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Do they want to eat me?

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:10 pm
by Kandora
The other night I ran to Jeuno for the first time.
In Jugner Forest and Battalia Downs, there are these HUGE kitties. I stayed far away from them to be safe, but I was wondering if someone could tell me if they do in fact aggro?

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:17 pm
by Crispleaf
Not only do they aggro, but if they do there's no way you can outrun them. :shock:

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:23 pm
by Kessa
I think the aggro off sight and track by smell. They also can keep us with you even if you have Flee.

However their teeth and hide's sell really good, and can be used to raise Sandy Fame. Nothing better than a famous Kittie :)

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 12:28 am
by JediKitsune
Deodorize and Sneak are your friends in areas with VT/IT enemies.

If you don't have them, Silent Oil and Powders are nice.

If you ever have to ask yourself "Does it aggro?" You should probably be using these if you decide to find out.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 1:36 am
by Ripley
Those lovely little cats have very good ears. So, I sugest you be very very quit, or it might deside to have you for its lunch :( If it does notice you be warned they can run and attack very fast :twisted: If you manage to take one down the goodies it leaves behide can be quite useful.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 1:49 am
by Kopopo
I just pwn them as I see them.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 4:20 am
by Jhes
Once you grow in age they will leave you alone, but they enjoy bullying the do most of the other wee beasties in that area, But when they get rowdy i just take my trusty club to them and smack some sense into their noggins.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:03 am
by Dukuji
Yeah, tigers . . . got story about about tigers . . . don't laugh.

So there I was, hanging out in the forest one day, (I'm a level 36 so nothing aggros me) and off in the distance I see a Forest Tiger. I go in for a closer look of this large beast that bears similar traits as us mithra. I must say too, that they are not nearly as cute as us. As I stood there, a thought crossed my mind, maybe these are actually Male Mithra in disguise. It seems logical so I went behind a tree and put on my RSE. I fixed my hair and put on a little perfume. I even combed my fur and checked to see if my teeth and fangs were clean. Having the looks to make any hume within a mile stop and stare I begin to walk over to where the forest tiger was and as I walked I shook my tail and moved my hips. After I was sure I had his attenion, I turned around to catch his reaction and I found that the tiger wasn't even looking at me; he was busy growling at a beetle that had wandered over onto his side of the stream. "Ohhh, playing hard to get," I thought, "He just doesn't want to appear too desperate. Maybe this is his way of showing how tough he is." So, I walked over to him and begin rubbing the fur on his head. "So," I said to him, "Come here often?" Well, he didn't like me touching him and he then begin to growl at me. I thought that he was still trying to act tough for me so I begin to tickle his ears. Well, he didn't like that either so he snapped at me. At this time I figured hs wasn't interested in mithra (other then to eat them) so, I grabbed my two axes I had hidden and in a few quick strokes had him dead on the ground. What a jerk! He got what was coming, somebody should have told him that you never snap at a lady.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:02 am
by Kopopo
Dukuji wrote:Yeah, tigers . . . got story about about tigers . . . don't laugh.

So there I was, hanging out in the forest one day, (I'm a level 36 so nothing aggros me) and off in the distance I see a Forest Tiger. I go in for a closer look of this large beast that bears similar traits as us mithra. I must say too, that they are not nearly as cute as us. As I stood there, a thought crossed my mind, maybe these are actually Male Mithra in disguise. It seems logical so I went behind a tree and put on my RSE. I fixed my hair and put on a little perfume. I even combed my fur and checked to see if my teeth and fangs were clean. Having the looks to make any hume within a mile stop and stare I begin to walk over to where the forest tiger was and as I walked I shook my tail and moved my hips. After I was sure I had his attenion, I turned around to catch his reaction and I found that the tiger wasn't even looking at me; he was busy growling at a beetle that had wandered over onto his side of the stream. "Ohhh, playing hard to get," I thought, "He just doesn't want to appear too desperate. Maybe this is his way of showing how tough he is." So, I walked over to him and begin rubbing the fur on his head. "So," I said to him, "Come here often?" Well, he didn't like me touching him and he then begin to growl at me. I thought that he was still trying to act tough for me so I begin to tickle his ears. Well, he didn't like that either so he snapped at me. At this time I figured hs wasn't interested in mithra (other then to eat them) so, I grabbed my two axes I had hidden and in a few quick strokes had him dead on the ground. What a jerk! He got what was coming, somebody should have told him that you never snap at a lady.
You win teh internet!

