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Reine's Story

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 2:54 am
by DarkMithra
Reine watched in terror as the Yagudo trampled over the fence to her family's cottage on the outskirts of Windurst. Her mother shielded her from the horror of the rampaging Yagudos as they hid in the kitchen, peering out of the window to see what was happening.

Reine, being a young child, was frightened for her life. However, her mother was a skilled warrior-monk, one of the swiftest and strongest in the neighborhood, at that. As her mother's arms held her tight, she felt secure, despite the ongoing chaos outside.

The little Mithra began to whimper as she heard the snapping of twigs and the screams of Tarus and Mithras. Her mother hushed her, stroking her long, red hair and singing her a lullaby. As Reine drifted off to sleep, she heard the clashing of swords and the chanting of magic being cast. Upon seeing her mother smile while watching through the window, Reine felt relieved, and finally fell asleep.

Nevertheless, a few minutes later, Reine was startled by the sound of glass shattering. She found herself on the cold floor of the kitchen, her mother sprawled out beside her face down, not moving. She reached out to her mother, but froze as she saw a Yagudo Initiate coming toward her.

Reine frantically tried to stir her mother, although it was useless. She drew two oversized knuckles from her mother's belt and put them on, ready to fight for her life.

The Yagudo swiped at her with its fists. Reine dodged the attack, falling over her mother in the process. She landed on her mother's back, and was soon thrown off by an unknown force, the knuckles taken out of her hands.

Her mother was alive! Through gritted teeth, the large Mithra began to fight the Yagudo. She punched one way, charged another, and kicked the Yagudo in the legs. Soon, it was dead.

Reine's mother dropped the knuckles as soon as the Yagudo hit the ground. She fell to her knees and began sobbing, looking up at Reine with tearful eyes.

Without a word, Reine sat down beside her mother, stroking her back. She embraced her, and the two hugged for what seemed to be eternity.

After that incident, Reine began to train as a monk, should anything like that ever happen again. Her mother taught her the skills she knew, and even hired a master fighter to teach her new things. Soon, Reine was an expert monk, and could take on four Yagudos at a time!

Although Reine was scarred for life by the event with the Yagudo, she found the inner strength to fight for all that is good. She did not want others to go through the same pain that she was put through. To this day, Reine still fights with fiery eyes, destined to become a skilled monk and protect all of Vana'diel.

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 3:16 pm
by sasuske

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 9:42 pm
by Karou Ariyen
Nice story, I really love that

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 6:09 pm
by mozyr
Cool story. I hate Yagudos. They creep me out.

-- Sarah

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 9:30 pm
by Golddess
Very nice stories everyone. I'm glad people are finding this board useful ^^

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 8:40 am
by Tailfeather

Re: Reine's Story

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 11:38 pm
by xaresity

Re: Reine's Story

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 12:37 am
by xaresity