
A great man I know lives by the principle, "accentuate the positive; eliminate the negative." Now yes the adage is a bit of a cliché these days but hearing it is one thing and living it is another.

I’m bombarded with noise from nay-sayers and crap-screamers. So, instead of speaking out on what’s bad and terrible in the games we play I wish to mention a few things that I’m thankful for and am happy about.

* I'm grateful for the new XP rings that help take the strain off of leveling.

* I'm grateful the smooth and near-flawless download that came with the latest version update. Much improved over what has been in the past.

* I'm grateful for the ex armor/weapons that I can obtain without having to pay the owners of a monopoly.

* I’m grateful for the help I receive from friends and the chances I’m able to help others.


If you'd like to place positive emphasis on something, feel free to post here, otherwise please start a different topic.

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 10:36 pm
by Kateevia
/clap /clap /clap

I'm greatful for the awesome cats on MP phoenix.

I'm sure I'll think of more so consider this post #1

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 10:45 pm
by Cyndari
I am grateful also for the xp rings

I am grateful for the npc friend that can help me solo that SOB mob that would normally kick my ass

I am grateful for the few ppl who go out of their way to help me when I need it.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 12:10 am
by Kahvi
Yes and that should apply to quests.. the whole think positive bit..

When faced with a timed quest that you are almost about to run out of time for.. don't say to yourself "I will not succeed" Be positive about it and say "I will fail"


Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 1:58 am
by Losfuin
I'm glad that other people have been online as much as I have over the holiday season. With my friends and family in limbo, I'm glad you kittens stopped me from being alone.

I'm happy that people will come out and help me if they can, and expect nothing in return. Especially when it goes wrong. Likewise, I'm glad when people who I help - especially at random - appreciate it. About a week ago I helped someone kill the Bastok dragon, and I'd never met them before. He died because of a mistake I made as WHM, but was he mad? No; he was glad that I was there to make the mistake in the first place :)

The EXP. rings are lovely. As I sometimes don't have enoughtime to party (or I don't think I do), they make my life much easier.

I'm glad for the Guild Points system, giving crafters who are serious about their craft something over those who just want to PL it to lvl 60 and move on to the next.

Really, I'm grateful for lots of things. I'm still ever-so happy that Prrsha offered me a linkpearl seemingly at random, and thought well enough of me that I'm a sack-holder. I'm glad that when it was my time to fight the 2-3 dragon, I had more people offer to help than could fit into the battlefield. And I'm just glad to be playing the game alongside such a good group of people.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 3:27 am
by Keavy
I'm happy that I have such great friends in this game that are willing to help even though as Keavy I'm not as able to help as much as I could.

I'm also grateful that after a rough first month back (With all the DDoS's and other such problems) that FFXI is back to being its normal and stable self. For a while there I thought that all the prolonged maintenance and sudden server shutdowns were SE's way of saying "Ya know, we REALLY don't want you back."

My first day back was October 6, by the way after what felt like an eternity of being gone (Really it was in April that I was forced to leave.)

Funny story I have to share: I was in a party as my WHM in Altepa when my PS2 died in April and today on my other LS I ran into someone who was in that party. He said "It was weird. One second, you were there, next you disappeared. We waited but you never came back. Well, at least now I know why."

Re: Accentuating the Positive

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 9:02 pm
by xaresity

Re: Accentuating the Positive

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2024 2:59 am
by xaresity