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 1:26 pm
by Yukira
Thanks for the fun story Dukuji! :rofl:

I mean, why wouldn't a Mithra think of something like that? After all, the females must feel really lonely at times!

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 2:58 pm
by Jhes
Shh...i'll let you in on a secret


in Kazam...close to the auction a cave guarded by a single Mithrra...we keep them hid in there...

*whistle blowing*

oh drat..gotta rrrunnn..

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 4:22 pm
by Dukuji
Jhes wrote: in Kazam...close to the auction a cave guarded by a single Mithrra...we keep them hid in there...
Oh I know! I figured that out one lonely day LFP. (I could smell them back there) I used some sneaky ninja magic and snuck past the guard, well there is another guard past her that has "True Sight" and um . . . yeah, so, long story short, I'm not allowed in Kazham anymore. :oops: Everytime I get off the airship that big galka, Shark Teeth, escorts me to the gate.
Kopopo wrote:You win teh internet!
Yes! I win! :D

So, anyways, yeah, look out for the them tigers they are very mean and can be very deadly. An decent worked me good one day.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 4:43 pm
by Sivara
At this time I figured hs wasn't interested in mithra (other then to eat them) so, I grabbed my two axes I had hidden and in a few quick strokes had him dead on the ground. What a jerk! He got what was coming, somebody should have told him that you never snap at a lady.
Woo! *high fives Dukuji*

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 3:31 am
by Fonglee
They dont EAT you per se... Think of them as giant fluffy, lumpy, moving beds... Just sometimes the bed tries and eat you so you have to whack it... :twisted: With a hammer... ::THWACK!!!::


Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 4:59 pm
by Rinaah
Those kitties are great to hunt. There is a repeatable quest in sandy that you get 2.5k for 3 Black Tiger Fangs.
I also got a kick out of a quest above leathercraft guild with the Mithra asking for Black Tiger Skins. She says something to the effect of "Don't feel bad killing them because they aren't related to us." :lol:

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 5:48 pm
by Baketsu
That Mithra is one of my Favorite Mithra in San d'Oria. You bring her stuff and she makes things for you! I got a great pair of Leather gloves and a cool pair of lizrd skin gloves too! I feel bad not paying her for her work, but it seems materials are good enough for her, she must be in training to become an expert leather crafter.

Rinaah wrote:Those kitties are great to hunt. There is a repeatable quest in sandy that you get 2.5k for 3 Black Tiger Fangs.
I also got a kick out of a quest above leathercraft guild with the Mithra asking for Black Tiger Skins. She says something to the effect of "Don't feel bad killing them because they aren't related to us." :lol:

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 6:22 am
by Janeth
I've got a few tiger-related stories. :D

Tiger Horror Story#1:
I remember helping someone in my other LS get to Jeuno recently... I was only level 30, but I offered to help cause I like helping. ^^ I figured Invisible and Sneak would be enough to get us through. We went through Ronfaure and La Theine Plateau easily of course, and then when we got to Jugner Forest I tried casting Invisible on him and it wore off really fast...I decided to forgo Invis, at least for Jugner, where I could kill anything there. I decided I would deal with this problem when we got to Battalia...I'm lazy, lol ^^

Within minutes of entering the forest, we were ambushed by a tiger. We never saw it coming... I killed it, and then my MP was really low. I've always had problems with low MP...>.> So anyway, it took so long to heal after each fight that I decided to try invis again. It lasted much longer this time for some reason. I guess there's a lot of randomness involved in determining duration.

