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Mithra "Pride"?

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 10:46 pm
by colbwa
This is the story about my terrible experience with the Mithra "Pride" LS.

The purpuse of this post is to explain why the Quetz MP LS is corrupted.

I am on Quetzalcoatl server before joining I had heard very little about Mithra Pride. The only thing I heard throught the internet grapevine was they are biased against men...(which eventually became known to me but I didn't care about at the time.)

So I'm running through Bur. Penninsula when I see Meiki walking with a whm. I needed a tele so the whm said sure, if you wait a few minutes I need to complete a quest. While I was waiting I asked Meiki for a Linkpearl and she agreed to my surprise. Meike said "Just don't act crazy ok" I said "No problem...I'm just going to law low and not say anything until I get a feel from everyone." She says, "No you should talk! Be active...don't be quiet..." I make my way to East Sartabarta and find out they are having a meeting in the same area so I gladly attend.

Most of meeting was about how somebody kicked another member out and wouldn't fess up about doing it. The entire meeting was Kea asking what we thought about it, at which time when I put my input in I was met with critiscism. My comment was that Kea should decide what to do instead of trying to find a common ground solution with a divided linkshell vote.

Other parts of the meeting were discussions on who should get a linksack. The final decision was that people with the most time and contributions to the LS would climb the ladder the fastest...however I would never climb the ladder based on time for obvious reasons (I just joined) and when I tried to contribute, the others mocked and did not take me seriously.

Later on that day I confronted Kea about that she said, "You can climb the ladder just as much as anyone else can." I told her based on what I had seen so far, MP gives an illusion of being able to gain rank just to recruit more members. She asked me what I wanted and I said that I want more power. I feel I had good ideas on how to make the rank better and am not contempt with being just a member. I further went on to say I realize that it is impossible for that to happen being that I just joined 1 hour ago.

She then admitted that I would never have a linksack ever, much less have any more power than what I had at that point.

No more than 5 seconds later, Kea tells the linkshell that I want to be the leader because I think I have better ideas than her. From this point foward, there is no possible way for anybody in the LS to like me and Kea knew this. She knew by saying that everyone would instantly take a disliking to me. For whatever reason, she was out to get me, and she did just that. So when everyone was asking me what to do I told them it would be a cool idea if everyone had a high lvl craft that way we'd never have to worry about money.

The LS promptly blew up and they asked me, "Who the f*** do you think you are." The commander of the LS Levi called me "a little fucking bastard". Eilistrae even called me Hitler.

There were 2 people in the LS who were begging the others to stop and that they were overreacing. Those 2 were Kittypride and Zetra.

I tried to explain myself but this was a waste of time. I soon after was kicked out of the LS and blisted by everyone in the LS at the request of Kea (minus 6 of them.)

The barrage continued and Lavi was instigating everything. Kea has a website ( that has a live stream of her playing. I took a screenshot on my Macintosh of Lavi telling her how fun this was and how they need to do this more often.

Regardless of all this, I went on to accept full blame and apologized to every single one of them in hopes that I could see why they were doing this. This was to no avail.

So if you are confused as to why they are wrong (how is this possible?), let's recap:

1. I was told they aren't biased against male players.

2. I was told in the meeting I could gain rank, when the leader told me personally I could not. (While in the meeting the commander, Lavi, says MP is too nice to new members.)

3. I was told by 4(!) LS members (names will not be given) that, in fact, the only way you could gain rank is by PL'ing or giving gil to Kea (the "leader") and the commander, Lavi.

4. I was told I could speak freely, and upon doing this in the LS meeting, I was spoken to consdescendingly and not taking seriously at all. (This I can almost understand being that I was only in the shell for 2 hours.)

5. I was told by Eilistrae that based on my posts on Allakazham (about controlling the Quetz economy to take it back from the gilsellers and have the AH be once again noob friendly) I would never be considered a true MP member.

6. I was mislead by Kea into thinking my ideas would benefit and upon telling her my ideas she fabircated my words, lied to the LS, and got them against me because she was threatened by my leadership skills with my Linkshell Government.

On a final note, the girls in this LS will try to deny everything and claim they had no fault in this. I will post my email address on a later thread and will be able to prove everything.

Thank you for your time.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 11:12 pm
by Jeniphel
Why are you being so damn stubborn?