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goodbye everyone

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 1:51 am
by Kiren
I've played Final Fantasy XI since beta, and I've honestly had alot of fun playing the game. I've met some great people, and bad people. Sometimes bad people will ruin a game for ou, and beat you into submission. No, I am not referring to MithraPride. Honestly, about all that dribble. I think it was all a bunch of mistakes on both sides. I've never held a grudge before, and I stil won't hold a grudge. I had fun in MithraPride(Phoenix). It was a nice LS, and it had it's mistakes like any other LS does. Nobdoy is perfect, or free from sin. Am I right? Of course I am!
My original character was deleted on April 12th, 2005. Her name was Zeyiku, and she was a level 75 Summoner/37 White Mage. I tried so hard every day to get to that point in the game. I was really unsatisfied with the HNM, and general end game so I just started to hop servers for awhile. I finally settled on Phoenix for awhile, and all was good until all that drama started.
I am quitting FFXI because I have no desire to play it anymore. I loved my boyfriend Remuslupin very much, and I will be leaving him without talking to him first. I really hope he quits FFXI too, and gets on with his life. I see no reason to spend so much time on a game. It's just grind-mission-grind-grind-mission-grind-grind-mission-mission, and you repeat it several times. Even when you do get to the sweet level of will be bored. When you delete your characters, and cancel your ID's you will know how much time you wasted playing the game and you will regret ever picking the game up.
It's been alot of fun everyone. Thank you for the countless hours of laughs, good time, and good friendship.
However, I hope I never see any of you again online..because that will mean I have crawled back to FFXI!
I love you all like sisters, and brothers! It's been fun, and it's kinda hard to say goodbye so..I'll just say this..

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 2:09 am
by Prrsha
I've never had any regrets playing FFXI. FFXI is what you make of it. :)

If I could do things over again, I'd still choose to play. Besides... if it wasn't FFXI it would be another OL game I'd pour my time into heh. I've tried countless other OL games and FFXI suits me well. It may not be everyone's "end all of games" but not everyone's taste is the same.

In the immortal words of the Apple Jacks commercial, "We eat what we like!".

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 2:24 am
by Kiren
You are 28 years old, and you are dating a girl who is 18 years old. Prrsha, you can't honestly say spending so much time on this MMORPG can be good for youur mental health, social life, and physical health.
Sure playing this game for 2-3 hours everyday isn't that bad, but most players psend 8-9 hours on the's just not healthy =/
Those are some of the reasons I'm quitting by the way, and this will be my last post.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 2:39 am
by Camu
I have to agree, playing games for 8 or more hours a day, 7 days a week isn't very good for your health. Some people have ALOT of free time on their hands so they put it all into building up a character on a video game. For some people, video games are a release and help them deal with the stress of every day life. All you need is some self control to limit your video game playing. That way you can still have a good social life as well as a MMORPG life. Its a bummer to see another kitty go but good luck.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 2:39 am
by Prrsha
Kiren wrote:You are 28 years old, and you are dating a girl who is 18 years old.
Eh? And that has to do with FFXI how? Oh yes an attempt at trolling, how nice. Just because you are uncomfortable with your gender, there is no need to take it out on people who want a conventional relationship.

As for time in game... that depends on how a person spends their down time I guess. Some people sit in front of the TV and vegetate every night. Others go to a club and shoot their arm full of drugs... *shrugs*. All things considered, I find FFXI low on the list of harmful things.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 2:46 am
by Prrsha
Honeypot wrote:I have to agree, playing games for 8 or more hours a day, 7 days a week isn't very good for your health. Some people have ALOT of free time on their hands so they put it all into building up a character on a video game. For some people, video games are a release and help them deal with the stress of every day life. All you need is some self control to limit your video game playing. That way you can still have a good social life as well as a MMORPG life.
Agreed. :)

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 2:46 am
by Nekiu
what a good way to leave >.> sounded all nice at first then just had to take a cheap shot at Prrsha >.>

