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Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 3:34 pm
by Rinaah
I just came up with the name Rinaah.. no real lineage as to a history or whatnot. I have written creatively ever since I wrote in highschool and names are always very hard. I always try to find a name that sounds good and is memorable. Even in my EQ days or any mmorpgs, I would delete a character just because I didn't like the name I made up.
You will never see me with a name like Ilikechicken or something like that.. :lol:
Lumina and Regalia are probably the names I use most in places... but not on MP. :)

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 5:49 pm
by Kopopo
I can't stand people who use phrases for names... and adjectives!

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 9:46 pm
by Golddess
I used Apple and Orange for the names of 2 characters I never played in beta >.>

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 2:19 am
by Finwich
Mine is cheesey- It's the nickname my husband calls me. He uses the one I call him as his handle, which is quite amusing.

My mule is simply so I could put silly Dave Chappelle quotes in my bazaar.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 2:33 am
by Tamarik



Also Tamarik

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:37 pm
by Sivara
Wow, great art, Tam! :D

And no one wants to guess at my name? Fine. It will stay a mystery. :lol:

Not that anyone cares...

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 7:12 pm
by Kopopo
You already said your name was something historical from teh Bible or something.

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 8:19 pm
by Sivara
No, I didn't. >_<

Maybe you are thinking of Alethea, my RPGamer/IRC handle? Alethea means "truth" in Koine Greek (also found in the Bible).

Sivara is from something else. :D

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 6:34 am
by Fayin
Well Siv, I don't know what your name is exactly but I'll bet it's from Narnia. When you said it was from a fantasy author who was a friend of Tolkien I did a quick check online and found it was CS Lewis (which is something I didn't know. Do greats flock together or something?). Well Lewis = Narnia. The only female characters I can remember from that series of books I read (some time ago) were the White Witch, the Penisive girls, and the noble girl who escaped that southland kingdom with the boy who was actually a prince, and his talking horse friend, Bree. Why I can only remember the horse's name, I can give no answer to.

How close am I?

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 7:24 pm
by Sivara
the noble girl who escaped that southland kingdom with the boy who was actually a prince, and his talking horse friend, Bree. Why I can only remember the horse's name, I can give no answer to.

How close am I?
You're pretty close. The "noble girl" is named Aravis. Take the reverse of that and you get my name. {Config}ulations!

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 8:28 pm
by mozyr
The name Mozyr comes from the name of a small town in Byelorus located pretty close to Chernobyl. Most of my RP characters have names connected to Russian.

I have a Galka mule character on Siren named Tovarishch, which is Russian for "comrade."

So that's where my names came from.

-- Sarah

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 9:48 pm
by Dukuji
Dukuji (pronounced: doo-koo-jee) is actually a surname. It is the name of one of the major houses (or clans) of a cat-like race called the Rasken that I developed over 15 years ago. It was the fact that this game had a cat like race that sold me. And, before I bought FFXI, I knew what the name of my character would be. The name does have a meaning and that is, Water Willing. Water being a reference to a deity associated with the liquid form of water.


Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 7:17 pm
by mejis
Hihi all! I'm new to this here.... be gentle with me. lol
I got my name from the Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass by Stephen King. Mejis is the small town where Roland of Gilead's (aka The Gunslinger) lost love is from.

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 10:47 pm
by Kopopo
THose books are too long, even for me.

Re: Name

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 12:20 am
by Rekahkun
mejis wrote:Hihi all! I'm new to this here.... be gentle with me. lol
I got my name from the Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass by Stephen King. Mejis is the small town where Roland of Gilead's (aka The Gunslinger) lost love is from.
heh. i was looking at your name on other posts, wondering why it's so familiar. thanks for getting that off my mind :D (currently reading the last dark tower book :) )

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:21 am
by Vilya
Vilya is the name of one of the rings in LOTR.
There are 19 other rings in LOTR, 3 of them made for Elves, Vilya is the mightiest of the 3, Elrond's ring, the ring of Air, known for its huge Sapphire.

