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Young Paladin-to-Be needs advice!

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 7:26 am
by Josiejo
Hello Kitty-folk!

I was just sitting at work pondering the Paladin profession, and although I know I won't be breaking any new ground as a Mithra Paladin, I was wondering what subjobs might make a unique but formidable combination. I'm hoping to get suggestions from Paladins here in MP or other melee cats who have a favorite, uncommon subjob to get an idea of advantages/disadvantages.

One thing I was wondering about is the usefulness of PLD/WHM in groups. Does a mage subjob really hurt DEF that bad where parties won't want a PLD/WHM, or maybe as an off-tank? Also, I had thought about PLD/NIN, but that seems like it might be expensive, and I'm not sure what the advantages would be besides Ninjutsu and Dual Wield.

Also, I was wondering about the Undead Killer trait... does it have an effect across the whole party, or only for the PLD?

If I come up with any more questions, I'll let you know, but thanks for the advice! Now back to work!!! =^o.o^=

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 7:39 am
by Shirai
I'm not a PLD but here's my 2 cents,

For partying stick to PLD/WAR,
Simple reason:
A PLD is the tank not a DD and takes hits, for a PLD to keep hate Provoke is a must!
For Parties a PLD/WHM would be just as bad as a Ghetto PLD (WAR/WHM).
don't go for it.
Tho Solo for fighting undead at higher levels it might be a usefull job, but really only if you solo.

The Undead trait is resistance against undead and works for the entire party.
It is true that PLD's have a slight advantage while fighting undead.

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 9:35 am
by Prrsha
If you arrre fighting undead bones as a PLD, use banish on them. Banish will lower their defense vs. edged weapons for 15 secs. Same thing with ghosts vs. magic.

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 3:28 pm
by Dukuji
Well, Josiejo, on Alexander we have three career Mithra PLDs. The ones over level 45 that I know of are Pohyan, Demora, and Kendal. I know all three of them could tell you all you wanted to know on being a PLD. As for subjobs, warrior is hands down, by far, and almost exclusively the greatest, most useful subjob in normal partying situation. No other job can even comes close to giving what a warrior job gives. Other options are:

Ninja for ballista
Thief for treasure hunting and farming
White mage for soloing
Anything else for experimenting

Good luck and make us proud Josiejo!

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 5:34 pm
by Crispleaf
I leveled Paladin to 30 and I think the experience has actually made me a better white mage when it comes to understanding how monster hate works.

There are differing opinions on this, but I've felt it's the Paladin's job to keep the monster focused on herself, no matter what, so it doesn't fight anyone else. In other words, you must be the one the monster hates the most, no matter what the rest of the party is doing.

It's kind of a game really... the other party members are trying to steal the monster hate from you and you have to keep it from them ;)

When you first start out, you can solo with Paladin for a long time. You're very tough, and you can heal yourself, so you don't really need help until the mid teens.

So, before you start working with a party, just about any mage sub-job is fine. You'll just want the bonus mp for curing yourself, so summoner is best, followed by black mage, white mage and red mage. White mage is best at level 12 and higher if you'll be fighting monsters that can poison you (so you can cure yourself with Poisona).

Once you join a party for the first time, you should at least be level 10 and use warrior as a subjob because, at this early stage in the game, nothing attracts monster hate better than Provoke.

Provoke isn't the only thing that makes the monster want to fight you. These are some of the ways you can do it:
- Cause a lot of damage to the monster
- Heal someone that the monster hates
- Use certain abilities (like Provoke, obviously, but other things like Boost or casting Utsusemi attracts the monster a little bit too.)

Provoke can be used every 30 seconds, and as long as the monster is still alive and nothing out-of-the-ordinary is going on, you'll want to use Provoke every 30 seconds. You can use a macro with "/wait 30" followed by a message saying Provoke is ready to help you keep track of when to use it... Or you can look at the timer in the Ability/Job Ability menu.

At the 15 second mark, halfway between Provokes, the monster loses a lot of interest in you and might run away to attack someone else. So, a good Paladin will do something to keep the monster's interest up (it should be done at the 15 second mark, though... if it's done sooner, it doesn't seem to be as effective). When you're just starting out, your best option is to use a cure spell on someone in your party who is hurt, most likely you.

But, it doesn't have to be you. If you've lost hate, using cure spells on whoever the monster is attacking is a great way to get the monster to fight you again if you can't use Provoke yet.

