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Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 6:29 am
by Creve
I don't see why one of our members would want to go a different race. Mithra happens to be one of if not the best race in the game and for obvious reasons to the producers. (determined by the stats and best picked jobs)

But if you add someone who is not Mithra it can easily give way to a phycological breakdown of the entire shell. I heard that MithraPride once had non-mithras and it went sour. It's also very tempting to allow ex-members to stay members as different races but think of how non-members viewed us. All in all I think it can work but is it risk the meltdown? Members may decide to break away and form thier own linkshells or join Savanna for good.

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 7:08 am
by Amiricle
I agree Creve, and though I do LOVE the mithra race, I do not like the fact that I can only be a girly Mithra. As a guy, it was fun to play as a test, but I I'd like my permanent 'main' character to be male. That is the only reason I'm changin race, since I plan on being RDM, and through extensive testing and comparisons on my part, Mithra is THE best race for rdm.

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 7:14 am
by Swipe
Creve wrote:I don't see why one of our members would want to go a different race.
Because overspecialization breeds weakness. To not understand how it is to play the other races, is to be weak. having no experience in it, means when somone asks you what race would be best for any given profession and skillset, you cannot give them a honestly reliable answer.
Also, what about the men who played as mithras? they may not want to be a mithra forever...
Creve wrote: I heard that MithraPride once had non-mithras and it went sour.
I'd like to know where you got this information, so I may openly consider your source.
Creve wrote:Members may decide to break away and form thier own linkshells or join Savanna for good.
That option is always open to anyone in the shell anyway. Why would this small of a detail cause such an uprising as to get a -significant- number of members to leave and discard their pearl?

If the pride were that weak, it would have broken down well before now (IMHO - based on seeing other shells progress ). Please enlighten me on your viewpoint more, as I'm afraid I do not see the logical validity your concerns.

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 8:35 am
by Creve
Swipe this is a reply to you. The source about non-mithras in the shell that went sour a while back. That comes from Tigara. As far as a possible breakdown, that is simple. Whenever you restart a group there is a big chance it will fall apart. It's just that simple.

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 2:57 pm
by Mystiana
Two linkshells just doesn't work. I had multiple linkshells, and I stuck with MithraPride unless I felt there was a reason to switch (like WindurstAlliance on Saturdays). I kinda felt greedy that I had the other pearls when most of the time, I didn't even carry them.

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 5:24 pm
by Cyndari
But if you add someone who is not Mithra it can easily give way to a phycological breakdown of the entire shell. I heard that MithraPride once had non-mithras and it went sour.
I think you are referring to Ancalagon, and that is kinda an unfair statement because Tigara never got to know this person except for hearing about him on the final day, and she wasnt too happy about it. But those of us who got to know Ancalagon thought he was a good guy.......even if was a Hume :P
It's also very tempting to allow ex-members to stay members as different races but think of how non-members viewed us.
Who really cares how others view us? If they say that we are being hypocritical tell them that these people were Mithras members in the beta and that is why they are here now. If they don't like that response tell them to get over it.
All in all I think it can work but is it risk the meltdown? Members may decide to break away and form thier own linkshells or join Savanna for good.
I personally don't see a meltdown occuring. If people decide to form their own LS or join another that is their preogitive. I think that things should work out just fine.

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 7:22 pm
by Creve
I agree with Firemyst that belonging to more than one linkshell sort of doesn't work too well. I was part of 5 at one point...MithraPride always being dominate. 2 i pitched and then a 3rd so that it was only MP and SS however even then it was hard to keep up with both linkshells at the same time. Thus when some others left MithraPride for other linkshells they were hardly seen on MP. However some people are able to handle multiple linkshells.

By the way...we had a non-mithra during the end of beta on MithraPride??? :shock:

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 7:30 pm
by Creve
I have a simple idea about the main topic of this section...why not ask Tigara??? her e-mail once again is It may unfortunately take a while for her response since she only uses a friends computer.

However if she wasn't pleased at what happened with a hume in the linkshell then I think that would be good indication...also that comes as a shock to me if that was recent. I wonder who the sackholder was that gave it to him.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 2:38 am
by Golddess
All in all I think it can work but is it risk the meltdown? Members may decide to break away and form thier own linkshells or join Savanna for good.
The only breakdown I see is from us NOT letting people of other races who were on the LS in beta. Of course, since I feel this way, there must also be some people who feel the opposite of me. If we don't let non-mithras on the LS who were on the LS in beta, those who feel like I do might move to another LS. If we DO let non-mithras on the LS who were on the LS in beta, then those that feel the opposite of me might move to another LS. It's certainly a tricky business, deciding what we will do. The decision has the potential to rip the LS in half, judging by the current votes.

