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Best Party Ever!

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 8:21 pm
by Baketsu
What was the best party you have ever been in?

Mine: As a level 24-26 BLM in Yutunga Jungle next to the Kazaam Zone fighting mandys. We had a NIN/WAR, PLD/WAR, SMN/WHM, SMN/WHM, WHM/BLM(me), and a BLM/WHM.

We totally owned those little critters and kicked some major butt, usually I didn't have to heal much and also participated in mele and enfeebling. (Paralyze and Slow are my friends). Also whenever i ran outta MP I could rest a round as the SMN would heal and we practically had no downtime!!! Best and funnest party ever!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 9:11 pm
by Leane
My best party ever was in Yhoater Jungle I was designated healer, which I normally hate being. We had 30PLD/WAR(tank of course), 30RDM/BLM(me, healer, debuffer, nuker), 30WAR/THF(puller), 30WAR/RDM(my assistant), 30WAR/MNK * 2. I berely ever had to heal, and we were getting chain 5s, it ended for me when the storm by my house nocked out my power :cry: .

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 9:53 pm
by Kahvi
RDM/whm(me) RDM/blm, NIN/war, PLD/war, THF/nin, BLM/whm

I was fortunate enough to get this combo 3 times
First time was in Crawler's Nest in the Rumble Room (Rumble Crawlers and those hi level Beetles spot) we were pulling fast enough for two parties that day, and as luck would have it, the area wasnt overpopulated for some strange reason.

2nd time was in Quicksand Caves. We didnt stay together very long(an hour or two), but we were getting Chain 5's and everyone leveled at least once.

3rd time was in Boyahda Tree, fighting crabs, crawlers and the occasional mandy.

I liked it because:
1) i only had to refresh myself and main heal
2) everyone with NIN or /NIN was low healing cost
3) the NIN/war and PLD/war knew how to keep hate (i was lucky on all occasions)
4) we were together for a long time in those zones ( with the exception of party 2)

My Best Parties....

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 10:41 pm
by Sigyn
Were the same configuration. One in the Boyhada Tree, and one in Ro'Maeve (moon)...


It was pure love....

Re: My Best Parties....

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 10:49 pm
by Shirai
Sigyn wrote:Were the same configuration. One in the Boyhada Tree, and one in Ro'Maeve (moon)...


It was pure love....
<3 <3 <3 :2thumb:

Yah, I have to say that was one of the best setups I had as well.
Only at my PT it was RNG/NIN X3 WHM, BRD, BLM in Upper Delkfutt's tower.

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 11:21 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
My favorite so far: RDM/WHM (me), 3 RDM/BLM, THF, WHM.

At level 24 - 26 we were OWNING Gobbies in the Jungle by the Kazam gates. Chaining mandies to get TP for the Gobbies. As the other RDMs dropped out to be replaced by the heaver damage Melee types... Well, we lost the ability to take out the gobbies. :(

Moral of the story? At that level, where everyone tells RDMs to hang the Sword up, RDMs can do a LOT of damage. At least once their mana is freed from healing and 3/4 of the debuffing.

Was in another about that level in that spot. 2 RDM/BLM, RDM/WAR, THF, DRG, I forget but some tank or another. Another nice fast party.

Someday I want to be in a 6 RDM party.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 12:10 am
by Yukira
Hmm...I think the best party was I was in was during last october in Valkurm Dunes a few weeks after I had started playing FFXI. EXP wasn't that good and we made a lot of mistakes (we all were new players), but the atmosphere was really encouraging and positive. Also 1 of them is still a very dear friend of mine (Hello to you Steckerlfisch, if you ever happen to these forums. See you in a few months! :)).

Best EXP parties I've been in, the most of the other party members were Japanese.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 12:25 am
by Meowmixer
Best party I had believe it or not, was in the dunes.

I was a lvl 10mnk/war and partied with whm/blm blm/whm rng/war nin/war nin/war + a pl'r.

We made 8 freakin levels in about 4 hours. Kenuty was in that party too, for those that know him.

got from lvl 10, to lvl 18.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 5:24 am
by Kyuiily
my best party was when I was in qufium as my WHM/BLM lvl at night and played ring around the rosey with a wight around two fallen logs after using my 2 hour and we ended up killing it like that as it chased me in circles but never able to hit me until the booger decided to go the other way so I changed directions too and we did it in the opposite direction before it was slain

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 6:11 am
by Karou Ariyen
war/nin war/nin rdm/whm smn/whm thf/nin :D

hit lvl 52 with it hehehehehe

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 5:24 pm
by Mystiana
Best pre-50 party was Yhoator Jungle. We levels about once an hour from 26-31. It was amazing how well we meshed and there never was any downtime, and only one 20 minute break for everyone to eat.

Post 50 was valley of sorrows at level 58, where we took down everything (yes, Perytons) and made almost 7.5k exp an hour. Everyone's in a good mood in amazing parties. ;)

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 9:32 pm
by Lihera
My favorite pt so far, was a demi-manaburn in Altep. BLM BLM BLM BLM THF THF (me). Each of the BLM's were sub WHM, and the thieves were sub NIN. I would SA onto the mob initially, then the other thief would TA onto me, once I lost hate, I would SATA onto him. Got 3 levels, and capped evasion out of that party.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 11:41 pm
by Aony
My best one was my first in Qufim. All i remember of it was I was thf and we had no type of mage whatsoever. We slaughtered worms like crazy. I got from full TNL to leveled in about 20 minutes.

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 3:47 am
by XaviarReturns
My best party would have to be... yesterday! We had 30WHM/SMN 30BLM/SMN, 30RDM/SMN, 30THF/NIN, 30MNK/WAR, 30WAR/THF(me) we were haulin' ass in beaucedine glacier. I gained 4 levels there in like 5 hours. Since I rarely get a chance to play longer than 2 hours, it was really fun and cool.

Cheers :?:

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 5:02 am
by Punkerdood
hmm i already posted a topic about this but...
i was in a JP party down in the undeground part of king ranparres tomb
ithink i wa s around lvl 54ish and got like 1k xp every 15-20minutes and it kicked ass because we had 2rngs which made hell to the bats because slug shot/sidewinder kicks the ass of flying mobs
and was cool except tat part when i asked what the hell was going on trying to comunicate with the auto translate crap ad also got a burning hktk eye rom the Hecteyes mob down there

My memory is fuzzy...

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 3:37 am
by Neoshinobi
The last party that was ...good, that I can remember...Ok I can barely remember. :cry:

I think is was something like...

nin/war, thf/nin, rng/nin, rng/nin, whm/blm and I believe a blm/rdm :oops:

At about 63 (or was is 64?) I got from more than halfway tnl.. :love:

Re: Best Party Ever!

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 10:57 am
by xaresity

Re: Best Party Ever!

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2024 5:07 pm
by xaresity

Re: Best Party Ever!

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 4:50 pm
by xaresity