If you've run out of mp and can't cast cure, you could also try using a weapon skill on the monster (since lots of damage attracts monster hate too). Paladins also gain Shield Bash early which will also work in a pinch.

And of course, if things are really bad, the 2 hour ability Invincible draws the most monster hate out of any 2 hour ability, including Benediction (you're basically the only one who can save a white mage who uses this). It also means you'll take no damage for 30 seconds, which is a life saver in a desperate situation.

Eventually, when you reach level 35, you gain a spell called Flash. It's an invaluable spell that attracts almost as much hate as Provoke. Once you get this spell, it may be okay to experiment a bit more with different kinds of subjobs, although, most people prefer warrior throughout the Paladin's career (not just for Provoke, but for other warrior abilities like Defender and such).

Hope this helps :)

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 5:53 pm
by Shirai
All I can say about that post is.... WOW

:2thumb: :2thumb:

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 6:14 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
In short, in parties there is only one acceptable subjob. WAR. The weapon choice is just as limited. Sword and Shield.

For fighting Undead, if someone else is tanking, PLD/WHM and Greatsword could be used, but I dobut that that will ever happen. The party has a tank, you. They will not look for another.

If gear has +VIT, you want to wear it. If you cannot find +VIT for a slot, try +Acc, MPs, or Evasion.

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 6:17 pm
by Sivara
Crispleaf: good post and your avatar is adorable!

My advice would be to seek out +VIT gear. Mithra VIT just stinks. >_< Always wear the best defensive gear available. I see too many PLDs running around in Spike Necklaces when they should be wearing Medieval Collars, and IM hands and feet (probably because these are white and gold and look like real PLD gear) when they should be picking up Royal Knight's pieces, and so forth.

PLD/NIN is very fun to watch in Ballista, btw. I used to farm Jugner fairly often, and one day I stopped to watch a group of PLD/NINs fighting it out. Lots of Utsusemi, flash, and shield bash were flying around, and it took a long time for one of them to die.

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 7:08 pm
by Crispleaf
Tsybil wrote:If gear has +VIT, you want to wear it. If you cannot find +VIT for a slot, try +Acc, MPs, or Evasion.
Oh yeah, that's something I forgot to mention :oops:

As a Paladin you're there to take a pounding, not deal one. So, buy armor that raises defense and Vitality. If you can afford it, Stamina Rings are a must at level 14 (they cost around 15k each, last I checked). Having two of them will raise your Vitality by 4. If you can't afford them, Amber Rings are a cheap alternative.

Paladins can use Greatswords or Staves (useful against undead), but for leveling, you'll want to use a shield (for Shield Bash and extra defense) and a one-handed sword.

Also, Mithra RSE gloves are perfect for Paladins at level 27: +4 Vit and +16 MP! :D

Mithra are also unique in that they have great natural evasion. If you can capitalize on evasion or AGI boosts, then go for it. After all, what can't hit you can't hurt you ;) But your primary concern is raising defense and Vitality, first and foremost, so make that your priority.

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 9:19 pm
by Nivez
well my pld just recently hit lvl 57, and i have a few words of advice

1. pld from lvl 10-30 is a pain, you wont do much damage and a good war/mnk can hold hate as easily or easier than you (yes you heard me right).

2. post 30, you start to get invaluble abillites for hate, sentenel, flash and cover. those become essential for any palidin.

now for gear, i recomend anything that raises vit, mp (at lower lvls this is more important), and hp. im going to talk about post 30, because pre 30 has been pretty well covered, and you could use some advanced advice ;p

ok post 30, your gear should be things that raise vit first, then anything else, rse gloves you should use from lvl 27 to lvl 54 on a pld, only replace it with af, anything else is a waste. ok also, the promethia gear that pld's and war's can wear, thats lvl 29(, you will want a set of that, if not the whole thing, then get the leggings and boots, if you can afford the version, get the +1 of both of them, you wont replace those till lvl 50 at least). for body, eisen body, or cent scale mail, you can replace at 36 with silver mail if you want(and i would recommend unless you got the +1 eisen gear), replace at 40 with RS body, 45 with brigandine, at 50 with IM gear, at 55 with RK gear, and finally with af body at 60. head, at 30 its a toss up, but that lvl 29 pld/war gear is the best, you can switch this out at 36 for a silver mask (and i would recommend unless you got the +1 version) switch that out at lvl 40 for IM armlet, and then that goes at 56 when you get af for head.