Well, I'd like to congratulate you all. It appears that you scared Ancalagon away. :evil:. As Cyndari said, he was a good guy. He even helped me get my chocobo the day before beta ended. The little time I was with him was fun. I liked him, and you all made him leave. Or something like that. He sent me a message saying that he did not feel wanted or needed anymore, but that he would be on the world pass chain that will get us all on the same server.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 2:41 am
by Syine
Creve wrote:However if she wasn't pleased at what happened with a hume in the linkshell then I think that would be good indication...also that comes as a shock to me if that was recent. I wonder who the sackholder was that gave it to him.
I don't think it's worth a witch hunt. It was late in beta (a few days before the end, I think), and about half of the regular members seemed to have gone for good. I don't know when he showed up, but he was well-behaved. Nobody objected to his actions or presence. In fact, there was very little reaction at all aside from a bit of surprise and a bit of good-humored joking. I don't know how Tigara reacted, but it didn't seem to matter. It was very temporary and as far as I am aware, nobody intended to invite him back in retail, so it's an issue that deserves to remain buried in the past.

If the presence of a Hume is indeed what upset Tigara, perhaps it's because she interpreted it as an insubordination. Maybe she thought, "Aha, so this is what you do the moment I turn my back? Fill the LS with humes?? Will I even recognize MithraPride when I return in March, or will it have become EveryonePride by then?" But I don't think the invitation was intended to either set a precendent or indicate what we would do in retail. Anyhow, I think our only concern now should be what happens to the LS in the future, not wasting time worrying about what happened two days before the end of the old one.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 3:01 am
by Syine
Golddess wrote:The only breakdown I see is from us NOT letting people of other races who were on the LS in beta. Of course, since I feel this way, there must also be some people who feel the opposite of me. If we don't let non-mithras on the LS who were on the LS in beta, those who feel like I do might move to another LS. If we DO let non-mithras on the LS who were on the LS in beta, then those that feel the opposite of me might move to another LS. It's certainly a tricky business, deciding what we will do. The decision has the potential to rip the LS in half, judging by the current votes.
I'm inclined to agree. This is why I don't want to be the leader. I care about the LS, but I don't really see any way to win here. At best, we stand a good chance of alienating about 1/3 of the former LS members. I sure don't wanna be the one who sets that into motion, although I fear I've already had a hand in doing so. :cry:

I almost just want to run away and join another LS, to avoid the heartbreak of seeing MP torn apart by these issues...although Ancalagon tells me, if I did so, you guys might never forgive me for abandoning you. :(

I really don't know what to do, folks. This seems a clear case of being damned either way. I'm very unhappy about the potential future of the LS. At the current time, I can only consider it a blessing that, for several weeks from the 30th, I may be unable to spend much time playing FFXI due to a family medical emergency of sorts.

Despite all this, if people still would rather I start the LS, I would do so, try to make the best decisions I could, and hope everyone can stay friends here.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 4:44 am
by Creve
The last thing i wanted to do was hurt Ancalagon's feelings. However I'm a bit confused. Perhaps im off but...if he was taken in near the end of beta then it would seem to me that he realized he would not be in the linkshell during retail, no?

I would hate for the linkshell to be sent into upheaval over this so lets try and find out real fast who has a problem having non-mithra's who where beta members on our linkshell to be in our linkshell during retail. Whoever has a problem with it please mention it now.

I for one will not protest to this but initially would protest to allowing non-mithra members to join who were never mithrapride yet just now when thinking about it, to have non-mithra's in our linkshell, it might be nice since it shows thier subordinance to us. :lol: And thus I think it would be ok as long as thier numbers are under half of the whole and that they are agreed upon by others. They of course can never have a linksack of course. Anyhow, that is how I see it.

I think this idea would make MithraPride much more likable as a whole yet keeps it primarily Mithra.

