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Titan MP problems

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 3:28 am
by Xaviar
I am sure all of you are aware of the stunt I have pulled on mithra pride not too long ago.
Well I have some bad news, quite a few jack asses recently got ahold of pearls and are gonna be trying to get pearl sacks so they can get a bunch of their friends in mithra pride, most of them arent even mithra. I suggest that the mithra pride leader on titan retracts ALL pearl sacks for the time being, and carefully observes the behavior of the members.
If you thought what I did was bad, what they are trying to do is MUCH worse than anything you could ever dream of me doing, I am not trying to scare anyone here. I am just trying to prevent the destruction of my friend's favorite Linkshell.

And one last thing, there is a traitor in your LS on titan. There is no other way that 20+ non mithra's could get pearls. I Know how tight the security is, and there is just no way this could be an accident.

I hope you have some luck finding the culprit soon before this turns into a diaster. I will try to find out some more info on them.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 3:34 am
by Crispleaf

Not this again...

I'm relatively new here, but does a linkshell conspiracy theorist show up on a regular basis? :?

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 3:53 am
by JediKitsune
I just don't get it...why all this fuss over the LS? I thought the only purpose was to have a place for Mithra to get together, maybe help each other out and have some fun. Are people taking this too seriously for some reason?

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 5:36 am
by Prrsha
That server needs new sackholders/leaders/whatever... it really, really does...

But aside from that, what should be done there IMHO is to crush the current shell and recreate it with TRUSTED sack holders only. I know it sucks to so and that and it takes time and effort to move over to the new LS but trust me, you'll be thankful you did it in the long run.

I'd also like to hear from Amiable on all of this. The last post she made regarding all of this recent turmoil was over a month ago.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 7:37 am
by Josiejo
I fear we're probably not going to hear much from Amiable. She doesn't seem to care too much about things going on, or at least enough to post here and let everyone know what's being done to stop it. Hence, my deduction is that she's probably the one contributing to the problems the Titan MP linkshell is having. Therefore, I doubt she'd willingly drop the linkshell.

So, as I've suggested a few times before, I think the best thing to do is have everyone on Titan MP who cares about what MithraPride is all about choose a new leader, and have that person create a new MP linkshell on Titan. Then they can decide who is worthy enough to hold pearlsacks, assign those, and denounce the other MP on Titan on the website so people who may join hers in the future will know it's not our official Titan branch.

Sorry Amiable, but you've really not made any other impression on me, and I'm sure there are others who would agree.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 7:57 am
by Kopopo
Guys, this is REALLY getting old. Shape up or ship out.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 12:49 pm
by Shirai
Kopopo wrote:Guys, this is REALLY getting old. Shape up or ship out.
Just did :evil:
I'm getting really tired of these things happening and being blurted on the forum.

I do still care about the Titan MP LS but I won't be comming back until all things are resolved.
Might I be so bold to request a lock on this topic and let the Tital MP branch resolve the problems ingame??

Because this isn't good for the forums and the Titan branch itself.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 9:03 pm
by Xaviar
I doubt the leader of the LS knows about this, because the people who are doing this are being EXTREMELY secretive about this. THe only reason I know about it is by chance when I was stumbling around rolanberry fields. I got a few names of people to instantly boot because they are elves/galka,

Oswanderx is a elf warrior, I beleive he is the gang leader I think he might be on to me, because ever since he noticed me following him he hasnt been on.

ChillenVipy is a galka whm, he seems to be very close to Oswanderx, he is always talking to him. He is always talking about getting a "MPride PS"

I caught both of these people putting a pearl on for alittle bit and then taking it off.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 1:52 am
by Azureskye
Good god already... start the ls over. This is getting rediculous.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 3:21 am
by Xaviar
No kiddin' This sh*t just aint in the cards.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 6:46 am
by Kyuiily
on another note on Asura we had someone at the begining of this year dressed in a rarab customer and with /anon on try to get a ls for mp and this person wouldn't show me any proof that she/he was a mithra so I say sorry and left them behind.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 10:38 am
by Nivez
xavier, thank you for making us aware of this, its risky on your part and nice of you to let us know. as far as the thing on titan goes, i suggest this. first thing, i havent heard a word from amiable in... forever, like last word from her was the announcement that the shell was formed. i would seriously recommend to anyone who actually cares about titan, that they contact her and get her this info, now IF she doesnt care at all about whats going on. it is blatently clear that she does not diserve to be the ls leader, i would suggest you form a new pearl, which will be sanctioned by MP.. (oh dear lord , this is going to get confusing >.>) whatever shell amiable has needs to be crushed or abandoned, whichever is available. besides that though, thats all i really can do. i suggest that all those who care about the future of titan MP, who are on titan, start doing something, because your shell seems to be in the process of imploding.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 5:23 pm
by Kopopo
I've made attemps to contact Amiable, but she doesn't seem to be entheused about talking. My recommendation is that all the kitties who care should actually abandon the shell and recreate it.

Oh for the love of Altana...

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 8:54 pm
by Golddess
This has got to stop.

Xaviar, when's the last time you went over to Mut's? Having handled you so well (no offense :P) I'd like to talk with her about this whole situation, but she doesn't seem to visit the boards often. I know you 2 met that day she got you to throw out all your pearls, but I wasn't sure if you 2 still saw each other.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 5:35 am
by Xaviar
Last time I was at muts place was last weekend! Mut unfortuanly isnt on that much anymore(college really takes it toll on some people>.<). I however I was just talking to him yesterday. I havent brought this to his attention because he has enough problems at the moment, I will bring it to his attention this weekend though. I will see if I can get him to log on and suggest a few things...

The reason he was able to deal with me so well was the way he greeted and treated me. He didnt start swearing or getting angry, he just sent a tell that said: Hey there Xaviar whatcha doing?" and slowly worked his way toward the LS problem. But I dont think the motives of these people are the same that mine were(blind revenge) So having him try to resolve this may just end up making things worse.

Note: They know I am providing info to you guys so they wont let ANYTHING slide when i am around anymore. The 2 people I mentioned above havent been on at all since I was caught. I am assumming they made new characters to work with.

Edit: The 2 friends I met him through quit FFXI so I actualy hang out with him alot more than I do with them :? Even though our interests are pretty different the way we think is VERY similiar, So we can understand each other extremely well. This may also be one reason he succeed in persuading me, at times I was very tempted to /blist him because I thought he was gonna backstab me for sure. At the last moment he proved without words to me that he wasnt backstabbing me. Our trust grew from there...

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 8:50 am
by Golddess
Things are not always as they seem, especially when you cannot possibly view the whole picture.