ok thats your main gear, now on to accessories
for rings, anything that increases vit, the lvl 14 vit+2 rings are a must, replace them at 34 with the sphene rings, then at 54 with the chrysnobyl rings. earrings, before lvl 30 go with 2 oynx, energy, or valor earrings, after 30 switch those out with wing/drone earrings. around 50ish, you should consider getting a mercinaries earring, and a pigeon earring (merc first, then pigeon after). ok onto back, DO NOT WEAR A CALVIERS MANTLE, it isnt worth the vit, the rule that vit>all breaks here, use a wolf mantle +1 till 40, then switch to earth, then switch to gaia at 51, beak+1 at 57, and finally sentenel at 60. waist this is a simple one, get a warriors belt +1 at 15, replace that with jungle belt at 50, and dont worry about it for another 20 lvls. neck, ok here we go, at 7 pick up a justice badge, then you CAN switch that out at 26 for a holy phial, but isnt required (i used it cause i had one from whm), at 55 switch to an IM collar and your done.
for ranged, use a happy egg if you have it, if not, then just pick whatever you want, at the late 58's you should pick up a lightning bow. and thats it.

now onto weapons, ill graph what youl want. pld basicly has 4 weapons they can use well, sword, Great Sword, club and staff. for all xp parties you want to use sword/shield or club/shield. club/shield is significantly harder, and i wouldnt recommend it (if your good enough to pull it off, then kudos to you!). sword/shield is your standard xp set up, GS is for when you need to do alot of damage fast, but shouldnt be used in XP, mostly you will use this (if at all) to skill up and to have fun with. staff is another weapon thats good, but not till post 60 will you have to worry about it or would i recommend it. its used for hnm tanking with the earth staff. now ill get to the swords youl need.

at 30, centurians sword, 34 go to hunting sword, grude sword at 39, honor sword at 41, knights sword at 47 (optional and if you can find it), TM espadon at 50, and finally Gluttony sword at 57.
for shields, this is an easy one, get a jennett shield (lvl 28 ), replace it at lvl 50 with a RK shield or a TK shield, its your pick, i chose the TM over the RM, but its a matter of personal preference at that point. at 55 switch to a RG shield, and that will last you for awile.

well this guide should serve as a model of what to have from lvl 30-60, after that (when i get to it) ill continue, but this basic guide should be enough till then. if i think of some other info or other stuff to add, ill edit it in.

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 11:36 pm
by Prrsha
I love yourrr avatar Crispleaf! :o Do you have a link to a larrrger version? It's so cute! :D

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 6:13 am
by Eviticus
Crispleaf, congrats. ^.^ You've convinced me to at least unlock Pld and give it a try. Normally, I've had a hard time keeping hate as a (war/whatever) tank, and had too much aggro as a DD. But the sheer defense and vitality and hate holding abilities of a Pld does sound interesting. Maybe give it a test run and take it to 20-30 something.

But first, Drg and Sam need to be raised. ^.^

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 7:13 am
by Josiejo
Wow, great balls of hair! This is a lot to digest, but certainly useful! Thanks Nivez and Crispleaf, as well as everyone else for their advice!

I'm still kind of concerned though... I'm the kind of person that likes to keep party members out of harm's way, but also like dealing awesome damage. While leveling WAR to 19, I've died many times, most of those as a means to keep the rest of my party alive. I don't mind being a scratching post, but I've always held the ideal PLD as one that causes lots of pain as well as taking it. I was hoping to use Greatswords, or even Dual Wield the strongest Swords I could buy. I'm not one who forces others to play a certain way or leave my parties, so I'd prefer to not have those kind of restrictions on me as well. So, I'm not sure what to do. :(

How useful is Shield Bash? What does it do? Is there any use for a PLD/WHM as a secondary tank? What other jobs might be better suited for the playstyle I described?

One thing I don't want is to feel like I have a gigantic truckful of a certain playcycle. You know, set up camp, back the truck up and get out a case of Canned Attack, get into battle, open the can full of the same boring attack, rest, pull, open another can, repeat. I see this with NIN tanks all the time... someone pulls, Utsusemi, Provoke, spam Utsusemi and Provoke until fight is over, repeat. I know that, in a way, all jobs suffer this repetition in some way, but it seems that it doesn't always have to be that way. Summoners can change things up a little bit, as can other mages, but I was hoping to avoid being dedicated to magic with this kitty. So I guess I'm looking for some flexibility in a melee class. I don't like the idea of THF or RNG, just because it seems those jobs are almost like leeches in a group. Yes, they can do some great damage, but if an enemy turned on them, they'd be the first to complain, simply because all they can do is deal damage.


