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New AF Storage, Areas, Search Comment, & More Feb'05 Upd

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 7:56 pm
by Dukuji
Subject: Changes to Ballista

From: FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team (2/23/2005)

Message: In the upcoming version update, resistance to the following spells during Ballista matches will increase: Sleep, Lullaby, Gravity, Bind, and Silence. Other aspects, such as effect duration, will also be adjusted.

A new "Ballista Ranking" system based on Ballista points, as well as extra temporary items, will be introduced. However, this ranking system will not be activated at the time of the version update. Further details will be announced in a separate news item.


Subject: ENM Quests

From: FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team (2/21/2005)

Message: New battlefield types will be unlocked for the upcoming Empty Notorious Monster quests!


Subject: Traveling in Vana'diel: Barge and Manaclipper Multi-tickets

From: FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team (2/18/2005)

Message: Have you ever found yourself watching the barge or manaclipper drift away from the docks as you fumble for gil to purchase your ticket? Well, kiss those days goodbye with the new bargain-priced multi-tickets available only at participating Bibiki Bay and Carpenters' Landing vendors.

Also, take care to check the new routes and times being introduced for Carpenters' Landing barges. An updated schedule will be announced shortly.


Subject: New Promathia Missions and a Whole Lot More!

From: FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team (2/16/2005)

Message: Look out for new Chains of Promathia scenarios, mannequins for sale, and other exciting additions in the next version update! Details here.


Suject: Job-related Adjustments

From: FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team (2/14/2005)

Message: The upcoming version update will feature several adjustments in job-related areas. Click here for details.


Subject: Artifact Armor

From: FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team (2/4/2005)

Message: Do you have several jobs at high levels? Sick of lugging around all those sets of artifact armor? Well, no more! We are currently devising a system to take the pressure off your overflowing Mog Safe. Details here.


Subject: Amazing Areas & Ferocious Foes!

From: FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team (1/31/2005)

Message: As you may already know, the FINAL FANTASY XI development team is planning a major version update for late February. However, for those of you who just can't wait, the team has decided to offer a further glimpse into what's in store for Vana'diel. Click here to be one of the first to see exclusive screenshots of deadly new monsters and exciting new areas so you can be ready for what lies beyond the horizon!


Subject: Search Comments

From: FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team (2/2/2005)

Message: Search comments are currently divided into four categories: EXP party, Mission/Quest, Item-related, and Others. We are planning to expand the number of categories available, and create subcategories such as Seek Party and Find Member to allow for more specific comments and searches. In addition, a new text command will make it possible to set search comments using a macro. These features are scheduled for the February version update.


Subject: Guild Contracts

From: FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team (2/9/2005)

Message:In the next version update, there are additions and changes to the items required to fulfill guild contracts. Learn more about these developments here.


Subject: Chat Filters

From: FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team (2/8/2005)

Message: In the previous version update, separate chat filters were created for NPCs. In the upcoming February update, these NPC chat filters will be further refined to allow for even more specific settings. Details regarding these changes will be announced at the time of the update.


Subject: Attention all Fishing Fanatics!

From: FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team (2/10/2005)

Message: Think you know all there is to know about fishing?
After the next version update, things might be a little different!
Click here for an outline of the new fishing system.


For more information see Playonline.


'Kuji's Remarks: Well, I don't even have one set of AF armor so I'm thinking the new AF storage is for some of the more hard core, long time, players; most of which are probably in Japan. The new search comment sounds interesting and as for the new areas go, I doubt that I'm a high enough level to go there yet but can't wait to check it out someday.

Edited the subject to reflect the topic better and added new update info to the original post.
Edit: Added fishing info.
Edit: I keep adding more info.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 8:17 pm
by Kahvi
I know a few american players that could use storage for multiple AF gear, at least one hume and two taru i know have 2 or more jobs in the 60+ range... I could have been right there with them... if i didnt like goofing off so much... nothing like catnip after a hard days work, non?

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 8:26 pm
by Anathema
w00t .. AF storage! .. and setting search comments witha macro :2thumb: great idea SE .. I hate having to set that every time I go LFG .. ¬.¬; I always forget ..

