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Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 12:25 am
by Batsu
I did back up my point, their just stubborn and keep re-hashing their same defensive reply over and over again, so I gave up trying because it was a pointless arguing with them.

I really don't understand why you all think I'm some evil person out to destroy you and attack me all the time for having a different opinion.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 12:27 am
by Aesha Clan-Clan
no, they are adding more comments to their previous statements, making a stronger and stronger case, all i can see is you arguing without much more of a point than "sandy is better".

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 12:30 am
by Batsu
You obviously aren't reading my posts then. Also, I've never directly said San d'Oria was better, in fact I never even started this argument. Now please, before you make another ignorant post about what I've posted before, go read what I said.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 12:34 am
by Aesha Clan-Clan
~sigh~ this conversation bores me, now please stop wasteing space, this is supposed to be a post for discussions regarding the Ultimate Kitty Get Together!!, so if you would like to continue this argument, please make a separate post.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 12:40 am
by Batsu
Nah, I'm good, maybe later.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 1:23 am
by Prrsha
Rakshasa wrote:Prrsha, where are you getting all this history of Vana'diel? Is it on the POL website? I think I want to take a look at it for my own benefit.
Mrrrr, here is the best sourrrce:


It consists of info from the PoL website and info from missions and NPCs. Be warned though. It has some MASSIVE spoilers in it.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 1:27 am
by Batsu
Whoa Prrsha! Thats awesome, mad props! ^^b

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 1:29 am
by Prrsha
The presence of the Elvaan pushed the Yagudo, defeated by the Taru, back down into the lands of Windurst. This caused a series of skirmishes until eventually the Taru Star Sybil and Yagudo High Priest met. It was there that it was decided the cause of their problems was the presence of the Elvaan who forced them into battle with each other. The two races declared war upon the elvaan and an uneasy truce was declared.

With all of San d'Oria's attention to the Taru's and the beastmen of the eastern continent, the southern portion of Quon remained unconquered and uncared for. The inhabitants, the last of the 5 races - the Humes, were deemed too weak to worry about and ignored by the San d'Oria army. During this time that a small tribe of the Humes encountered the remnants of the Galkans who had settled in the new lands of southern Quon, after escaping their capitals destruction long ago. It was here that the two races united. The Galkan with their physical strength and the Humes with their ingenuity and search for knowledge. Together the two races formed a powerful alliance under the flag of Bastok. Fortified by the regions rich natural resources and the intelligence-gathering abilities of the Hume race. The nation of Bastok soon turned its eyes to the north and the Empire of San d'Oria.

Before the San d'Orians could mass a force to deal with the new kingdom to the south, the attacks began. Bastok using its newly created army made quick work of the outlying San d'Orian southern defenses. Meanwhile the Taru's and beastmen to the east launched assault upon assault on the empire's eastern border. Finally a massive assault on the defenses at Sauromogue by the taru broke through the lines of knights. Every last Elvaan fought bravely, every last Elvaan was killed. In the south the Bastokan's turned their attention to the key grounds of the Konschtat Highlands. If they could control these lands Bastok would be safe from counter attack. In a battle of epic nature, the San d'Orian knights and Bastokan army battled until each was forced to retreat.

The Elvaan to the east, now faced with the oncoming attack of the Taru and the growing presence of the Bastokan's to their rear surrendered in order to keep their lands and secure a truce with the Taru peoples. This was not the final nail in the coffin, however. The Bastokan chemists and iron workers in a rush to supply their troops discovered a new powerful cutting-edge technology, firearms. With these the Bastokan army marched to the Highlands for what would be known as the Second Battle of Konschtat. Here the newly formed Bastokan Musketeer's met the most elite of the San d'Orian Knights, but it was no battle at was a massacre. The knights were riddled and mutilated by the musketeer’s gunfire. Both people saw the effectiveness of these weapons and stood in shock. The San d'Orians pulled their forces back to the borders of their capital, the outlying towns, forts, and legions destroyed by the now free to roam beastmen. The Bastokan's shocked by their own power, stopped their assault on San d'Oria at the Highlands, holding the high ground to prevent any future counterattack. None would come.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 1:36 am
by Batsu
We got gang banged. . . :cry:

Well, I'm more proud that my Nation fought and died with honor. Its kinda sad though, if you think about it, San d'Oria is very similiar to the Samurai. . . the way they were defeated sucks.><

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 1:42 am
by Prrsha
Batsu wrote:We got gang banged. . . :cry:

Well, I'm more proud that my Nation fought and died with honor. Its kinda sad though, if you think about it, San d'Oria is very similiar to the Samurai. . . the way they were defeated sucks.><
Hmmm I never thought of it that way. Good analogy. Therre is more about the San d'Oria's history in the link. The uber secret weapon, their sword. Kinda like a story about King Arthur and Excalibur.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 7:14 am
by Josiejo
Batsu wrote:Well, I would like Windurst if you didn't.
Maybe you forgot about things like that. If you hadn't, you'd know why some people think you're just a troll.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 6:48 pm
by Poge
There's a longer version of the history of Vana'diel on gamefaqs that goes into Zilart and Promathia.