Whoever has a problem with this please mention it.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 4:47 am
by Creve
I'm going to send Ancalagon a message now as well to stick with us until this is sorted out. An apology.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 6:46 am
by Cyndari
Ok here's the breakdown.....I am not sure who let Ancalagon into the LS(and it really doesnt matter), the reason that Ancalagon was brought into the LS is because he is Badkarma's RL husband. I think that they just wanted to be together.
Well, I'd like to congratulate you all. It appears that you scared Ancalagon away. . As Cyndari said, he was a good guy. He even helped me get my chocobo the day before beta ended. The little time I was with him was fun. I liked him, and you all made him leave. Or something like that. He sent me a message saying that he did not feel wanted or needed anymore, but that he would be on the world pass chain that will get us all on the same server.
I would have to agree because I got the same PM and I was really disappointed that we made him feel that way. :oops: Anyway I saw Creves post and what's done is done. Hopefully he'll decide to stick around. :wink:

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 2:38 pm
by Swipe
Creve wrote:Swipe this is a reply to you. The source about non-mithras in the shell that went sour a while back. That comes from Tigara. As far as a possible breakdown, that is simple. Whenever you restart a group there is a big chance it will fall apart. It's just that simple.
Okay. I hope it didn't come off as being rude to ask, but I was curious.

Yes, I agree there always is a chance of that, and likely more so when rebuilding the relationships. So... since you are the first to step up and (take? claim? acknowledge? assert? accept? - pick whichever you like best...) leadership, what are you going to do to prevent that? - maybe this should be discussed in another forum though.. but I'll leave that option to you.


Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 4:55 pm
by Creve
When we all joined MithraPride we knew what it was about. It was simple, there was one rule. Be Mithra...however we are now struggling as to wether or not that is a shortfalling for us. Yet Sandra has started a new thread called Race in which everyone should put down what race they plan on being and if they plan on changing thier name. After that is done I think a far more clearer picture will open up to us.

In the end though, no matter the choices, and I truly hope we all stick together... ...come March the original leader Tigara should arrive. There is of course the chance that she wont arrive but if she does then I will relinquish control to her if she so wishes it. I have no idea what would happen then and it scares me to think that some of the LS might be booted or that Tigara would reject us all and wish nothing to do with the LS. This may seem childish but MithraPride is her child and a great one at that. ---Anyhow, I hope everyone checks the thread Sandra made listed as "Race"

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 5:24 pm
by Swipe
Ok folks.. instead of hunting for the race post, here is a link.. it can be found here:


Berry Kitty Thoughts =)

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 5:30 pm
by Berry
Hihi, Berry/Savanna here. =)

Some of you may know me. In beta I was first a hume and started Savanna's Superstars. And then I was Berry, a taru. =) I always loved the pride and since my LS is mentioned a few times in this discussion, and since i'm chatting with some of your members on the irc, I felt like I should just sound off on my opinion - take it with a grain of salt or even catnip. =)

Okay, please read the whole thing before anyone gets angry, hurt, or frustrated, or points fingers and says "She was never in the pride!" It's true! I never was. And that's the point of this post in a way.

As I said, I never was in the pride, but I always *wanted* to be. I bet none of you knew that. I didn't say anything about it though. I knew, as did everyone, that the pride was Mithra only. I always wanted to be an "honorary member" because I love kitties so much and I felt like I knew so many in the Pride that maybe I could be a special case. Of course, I realize that that's selfish and arrogant and that's why I never really asked or expected to be! It was just a dream. =) (Also my surfer nickname is kitty or kitten so you can imagine...)

Anyway, I've been hearing this discussion for a few days now and this is my view on things:

The Pride was Mithra only and it should stay that way.

Don't get upset! let me finish. =)

What you really are about is Mithras. Kitties and Kitties alone. A very diverse group of kitties but kitties nonetheless. It is, in essence, "where the kitties are". Got it? Now, let's get specific.

Obviously there are people who don't want to be kitties anymore in retail, and that's fine. And we all know that people want to stay in touch. That's fine too - and seeing how much trouble I'm going through trying to organize it so that everyone in beta who wants to be on the same server, should be, you can understand that I'm not some sorta mean monster who wants to come and split people apart.

The point is this: Windurst Warriors was for Windurstians only (of which I was a member). I doubt that anyone who starts in Bastok this time will be a part of them, even if they were in it before. It's hard because beta is still in us all and we're all proud of our friends and our accomplishments, but there's a new world out there. We have to remember that we're all starting over, sad as it is.

I'm trying not to ramble: just giving you my point of view. And here's the idea:

Keep Mithra Pride for Mithrans only (even though I still want to be made an honorary member, but would be wrong to accept and even ask).

