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Real Galka of Genius

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 1:18 pm
by Kahvi
Kupoweiser presents: Real Galka of Genius
(reeeeeal galka of genius)

Today we salute you, Mr. Useless in a party, underleveled sub-job combinator
(Mr. Useless in a party underleveled sub-job combinator!)

Who would have thought that a level 20 summoner could tank with a level 5 warrior sub-job must have been on something...
(Pass me that Mandy bud!)

Bravely you state that you are looking for a group as a level 50 red mage... with a level 10 thief job easily in view...
(They make /anon for a reason..)

So, crack open a cold, cool Kupoweiser and expect to wait it out and watch as dragoons, dark knights, and rangers find parties. And watch as they come back a level higher.. and your still sitting there.
(Mr. Useless in a party underleveled sub-job combinator!)

Kupoweiser is a product of Choco-Mog incorperated.
Please be responsable and don't drink and ride chocobos.

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 4:43 pm
by Cyndari
Bwaaahahahahahahahaha! thats so funny! silly people with gimped sjs makes me............HEY!!! :lol:

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 11:55 pm
by Ambrey
LMFAO! :lol: :lol: :lol: /stare /point /laugh Cyndari :D

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 6:23 am
by ScarlettPheonix
:lol: :lol:

lol great way to make fun of yourself Cyn^^

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 7:22 am
by Eviticus
Hey, are you trying to say Dragoons don't get party invites? Cause I'll have you know, I got a party invite just two months ago. Whee! Look at me! Exp Pt fiend!

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 11:19 am
by Kahvi
that last edition of Real Galka of Genius pokes fun at:

(1)People that dare go to a party with a job combo that is both useless and gimped
(2)People with Underleveled Sub-jobs
(3)People with Bad Sub-Job Combinations for a traditional xp party

It recognizes these things as well:
A dragoon and dark knight wait longer on the average for a party if lfg
party leaders that tell members to do stuff thier main-job isnt designed for are either lacking upstairs or smoking something.

Dont worry, i am working on another one.. eventually..

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 11:12 pm
by Ambrey
Kahvi wrote:that last edition of Real Galka of Genius pokes fun at:

(1)People that dare go to a party with a job combo that is both useless and gimped
(2)People with Underleveled Sub-jobs
(3)People with Bad Sub-Job Combinations for a traditional xp party

It recognizes these things as well:
A dragoon and dark knight wait longer on the average for a party if lfg
party leaders that tell members to do stuff thier main-job isnt designed for are either lacking upstairs or smoking something.

Dont worry, i am working on another one.. eventually..
I would like to point out (from my point of view) Drg's and Drk's get more and faster invites than Rng's do now since that Rng nerf >.>

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 3:00 am
by Eviticus
Which, to me, makes no sense at all. As a Dragoon, I'll step up and be the first to say in a pinch a Ranger can do more damage then me if he knows what he's doing......note I say if he knows what he's doing. The problem is just after the Patch, not everyone knew how the range-to-damage system worked. This created a stigma of "Rng suck post nerf" because not all the rangers knew how to maximize their damage. Now, people do, so this should no longer be the case.

And it isn't a 'Rng Nerf'. It's a range weapon adjustment. In my opinion, it makes more sense now. Same thing with the 'TP Nerf'....that wasn't a nerf, it was adjusting something that was horribly out of balence before.

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 10:34 am
by Ambrey
The reason why they call it a "Nerf" is because its easier and less to type than "weapon range adjustment patch" er whatever lol. I didnt say that the Drg TP or the Rng dmn issue didn't need to be adjusted. Im just pointing out my own observations that from what I have seen melee jobs like Drg and Drk now get more invites than Rng. 8)

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 2:35 pm
by Kahvi
Okay Okay.. I'll adjust the original to include rangers too...

and ya Nerf is easier to say that Weapon Range Adjustment Patch... but then they can just call it a W.R.A.P.

I'm almost willing to bet that many rangers that do know what they are doing have either tested it out in a Too Weak or Easy Prey level area extensively or have an aimbot hack that tells them how far away they need to be and how far away they are.

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 11:51 pm
by Ambrey
Indeed they have, they now have come up with the "Sweet Spot", the ideal range for attacking the mobs with various weapons and ws's. If any of you are interested in reading more about the Rng adjustments, I suggest visiting the Rng job forums on Theyhave entire threads just devoted to that topic. :)

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 6:43 am
by Gospel
It's not fair. You stole my idea. I made and actually recorded this one about a month ago.

Chocoweiser presents,
Real Final Fantasy Heroes
(Real Final Fantasy Heroes)
Today we salute you, Mr. Tarutaru Paladin Guy.
(Mr. Tarutaru Paladin guy.)

Anybody can throw themselves in front of the world biggest and most dangerous creatures. But no one can do it quite like you.
(Do it all night now)

You should be in the back lines casting the most devastating magic known to man. But you bravely set common sense aside and show us exactly what a true Tarutaru tank can do… Pretty much just stand there and get killed.
(Blame it on the White Mage)

Covered head to toe in full plate steel armor… It doesn’t matter. Because to a creature, you’re still just a 2 foot tall buffet who can’t take 2 hits.
(That looks yummy)

So crack open a nice cold Chocoweiser oh tank of the Taru’s, you may not be the best in your field, but damn you look cute doing it.
(Mr. Tarutaru Paladin Guy)

Chocoweiser is a product of MithranPride and Gospel Limited, Queensland Australia.

Some of my future plans include:

Mr. Male Mithra guy:

Mr. Will dance for gil guy:

Mr. Gil seller guy:

Mr. Red mage pimp guy:

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 1:25 am
by Ambrey
Gospel wrote:It's not fair. You stole my idea. I made and actually recorded this one about a month ago.

Chocoweiser presents,
Real Final Fantasy Heroes
(Real Final Fantasy Heroes)
Today we salute you, Mr. Tarutaru Paladin Guy.
(Mr. Tarutaru Paladin guy.)

Anybody can throw themselves in front of the world biggest and most dangerous creatures. But no one can do it quite like you.
(Do it all night now)

You should be in the back lines casting the most devastating magic known to man. But you bravely set common sense aside and show us exactly what a true Tarutaru tank can do… Pretty much just stand there and get killed.
(Blame it on the White Mage)

Covered head to toe in full plate steel armor… It doesn’t matter. Because to a creature, you’re still just a 2 foot tall buffet who can’t take 2 hits.
(That looks yummy)

So crack open a nice cold Chocoweiser oh tank of the Taru’s, you may not be the best in your field, but damn you look cute doing it.
(Mr. Tarutaru Paladin Guy)

Chocoweiser is a product of MithranPride and Gospel Limited, Queensland Australia.

Some of my future plans include:

Mr. Male Mithra guy:

Mr. Will dance for gil guy:

Mr. Gil seller guy:

Mr. Red mage pimp guy:
LMAO :lol: That was really good! Lets hear another! :D

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 4:49 am
by Gospel
i'll be posting more up as soon as I have written them. Hopefully i can upload the recordings i do for them as well one day.

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 2:43 pm
by Losfuin
Gospel wrote:Covered head to toe in full plate steel armor… It doesn’t matter. Because to a creature, you’re still just a 2 foot tall buffet who can’t take 2 hits.
(That looks yummy)
Haha, that made me laugh lots.

Re: Real Galka of Genius

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 7:03 pm
by xaresity

Re: Real Galka of Genius

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2024 1:01 am
by xaresity