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 2:47 am
by Kiren
Man, I really wanted that to be my last post but I guess I have to tell everyone how I feel about them.
Prrsha, if Hellkatt was one year younger you would be considered a pedophile. You sit on your fucking ass most of the time, and play FFXI. I really find you to be disgusting. Oh, so let's just pick the lesser of the bad things to do. You can't go jogging, pick up a sport, or board game? What about poker, that at least requires so activity. I am not going argue that video games are bad, because they aren't. Spending 8-9 hours on a computer chair and barely getting up is unhealthy. Not to mention your hygiene.
None of you have ever seen an actual troll. Colbwa's was never a trol, nor was Yugi, or anybody who has graced MP with their presence.
I wouldn't even give you the honor of actually trolling this forum. I don't even think I could actually troll anymore, it's been so many years since I actually did.
Well anyways, f*** off Prrsha. You are ignorant, a waste of space, and honestly not worth anybodies time. <3
Would an admin/moderator please ban my account? Thank you, and hope everyone has a great time playing FFXI!

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 2:49 am
by Prrsha
Man, I really wanted that to be my last post but I guess I have to tell everyone how I feel about them.
Prrsha, if Hellkatt was one year younger you would be considered a pedophile. You sit on your fucking ass most of the time, and play FFXI. I really find you to be disgusting. Oh, so let's just pick the lesser of the bad things to do. You can't go jogging, pick up a sport, or board game? What about poker, that at least requires so activity. I am not going argue that video games are bad, because they aren't. Spending 8-9 hours on a computer chair and barely getting up is unhealthy. Not to mention your hygiene.
None of you have ever seen an actual troll. Colbwa's was never a trol, nor was Yugi, or anybody who has graced MP with their presence.
I wouldn't even give you the honor of actually trolling this forum. I don't even think I could actually troll anymore, it's been so many years since I actually did.
Well anyways, f*** off Prrsha. You are ignorant, a waste of space, and honestly not worth anybodies time. <3
Would an admin/moderator please ban my account? Thank you, and hope everyone has a great time playing FFXI!
Hmmm... not worth the time.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 2:52 am
by ScarlettPheonix

What a way to leave with dignity.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 2:55 am
by Kiren
I'm sorry I lost my dignity when I sart on my computer chair for 9 hours to grind up to level 20 for the first time.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 2:57 am
by Chaoskitten21
YYYYYESSSSSSSSSSS!the fuckign bitch is gone!happy days are here again!kiren i wish ya luck and pray to god that you get over your issues.and as for not trolling,bullfuckign sh*'ve been taking shots at prrsha,kat,and the ls ever since we kicked your sorry gender-confused ass out of it.if ya wanna send a rebuttal by all means send me an email at i look forward to seeing what kind of crap you'll try to pull now

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 3:00 am
by Prrsha
Chaoskitten21 wrote:YYYYYESSSSSSSSSSS!the fuckign bitch is gone!happy days are here again!kiren i wish ya luck and pray to god that you get over your issues.and as for not trolling,bullfuckign sh*'ve been taking shots at prrsha,kat,and the ls ever since we kicked your sorry gender-confused ass out of it.if ya wanna send a rebuttal by all means send me an email at i look forward to seeing what kind of crap you'll try to pull now
Well, actually he was before he was booted from the LS. Hense the boot.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 3:08 am
by Camu
And here I was thinking this was just another goodbye thread. Oh the drama that people cause.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 3:10 am
by Prrsha
Honeypot wrote:And here I was thinking this was just another goodbye thread. Oh the drama that people cause.
lol, it's never that way with him. He's like the bad penny that always comes back. :lol:

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 3:11 am
by sakono
ack more drama when some one leaves? some one kill this thread it has no purpose cept to get people mad><

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 3:12 am
by Camu
Don't kill the thread yet, we need more drama. Drama makes the world go round.