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 5:01 am
by Josiejo
Who thought up these stupid updates? They should focus more on variety of gameplay, new equipment at all levels, and new jobs. I could really care less about the extent of the Search Comment feature... it seems to work well enough as it is right now. They're really wasting a lot of time with these Cracker Jack updates. :x

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 6:03 am
by Kahvi
You are right, josiejoe.. you reminded me of what is important...

I want my Blue Mage!!

erm.. okay now that i got that out of my system.. i feel better..

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 9:37 am
by Prrsha
Josiejo wrote:Who thought up these stupid updates? They should focus more on variety of gameplay, new equipment at all levels, and new jobs. I could really care less about the extent of the Search Comment feature... it seems to work well enough as it is right now. They're really wasting a lot of time with these Cracker Jack updates. :x
They added equipment last patch and they are adding new equip this patch. :wink:

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 7:34 pm
by Crispleaf
I actually have a set of Artifact Armor for my white mage job. So being able to free up 5 precious slots in my Mog Safe when I'm not leveling white mage sounds good to me :) :P

I'm pretty close to working on red mage Artifact Armor too, so this is fortuitous timing :D

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 12:32 am
by Azureskye
None of those updates help me much but whatever. As long as they don't gimp food again >.<

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 4:26 am
by Prrsha
Food wasn't gimped. Why do people keep saying that. 99% of the food was boosted.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 7:05 am
by Josiejo
Prrsha wrote:They added equipment last patch and they are adding new equip this patch. :wink:
Well, I mean something where everyone at level 1 isn't wearing default armor, Robes/Slops, skill-up armor (ex. Field set) or Bronze Harness/Subligar, or having to wait until level 8-10 to change gear. Things at different levels shouldn't look the same... at least, that's what I think. It would also be nice to have new armor models, instead of just new textures for existing models. I'd like to see Ninja headbands where the ends fall half-way down your character's back, or different types of plated armor, or real wizard robes for mages that fall to the ground instead of stopping at the waist. And how about more Eastern-influenced cloth armor for dexterious melees? meh...

Also, I know I've said it before, but please... animation for the /dance emote!!

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 7:59 am
by Prrsha
Josiejo wrote:
Prrsha wrote:They added equipment last patch and they are adding new equip this patch. :wink:
Well, I mean something where everyone at level 1 isn't wearing default armor, Robes/Slops, skill-up armor (ex. Field set) or Bronze Harness/Subligar, or having to wait until level 8-10 to change gear. Things at different levels shouldn't look the same... at least, that's what I think. It would also be nice to have new armor models, instead of just new textures for existing models. I'd like to see Ninja headbands where the ends fall half-way down your character's back, or different types of plated armor, or real wizard robes for mages that fall to the ground instead of stopping at the waist. And how about more Eastern-influenced cloth armor for dexterious melees? meh...

Also, I know I've said it before, but please... animation for the /dance emote!!

Square sort of explained that in this interview snippit:
Have hair dyes been looked at as a possibility to expand customization? (i.e. alchemist would be able to make it say... apprentice level?)

At this point in time expanding character customization is not on the schedule. As we are dealing with a multi-platform environment, in order to maintain a high level of graphic quality while displaying a large amount of characters at the same time, each texture color has been maximized and optimized as much as possible. This ensures that the color of each texture is displayed properly. Therefore, the system is not designed for easy and simple programmed color changes. The display of each individual character was emphasized to the point that color variation was given up as an option in the character creation process.

Furthermore, FFXI packet usage is already at the limits of most narrowband connections, which is another reason to avoid color changes.

For the above reasons, one alternative way the development team is working to enable users to display their individuality is by adding to the amount of multi-colored items users can equip.

This is not to say they are simply adding to the number of high-level items. Looking at the whole picture, even if the items in question have roughly the same abilities, be they items that boost magic attack or items that sacrifice Attack to boost Magic Accuracy, they will look different, and be useful even off the battlefield. In other words, the goal is to add to the number of items whose uses will differ depending on the situation.