Make another pearl called Beta Pride. You got me! Beta Pride! On it, you can invite *all* your friends from beta. Heck, I'd join! And like Windurst Warriors who fought for Windurst together every Saturday night, we can maybe all get together on Friday nights or something, and do missions, quests, leveling, chatting - whatever. It will keep all your friends in touch. It won't harm the idea behind Mithra Pride, and it will help everyone in Beta hang out with their old friends. Maybe we can even give our beta chars a chance for a party in some place every now and then (like a world tour like Superstars did) or some fantastic new place that we haven't seen yet. I know people moan about having too many Linkpearls on them, and that's fine but I think with Beta Pride and another LS (like Mithra Pride or Superstars) and even another pearl (for a total of 3), you'll be in touch with more people than you can even handle! I'm sure that'll be the case and it will really keep us together to have a common place for all beta members. Maybe it'll give us an edge. Who knows? The point is that we keep everything neat and tidy and give ourselves a break from the usual LS chat once a week to hang out with a range of other people and do different things together. Notice that I never was in Mithra Pride and I'm *still* great friends with tons of you from this LS. Just because you're on one LS and not on another doesn't mean you can't keep close with lots of others. I'm living proof of that! =)

Remember that we don't have a level 40 time limit this time around and so it won't be as crazy and hectic leveling by a certain date. We'll have more time to do other stuff together - to enjoy the show, as it were.

I'd rather not Mithra Pride merge with Superstars. This is for 3 good reasons:

1) Mithra Pride was always about kitties and it really should stay that way.
2) Superstars is already huge. I still am struggling every day on how to handle this. =)
3) Tigara would bare her claws and kill me.

Now, I already elaborated on the first one. The second point is that I'm still unsure about how to manage so many people. I never - ever - intended Superstars to get that big. It just did. And the third point is a sore point for me. Tigara doesn't really like me, or she didn't for a while. She did at first but when Superstars started getting big, she got angry at me and apparently (though she never told this to me) she was upset at my "stealing" her MIthra away. It know that sounds childish but honestly...I can't really blame her. What she didn't know, however, was that I never - ever - intended on stealing anyone away. I actually didn't actively recruit that much, and I never wanted to step on her cute little paws. But ya, she got mad at me and I never really got over it because I got hurt a bit, but I never ever ever stopped loving Mithra Pride. I love so many of you so much. =) So no, it wouldn't be a good idea to merge. I don't want to hurt Tigara in any way, even if she doesn't like me all that much. And I think that the Pride should exist as it existed in beta. That's why it *worked*.

So many Lses fade away, but the Pride never did - because it was a great idea. Don't turn it into a general mish-mash. If you start making exceptions, you'll regret it. Keep that idea and go with it. Make another LS for all beta members and call it Beta Pride, and let's do this thing! =)

What do you say?

Oh and you can reach me at my boards:

and at my email:

I really - really - want to see the Pride back like it was. Put forward your ideas, vote on a new leader, and then go with it. Let the Pride and Superstars be bestest-westest friends and allies and let's even do stuff together. =)

One more note: I'm not sure about Ancalagon because I know he was only included the last day of Beta and only because he married one of you in game. That really is up to you. I know that he's a great guy (he's in my LS too), but I do feel bad for him. You all have to decide that and chat it out with him. =) I'm sure whatever happens, things will work out over time. =)

*scritches you all on the ears and feeds you strawberries*


Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 8:05 pm
by Swipe
Humm. Well stated, and backed by plenty of logistics. Creve couldn't convince me earlier as I felt she did not offer a strong enough argument.

Well said, Berry. Leave it to the 'nix users to always have a strong argument. :wink:

The significant other, Ancalagon.. this issue bothers me.. as my significant other will also be playing.. but I do not know what race they plan to choose. I will suggest mithra.. but its their choice. If its the case of a non-mithra.. then I will probably have at least 2 shells.. on which I will mostly be the same as my significant other. I never would have given them a MP pearl, but at least this way.. perhaps they may have had a slight chance of being able to see the greatness of the pride.. should it ever be decided by the pride they are worthy to recieve a pearl.

I must, - albeit reluctantly, - agree here. Perhaps by my own personal scotomas about what I desire to see.. that cause me to fail to recognize a strong fundamental about this.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 10:06 pm
by Toren
Not sure if any knows but ive been with the LS since its inception(sp)...
guess thats the right word.
Me and Tigara started around the same time. I was with her when Mithrapride was started one of the first few members .... My name was Zaijie then(carried it over from EQOA loved that name).
Well if fiddled with a few LS's and came back home to MP with Toren. I think we should stay Mithra's only.. hence the name Mithrapride :)
Well thats all i have, just wanted to ad my 3 cents...cant wait to see all of you in retail :)

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 5:15 am
by Creve
Retail is coming out in only a few days time. A plan on several LinkShells to join the same server has been put in order. I hope everyone has taken a look at the recent threads and keeps up to date with them as much as possible in the next few days till our LS is properly established. After that there will be plenty of time for cat-chips, cat-dip, and all your favorite refreshments to relax to as we will no longer have to rush to level 40 as was done during the beta.

