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its a real manthra!!

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 6:18 am
by Punkerdood

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 6:27 am
by Kopopo
that photoshop job has been around for a while now.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 6:29 am
by Punkerdood
oh its just cuz i barely saw it hehe

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 3:40 pm
by Xaviar
Still That picture looks badass!

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 4:42 pm
by Punkerdood
yea if there was a chance to change our female mithra ones to a male one thru an update or something i would totally change it

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 10:55 am
by Jhes
SE just needs to introduce them, theyve already acknowledged the existence, no reason why they cant come back out to the real world now. It would be great if they added them in the next update or a future reason why they cant...

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 3:28 pm
by Aony
that would be cool, but remember now that they've had no manthra for so long, it would be very difficult. They would have to make all the different images for the manthrans in every single piece of equipment that has ever been made, new RSEs would have to be made, it would even negate the whole history where so many of the male Mithrans having been killed in war causing the women to have to take over, and other things are probably out there that I dont know about yet. And having gotten so far with Aony in so many things it would be hard to start with a new character.

But, being a manthra myself, I would love to see this happen all the same. Like my quote says, I'm really sick of people flirting with me, it's kinda wierd having people of the same gender hitting on me :oops: I dont think I'll ever get used to it...

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 3:37 pm
by Aony
and btw, the paragraph next to the manthra picture....WTF??? I've seen L337 and can read that pretty easy but wtf is he using? can anyone read this and translate it for me? I'd like to know wat he's saying

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 5:12 pm
by Kopopo
Uhm... that's Japanese.

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 9:48 pm
by Prrsha

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 10:43 pm
by Dukuji
Aony wrote:and btw, the paragraph next to the manthra picture....WTF??? I've seen L337 and can read that pretty easy but wtf is he using? can anyone read this and translate it for me? I'd like to know wat he's saying
Hmmm . . . well, you may not have the Japanese language support loaded up on your computer. Not sure how this will come out to the rest of you but on the computer I'm using right now I get a lot of "f"s and "x"s and "w"s.
‚±‚ÌŠG‚ª‰pŒê‚̘b‚·?l‚̃?ƒZ?[ƒWƒ{?[ƒh‚Ƀ|ƒXƒg‚ð‚µ‚Ü‚µ‚½?B‚³‚Ÿ?A‚ ‚é?l‚Í‚±‚ÌŠG‚ª?D‚«‚¶‚á‚È‚¢?B‚ ‚̃?ƒZ?[ƒWƒ{?[ƒh‚Ƀ~ƒ
Try downloading the Japanese language support software and it should fix the confusion.

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 3:26 am
by Glympse
:lol: the way I see it there will never be a male mithra. Think of the mithra race similar to that of Lions, the males of the species are hidden away in a big palace somewhere and only exist for the purpose of breeding.

:roll: so all those lazy males sit about whilst the female of the species goes out and does the hunting... I would imagine the main male mithra to have a thick mane and then there only to be a couple more who loaf around and wait for their time to be lead male =/ to be an adventurer? no...

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 3:44 am
by Ryuene
That's a good point.. but I don't really think there is a "lead" male. The Mithra are very dominant and I highly doubt they will EVER have a male lead them. I do believe the males are hidden away and their only porpuse is for mating but I also believe that the females are who in control, or rather, the "strongest" female is in control.

Strong female Mithra + Ordinary Male = Strong offspring.

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 5:48 am
by Prrsha
According to a FAQ I read awhile back, so many males were killed in the wars, that now so few of them remain.

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 6:01 am
by JediKitsune
Yes...but there's nowhere that says it's not a possibility for the number of males to bounce back....

I think SquareEnix is just crazy enough to do it, personally...

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 6:32 am
by Prrsha
Well, Kahzam was a mithra outpost long ago; it's not where they originally came from. They came from a land "far from the east" of Kahzam. So who knows, maybe that "land" could be found in a future expansion.

