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Topics That We Have Become "Disgusted With”

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 9:03 pm
by Dukuji
This topic is in response to Cyndari’s “Announcement: Topic issues” which has been locked so I was unable to reply there; where this belongs.

Before some of ya’alls start jumping up and down start a sedition trial please hear me out.

For the first time ever we have had a Topic openly deleted by an administrator on the basis that the topic “disgusted” the adminstrator. I find this very interesting. Topics can now be deleted if an adminstrator simply does not care for the subject matter written by a non-troll.

I thought of about a hundred different ways to answer this but the basic truth is you're right. Deleting the topic had nothing to do with Crispleaf personally, it is the subject itself.

So, since topics can now be deleted based on whether or not they disgust people I wish to propose a list of topics that I wish to be deleted due to the fact that I find them disgusting. After all the topic “Of Japanese Schoolgirls and Anti-American Males” was writen because a faithful member of this board was disgusted with the actions of another member of this board. (I love the irony behind all this, person A makes many disgusting remarks, person B asks for it to stop, person B’s request to end the disgusting talk gets deleted on the reasoning that they made a disgusting topic. HA!)

So, I will now make a short list of topics that ”disgust” me and that I wish to see deleted based on their content. After all, I too “understand that a message board is a forum” and “that some of us have issues with others on this board.”

Do you hate me? - a very cleverly hidden trolled topic which takes the subject of women being raped with an almost humorous approach. Be sure to watch for repeated talk of suicide for the attention getters. There’s even a part two to this one, just as juicy as the first check it out. Better sharpen the axe for that one Boss; may not get it all in one clean chop.

Done and done

Prrsha, not the woman Sugarpie thought - Here’s one that gets so sticky into people's personal lives that once you touch it you’ll never get clean. This topic was locked but I say we take it all the way, delete it!

I had locked that myself when I saw it

... - Ooo, this is one that will make you start reaching for the round file to vomit in. This one makes Natural Born Killers look like a PBS show. Be sure to account for all the disgusting side topics. Yummy.


I’m sure by the 2nd page of the above topics they’ll have every right to be deleted as “Of Japanese Schoolgirls and Anti-American Males”. There’s a few more I wanted to post but why should I have all the fun? Let’s all add the topics that disgust us so they can be deleted.

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 10:13 pm
by Karou Ariyen
Ya, how about every fugging Topic Batsu starts just to create a flame war --;

:lol: :rofl:

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 10:27 pm
by Yugi
is this directed towards anyone? because that's very hurtful.i'm just saying. i say just let it go,it was in the past.

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 10:31 pm
by Yukira
KarouKaniyashia wrote:Ya, how about every fugging Topic Batsu starts just to create a flame war --;

:lol: :rofl:
Amen to that! :2thumb:

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 10:34 pm
by Yugi
is every one on wow like that? :?

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 10:38 pm
by Dukuji
Deleted by me, Dukuji, confusion cleared up. :wink:

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 10:49 pm
by Yugi
what is flaming?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 12:08 am
by Karou Ariyen
not every WoW player is like that, But I dont get a very happy feeling from Batsu really, flaming means inciting a discussion that cuases people to start aruging at each other.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 1:15 am
by Crispleaf
In a site that you would think would be respectful towards women, considering what it's all about, we find acceptance of an individual who is utterly contemptuous and disrespectful of rape victims... and I am condemned for speaking up for the victims.

The article I wrote that exposed this person's hatred for women gets deleted as "disgusting"... and instead the individual I exposed can remain here: A mysogynist in women's clothing. You can even read his condemning remarks, if you'd like... they get to stay.

I thought I was among friends here. I realize now, I have few friends left.

For my parting words, before I leave, never to return to this forsaken collection of linkshells, I'd like to quote a favorite book of mine:

"A wise woman told me that the people are the willing accomplices of tyranny. They make those like you possible. I'm going to do the worst possible thing I could do to you and your people--what my grandfather would have done to you. I'm going to leave you all to suffer the consequences of your own actions."

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 1:30 am
by Yugi
Crispleaf wrote:In a site that you would think would be respectful towards women, considering what it's all about, we find acceptance of an individual who is utterly contemptuous and disrespectful of rape victims... and I am condemned for speaking up for the victims.

The article I wrote that exposed this person's hatred for women gets deleted as "disgusting"... and instead the individual I exposed can remain here: A mysogynist in women's clothing. You can even read his condemning remarks, if you'd like... they get to stay.

I thought I was among friends here. I realize now, I have few friends left.