And so we went through Jugner using the "Invis and Sneak" method.. the method for the lazy. (Or the MP-challenged. =P) I had to heal MP from time to time, all that invis and sneak can get tiring. ^^;; I remember we rested at the outpost, and I tried to ask him "How much does it cost to set home point at this outpost" but I never got a real answer to that one...

By the way, at the time I had no idea what tigers aggro to ^^;, so I used both Invisible and Sneak at all times when around a tiger (which was often.) Finally, finally, we got to Battalia... My first thought was, "We did it! Finally...we're out of that evil forest of tigers..." then after that I thought, "Oh, wait... this is the hard part, where invis is not just a MP saver, here it's one false move and we're dead..."

We healed up and, nervously, continued on. The first time I needed to heal MP, we were backed up against the wall and there was a tiger nearby...I was so scared. He seemed to think tigers aggro to sound, (or maybe I told him that...) and he said not to move. He also asked, "your casting like 20 invis's on me, and like 2 on you what is with that" and I told him that invis sticks longer if you're higher level.

But it crept closer, ever closer, I don't think it noticed us, because it wasn't really chasing us, and we just needed to move, so we moved away from the tiger, I was scared it would hear us moving and aggro, but it didn't. They don't actually aggro to sound, luckily. ^^ Eventually, we saw the entrance to Jeuno!! I said, "We're almost there, that bridge is the entrance to jeuno." and he said, "are you sure it doesn't lead to a den of tigers?" and I said, "lol no.. my map says it leads to Jeuno. ^^"

But...there was a goblin right in front of the bridge! I wasn't sure how to get past it, I guessed we would just invis, but I was worried his would wear off...Just then, the goblin moved! we just walked on by, I forget if we had invis or not, but the gob didn't notice us. ^.^ And finally, finally, we made it to feeling was not one of accomplishment, but relief. Then I helped him with the chocobo quest. He could only afford 3 gausebit grasses, so I bought him one. ^^ I'm nice.. I would give away a lot more gil if I had a lot to give.
And that is Tiger Horror Story #1.

Tiger Horror Story #2:
I had heard that RNG quest is very easy, and I thought it might be a fun job to level, and not super expensive like everyone says, cause I can make my own arrows. ^^ So I got the quest, and set off to Sauromugue Champaign to give it a try. I found the cave easily enough. I went in on a chocobo, noting the tigers outside the cave, but I did not worry about them, I figured they would not bother me on the quest itself, and afterwards I could use them to bloodport back.

At first, everything went fine. Then... the tigers came! *scary movie music* =P They just walked right into the cave, I tried to fight them...and died. >.< So eventually I got someone to help me, but everyone thinks it's so easy.. That's for people who can kill those evil, evil man-eating tigers. :P Then it was pretty easy, he killed the tigers and I got ranger. :D So far, it's only level 2...^^;

After those happenings, I hate tigers with a vengeance.

Edited because in the original version, the grammar was atrocious and practically nothing was capitalized.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 10:05 am
by Karou Ariyen
Kopopo (you cutaru~) and Baketsu are my fav tarutaru/elvaan (sans my b/f's elvaan and eli too) whome i'd never eat :)

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 8:50 pm
by Yugi
well tigers are part of the cat family..and were part of the...uhh..anthro family? O.o

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 4:30 am
by Baketsu
KarouKaniyashia wrote:Kopopo (you cutaru~) and Baketsu are my fav tarutaru/elvaan (sans my b/f's elvaan and eli too) whome i'd never eat :)

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 5:02 am
by Karou Ariyen
*nibbles on Yugi's tail*

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 12:45 am
by Yugi
KarouKaniyashia wrote:*nibbles on Yugi's tail*
:shock: :o owie!><

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 2:59 am
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
Yugi wrote:
KarouKaniyashia wrote:*nibbles on Yugi's tail*
:shock: :o owie!><
/giggle I know you liked it.

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 9:35 am
by Baketsu

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 10:16 pm
by Yugi

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 5:53 am
by Karou Ariyen
:o :shock:

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 8:12 am
by Prrsha

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 7:10 am
by Yugi
*pounces on karou*

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 6:22 pm
by Prrsha

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 12:14 am
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)