Geez... I wish they'd fix my DSL!! :P Withdrawal sucks! :lol:

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 9:50 am
by Prrsha
DRKs can be good if you wish to deal damage and semi-tank.

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 11:39 am
by Shirai
I agree with Prrsha,

A PLD is not a damage dealer and you want to hurt mobs as far as I could read, and not be hurt by them. :)
Then you might indeed want to go to the dark side and try DRK.
With a good tank you won't get hurt often and it wouldn't hurt to sub Black mage at later levels.

Next to that you can participate in Skillchains and do magic bursts. :D

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 5:46 pm
by Rekahkun
DRKs PWN! with drain and aspir, you can keep yourself going through most things, but the funnest thing as a drk is to Magic Burst a skillchain you participated in :D and starting around lvl40, you get Absorb spells. these are very useful, as the drain a mobs attributes and bestow them apon you, weakening the mob while making you more powerful! :twisted: and the semi-tanking.... i wouldn't recommend, but a drk/war serves well as a first voke so the thf can sata onto the tank. once the hate is off of you, feel free to drain away that lost hp :) i prefer drk/thf personally though. a guaranteed critical every 60secs = <3. plus the dex from thf helps you hit more which can be a problem as drk.

anyways, this thread was about pld. and since i don't know jack about that, i'll leave you be now. :lol:

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 5:36 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
"I'm the kind of person that likes to keep party members out of harm's way, but also like dealing awesome damage."

In that case have you considered taking WAR all the way? The WAR is mostly a Damage Dealer and Secondary tank at later levels. Shield not required. At level 22 the WAR/NIN can Blink Tank using a Greataxe or two Axes. The Fighter's Lorica on a Mithra will turn heads.

It is Provoke that forces the PLD into PLD/WAR. Every tank needs Provoke and there is just no substitute for it. Any job that has a /WAR will, soner or later, be called on to tank.

The DKN can tank. Having been the healer behind the DKN/WAR main tank, I will flatly state this in NOT a good idea. The PLD is all about Defense, sacrificing Damage in the process. The DKN is all about Offence and is rather light in the Defense department. Takes a LOT of Cures to keep the DKN/WAR main tank alive.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 4:09 am
by Crispleaf
Tsybil wrote:In that case have you considered taking WAR all the way? The WAR is mostly a Damage Dealer and Secondary tank at later levels. Shield not required. At level 22 the WAR/NIN can Blink Tank using a Greataxe or two Axes. The Fighter's Lorica on a Mithra will turn heads.
I agree with Tsybil. Warrior is the most underestimated class in the game.

Warriors are like the red mages of melee, very versatile, and for that reason, you may want to stick with the job you have.

A warrior, at a moment's notice, can tranform into a damage dealer (using Berserk and the passive Double Attack) or a tank (using Provoke, Warcry and Defender). You can use any type of weapon in the game, so no matter type of weapon the monster you're fighting is weak to, you can hurt it (as long as you skill-up in all types).

There are many subjobs a Warrior can use to enhance their abilities. Ninja adds double weapons and the expensive but useful Utsusemi. Monk adds Boost and strength bonuses for extra damage. Thief adds accuracy, Sneak Attack, and Trick Attack. And while White Mage is generally frowned upon, it does turn you into something of a mini-Paladin.

The "end game" of the Warrior is best of all. At level 74, the war/nin combination is THE best tank in the whole game, even better than Paladins and Ninja, so you'll have red carpet treatment for any party you want to join. But level 74 is a long way, I admit :P

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 9:37 am
by Josiejo
Wow... so much good advice! And hey, just because the thread started as a Paladin thread doesn't mean I'm opposed to hearing about other jobs. I assumed I would go Paladin, but now, I'm not so sure.

I guess the turn-off to Warrior (and what must attribute to their underestimation) is the fact that a Warrior is just plain basic. Paladins, not considering the skills they acquire but just the title, are prestigious and divine. Dark Knights are also unique in that they possess dark powers to help them in battle. Warriors are just... meatbags with flailing weapons. Of course, these opinions are formed more out of how they usually apply to their roles in fiction, fantasy, anime, etc... rather than their roles in-game.