For my parting words, before I leave, never to return to this forsaken collection of linkshells, I'd like to quote a favorite book of mine:

"A wise woman told me that the people are the willing accomplices of tyranny. They make those like you possible. I'm going to do the worst possible thing I could do to you and your people--what my grandfather would have done to you. I'm going to leave you all to suffer the consequences of your own actions."
will you just drop it already geeze!! i said i was sorry i even asked you to forgive me but you can't accept me i have nothing against rape vitcims geeze! you don't know anything about me i told you i was a girl too many times but you one-track mind cant accept it..will you just get over it no one eolse is having coneptions over it(i can't spell) i am a freaking girl look at my website geeze..i told you in a pm i said i was a guy because you thought i was and i wanted you to feel like you won but you just a soar loser..i'm sorry but if shje won't get over it i'll just leave I"M A GIRL DAMMIT :x how many times do i need to tell you before it goes through your brain geeze i feel bad about what i did but i let it go i don't understand why you always bring it up all the time around me for your information my own sister was almost raped too but you wouldn't know would you? you know nothing about me or my life..why can't you understand? i only asked if you could get yto know me and you won't even do that..i said i was a guy to make you feel better but then i decided to just tell the truth is that so wrong? i know this belongs in a pm but she keeps coming back to this and it's getting on my last nerve..i'm trying to be nice to her and she won't even listen. i'm trying to make you feel better and i even asked if i could do anything to make up for it,but you didn't answer me or tell me quit being prejudiced against me,i'm not out to get anyone i want to be her freind but she just wants me dead thanks alot crispleaf now i feel bad now..i was trying to be a freind and you won't even tell me what i can do to help you feel better..can you just talk to me? i'm sorry.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 3:54 am
by Eviticus
I know a way to settle the matter with Yugi once and for all. Yugi, I live very close to you. I will give you my phone number and you can call me. If I hear a woman, or a guy, it will put the matter to rest once and for all.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 4:33 am
by Ambrey
Interesting, the gauntlet has been dropped but will it be picked up? :roll:

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 9:20 am
by Kintrra
Crispleaf has a point here. Everyone's blaming her for speaking up on the matter. I don't see a point in that, she did exactly what I was thinking anyway. And I know damned good and well that I'm not the only who agreed with her. I'm willing to forgive, but I don't do so well on forget when it comes to matters like this.

Yugi, I'm not trying to be hateful or anything at all, but it's very, very hard to tell which side of the story we're supposed to believe. Every fact that Crispleaf pointed out at the time of the targeted thread was spot on. Got right to the point it did. And suddenly you're confessing that you're a guy, but you hate guys, so you wanted to be a girl. Then you disappeared for what, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, a month? Suddenly you come back, and BAM! you're a girl again. You'll forgive me if I'm not too keen on being too believing here. Or so I hope, cuz I know I'm damned well not sure which way to take this.

You do realize that if Crispleaf does indeed leave these boards for good, you've just run off one of the kindest kitties I've ever met, yes? Pretty bad when you shove your nose so far in the air or stick your head so far in the ground that you cause that kind of reaction. -_-

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 12:17 pm
by Neoshinobi
So basically what your saying is since an admin deleated a topic out of opinion that every other topic thats offensive should be deleated too? :oops:
Yugi wrote:what is flaming?
An insulting criticism or remark meant to incite anger, as on a computer network

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 12:26 pm
by Losfuin
In my mind, what Crispleaf did took a whole lot of guts; being well aware that it could lead to them being cast out, Crispleaf called someone out on something that seemed very, very wrong. And it is; to cry "rape" for attention only cheapens the word, lessens what we feel when it actually happens. And yes, I agree with the description of such a person being a mysogynist; regardless of biological gender, to do such a thing shows a pretty deep anti-woman attitude.

It's safe to say that Crispleaf's actions have been shown to be pretty unpopular. I'm not surprised. Sometimes, someone pointing out something bad can seem as bad as them actually commiting the offence themselves. But I don't consider such a thing to be disgusting at all. Nowhere did I see Crispleaf jumping in with insults, or flames, or anything of the sort. If I wanted to call someon out, I'd do it in the same way. And it's a damn shame that it's come to this. Personally, I'd sooner have a little bit of discussion on the forums about this than just sweeping it under the rug and trying to forget it ever happened.

I know my posts won't carry much weight around here, but that's my two cents.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 6:58 pm
by Sabre
You actually got to page 2 of “Of Japanese Schoolgirls and Anti-American Males”? I got so fed up with the drama that I just went on to read other topics, which still in one way or another fall back on the drama “Of Japanese Schoolgirls and Anti-American Males” hit on. Even though it was completly unrelated. I am pretty close to leaving this forum because if I wanted drama I would just real the HNM LS forums on my server. I think Crispleaf got fed up with Yugi and blew up... I was like "whoa" Think she was feeling the same way a lot of us silent readers were feeling but not saying. Wonder what will happen now :o

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 8:00 pm
by Tivia
My thoughts, and for once I will keep it very simple.