(NOTE: I am in the process of determining who will have a LinkSack and who will have only a LinkPearl to start out with. Such information will be held in a new thread in a days time or so.)

Now for the main issue.

It has been deemed best for MithraPride that we stick to the principles that we did so well in keeping to and were thus so highly envied of. We ARE where the Kitties are at, we are MithraPride and others would scoff at our integrity if we did otherwise.

Some hate us but most love us and it is those that look upon us lovingly that truly understand the concept behind MithraPride. Not a group of elitest but kind hearted individuals who have set aside a place where any Mithra can be instantly accepted and seek assistance. Furthermore, do to our unity, we have bread some of the best characters of the Beta and will do so to an ever higher extent during Retail.

That being said MithraPride will stay Mithra

Those individuals that still wish to be of a different race. I am certain that SavannaSuperstars as well as other LSs would certainly be willing to accept you and there is of course the idea of a BetaPride which I personaly think is a great idea for keeping in touch and doing things together. Other than that I hope everyone sticks around for the WorldPasses.

~Sincerly with best intents....Creve

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 5:20 am
by Toren
good call creve good call :)

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 5:32 am
by Mystiana
I feel personally that this is the best decision for MithraPride. Kudos for making the very tough decision.

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 5:50 am
by Cyndari
Well eventhough I dont agree fully, I know that you are right because it will be what defines us and what makes us unique. :wink: Plus Berrys idea for a Beta Pride LS is a really good one :D

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 6:15 am
by Amiricle
Good call. I am remembering when Tigara first gave me a pearl....I asked her if I could have a couple to give to my other (alt) characters even though they weren't Mithra. She said no, That this LS was for bringing Mithras from around the world closer, and therfore could only be given to a Mithra.

Basically think of it as a Mithra RSE pearl.

P.s. I changed my mind anyway, goin to stay as a Mithra :)

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2003 7:55 pm
by Ishe
After carefully (read: repeatedly) reviewing Berry and Creve's posts, I'm inclined to agree. But, the decision to exclude ALL non-mithra members in the linkshell will most definitely hurt some of the friends we made in beta who no longer wish to play as mithra characters. Although I want to uphold the traditions and values of the original MithraPride group, I feel terrible that we are essentially "kicking out" many of our beloved beta friends.
Therefore, as big a pain as it is to carry around and switch between various linkshells, I really like Berry's idea of creating a sort of beta pride LS in addition to MP so that we won't alienate or lose touch with all the great people who were a part of our group during the beta test. I wouldn't mind taking on the responsibility of gathering gil to start that LS, either. All beta testers would be welcomed, regardless of job, race or alliegence. We should give it a fraternity style name though, maybe BetaBetaBeta :D Let me know what you guys think. If enough people will support it I'll work my ass off to get that LS up and running as quickly as possible.

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2003 12:57 am
by Toralynn
As I've stated before, I have no opposition to letting Former MithraPride members into the Linkshell in retail whether Mithran or not. At heart we're all Mithran, right? My thoughts though are that we only let former MP members in, not people who are playing FFXI for the first time in Retail and are non-mithra. In that way, we will have our "veterans" and we'd still be mainly Mithran so the LS' name wouldn't be unsuitable. If in retail we were to add anybody just because we feel like it, that most likely would cause trouble and I may feel slightly against it with nothing personally against anyone, but MithraPride is intended for Mithrans. So that I hopefully don't confuse anyone, pretty much what I'm saying is "Yes, let former MP members even if some are non-mithran only into the LS retail and Mithran characters too, but that alone."

Either way the table turns, I hope no one holds strong feelings against one another afterall these are simply how we feel things should be and it shouldn't become personal.. :) Later tigerrrs!

*after reading all the posts before mine*

I'm happy to hear MithraPride will stay Mithran only, and Berry.. You're simply brilliant. I love your idea of the second LS, but only to be used on a specified day(friday is good since it's the dawn of the weekend). Perhaps our original idea of having the "Friends-of-Mithra" LS would be an adequate name? My thoughts are perhaps have it not just beta, but anyone who is a friend of the Mithrapride and wishes to join. Altough I'm afraid I can't contribute to the construction of either linkshell, I support it all the way and I know I wouldn't mind shuffling 2 Ls' Mithrapride being my main and on whichever specified day the other LS being my main for that day.


Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2003 5:33 am
by Tigara
I am PROUD of you all and paticularly Creve! She looked at everything and made a descision. And i belive the right decision. I dont like seeing that several of my close friends wont be apart of MithraPride when i can finally join in March. But MithraPride was Mithra only and should stay Mithra only. Berry had a great idea with BetaPride. I have my reasons for why when i made MithraPride, I made it the way i did and alot of those reasons still hold true. Also if MithraPride was opened to all races it would grow to big to be controlled and thus tear itself apart. I watched that happen to to many groups. they grow to fast to handle thier size and had one on EQ that i made do the same. I learned from my EQ guild mistakes and managed MithraPride more carefully. Many of you remember my long breaks between serious recruiting. That was to allow bad elements to be to weeded out. This was for everyone who choose to stay to meet and get to know each other. back to topic though. We became what we did because of what we were. Just as a Pride members were not allowed to have thier non-mithra alts on the Pride the same should apply to Beta members. As harsh as it might be the simplicity of the guild requirements was what made it work. If non mithra even beta members are allowed to join and new non mithra people arnt it will be 10 times worse then just not allowing any non mithra. Being a mithra only group isnt elitist but allowing non mithra in to a mithra only group for any reason i would have to say would be elitist. I will stay friends with all who leave the pride due to racial changes, but i will miss them. MithraPride was once no exceptions and still should be. This isnt the first time members were forced to leave because they chose to make a new character that wasnt a mithra. Many members during beta made new characters not mithra and wished to me allowed in the Pride with thier new character, but were denied because they chose to not be mithra. I feel it would be wrong to change that rule now even with the odd curcumstances. I dont know how other linkshells worked i was to busy trying to make MithraPride work. But i do know most didnt survive. MithraPride was the oldest surviving linkshell because we held true to our selves and the linkshell. I am sure the linkshell will have many mroe changes in the future but its core should be held true. We are the Kitties of Vana'diel and that should never change. THe same holds true now if members choose to not be mithra that is thier choice the rules were set and it is our choice what we want most. Do we want to be MithraPride or a open pack?

Berry i never hated you but i do admit i did get upset with savanna superstars. I lost my elder and most experienced members when i needed them most. the aggravtion got to me some but i never gave up on the pride. i fought till the end to make it what it became. and now the pride has become a force in itself i can no longer call it my own and am proud of every one of my kittens. i now believe they are mithrapride not just me. one day in march i hope when i can come back to vana'diel i will be allowed to join thier greatness.

Thank you Tigara =)

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 10:58 am
by Berry
Thank you Tigara. =)

Well, I just wanted to say that I never, ever, intended to hurt your ls. But I think you know that. I really didn't know what happened. I hope that you forgive me though. =) I love MP and I'm so glad that we all got the chain going and we're all on the same server and helped each other out like that. It was so worth it. And thank you to everyone who helped make it possible too. =)

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 6:04 pm
by MikaMeow
I know it really doesn't have too much to do with this, but when I was playing ShadowBane, they had this one guild that was ALL Irekei, and as far as I know, they also never let any non Irekei join, and were respected for that, and their roleplaying.

They were mostly known as the roleplaying guild on my server. The main reasons for that being that you had to be born into the guild (IE you had to create a new character to join, however anyone could join, didn't even have to be your main character) and you had to have an Irekei style name. And one of the harder parts, you had to learn their language! Thats right, they had a entire language made up for their race that this guild required its members to speak in. It made the guild have a real neat and unique feel.

I do like the idea of this guild being Mithra only, kitties on the prowl and so on, bring your own yarn =^.^= Reminds me a bit of an amazon tribe. And I believe they would occationally have slaves in their tribes. So in that sense, I wouldn't object to letting a slave into the LS on a rare occation, but only rarely, and only if alot of people like them and vote for them or something.

(For those wondering, who haven't played ShadowBane, Irekei are kind of a red desert elf, and the guild was ShadowClan. They also roleplayed Orcs in UO I believe. They were both respected and feared, and usually made themselves out to be a minority race, and did lots of PvP. They would kill anyone that came into their territory, which was somewhat close to a big city, and often became (by choice) a group you loved to hate, a more intelligent somewhat evil group to fight)