I suppose I don't really have anything against the idea of sticking with Warrior, but I guess I was just looking for something a little more. I'll have to think about it more and, if my DSL ever gets fixed, try some other things.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 2:49 pm
by Crispleaf
Josiejo wrote:I guess the turn-off to Warrior (and what must attribute to their underestimation) is the fact that a Warrior is just plain basic.
Yeah, I think that's why it's so underestimated. People use Warrior just to get to 30 as a means to get the advanced job they really want, never realizing what potential a Warrior really has.

But my friends who have taken Warrior "to the next level" so to speak are very happy with their choice.

But the nice thing about this game is that it's okay to try out different things. Part of the fun is exploring the many jobs this game has to offer. Your jobs will always be waiting for you at the level you left them at for when you're ready to return to them ;)

I started off as a Red Mage, and took up Black Mage as my first subjob. But it wasn't until I tried being a White Mage that I found my "calling." I could still play Red or Black mage any time I wanted, and I still do now and then.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 3:29 pm
by Eviticus
You consider Warriors basic? You haven't tried hard enough. Their weapon of choice is Axe of G.Axe, yes?

Just as paladins are shining noble divine warriors, the true Warrior class represents the untamed power of what's traditionally called Barbarians. The men of Ghengis Khan, or of the Goths sweping through Europe. The Saxons as they burn Roman town and land in their march down the British Isles. They have a reputation as being some of the most feared people in history. And Mithran Berserker weilding double axes is a perfect image, for who better to frenzy and kill something then an enraged kitty?

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 4:13 pm
by Maezen
I think by basic she meant that everyone can have other words it's a starting job and people kind of get the feeling that you don't know what you're doing if you don't have an advanced job. Playing an advanced jobs kind of means that a character has gone though the beginning levels and seen at least some of the world (i don't know an advanced job that hasn't made me travel all over the world). While i definately agree that Warrior can be one of the best tank jobs out there, often times people get pre-concieved notions that aren't always true. Most post 30 parties start looking for experienced players because the xp gap from level to level is so great that they don't want to waste their time and I guess having an advanced job kind of shows that you've come a long way and have at least some in game experiences behind you.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 10:25 pm
by Crispleaf
Prrsha wrote:I love yourrr avatar Crispleaf! :o Do you have a link to a larrrger version? It's so cute! :D
I actually got it off a now defunct Japanese web site, so the link to the original no longer exists. I just have an avatar-sized copy:


Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 11:13 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
Maezen wrote:I think by basic she meant that everyone can have other words it's a starting job....
Exactly!! Another term for the advanced jobs is "Prestige Jobs", I think it is another way to translate the Japanese term for it.

If there is nothing wrong with taking the starting Mage jobs all the way, why are there so few post 30 MNKs, WARs, and THFs?

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 3:56 am
by Kopopo
Crisp, I declare your avatar "sweet."

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 5:59 am
by Josiejo
Well, Warrior being "basic" just meant that, even in stories and such, heroes are usually more than just Warriors. To me, Warriors are the "extras" of battle... the people without faces or names, just beating things up or getting beat up. Paladins are holy, Dark Knights use darkness to their advantage, Rangers use ranged weapons over brute tactics, Ninjas use Ninjutsu and Dual Wield, Samurai have Store TP and Great Katanas, Beastmasters can use Orcish Axes... :P it just seems like Warrior is kinda "blah" in comparison. But, of course, I could be wrong.

Well, still waiting to get DSL again, but hopefully soon I'll be back to the grind!

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 1:25 pm
by Maezen
If there is nothing wrong with taking the starting Mage jobs all the way, why are there so few post 30 MNKs, WARs, and THFs?

I don't know about on Guarda, but on alexander, THF's post 30 are as commonplace as gil sellers who are still rank 1.

Generally I think of a WAR post 30 to be more versatile in that they can hit, be hit and generally reduce downtime. (i <3 warcry)

But what can I say? I've unlocked all the jobs and all of the ones i've played so far are fun. In fact...that's about the only credit SE has to their name...they made a fun game. I mean it's not like they help the players or anything. /end rant

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 3:12 pm
by Crispleaf
I'd encourage you to experiment with all these jobs you've mentioned, Josiejo. The nice thing about this game is the subjob system rewards your exploration into other jobs.