I think if people leave these forum's and the companionship that is to be found here over such a trivial matter, that in itself is the greatest tragedy.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 8:08 pm
by Cyndari
You gotta understand that deleting the topic had nothing to personally do with Crispleaf. I didnt delete the topic to drive Crispleaf away, there was no favoritism here. I saw the topic and felt and that it is not something that belongs here, as the Site Admin, I have that right. As you can already see I do not go through the bds with a fine toothcomb so alot of other offensive topics were still around. In the past I have locked topics that I thought were offensive. As you can see though the topics that Dukuji listed I looked over and resolved the issue. I might not resolve every issue and I might not catch every post, but like I said earlier I didn't think I had to monitor the bds.

Plus if you think what I'm doing is wrong you can always PM Golddess or Firemyst and they can discuss it with me.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 11:24 pm
by Batsu
Quick, someone say something completely incoherent and stupid, I need bait.

Edit - I noticed my post count went down by two . . . I feel as if though I should go into a remorseless bloodlust and begin slaughtering innocents in cold blood.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 4:23 pm
by Josiejo
How about removing disgusting members along with disgusting posts? I think that would be one way to reduce the amount of deletable, unnecessary comments left on these boards. I'm sure everyone would agree that Batsu and Yugi are the first candidates (other than themselves, of course).

As for Crispleaf, she already had both feet out the door anyway. Anyone who gets that bent out of shape over a post deletion isn't all here anyway. C'est la vie.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 5:47 pm
by Dukuji
With "c'est la vie" fresh in my head a few French proverbs come to mind.
Josiejo wrote:How about removing disgusting members along with disgusting posts? I think that would be one way to reduce the amount of deletable, unnecessary comments left on these boards. I'm sure everyone would agree that Batsu and Yugi are the first candidates (other than themselves, of course).
Removing the disgusting posters will not get rid of the deletable posts because "un clou chasse l'autre". One nail drives out the other. As soon as one of these posters is removed another will take their place.

Josiejo wrote:As for Crispleaf, she already had both feet out the door anyway. Anyone who gets that bent out of shape over a post deletion isn't all here anyway. C'est la vie.
Mieux vaut être seul que mal accompagné.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 6:49 pm
by Kintrra
I don't think Crispleaf's getting fed up with it had anything to do with the post deletion.
Cyndari wrote:I have put this up because some of you will notice that your post counts might have decreased. That is because I have deleted the "Of Japanese Schoolgirls and Anti-American Males" topic. I read about 2 pages of this and became disgusted with it. I understand that a message board is a forum. I also understand that some of us have issues with others on this board, but posting it in a topic is unacceptable, it should have been kept in PMs. I am sorry that I did not catch this earlier, but I didnt think I needed to monitor the boards. I'm hoping that we do not see topics like this again.
I think Crispleaf's problem is that by deleting the matter and deeming it disgusting, she basically blew off the whole purpose of Crispleaf's posting that. Crispleaf herself and others too (myself included) were disgusted with putting up with the crap Yugi was putting on the boards. Not a thread went by where you didn't have to deal with it. And the story keeps changing, thus why the topic got reawakened.

Cyndari, I'm also not meaning to be rude or anything, but you said you read the first 2 pages. You read the rest of it as well I'm going to assume? Cuz otherwise you may have missed a lot of what occurred in that thread. :( [/quote]

Yes I did read the whole thing, I probably should have said that by page 2 I was disgusted with the topic

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 9:40 pm
by Josiejo
Dukuji wrote:Removing the disgusting posters will not get rid of the deletable posts because "un clou chasse l'autre". One nail drives out the other. As soon as one of these posters is removed another will take their place.
That's deep, yet still incredibly short-sighted... just enough so that you can call it an "argument". Sure others will come, and they will be warned, hopefully less than Batsu and Yugi, and then they'll be gone. It's not really that difficult to visualize how a trolling policy might work to decrease the number of useless posts and posters.
Dukuji wrote:Mieux vaut être seul que mal accompagné.
Yeah, by throwing out a well known French phrase, we're all of a sudden fluent. Wanna say something constructive or otherwise, do it in English, or at least Engrish.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 11:13 pm
by Dukuji
I think your many months of playing an Elvaan has really gone to your head, JJ. Your posts are deplorable. Your words are nothing but antagonistic and your posts full of malice. In your allegations of “short-sidedness” you yourself make a short sided post. How very dubious of you. Allow me to illustrate, you speak of a “trolling policy," please, define this for us; expand upon this “trolling policy.” Have you any idea what an absolute ambiguous phrase that is? It's not something easily defined and will only become more and more convoluted as its definition grows. And even if you reach a set of regulations to keep the trolls under the bridge, coming to a consensus on what constitutes a questionable post will be disputed by admin and poster alike. Better get busy drafting us an outline then; after all you do demand constructive posts (even though I find the lion's share, if you will forgive the pun, of your posts to be destructive and, well, whinny).