However... I hope that they don't add male mithra. I sort of like the fact that they are female only. Not only that but I shudder to think what would happen if square added female Galka to the game to balance it. :lol:

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 6:38 am
by Dukuji
Hmmm, well, the way I understand it is that the birth rate of males to females is about 1 in 80. This would be why all the mithra children you see are female. If this is true many things can be assumed with a high degree of certainty:

* An average male would have to have about 80 kittens before he gets a male. This would throw out the idea of mithra being monogamists. They would have to be polygamists or at least (and in my opinion) semi-monogamous. This would also throw out the desire for most female mithra to want to marry and in fact the concept of "marriage" or having a male presence would seem very odd.

* Female kittens would most likely be raised by females and the males kittens by the males.

* Due to the large number of female births and their apathy to social aspects, males would not spend much time of even take part in the lives of their female children.

* I see mithra living in prides and villages where there are about 50-100 females for every male. In some of the bigger prides and towns of over 1000 mithra there can be up to a dozen males.

* I would assume from the mithran leaders in Kazham and Windy that mithra live in a matriarchal society with the males having a sort of freedom to do as they please and staying aloof of political and social issues.

* Another thing to consider is that the value and strength of a pride could be counted in the number of males they have.

* Something else would be in record keeping. The only genealogy you would need to know would be to know would who your father was. The bloodline of such and such pride can be traced by the males alone. But due to their lifestyle (hunting and such) I think it's highly unlikely that most mithra ever learn to read or write or have any formal education. (I didn't until I joined the San d'Orian military.)

One last thought. Many doubt that male mithra even exist, but to this I say, we have breasts . . . do the math.

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 7:23 am
by Prrsha
Dukuji wrote:Hmmm, well, the way I understand it is that the birth rate of males to females is about 1 in 80. This would be why all the mithra children you see are female. If this is true many things can be assumed with a high degree of certainty:
Wherrre did you read this? Square's ingame explanation was that so many males died during the wars, that so few of them remain today.

I assume then, since male mithra are so rare now, the boys are kept safe at home.

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 7:45 am
by Dukuji
Prrsha wrote:
Dukuji wrote:Hmmm, well, the way I understand it is that the birth rate of males to females is about 1 in 80. This would be why all the mithra children you see are female. If this is true many things can be assumed with a high degree of certainty:
Wherrre did you read this? Square's ingame explanation was that so many males died during the wars, that so few of them remain today.

I assume then, since male mithra are so rare now, the boys are kept safe at home.
This is not directly stated by an NPC or SE. Like I said, "The way I understand it is" which means it's my opinion. But think about it, half the mithra population under the age of 20 is in hiding? (That is if they died in the war twenty years ago otherwise their numbers would have returned in one generation.) Absurd, absolutely absurd. There would be no reason for this. How many males must you keep in hiding to be "safe"? When estimating a country's future population the number of eligible males is irrelevant. It’s the number of women able to have children that are of greatest importance.

Anyway, I've been told that the males died in war long ago (I still have not found where this is said in game, if anybody knows where or who says this that would be great) but it really does not make any sense.

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 8:21 am
by Prrsha
The second race were the Mithra. These cunning quick witted creatures were the stealthy warriors of the time. Due to the lack of male Mithra from countless years of war, the men stayed home to raise children while the women formed the political and warrior classes. Originally hailing from the far-east, they made their home on the island of Elshimo. There the Mithra built and maintained a small society. Though active in the battles with the beastmen on their island, they did not seek them out. Protecting their borders was enough for them, and apparently enough for the beastmen, as over time the attacks decreased. It appeared that while not at peace, the beastmen of Elshimo had an understanding with the Mithra.
A repost from this thread:

The FAQ was from FFXIOnline and was a collection of material from Playonline FAQs and NPC conversations.