I'm very mage-centered, and thanks to trying out all four mage jobs (not counting bard), I can mix and match all sorts of combinations.

Right now, as a white mage, I could sub summoner for extra magic, auto-refresh and even Garuda's Aerial Amor if I were so inclined.

I could sub red mage for fast cast, and in a few levels, Dispel and Phalanx.

Or I could sub black mage for warp, aspir, drain, elemental seal, and conserve mp.

Notwithstanding, there's all the combinations I could use when I decide to play one of the other mage jobs besides white mage. With red mage, not only do the other mage jobs make for good combinations, I could also use rdm/thf to farm, rdm/nin to solo, and so forth.

Any of these combinations could be useful depending on the monsters I'll be fighting and the party I'm with. Trying out all kinds of jobs like that has given me some great options. And I'm sure it can do the same for you. ;)

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 5:59 pm
by Nivez
ok time to do a breakdown of jobs for you... ones that you would be intrested in.

pld/war = tank, deals some damage, but nothing spectacular.

drk = damage, fabulously expensive job that specilizes in dealing as much damage as possible, not a good tank at all.

drg = same as drk, deals alot of damage fast, and doesnt like for mobs to get mad at them

mnk, sam, yada yada, same thing, you punch skash, ect, and watch anime as the auto attacks go on.

you can see where im coming from, a warrior is NOT a basic job, its actually a very complicated and advanced job. a warrior is sort of the mele equivilent of a rdm, able to do anything in combat, with skill, but specilizing in none.

if you want to be able to take damage, deal damage, and keep going, then a war is for you, i can give you advice on how to proceed with it.

war is one of the most versitle jobs because of the choices of subjobs it has, you can and will use ALOT of subjobs as a good war, they are MNK, SAM, NIN, and THF. you also can use others, WHM, RDM,and PLD being the other subjobs that can be useful in very specific situations.

breakdown of war job
being a warrior is relying on your subjob, it will define what you are and how you work. a WAR/MNK is a tanking job, specifically designed to hold as much hate as possible, and uses a greataxe as its prefered tanking weapon. contrary to PLD's, warriors tank in a completly different way. a pld does alitle damage and heals them selves to get hate, a war uses skills and has to deal alot of damage to get hate, therefor the best war tanks use greataxes. (this job combo is useful for tanking from lvl 1-73)

WAR/THF is a pure damage dealer, you will CONSISTANTLY out damage every other job as it, including rangers and thiefs. Sneak Attack + Sturmwind does enough damage to rival SATA Viper Bite, and truly makes the war middle lvls much fun. the prefered weapon of this job is greataxe, authough axe can be used effectivly here, greataxe just does much more damage.
(this job combo is useful from lvl 30-50, and sometimes post 60)

WAR/SAM is a tp whore, just like a normal sam, thier purpose is to get tp as fast as they can and spam ws's. unlike sams though, thier weaponskills are much stronger, making this combination a very strong and dangerous combination. prefered weapon here is again greataxe, because Raging Rush is the preferred WS to use with your destrutive capabilites, but Axes can also be used with Rampage fairly decently (this combo is ONLY useful from lvl 60-65)

WAR/NIN is a different sort of combo, it does things alitle differently than the normal war. you CAN blink tank with it... sora, but it sucks for hate holding and you cant keep your shadows up like a ninja. what sets a war/nin apart is duel weild, the ability to wield 2 things allows them much more flexability, but it mainly allows one thing, to duel wield axes and do as much damage as with a greataxe... if not more. war/nin favorite weapon combos are 2 axes, or an axe and a bloodsword. war/nin combo is useful from lvl 20-75, but really shines at the lvls 50-75, it is the standard sub for later in the game, also at lvl74-75, a war/nin becomes a true tank again, but tanks like a nin thanks to having both utusemi's. war/nin also uses greataxes, but are much better with 2 weapons.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 12:25 am
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
I have a secondary who is an Elvaan PLD 23. Her last party she ran on Mithkabobs and Greatsword. Her, Galka PLD, 2 Elvaan DRG/RDMs, Galka DRK, I forget melee. As she was the main healer, with 103 whole MPs, she should have subbed WHM. Hardly ever had to provoke anyway.

Probably the only chance she will ever get in her life to run PLD/WHM with a Greatsword....