Up until now, as an available option there are certain types of accessories currently offered that are not reflected in character appearance. But, from here on out the effects these items will have on the appearance of armor and such will be increased.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 8:19 am
by Jhes
Up until now, as an available option there are certain types of accessories currently offered that are not reflected in character appearance. But, from here on out the effects these items will have on the appearance of armor and such will be increased.

I want to see that, like when you wear a should look like youre wearing a cape, when you wear belts it should look like it, same with earrings and all the other stuff, i want to see these kinda of changes.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 9:27 am
by Prrsha
The PS2 limits most of that sadly. :/ They can't handle as many textures and models as a PC can.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 2:22 pm
by Ryerya
:x Too bad, I was looking forard to my back gear clashing with my body gear color :P

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 2:45 pm
by Josiejo
Square Employee of Questionable Intelligence wrote:Up until now, as an available option there are certain types of accessories currently offered that are not reflected in character appearance. But, from here on out the effects these items will have on the appearance of armor and such will be increased.
Hmph. As if adding equipment models for accessories wouldn't increase packet size. I just can't see how they can say color options aren't an option when they have around 10-20 different textures for each armor type. Outright color manipulation might not be possible, but why not add more color choices in the creation options? 2 hairstyles for each of 8 faces... come on. That's really crappy. And, I'm sorry to say, although I love the population of FFXI, I don't have much sympathy for low-bandwidth players, since I'm paying for high bandwidth myself in order to enjoy a better gaming experience. Maybe they should've never went multi-platform... it seems they would've had more creative control and had to make less excuses. :roll:

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 3:14 pm
by Kessa
[quote= I don't have much sympathy for low-bandwidth players, since I'm paying for high bandwidth myself in order to enjoy a better gaming experience. Maybe they should've never went multi-platform... it seems they would've had more creative control and had to make less excuses. :roll:[/quote]

Though I dont have muych sympathy either for the people playing with dial up speeds, I think the Multi-Platform capability of this game is one of the most outstanding features of FFXI that sets it apart from the other MMORPG's.

From what I hear WOW, EQ, and Lineage all have crafting, classes, quests, etc. This is something that actually sets FFXI apart from the rest of the field. I am sure come Summer 06' when the PS3 hits japan, and Q4 2006 when I think it will hit America SE can and will update the graphics textures and sounds of the game.

I am just glad they didn't use Cell-Shading Charcter templates like the new game coming out for X-Box is going to, because then we would all look really stupid :?

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 3:50 pm
by Maezen
to be fair i think new colors and stuff would be neat and everything, but i'm definately looking forward to that AF storage....while it definately doesn't seem like SE is doing much to help out the newer players (not fixing the economy or flooding the market with new easy to get items) it does appear to me that they're aware of some of the problems and are trying to correct them...(slowly maybe but i think they're working on it) as for new areas and monsters, they're probably going to be high level areas :cry: with even tougher monsters. SE seems to cater to their higher level players wishes.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 4:01 pm
by Josiejo
Yeah, I don't like that much, since I tend to be a low-level player. :P Sometimes by choice, sometimes not. I have 3 kitty characters, and thinking about making a fourth, plus one Hume and one Elvaan (highest level= 42 WHM). So I guess by the time I'll get to enjoy the new things added to FFXI, they'll be shutting down the servers for good. :P Doh!

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 5:25 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
Josiejo wrote:....I don't have much sympathy for low-bandwidth players, since I'm paying for high bandwidth myself in order to enjoy a better gaming experience....
As I understand it, the OUTPUT is choked to 56K so the dialup players are not playing at a disadvantage. It doesn't really work. I play on three machines regulary, one is on Dialup. It loads noticably slower. I cannot camp guild shop counters on dialup to say nothing about MNs.

On Broadband I recive at 56K, and send at broadband speeds. On Dialup, I send and recieve at 42 - 50K.....

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 6:47 pm
by Baketsu
I would like a Job added that is specific to race.

