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Karou's Gimmie A Break -- Segment #2

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 10:12 pm
by Karou Ariyen
This is an incidant that happened an hour ago in Valkrum but isnt limited to the dunes. We've all been there before. Flag up, waiting for a friend or LS member, sometimes for exp parties. So why am I a little upset? It boils down to common courtesy.

You see one of my pet peeves in MMORPGs has always been inviting someone blind. What is a blind invite you ask? Its when you invite someone without asking them first. Now I know you all are going to say, "But wait Karou, you passed up a party by declining it." Well yes I did, but I really do not care. By inviting me blind, how do you know im looking for your EXP PT or how do you know I'm waiting for a friend or LS Member?

Wait what's that you say? Search Comments? Well no kidding. Yes I use Search Comments. But that doesnt mean people care what they say. If you do not ask me to join your party, flag up or not, I don't care if I'm looking for an exp party, If you don't want to be kind and ask first, don't bother inviting becuase I will turn it down.

My point is that I perfer common courtesy. I would perfer that people ask me before an Invite is sent. Traditional? Hell Yes I am. Do I care? No. I've been doing MMOs for years, and I perfer coutesy and ettique in online gaming.

Blind Invites

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 10:26 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
I've accepted blind invites for most of my rdm career (at least until 41+)
Alot of the time I was just happy to be getting a party invite^^

Since I gained Convert and Refresh, I've been extremely picky. I much prefer to be asked now that I'm getting blind invites even when /anon

So I agree with you 100%; if your going to invite me to a party...ask first!

Not that it matters too much to me anymore now that i have a static party^^

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 3:50 am
by Yugi
i'll always ask.^^

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 2:03 pm
by luna_panshiel
i played CoH for a while, in that game when you get an invite a little window pops up in the middle of the screen. and this can get you killed since you have to close it to get it out of the way

also, people are really pushy and yell at you for declining a blind invite, even when you CLEARLY say "blind invites will be declined" in your comment

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 2:39 pm
by ScarlettPheonix
lol pushy doesn't start to describe it!
I've been flat out offered 200k to leave my current party to switch to a new one...

What I really love is when I /decline an invite and then everyone in the would-be party starts /t "Please...Please..." and then get more abusive as I keep saying no :roll:

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 3:24 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
Under level 25 or 30 I would often get Blind Invites WITHOUT HAVING MY FLAG UP AT ALL!! THis is, of course, as RDM or WHM.

Log on in the Jeuno mog house and the first thing I see is "Soandso invites you to his party." Take four steps into La Thein or or the Highlands and there is that same Soandso.

If I was on long enough to even set the search comment, the last line was ALWAYS {Blind} {Invite to join party} = {/goodbye}

Not that people read search comments anyhow. :roll:

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 6:34 pm
by Kintrra
Ya know what's really odd? I had that happen to me last night as a SMN12/WHM06. I wasn't even logged in two minutes, no flag up, was just saying my hellos to the kitties on our shell on Alexander, and got an invite. No flag, no /tell, and as a SMN!! Last time I checked, the random invites only happen to RDM, WHM, and PLD. But to a SMN? :?

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 7:14 pm
by Yugi

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 2:41 pm
by Klenath
People don't read search comments. When I went for XP parties (or any party, really) I always kept my TNL in my search comment. Invariably I'd get a tell asking what my TNL was. :roll:

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 4:00 pm
by Aony
Klenath wrote:People don't read search comments. When I went for XP parties (or any party, really) I always kept my TNL in my search comment. Invariably I'd get a tell asking what my TNL was. :roll:
omg that happens to me too! :? people are insane...occasionally they'll say "oh nvm" after seeing my comment, but that was like, once.

I'll usually accept a blind invite as long as I havent had bad experiences with the person. Like Greatalexander :x cheated me out of 8k...the bastard. I KNOW that couldn't have been just plain stupidity.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 6:06 pm
by Sabre
I am a WHM/RDM/BRD and Blind invites happened through most of my playinf experience. I have never joined one however. No one reads /sea comments, and get the "what's your TNL" when it clearly states in my /sea or I have "Experience Points = No Thanks" or "I'm playing solo" and I still get them. People just do a /sea all X-X BRD and see my name not blue/yellow and send invite. Sucks, but I have learned to live with it over the years and years of MMO experience.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 7:01 pm
by Shirai
I only have my experience on WHM about this but I also decline blind invites.

