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Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 5:44 pm
by Nivez
if were gonna talk about perspective DD jobs... then id have to say i REALLY want to see whm/nin @ endgame go at it... problem is the shere cost of doing so would be nuts... ill put an alla link below of the layout ive though of.

using Coreul Sub as food (best food for the base attack) kicks stats up to this
Str 69
(other base stats effectly the same)
(with food and buffs)
Attack 422 Def 183

Acc+55, Haste+13%(not including haste spell), Enemity -15

this is just a dream though, i dont have anywhere near the cash needed to put something like this together. also, id need to playtest it and see if the acc is too much so if i could add more str. but for right now, thats the best i can think of, without adding merits of course.... which is an entire issue entirely(full crit merits + attack and str merits = o_0! but since im not to familiar with the merit system... ill leave that out for now)

Idea of the job is to hexa-spam, which should be very simple, even with the reduced tp of hexa, you should get tp from the weapons in 2-3 combat rounds. id like to test this if possible someday, right now though its just a dream (if you know anyone nuts enough to attempt to try something this cool let me know >.>)

(i might have gotten the base attack wrong... if so ill correct it later when i know)

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 7:51 pm
by Crispleaf
Well, it used be that Rangers were the undisputed champions at dealing damage. That was because Ranged Attack damage wasn't reduced against monsters of higher levels like Magic and Melee attacks were. Only Rangers were highly sought damage dealers.

So I'm glad they changed it so that other damage dealers have a chance to shine.

Black mages are probably one of the strongest damage dealers now, but their limitation has always been mp (and the fact that causing too much damage at once can be bad for a black mage's health).

Summoners can be ok at damage dealing at the highest levels. The advantage they have is that hate falls to the avatar and not them if their avatar hits particularly hard. And, their elemental spirits can cast some pretty powerful spells in the right conditions... again with none of the hate to the summoner.

Dragoons, I think, are the best at melee damage... as long as you include their wyvern. Even beastmasters can lead in damage dealing if you include their pet's damage, but dragoons aren't penalized xp-wise for their wyvern. They are great SATA partners for thieves since they can always Super Jump their hate away. And polearm weapon skills are consistently great at setting up Distortion skill chains... which makes Ice Staff weilding black mages very happy :)

Warriors are totally underestimated, probably because it's a basic job. But warriors can not only damage deal or tank, but they can use almost any type of weapon (I think katanas, great and small, are the only ones they can't). They can switch to hand-to-hand to fight a skeleton, then back to axes to finish off a goblin. Warriors are terrific for static parties ;)

Samurai work well with black mages for the simple reason that they can deliver with skillchains frequently. I usually see samurai setting up skillchains with two different melee partners. I don't know that they can actually cause tremendous damage by themselves, but they certainly enable an entire party to do more damage than ever before.

Monks are undead killers. Not only do their hand-to-hand attacks hurt the undead badly, but their skillchains are geared towards Fusion, fire and light, the two elements undead hate. Monk is also an underestimated job, simply because it's a basic job like Warrior. But they have great survivability with high health and Chakra and their own static defense ability, Guarding. Monk belts are highly complimentary to dealing damage as well.

Finally, there's Dark Knight. Sadly, I've rarely seen very many good dark knight players. I've seen plenty of bad ones (who heap every high attack, low defense ability they have into one weaponskill attack... and then they wonder why they get eaten by the monster two or three hits later... as a white mage, I dread players like this...). The ones that do play their job well are ones that use their magic wisely. They Stun or Weapon Bash when the ninja's shadows are down, or they Sleep unexpected adds. The alert Dark Knight saves lives.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 8:07 pm
by Eviticus
Short little story about the OMFG I ROK TEH MOBZ varient of Drk. I met him a while back, he was one of those Warriors who was weilding a spear because he wanted to level polearm for when he unlocked Dragoon. Well, being a modestly seasoned FFXI player, and a self pronounced Drg guru for levels below 50, I informed him that pre-leveling weapons was not needed. For example, Nin and Sam can't possibly pre-level their weapons, but they do just fine.

Anyways, he looked up to me, I helped him out, then I lost contact with him for a bit.

A few weeks later, we met back up. What was he? A Drk. That's ok. I know maybe only a handful of good Drks, but he seems to be a bright child, he can figure out how to blast mobs to hell with a Scythe that can destroy the world, right?

I ask him, out of curiosity, what made him choose Drk and forsake Drg, which he was so adamant about before. "Well, Dragoon is cool and all, but it's {Too weak}." (My feathers get ruffled) "{/huh}?" "Yeah, Drk are way better."

