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Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 4:37 am
by Punkerdood
i like eggs :P

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 9:14 am
by Josiejo
Rakshasa wrote:That brings up the large debate of "what is art" that I am so sick of hearing. Remember: one person's trash is another person's treasure. Never state your opinion of "that's not art" as a fact. It is largely based on the beholder and it is best to keep an open mind.

I never said there was something wrong with acting, especially since I'm surrounded by it daily and I even roleplay myself. I never will act for various reasons, one of which still being that I find much about it disturbing. That's why I'm a tech and not an actor.

Interesting point about normal clothing such as jersies. I never thought about that being a form of cosplaying, probably since it's so common. So it's all a form of idealization and hero worship. I never liked such product endorsement either. =P
There's enough common sense in the world that some people don't even need to exhibit that they possess it to acknowledge its wisdom. "Art" is one of those words that has lost its meaning over time, where once it encapsulated works produced by rare creative prodigies, now is just a term used to label any half-witted idea that didn't exist in the world before they unleashed it. Most people have an initial gut reaction that is 99.9% accurate. Some will try to ignore it and force themselves to rationalize art as being a fitting label, but usually crap is a better one. What gets me is that some of these people actually make money off of their crap. :shock:

Bleh... anyway, gooooo techies! I think stage lighting is fun, especially if you're lucky enough to work in a theater with a mesh wire grid. :) I'm not too fond of ladders.

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 6:26 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
Rakshasa wrote: Interesting point about normal clothing such as jersies. I never thought about that being a form of cosplaying, probably since it's so common. So it's all a form of idealization and hero worship. I never liked such product endorsement either. =P
ALL clothing is costume

Not many are aware of this though.

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 11:34 pm
by Sugarpie
Prrsha and my daugher on game wants me to go to one of these anime thingy in may er something, i might go if i can get a ride....i would go in costume but i can't make anything other then a mess(mmmm food) but yeah

If i could go as anyone i would go as Inuyasha and sends billions of pics to Prrsha...cause in a sense our relationship is like Inuyasha and Kagome' in i am the jealous bad-ass who threatens everyone and she is the person who controls my anger and the person lotta guys like ^.^

Also the roleplaying with it cause i have to deal with prrsha doing it daily :O its kinda sexy really....mmmm Roleplaying Prrsha *thinks of Prrsha as a mithra in RL* ummm....AFK!!! *runs to Prrsha to huggles her to death*

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 9:06 pm
by Alya Mizar (Tsybil)
Notes on guys costumeing as girls.

For the vast majority of theater history, women were not allowed on the stage. Untill the 19th Century ALL girls / women were played by guys. Yes, in the East as well as the West.

Female Impersonation is still considered an artform in Europe, Japan, and China at least. In India, where the sacred creeps into everything, playing a Goddess on the stage is a form of worship as well as theater. During WWII, a Drag troupe in the USO entertained the troops in every theater of the war. While I cannot remember the name of the film in which they are featured, they make an apperance in the film "Before Stonewall." In today's America female impersonation is currently considered a pervision.

I have known several males who could easily get away with wearing Mithra RSE and passing. No hormone treatments involved either. A flat tummy, padding, and body language are the main ingredients needed. Believe it or not, Duct tape helps.

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 12:17 am
by Batsu
Oh how I missed being here this weekend. . .

(っ・ω・)っ - Wanna fight!?

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 6:53 am
by Prrsha
Sugarpie wrote:Prrsha and my daugher on game wants me to go to one of these anime thingy in may er something, i might go if i can get a ride....i would go in costume but i can't make anything other then a mess(mmmm food) but yeah

If i could go as anyone i would go as Inuyasha and sends billions of pics to Prrsha...cause in a sense our relationship is like Inuyasha and Kagome' in i am the jealous bad-ass who threatens everyone and she is the person who controls my anger and the person lotta guys like ^.^

Also the roleplaying with it cause i have to deal with prrsha doing it daily :O its kinda sexy really....mmmm Roleplaying Prrsha *thinks of Prrsha as a mithra in RL* ummm....AFK!!! *runs to Prrsha to huggles her to death*
I'd pay to see Sug with cute little wolf ears and white hair. Hehe. :D

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 7:08 am
by Karou Ariyen
LOL nice one Prrsha so would i hehe

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 6:06 pm
by Sugarpie
Make me the costume and your dreams will come true ^.^ only cause i like you tho Prrsha....not quiet sure with you Karou....still have a lil beef wit you on the IRC chat thingy....but meh i don't hold grudges

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 8:19 pm
by Batsu
Aww. . . your ignoring me, I'm gonna go curl up into a fetal position in a corner and cry myself to sleep tonight. . . :cry:

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 9:03 pm
by Baketsu
Josiejo wrote:
Batsu wrote:O~ kay~. . .
I thought you were done? Apparently even those who'd rather live out their lives dressing like everyone else in an attempt to fit in while being obnoxious as an attempt to stand out can't even make up their minds. (Go figure.)

I think I've actually seen pics of Gospel before these, from other random cosplay sites. I don't have any examples... I was just Googling one night at work, but I did recognize it when I saw it. I went to the anime convention in Anaheim, CA in 2004... it was cool to see some of the costumes there, but one thing did disturb me: some guy dressed up as Yuna from FFX-2 (Gun Mage). :shock: Now, I'm not sure what possesses guys to dress up like girls, even for a harmless hobby, but all I'm saying is I couldn't do it. I'm not trying to sound negative about it, just saying you've got more guts than I do. ;)

I'm planning to go back to the Anime convention this year... hopefully as Inuyasha or Miroku. It depends on what my girlfriend wants to dress up as... last year, I didn't dress up at all, and she was Kagome. I'm trying to convince her to go as Sango, but I don't know if she could carry that big boomerrang around. :P
Sango doesn't always wear her battle gear and Boomerang, she also has a kimono sans the boomerang.

/emote sulks cause he watches way too much Inuyasha, so much in fact that it is not good for him.

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 9:04 pm
by Batsu
Hmmm. . . you ever seen Naruto?

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 11:03 pm
by Yukira
Batsu: Unfortunately yes. And even more unfortunately I've seen too much Naruto-fans. :evil:

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 11:28 pm
by Batsu
Don't be hatin da' game, hate da' playa.
(Don't hate the game, hate the players.)


Oh and Naruto IS a good Anime, not my favorite but its definately good. I do feel though, that by bringing it to the United States like they plan on doing, will kill it.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 12:53 am
by Josiejo
Naruto is one of those animes I just roll my eyes at and move on. To me, it feels like the brainchild of leet speakers and forum trolls... people with a gift for annoyance. I wish its immigrational demise well. :twisted: :D

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 12:57 am
by Batsu
How absolutely sincere of you.

Re: The kitten cosplayer

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 5:50 am
by xaresity

Re: The kitten cosplayer

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2024 12:05 pm
by xaresity

Re: The kitten cosplayer

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2024 5:53 am
by xaresity