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 2:13 pm
by Dukuji
Prrsha wrote:A repost from this thread:

The FAQ was from FFXIOnline and was a collection of material from Playonline FAQs and NPC conversations.
I will agree that that is, so far, the best write up on the history of Vana'diel but, it was not writen by SE nor is it a direct quote from somebody in the game. I'm fairly certain that somebody, somewhere in the game can confirm that the males were killed in a war BUT nobody I talk to can confirm who said it and where. As cool as that history is, it's not a direct source of information and like all 2nd hand sources it's bound to have errors. (Ever play the message game where one person starts a pharse and everybody passes it along?) This history, so far, has been the only place where I have read that the males died in a war. Prrsha, you claim, "Square's ingame explanation was that so many males died during the wars." Alright, where and who "ingame" said it? Call me a doubting Thomas but I would like to hear it from the horse's mouth. :wink:

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 5:49 pm
by Baketsu
Who is to say they couldn't have an in game event and the winners get a brand new shiny Manthra character to level up from level 1.

Maybe all the new character could do is hide under a table in a house in windurst fearing for his life :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 12:00 am
by Meesa
Aony wrote:But, being a manthra myself, I would love to see this happen all the same. Like my quote says, I'm really sick of people flirting with me, it's kinda wierd having people of the same gender hitting on me :oops: I dont think I'll ever get used to it...
I wouldn't change Meesa for the world. I deal with the flirtations all in good fun and part of the character. But that's partly because I'm naturally emotive and I love my character's look. Each character is a part of me I guess. lol Just be open about the fact you are a guy playing a female character, not too blatant but not afraid to admit it. ^^

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 9:21 pm
by Ryuene
Meesa wrote:
Aony wrote:But, being a manthra myself, I would love to see this happen all the same. Like my quote says, I'm really sick of people flirting with me, it's kinda wierd having people of the same gender hitting on me :oops: I dont think I'll ever get used to it...
I wouldn't change Meesa for the world. I deal with the flirtations all in good fun and part of the character. But that's partly because I'm naturally emotive and I love my character's look. Each character is a part of me I guess. lol Just be open about the fact you are a guy playing a female character, not too blatant but not afraid to admit it. ^^
That's what I play by. ^_^

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 6:31 am
by Punkerdood
[quote="Prrsha"]This pic is betterrrr :wink: ... FF-126.jpg[/quote]

that still looks like a chic and his chest looks like boobs lol

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 7:57 am
by Neoshinobi
Heres a crappy translation of what that page said:

この絵が英語の話す人のメセージボードにポストをしました。さぁ、ある人はこの絵が好きじゃない。あのメセージボードにミスラのポストはさすが「ALL FEMALE?(女だけ)」とか「(何か)male mithra(ミスラ♂)」とか… 私のポスト名前が「mithra boy」でした。ここで見えます。英語が下手から、レスポンスが分からないです。でもさぁ、英語の言葉「failure」がわかりました。本当に意地悪ですね。酷いね…


The post was done in メセージボード of the person whom this picture speaks English. The ぁ, a certain person is not the favorite this picture. The post of ミスラ as expected in that メセージボード "ALL FEMALE? (Just the woman)"with" (something) male mithra (ミスラ XXMAL)"... my post name was" mithra boy ". It is visible here. From unskillfulness English, the response you do not understand, is. So word "failure" of the ぁ and English was understood. Don't you think? it is truly ill-tempered. Don't you think? it is terrible...

Damn you babelfish :x

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 8:32 am
by keiblerelf
PRRSHA!!!!! thank you for that pic *glomps you* :oops: lol punkerdood...yours is....o.O disturbing

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 4:43 am
by Punkerdood
well it wasnt mine i just found it :wink: oh and yay im a housecat

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 12:39 am
by Azureskye
Male mithras would be so hot :D

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 6:28 am
by Meesa
Punkerdood wrote:well it wasnt mine i just found it :wink: oh and yay im a housecat
W00T! Congrats, Punker! And Azure, I think "hot" is in the eye of the beholder. But it will be interesting to see what builds Squenix can come up with for them... <slurp> :twisted: :D