However I always set my search comment for "whoever" reads them.
Mostly the invites I get from readers are people that know how the game works.
These days I have a semi static with a THF and a RDM so we mostly choose ourselves who to play with.

There is of course an invite I never decline ;)

XXX> 失礼 EXP {Party} LVL XX-XX 興味を起こさせられるか。

A thing that helps against blind invites is /blockaid.
Doesn't matter if the flag is up or down they can't invite you until you turn it off.

It also blocks things like being cured by people from outside party or alliance.
Really sweet to stop PLing :D

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 11:24 pm
by Baketsu
I hate it it when i am level 50 and looking to get level 50 cap items, i have 1 exp till next level and they want me to join their EXP party, LMAO

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 2:36 am
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
At level 57 RDM today came:

{Experience points}{Do you need it?} followed INSTANTLY by an invite.......:shock: :evil: :x

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 2:48 am
by Aony
Tsybil wrote:At level 57 RDM today came:

{Experience points}{Do you need it?} followed INSTANTLY by an invite.......:shock: :evil: :x
Yea, that kinda ruins the point, believe it or not, I've had it happen the other way around.

"Cutiepie invites you to join her party."

"Cutiepie >> {Party}{Crawlers' Nest}{Do you need it?}"

{Hmmm.}{That's interesting.}kinda useless to ask after the invite isnt it?

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 3:30 am
by Karou Ariyen
WHM20 in la theine i was skilling up club

"Experience Points? Do You Need It?"
"I'm Sorry. Thank you for the offer, but I'll have to pass. I'm Playing solo"
"; ; then go annoyamous becuase now my party has to break up"
"Look, To be honest, my flag wasn't up, I shouldnt _HAVE_ go /anonn"

then i got like 3 invites --¤

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 4:13 am
by Aony
KarouKaniyashia wrote:WHM20 in la theine i was skilling up club

"Experience Points? Do You Need It?"
"I'm Sorry. Thank you for the offer, but I'll have to pass. I'm Playing solo"
"; ; then go annoyamous becuase now my party has to break up"
"Look, To be honest, my flag wasn't up, I shouldnt _HAVE_ go /anonn"

then i got like 3 invites --¤
lol shouldnt you know by now? everyone will instantly attack any whm that isnt in a party :D

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 5:53 am
by Nobodyreal
The one time I don't mind getting blind invites is when I'm in Valkrum and I've got my flag up. I hate that place with such a passion that I'm willing to take any and all parties to get out ASAP.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 4:00 am
by luna_panshiel
i was level 64 looking for an exp party, and i get a blind invite from some level 20 nüb saying:

"garrison lvl 20 cap, hlp plz"

i said:"there is NO way i'm going to help you now"

he says: "it's capped at 20, you can still help"

and began to spam beg me after i declined him

/blist add loser

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 9:37 pm
by sakono
i was a whm i and was waiting in valk for a pt i got asked to join this one pt but some one kept spaming me with a blind invite.. which sucked cuz i joined there pt by accident cause of it.. and i yelled at the guy in the pt chat and left which stoped the invite from him but he then procceded to yell at me in /tell and said its just a game dude calm down get a life and crap.. which i told him yes its a game but hes an asshole for spaming me with a blind invite..

and it got worse from there..

i hate dumb ass peopl..

ohh i do read the comments when looking for people

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 12:55 am
by Fayin
I dunno. Maybe I'm just weird but, if I have my LFP flag up that means I want to be invited. If I get a blind invite while in that state, I join. Not a big deal to me. In fact, that's sort of my goal, to get a PT I mean. I only decline blind invites if I don't have my flag up. I'm not saying I'll stay in that PT. If the level range sucks or if they all plan to go somewhere totally overcamped or they prove to be stupid or assholes I leave. I simply tell them why it won't work out for me, disband, and reset my flag. Only once have I been reinvited by the same moron PT.

When I'm forming the PT or looking for replacements I always send a tell first. Why? Partly it's cause it's also not a big deal to me but, moreso it's cause often there's more than one canidate and I simply send the invite to whomever responds faster.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 6:01 am
by Phyeahnnah
I know all to well about people not reading comments -_-;

Sadly enough my comment always reads: "No PLs {Please}," but of course I'm always invited into parties with Power Levelers or those that are intending to get one.