*Twitch-twitch.* Ok, so I'm a reasonable person, so we start discussing. Apparently he has fallen to the mantra of stacking a million points of Atk onto his swings. He would rather hit once for 100 damage and 12 tp, then hit twice for 55 points of damage and 7 tp per. He blasts mobs with Souleater, Berserk, and everything else in his inventory. {Attack bonus} traits pwnz all, and that's all that matters. He said that it was his job to toss out the damage and it's up to the tank to keep hate. And if the tank couldn't hold hate, it was the tank's fault....

I wonder how many times he will die before he realizes it's probably not the best method....

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 8:12 pm
by Nivez
the most dot ive ever seen @ 75 was a war/nin, a close second was the mnk/war. the most damage ive ever seen (single weapon skill) was war/thf 300% tp steel cyclone for almost 2000 damage, closest ive ever seen to that is drk/thf 300% tp spiral Hell for 1500ish.

most ive seen a sam do, 1200ish sam/thf tachi gekko.

most ive seen a drg do, latest was a 800 penta thrust.

ranger... forgot >.>;

(note these are all numbers im grabbing from my dynamis runs)

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 8:43 pm
by Karou Ariyen
Eviticus wrote:Short little story about the OMFG I ROK TEH MOBZ varient of Drk. I met him a while back, he was one of those Warriors who was weilding a spear because he wanted to level polearm for when he unlocked Dragoon. Well, being a modestly seasoned FFXI player, and a self pronounced Drg guru for levels below 50, I informed him that pre-leveling weapons was not needed. For example, Nin and Sam can't possibly pre-level their weapons, but they do just fine.

Anyways, he looked up to me, I helped him out, then I lost contact with him for a bit.

A few weeks later, we met back up. What was he? A Drk. That's ok. I know maybe only a handful of good Drks, but he seems to be a bright child, he can figure out how to blast mobs to hell with a Scythe that can destroy the world, right?

I ask him, out of curiosity, what made him choose Drk and forsake Drg, which he was so adamant about before. "Well, Dragoon is cool and all, but it's {Too weak}." (My feathers get ruffled) "{/huh}?" "Yeah, Drk are way better."

*Twitch-twitch.* Ok, so I'm a reasonable person, so we start discussing. Apparently he has fallen to the mantra of stacking a million points of Atk onto his swings. He would rather hit once for 100 damage and 12 tp, then hit twice for 55 points of damage and 7 tp per. He blasts mobs with Souleater, Berserk, and everything else in his inventory. {Attack bonus} traits pwnz all, and that's all that matters. He said that it was his job to toss out the damage and it's up to the tank to keep hate. And if the tank couldn't hold hate, it was the tank's fault....

I wonder how many times he will die before he realizes it's probably not the best method....
Most DRK's come along when I end up having to tank til a pally or nin log in do that sh*t. I told this one that A. Warrior isnt a decent tank with a ninja sub (We arnt, bad defense let alone recast time, Try War/Mnk better hP to take hits) and that B. He's screwing up skillchains by stealing hate off me constantly before SATA goes off and we couldnt get the MB from the blm. He calls me a n00b stating that Gamefaqs says warrior/ninja is the ultimate tank and if I sucked that bad I should be kicked for a better tank. Well the BLM had just about had enough stated that At the time, no ninja or paladin was logged into the server and i was doing jsut fine, and was nailing the SC instead of fugging it up. Then the party told the drk, "Oh look, Paladin 52 seeking in Low Jueno." "Goood! Kick the f-ing n00bie warrior!" DRK was kicked for paladin and me and the pt leader (blm) got spammed in /t being called n00bs for not using a dark knight . /blist add drk jerk. moved on and we al ldid fine.

I can tank or at least try yes, but Harrasing me and forcing me to do what the timers wont let me or delibertly stealing hate constantly and f-ing up the skill c hains is how you set me off. To that DRK n00bie, I know your on hades, and I know your still lvl 52 while I've advanced. Learn to play right or you're gonna be 52 for a good long while.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 9:35 pm
by Crispleaf
KarouKaniyashia wrote: I told this one that A. Warrior isnt a decent tank with a ninja sub (We arnt, bad defense let alone recast time, Try War/Mnk better hP to take hits)
I'm with you on this one.

If you do go war/nin, you need a second one to share the tanking with... until you get to level 74 anyway :roll:

I rediscovered war/mnk the last time I played warrior, and it feels so much better to me. You can hold hate so much better (Boost is like a mini-provoke) and you've got much more health and defense to back you up. Utsusemi is nice, but I'm not convinced it's worth the price unless you're a full-blown ninja (or level 74 :P ).

I'm a hate hog, so I really hate having to hold a light grip on the monster so someone can provoke it off me when my shadows fall. I want the monster on me, the whole fight, not running around eating the black mages and rangers when it feels like a snack.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 2:35 am
by Eviticus
Yeah, I kinda have that problem when I tank too. I desperately want to not loose hate, so I have a tendancy of solidly locking hate on myself. I kept hate through an emergency Benediction during a link once as Pld. However, the main problem is if my HP situation gets dangerous, I'm probably gonna die...

