PlayStation 3’s internal security overthrown

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Re: PlayStation 3’s internal security overthrown

Post by Jeniphel »

The law states that emulators may be owned on consoles that are not in production and making money.
Actually, no. At least not in the USA. Thank the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
rip from my Sega Genesis Carts
But in order to do that you have to break security measures (legally even the pin-outs on a cart / cart shape can be considered a security measure) which makes it illegal in the eyes of the DMCA - and yes it sucks. Thank a corporation, and your neighborhood republican (though lets not argue that here).

Since you are one of the VERY few that actually has access to a ripper, things are different for you than 99.99% of the people playing with emulators as they must download ROMs off of the internet.

What really affects Sony is people using HDD loaders to 'install' rented / borrowed / downloaded games to the PS3's HDD, or to a PSP's memory card. That's the killer. Granted Sony did a cock-up that made most of their security coding worthless, but since someone had to manipulate data to 'discover' the keys it was legally secure (even if the lock is a piece of scotch tape, it counts as a lock legally).
Sony fails to understand that by having linux support back on the ps3 that gives them MORE CUSTOMERS
I had linux on my 60gig. Bluntly, it sucked ass. No one coded any video codecs of worth for it or bothered to optimize media players for it. It only had 192MB of RAM available to the OS (the 256MB on the video card was mounted as a HDD swap file) and was plainly unloved by all but a few educational institutions who wanted cheap access to a CELL-based CPU for straight number crunching. I'd wager 99.999% of PS3 owners have no clue what linux is, yet alone that it was in a PlayStation2, or PlayStation3.
considering the lack of quality games on the PS3
Ok, now I'm just going to have to throw something in your direction, like a shoe, or a cat. Granted it's my console of choice, mainly because I use it to stream anime to my TV, though not being able find anything worth playing on my Xbox, Xbox 360, Wii, GBA, NES, Super Famicom, or TurboExpress might also have something to do with it. :-/

Also, down with cellphone companies, land-line phone companies, and stupid laws that give corporations more 'rights' than living people.
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Re: PlayStation 3’s internal security overthrown

Post by xaresity »

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