It does aggravaite me, but I just explain about the comment and leave. Hopefully I help some people get over their stupidity, I sure do hope so!

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:44 pm
by Crispleaf
Well, at least you can get invites. As a summoner, I'm stopped dead at 43. I never get invites even if I'm the only healer seeking. I think the problem is people don't think of summoners when they are looking for a healer :P

The only time I've been able to get an invite on summoner these days is when I get picked up by a sleepy Japanese party early on the weekend.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 3:09 pm
by Shirai
Crispleaf wrote:Well, at least you can get invites. As a summoner, I'm stopped dead at 43. I never get invites even if I'm the only healer seeking. I think the problem is people don't think of summoners when they are looking for a healer :P

The only time I've been able to get an invite on summoner these days is when I get picked up by a sleepy Japanese party early on the weekend.
Hmm.. strange,

I haven't taken summoner as far as that yet but I don't understand that a lot of people indeed don't see the usefulness of a summoner.
You can buff the Party, MB on Skillchains, even start or close a Distortion SC.
Tho I think you will get invited more at 46 when Titan gets Earthern ward aka Stoneskinga.
Your party will love it and Garuda with Hastega at 48 :)

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 5:53 pm
by Crispleaf
Shirai wrote:Tho I think you will get invited more at 46 when Titan gets Earthern ward aka Stoneskinga.
Your party will love it and Garuda with Hastega at 48 :)
You're right. I'm sure things will pick up once I get to 46. I may have to resort to soloing the rest of the way there though :(

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 7:06 pm
by Shirai
nah, just keep at it ;)
some jobs do take longer to lvl due to lck of invites.
if you do find a good way to lvl smn 43-46 solo please lemme know. :)

I did enjoy to solo Even match to VT worms in Qufim till 26 ^^

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 8:23 pm
by Crispleaf
I did some soloing in Qufim too. I went after the Wights there with Ifrit. Ifrit just floors skeletons (fire punching attacks 8) ).

Ifrit was also a good choice against bombs in Gugen Mines. He'd even live through self destruct with barely a scratch ;)

A few levels ago, I went after tough and vt gobs in Yuhtunga and Yhoater Jungles. With carby mitts, this is possible, but it's slow. You basically keep recasting carby until the gob blows himself up with a gob bomb :lol:

I've tried going after tough lizards in Crawler's Nest, but this is slow too. You'd probably only get 600xp an hour at best doing this :( Whatever you do, don't try fighting the bees there. They'll heal themselves forever and you won't be able to win.

If you have Fenrir, you can have him tank for you while you join in the fight. I like this arrangement much better, but you have to stick with decent challenge at worst. Otherwise, if Fenrir dies, you won't be able to get hate off you. I'd do this against the mandies between fighting gobs in the Jungle.

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 6:28 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
Crispleaf wrote:Well, at least you can get invites. As a summoner, I'm stopped dead at 43. I never get invites even if I'm the only healer seeking. I think the problem is people don't think of summoners when they are looking for a healer :P

The only time I've been able to get an invite on summoner these days is when I get picked up by a sleepy Japanese party early on the weekend.
:shock: :shock: :shock:

There have GOT to be a whole lot more WHMs where you live. Either that or dumb people.

I have as RDM often been paired with a SMN as ALL the healing power in a party. This started as soon as I was big enough to party. It seems to have ended now though.

Another dumb people comment while searching for a sixth: Me, "Look for a BRD" DP, "why? we have you." :roll:

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 7:51 pm
by Shirai
Tsybil wrote: Another dumb people comment while searching for a sixth: Me, "Look for a BRD" DP, "why? we have you." :roll:
:shock: BRD + RDM = unstopable party.....

Had it once in Den of Rancor,

a whopping 7.5k/hour :D

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:28 pm
by Crispleaf
Continuing with being off topic... :D

I tried soloing spiders as a 45 smn/whm in the Western Altepa desert with Fenrir. I fought along with Fenrir as much as I could, liberally using Blink and Regen for when I drew hate (one sickle slash that gets through blink, mind you, and it could be all over). And I ended up recasting Fenrir midway in the fight. So it's not without risk...

I only got 72 xp or so for each fight, but I also got... spider webs... worth 14k each on Alexander.

I'm thinking this could be a good farming opportunity ;) Hopefully I won't get killed too much :oops: