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Dragon's breath

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 5:32 am
by kittykitty
Well not really dragons breath, but more wyverns breath. What determines which breath your wyvern uses. When Im fighting the same type of mob and my wyvern uses the mobs elemental weakness the first fight, then it changes the next battle and Im fighting the same thing. Certainly this doesnt bode well for the wyvern species...seeing as they dont really learn from experience what does affect the choice?

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 7:37 am
by Nobodyreal
They're supposed to use the best elemental breath for the monster you're fighting. They do slowly get better at it. You won't notice an instant improvement from fight to fight or level to level, but at level 60 they're much better at it than at level 20.

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 5:49 pm
by Eviticus
Yes. The more powerful you get, the more often your Wyvern will use the proper breath attack. It does help to have an offensive sub like Warrior or Thief or Samurai.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 1:52 pm
by Aony
Right. I'm sure you already know the subjob wyvern types, and have heard this a million times, but there are those who still dont get it.

Defensive wyvern (mage sub): wyvern cant use breath weapons, but when you drop below 1/3 health (I'm pretty sure thats what it is) They will use a healing breath on you if you cast any kind of magic.

Offensive wyvern (full-melee sub): No healing breath, but wyvern will use a breath weapon when you use a weapon skill. The offensive wyvern has the highest chance of exposing the enemy's weakness.

Balanced wyvern (melee sub that can cast magic, such as drk, nin, pal, etc): Wyvern uses healing breaths just like the defensive wyvern, just not as effective. Also has the breath weapons, but doesnt attack the monster's weaknesses as much.

Other than that, your wyvern is kind of like a kid who just started the game. They're not exactly sure what they're doing at first, and mess up quite a bit. But as they go along and continue to get experienced in their job (since you cant PL a wyvern :D ), they will do their job better. Of course this wont just drastically change, they learn slowly over time.

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 8:18 am
by Eviticus
(Take note. I jsut got back from a weekend convention where I did alot of LARPing. I ache in joints I didn't know I had. Spent the last 5 hours scheming, meeting, ploting, walking, and et cetera...I hope the following is legible.)

A thing or two Aony missed on accident. Defensive Wyvern setting will also cause the Wyvern to use a 'Remove Status Ailement Whatever' when you use a WS. This does not cover all of them(Tough noogies, you're still cursed.), but does allieviate some other problems (Yay! Bye-bye Poison!).

The Defensive Wyvern will use a Healing Breath if you casn -any-(even warp. HB activates a second before you zone.) spell when your HP is below 1/3rd your max. The Balenced Wyvern sub will retain the same effectiveness in a way. Same HP's recovered(I do believe), however it fires off at either 1/4th or 1/5th. I'm not terribly sure. Suffice it to say, 1/3rd is dangerous as is, don't solo with a Balenced wyvern unless you're packing balls of solid steel.

Also, slight note, our AF Helm is TeH R0xx0rz for Breaths from our little buddy of all kinds. For Balenced Sub, HB activates at 1/3rd max hp. Healing sub fires off at one half hp(Greatly favored by soloing Drgs post 60), and Offensive sub hits the monster's weakness more accurately. I'm fairly sure though for EXP pt's the AF helm is not at the top of the list. But for soloing, many Drg swear by it......kinda like Rdm subbing Nin....

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 1:45 pm
by Aony
Eviticus wrote:A thing or two Aony missed on accident. Defensive Wyvern setting will also cause the Wyvern to use a 'Remove Status Ailement Whatever' when you use a WS. This does not cover all of them(Tough noogies, you're still cursed.), but does allieviate some other problems (Yay! Bye-bye Poison!).
Ah yes, I did forget to mention that. Since I'm soloing in Qufim right now, I dont get hit with any of the status ailments that a wyvern can heal, unless it's a banshee and I should be running away from it anyways, I kinda forgot about that nifty little ability.
The Defensive Wyvern will use a Healing Breath if you casn -any-(even warp. HB activates a second before you zone.) spell when your HP is below 1/3rd your max. The Balenced Wyvern sub will retain the same effectiveness in a way. Same HP's recovered(I do believe), however it fires off at either 1/4th or 1/5th. I'm not terribly sure. Suffice it to say, 1/3rd is dangerous as is, don't solo with a Balenced wyvern unless you're packing balls of solid steel.
Right, if you want to go more in-depth with the descriptions, thats pretty good.

[/quote]Also, slight note, our AF Helm is TeH R0xx0rz for Breaths from our little buddy of all kinds. For Balenced Sub, HB activates at 1/3rd max hp. Healing sub fires off at one half hp(Greatly favored by soloing Drgs post 60), and Offensive sub hits the monster's weakness more accurately. I'm fairly sure though for EXP pt's the AF helm is not at the top of the list. But for soloing, many Drg swear by it......kinda like Rdm subbing Nin....[/quote]Yea my drg's only lvl 29 unfortunately, got a ways off before I get that, and waiting for the static to start up so we can do that. But I know what my higher level counterparts say about it, when i hit 60, i'm definitely getting that.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 11:32 pm
by Nhiha
yeah right now im lvl33 drg and by equiping a wolf mantle+1 i already noticed improvement in my wyvern but another neat thing about drg is the ability for the wyvern to couse a MB if the wyvern uses the right breath after the SC

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 12:40 am
by Eviticus
Yeah, it -is- possible for our Wyverns to MB a SC, but it's pretty much an act of God to get that to happen. For that to happen, we have to close the SC and the Wyvern has to use the breath that coordinates with the SC. I personally don't see it often enough for it to be of any concern.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 9:07 pm
by Nhiha
yes but it does happen and not many ppl know it can happen though perosnally ive only seen it once

Re: Dragon's breath

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 3:42 pm
by xaresity

Re: Dragon's breath

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2024 9:46 pm
by xaresity