Since you either have no idea on how to use a search engine or a translator, or perhaps you lack few a spare minutes, I’ll gladly enlighten you on what “Mieux vaut être seul que mal accompagné” means. Before I do so though, I’d like to point out it was meant to be a learning exercise where only the diligent would be rewarded for their inquisitive and studious efforts. But I am willing to make exception in your case. The proverb means, that a person is better off alone then with bad company.


/em takes out her watch.
Look at this damn thing. I bought it a little over a year ago, worked so well then. It sparkled, kept time like no other. *sigh* T’was a helluva watch. Now it’s not even fit to serve as a coaster; let alone as instrument of precision. Calls noon evening, and day night and other such nonsense. Quite a silly thing. Still makes a great parlor trick though.


I will speak no more on this topic, for I’ve cynically said all I wished to say long ago.

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 10:43 am
by sakono
.............. people... adimns delet posts the deem break the fourm rules in some way. does not matter what we think. if it breaks fourm rules to some point and an admin delets then fine.

admin did her job so leave it alone. if you think postes should be looked at or don't agree with somthing that an admin did then pm them and ask responsible why they did it. but theres no need to bring this out in the open like this. all it does is make people fight with each other........ this is a place for chating leave opions ideas about things. (as long as they don't break forum rules)

and i know i've said fourm rules alot but every fourm has them some enforced more then others, but still be kind and curtious.

(please forgive my bad spelling)

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 1:24 pm
by Kahvi
>.> sheesh the net has all the tools necessary to crudely translate stuff..

never forget:

its the one tool that lets me post in japanese forums... even though its not the best translator around.

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 6:16 pm
by Yugi
i apologize for my little..'outbreak' >.<

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 6:55 pm
by Thanatos02

It's like this board has suddenly found itself dedicated almost exclusivly to the argument about Yugi and what should be done, in general, with people others are fed up with.

The really great thing is that there are a few really pissed off people on here talking about these subjects like they're really, really important.

I mean, is your community so big that you can afford to just start kicking people out of it? There arn't a lot of posters on these boards, even if there are a fair amount of members. If you start booting people, then you're going to have pretty vacent boards all of a sudden.

I mean, you wanna boot Yugi and Batsu? Yugi screwed up, ok. Some of her posts have been amazingly vitrolic, and that's bad. On the other hand, she's since apologized. How long do you really want to beat this horse?

Admittingly, Yugi seems a bit anxious. Maybe some positive feedback would help aside from knee-jerk hate. And as for you, Yugi, try to keep your tounge inside your mouth. You don't need to go around posting stuff like "Do I know you?" because I garuntee that's just gonna pull scaps off of tender wounds.

As for Batsu, what's with all the anger? I'll see the guy post something pretty innocuous and get a few posts of nothing but useless vitirol. I mean, sometimes you need to get your hate on, but I'm starting to think the problem isn't with our Elvaan friend...

Oh, while I'm on a roll...

"I think your many months of playing an Elvaan has really gone to your head, JJ."

What the hell does that even mean? Seriously, assigning tendancies based on the icon you move around in game is the utmost silliness. It's like assuming I'm going to oppress you because I play a Hume. On the other hand, I guess I see it a lot here. It's what you get when you base who can join on if you've got a tail or not, isn't it?

Well, it's been fun, even if just a little. ^.~

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 7:23 pm
by Kintrra
"Help, help, I'm being repressed!" XD

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 9:32 pm
by Neoshinobi
sakono wrote:.............. people... adimns delet posts the deem break the fourm rules in some way. does not matter what we think. if it breaks fourm rules to some point and an admin delets then fine.

admin did her job so leave it alone. if you think postes should be looked at or don't agree with somthing that an admin did then pm them and ask responsible why they did it. but theres no need to bring this out in the open like this. all it does is make people fight with each other........ this is a place for chating leave opions ideas about things. (as long as they don't break forum rules)

and i know i've said fourm rules alot but every fourm has them some enforced more then others, but still be kind and curtious.
:shock: we have forum rules? please enlighten me as to where I may find a copy of these. :oops:

While no rules were set in stone it was understood what the appropriate behavior for the bds were. Do you mean to tell me that we have to set rules now?