Assasin= Mithra
Archer = Elvaan
Miner = Galka
Poop Shoveler = Hume
Food = Tarutaru :lol:

Something like that would be cool, also maybe a special Mage like OmniMage, that can handle all the different kinds of magic and summoning, but you can only get after maxing out your WHM, BLM, SUM, and RDM jobs.

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 9:58 pm
by Dukuji
Just thought I would post the latest:

Subject: Chat Filters

From: FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team (2/8/2005)

Message: In the previous version update, separate chat filters were created for NPCs. In the upcoming February update, these NPC chat filters will be further refined to allow for even more specific settings. Details regarding these changes will be announced at the time of the update.


Not enough to make a new topic over so I thought that I'd just post it here. Not sure what they are thinking but, new filters? Okay, sure, why not. As my father says, "Well, it's better then a kick in the ass."

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 2:17 am
by Prrsha
Dukuji wrote:Just thought I would post the latest:

Subject: Chat Filters

From: FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team (2/8/2005)

Message: In the previous version update, separate chat filters were created for NPCs. In the upcoming February update, these NPC chat filters will be further refined to allow for even more specific settings. Details regarding these changes will be announced at the time of the update.


Not enough to make a new topic over so I thought that I'd just post it here. Not sure what they are thinking but, new filters? Okay, sure, why not. As my father says, "Well, it's better then a kick in the ass."
Ummm, new filters are REALLY needed! Have you ever been in a full alliance of ppl as a RDM that is debuffing? It's near impossible without proper filters.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 7:25 am
by Josiejo
Well, not only that, but if you turn on the NPC filters, you can't see text for the actions enemy NPCs are doing. The stupid thing is that if you ever come across friendly NPCs that initiate special actions, you can't see that either. The chat filters were fine the way they were before the previous update, I thought, although I've only been in a full alliance once, and that was almost a year ago. :P

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 9:21 am
by Prrsha
RDM + Full alliance + Dynamis + battle spam = Incredibly Tough. :wink:

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 7:29 pm
by Dukuji
Adding the latest:

Subject: Guild Contracts

From: FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team (2/9/2005)

Message:In the next version update, there are additions and changes to the items required to fulfill guild contracts. Learn more about these developments here.


Sounds good to me! :D

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 3:26 pm
by Dukuji
Just added the fishing information (see previous page) and all I can say is "wow!" :o :o :o

Fishing skills will rise twice as fast? :shock: :shock: :shock:

We should be seeing a lot more fishers out there soon.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 4:00 pm
by Crispleaf
Dukuji wrote:Just added the fishing information (see previous page) and all I can say is "wow!" :o :o :o

Fishing skills will rise twice as fast? :shock: :shock: :shock:

We should be seeing a lot more fishers out there soon.
If they made it ten times faster maybe I might consider it...

But honestly, I'd spent two entire evenings doing nothing but fishing and I've only obtained level 3. It was at that point I decided I'd never waste my time with fishing ever again. :P

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 4:03 pm
by Shirai
Nice to read this since I just started fishing :)
(Well mostly for moat carp atm.. I want that Lu Sang!!)

Anyway skilling up twice as fast is always good news.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 4:07 pm
by Dukuji
Shirai wrote:Nice to read this since I just started fishing :)
(Well mostly for moat carp atm.. I want that Lu Sang!!)

Anyway skilling up twice as fast is always good news.
Well it's more then just skilling up twice as fast. Fish now have a little "life" meter and you have to work them down and the less life they have the easier it is to pull them up.

Plus there was a lot more info in that link like rods now break less (even willow rods).

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 4:07 pm
by Mystiana
Fishing: On a good day, I can gain 1.5+ levels of fishing per hour. The new system sounds more interesting, and harder to bot. /cheer

AF Storage: Yay! I am almost done with BLM AF, and have the full set of DRG I could store somewhere. It doesn't matter as much lately with gobbie bag 5 completed, but every bit helps.

Please fix the chat filters. I've got them mostly working, where I see the initiation, but not the effect (since I know what will happen anyway), but if they worked like they were supposed to, that would be much nicer.

Stop asking about new jobs. It would require a huge change in the game's code base. If you don't understand, study binary math and memory allocation.