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 5:14 am
by Mrree
Nivez wrote:the most dot ive ever seen @ 75 was a war/nin, a close second was the mnk/war. the most damage ive ever seen (single weapon skill) was war/thf 300% tp steel cyclone for almost 2000 damage, closest ive ever seen to that is drk/thf 300% tp spiral Hell for 1500ish.

most ive seen a sam do, 1200ish sam/thf tachi gekko.

most ive seen a drg do, latest was a 800 penta thrust.

ranger... forgot >.>;

(note these are all numbers im grabbing from my dynamis runs)
Not to dis your recollection or anything, but I've popped 800 at level 52 DRG with {PentaThrust} off an IT XP mob in Kuftal. I can't imagine that the number doesn't get any better, especially seeing as at 60 you could SATA + PT on a mob.

Currently DRG has my personal best WS damage, but that will change when Ranger gets Sidewinder.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 11:20 pm
by Ambrey
Have to admit I have seen Mnk/War's do some crazy damage with Asuran Fists before. Course I guess the amount of damage you can do to a mob depends on a few factors. Such as if the type of mob is weak to that type of weapon (i.e. piercing, projectile ect) as well as if your weapon has any elemental effects on it or added effects or even if the weapon skill you are doing on the mob is weak against it.

A good example of a weapon type that works great on a specific type of mob is the Monks with H2H on undead, awesome dmg! :D

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 4:55 pm
by Punkerdood
what i gotta say is that everyone is great!!! yay
everyones happy@!!1!! yeahh!!!!!

all DD are good, people just dont pay attention to the dmaage over time

most people pay attention to the big hits

it may seem SMN does alot but is it effecient enough to have the MP to do it?

its how the DD played

(but personally DRG SUCK!!!!!) HAHAHA!!! :lol:

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 11:16 pm
by Ambrey
I've seen Drg's smoke Sam's before, so let us not seem over confident here because you have a personal vendeta against them. I told everyone when I made this post to not turn this into a flame war or to insult anyone, this post was made purely for discussion not to attack anyone. You want to insult anyone's job then take it to another site or post, not on mine. :evil:

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 2:48 am
by Kistala
From what I've heard, the biggest, baddest, bestest damage dealer out there is Ninja/Black Mage after level 60 or 62, with a full set of HQ elemental staves and as much Haste+% gear as possible.

I've also heard it's one of the costliest setups out there though, when it comes to gear (but not ammo.)

But really, the BIGGEST DD out there is a Large Galka who puts his mind towards it. I mean really... they're even taller than Elvaan!

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 7:36 am
by Nivez
galak's have brains? when did they gain those :lol:

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 9:07 am
by Eviticus
Sam are SC masters, Drg are big pointy near hateless DoT. Drg WS's are under powered, and not terribly useful untill you start doing Light/Dark SC's. Even then, they are not usually first pick.

But can a Sam be a Sata buddy for, say a Drk/Thf? Can a Sam hit as hard as a Dragoon and still as accurate? Everyone has their roll. Everytime someone says "Drg Suck!!", God kills a kitten. Please, think of the kittens?

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 10:08 am
by Nivez

just thought id post it, goes along nicely with the last post ;p

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 11:41 am
by Eviticus

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 4:55 am
by Mrree
Eviticus wrote:Sam are SC masters, Drg are big pointy near hateless DoT. Drg WS's are under powered, and not terribly useful untill you start doing Light/Dark SC's. Even then, they are not usually first pick.

But can a Sam be a Sata buddy for, say a Drk/Thf? Can a Sam hit as hard as a Dragoon and still as accurate? Everyone has their roll. Everytime someone says "Drg Suck!!", God kills a kitten. Please, think of the kittens?
I have had SAM stop and /check me when I drop a particularly good {PentaThrust} on some mob that desperately needs it. Can DRG WS output equal a SAM's? Gods no! Is it 'underpowered'? I suppose it depends on your perspective. 800 points of damage on a crab in Kuftal is pretty freaking nice no matter how you slice it. 1220 on Dark Spark is pretty nice too. DRG dishes plenty of damage and if you play it right you and your wyvern never take any damage. It's like bonus damage on the mob and you never have to worry about stripping hate off the tank cause if you do manage that you just jump it away and no one else has to deal with it.

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 5:58 am
by Karou Ariyen
Nivez wrote:Image

just thought id post it, goes along nicely with the last post ;p
Nivy's been into my private video stash again.... :D

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 6:09 pm
by Shirai
Nivez wrote:Image

just thought id post it, goes along nicely with the last post ;p




Re: Discussion! Who is the biggest DD in FFXI!?

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 5:31 pm
by xaresity

Re: Discussion! Who is the biggest DD in FFXI!?

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2024 11:31 pm
by xaresity