Scroll down to History of Vana'diel under In-Depth FAQ's

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 7:33 am
by Chatulio
I hate to be a killjoy and all but shouldn't this thread be restricted to the subject matter? Honestly I can make it whenever as long as its on a weekend. And depending on what world it is on i might make a permanent character. Only prob is if i do do that then it would be a taru cuz i dont want to have two of the same race and i am NOT deleting my current mithra.

Also, I'd like to point out that I don't think there is an MP LS on Ramuh and there are two willing ppl there. but honestly id rather do it in another world, cuz I don't think i could get money for the world passes nearly in time.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 12:25 pm
by Aesha Clan-Clan
yeah, ive mentioned the fact that id like to keep it on topic before, as for the server, its giong to be Midgard, i have the help i need from that server now so thats official, as for the date, there is a poll up for that. make sure you submit your 2 gil there.


Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 11:07 pm
by Chatulio
Hey what if we do like a gigantic hide and seek thing all over windy and saruta? More like hunting though where you have more seekers then hiders or equal amounts. Also if I could get a world pass a bit earlier then the event for level up purposes then i could help keep everyone alive when they get here. :wink:

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 1:19 am
by Aesha Clan-Clan
Well, the people already on that server will be guides and such.

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 9:45 pm
by Aesha Clan-Clan
ok, if everyone can post as their MSG of the day about the projected weekend for the event please do so, i will have the time choosen by the end of this week

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 3:25 pm
by Sanzou
::raises hand::

I don't mind making a Mithra for the event. Can I have a world pass, too? m(=^w^=)m

Dude, anyone see the Beans video? We need to do that and make aliagnces and stuff. Let's swarm Ghelsba! XD

Batsu, I think you should take a gander of the affiliate topic. You would be a good candidate for helping it, being the awesometacular Elvaan you are. ^w^

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 6:52 am
by Aesha Clan-Clan
now i need people to list Ideas for the event, so far, we have

Mass kitty suicide around the fountain in windy woods

Kitty Rush (Zerg Rush) of Giddeous

Wholesale slaughter of East Sarutabata by lots of kittens

Running around confusing people and attracting all sorts of attention in Windhurst

Windhurst --> Jueno or Windhurst --> Sandy Races

common people, i need some ideas, and remember to post this in the MOD on every server.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 8:54 am
by Karou Ariyen
um.... shoot, im out if we do races aesha, im out of practice, im all for running around windy confusing, and seeing as the only weapon i have is cesti for monk, im game for slaughter in saruta, besides im 6 monk :P

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 10:09 am
by Aesha Clan-Clan
well, you can do whatever you want, and well, we will all be lvl 1, lol, since they are all new characters. so everyone will be at an extreme disadvantage (except for those on midgard who dont have lvl 1 jobs). if you dont feel like being in an event, thats of course not a problem, the idea behind this is to have fun and do something that hasnt been done before.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 10:27 am
by Josiejo
I said it before, but maybe a scavenger hunt for items that can be found in Sarutabaruta areas? Whoever finds all the items wins... something. I suppose it's not as appealing to people who are only temporarily on Midgard, since any prize they earn they can't really use. But, it's for fun anyway... maybe we could pair up and do it... at least that will keep people talking and help speed things up, instead of everyone going out on their own.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 10:34 am
by Aesha Clan-Clan
well, people wouldnt be going out on their own, ill have sort of a schedule set up before hand (a rough schedule, since i cant stand making things like this so damn rigid, makes it not as fun), and people can join in the events they want, if they dont want to, they can hang out in town and talk with kittens from other servers, we will pick one spot (like the fountain) and that will be our little hang out for the day. that way you can take time to relax if you dont want to join in. As for prizes, i think a good prize would be for the winners to get screenshot of them put up on the site to kinda imortalize their win, since they cant take items home with them. just a thought

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 12:06 pm
by Prrsha
Meow! My new kitty is made on Midgarrrrd! The name "Prrsha" was taken so I'm using "Prrrsha" with 3 rrrrs. :wink:

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 12:30 pm
by Aesha Clan-Clan
hmmm, good idea, it would probably be smart of me to get mine going now, so i can get on midgard to talk to people directly there.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 4:51 pm
by Shirai
:o :(

I just remembered I can't make it on the 7th.
At that time there is an Anime convention
Since I'm helping with the setup and running the show, I won't be able to play at all that weekend.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 5:00 pm
by Aesha Clan-Clan
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 5:13 pm
by Lihera

Well, on a positive note, Lihera is now on Midgard!

Also, the gilga lsmes is now regarding this event.

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 6:34 pm
by Karou Ariyen
Karou is on Midgard for a week now, And Ill say this, GO NIVY GO~~~~ I have an Alternate there all, its for when i lose paitence on diabolos i jump over there to be, and Nivy will take me to windy I know ^^ Aesha im sending you a PM that i need to clear this with

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:04 am
by Poge
Make way for Poge's triumphant return to Midgard!! ...grhmph, yeah, I'm back. Created on Thursday, posted a fresh WP on Friday, got a pearl to the Midgard chapter on Saturday. It feels good to be home.

No worries Hades, I'm not going anywhere but I might keep the Midgard Poge running for a while to keep up with things on the kitty homeworld.