I was going to call myself Larelm, which i made up by combining some elvish a while back, but i don't know why i changed my mind.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 1:56 am
by Chanchan
This is gonna sound really kinda just...unoriginal, but honestly, it came from just making the japanese suffix, -chan, into a double the time, I thought it was a suffix meaning "Girl", but apparently it means "beloved", either way. I figured it'd be kinda cute.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 3:01 pm
by BowlyMania
Liohs wrote:but Elios is the name of the Pegasus from Salior Moon Super S

They're also frozen pizza makers.

I got BowlyMania from a varation of BowlaMania - a league I bowled in over the summer. I had been selected as a SysOp for the MSN Gaming zone, back in its good days, and I was at a total loss for a unique name, so I chose that. It evolved a few times, with variations on the spelling, etc.. but now it's pretty much BowlyMania.

My character - JustAnotherFace is kinda just.. well... yeah. I wanted something simple, and to the point ^_^ plus it's a variation on my gf's sn ^^;

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 7:12 pm
by Lenina
Hello all, I'm new to this board. :D

I'm a Samurai kitty from the Ragnarok server, and my name is 'Lenina'.

I used to be a hume, but after a time I found out humes were boring. So I wanted a Mithra, and I was looking in my FFXI BradyGames Guidebook that came with my game, and then I saw a screenshot of a Mithra named 'Lenina'.

So that's were my name came from. 8)

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 9:03 pm
by mozyr
I've seen a Lenina on the Siren server. Every time I see her (she's also a mithra), I can't help but think of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (aka Lenin). Heh.

-- Sarah


Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 9:20 pm
by Evehr
I'm Evehr because i made a lot of pics etc. with photoshop before and my slogan was "Sigs that last forevehr" (the evehr part was a writing error but i liked it and kept Evehr as my name.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 10:37 pm
by Starian
Whee first post.

My name "Starian" is a song by a korean band named Duke

I've been using this name since before I even know about that song though o.o

Hi, by the way :lol:

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 11:35 pm
by Vilya
I'm in the Siren world too what area are you in Lenina?

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 4:52 am
by Rueka
Well, even before the pc release of the game I wanted to be a mithra. They just looked so cute and fuzzy :P Anyways, I had alot of time to think about a name before the game was offically released, and this was a good thing since names are my weak point. I actually just made it up one day. I don't even know how I put together that particular name.

I orriganally wanted to spell my name as Ruka, without the e since i thought it looked better but when I made my character that name was already taken. So I just changed it to Rueka and the name has stuck. Now i look at the spelling for Ruka and think, "that just looks ugly next to Rueka." :D

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 12:10 pm
by Lenina
Vilya wrote:I'm in the Siren world too what area are you in Lenina?
As I said in my post, I'm from the Ragnarok server :wink: :)

short and easy

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 6:08 pm
by MovingTarget
I picked mine after a friend of mine and also since it is only 3 letters.

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 11:55 pm
by Vilya
Sorry, thought for sure some one said thay were from Siren...

About my name...

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 6:03 pm
by Delionette
My name is originally that of my Anarchy Online character (Solitus, Female, Adventurer). It took me forever to come up with, because when it comes to naming fictitious characters I have to have something that is as original as possible or I won't be happy with it (to me, the name is the most important aspect of my characters). But, I couldn't think of anything good, so I just started mashing the name randomizer and that didn't help either.

And then it just came to me out of the blue and in such a way that it was an epiphany-like experience :P . Delionette... I fell in love with it instantly and it has been my default female character name ever since.

When I started playing FFO, it was pretty much a no-brainer that I would use Delionette (aside from the fact that it is my default female name). It fit so perfectly with being a Mithra and all, having the word 'lion' in it and 'ette' which totally gives it a feminine feel in my opinion.

Characters I have named Delionette: AO (gave it up), DAoC (gave it up after less than an hour of playing), FFO (obviously), and I also changed Nel Zelpher's name (of Star Ocean: Till the End of Time) to Delionette :P .

Sweet Lips and Bangled Emperors take their toll.



Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 7:44 pm
by Sigyn
Well, hmm...

Mine is my first name... also the name of Loki's wife in Norse Mythology.

and it's pronounced SIG (hard G) - in


Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 12:35 am
by Kopopo
Ah, so I was right about the pronunciation.